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57604483 No.57604483 [Reply] [Original]

Gf likes luxury / designer goods. Want to get a “special” gift for Valentine’s Day. What brands hold their value? Should I just get a $590 cotton t-shirt?

>> No.57604512

They must pay those Bangladeshi children pretty well with that much profit margin.

>> No.57604535

get her some roses, a teddy, and bring some dick pills

>> No.57604581

>Gf likes luxury / designer goods.
You already lost.

>> No.57604593

lmao, "Burberry" (aka a group of six jews and fourteen pajeets in an office tower somewhere) pay a bangladeshi sweatshop $4.50 for this shirt and some fulfillment company $6.00 to ship it to NPC retards.

>> No.57604595
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Please stop talking about Valentine’s Day

>> No.57604598
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Nigger are you really waiting till Valentine’s Day to get a gift instead of finding a decent chynees rep factory through WeChat 3 months ago to get all this shit at 0.05/1dollar?
I got a fake chynees Rolex for my gf this year for 200$ and a fake chynees LV bag for 85$ that retails for 8700 and 1850 each.
Think smarter with your money. Women are not smart enough to know the difference

>> No.57604600
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I seriously hope this is bait
>Op joggin aight

>> No.57604620

my valentine gift was

>> No.57604628

Get her moissanite jewelry and tell her it’s diamonds.

>> No.57604727

Never do what OP does. Buying her expensive shit will just turn it into the new standard. Meaning, once you refuse to pay for some overpriced shit she would think of you as lesser. Never spoil your women bros

>> No.57604800
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Yeah doing this as well but don’t need the pills.
I win always.
Not bait.
Worthless gem.
This is true for poors yes.

>> No.57605030

appreciate you sharing your wechat contact. I usually buy via the "gate" from choina. 18k plated rolex cost $750-1200, right?

>> No.57605052
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I know it's a sunk cost but a nice dinner at a restaurant that's hard to get a reservation at is always the best gift for Valentines day. Gf and I are going on friday (we don't usually drink during the week)

>> No.57605094
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Pair that dinner with something she'll really appreciate too as opposed to a luxury item. Save the luxury item for her birthday.

I got my gf a pair of Saucony Endorphins as we have a marathon coming up and her current pair is beat to shit. Paired with the dinner all-in cost should be about $400.

>> No.57605253

>This is true for poors yes

And yet gfs with rich guys still get their pussy blown out in the projects. Maybe you have a great gf, but it's not bad advice. It's so easy to become a mark and trick off yout money these days.

>> No.57605660

Buy her some cheap knockoff Designer Off pandabuy

>> No.57605785
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I'm a 24 year old khhv I need to accumulate as much wealth as possible because otherwise I have nothing to live for

>> No.57605853

No shit it’s a worthless gem but girls like that shit dummy

>> No.57605856

You retards buy your girlfriends "luxury" goods? Lmao.

>> No.57605889

I bought my gf 100ml of Chanel Gabrielle Essence and a luxury vibrator - she owes me sex all week. One word of advice, don’t buy women clothes unless you know exactly what they like. Usually they just want to pick their own styles.

>> No.57605902

Are you poor?

>> No.57605945
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Leather products like bags, shoes, belts etc would likely hold the most value
If you want something non leather then getting a brand's "iconic" thing would likely be a good idea
Example: Burberry scarf or trench coat
Items like this aren't gimmicky so their value won't plummet as trends change

>> No.57605960

Six figures net worth, not spending a dime on "designer" shit for a woman. I can spoil with my cooking and BWC.

>> No.57606004

How boring. But with 6 figs you ain’t close to making it, so there’s that.

>> No.57606048

and what are diamonds worth exactly? the price has been artificially inflated since the 1880s via the De Beers cartel and the subsequent marketing campaign that began in 1938. and if thats still not enough for you, try selling a diamond anywhere close to the price you bought it for, lmao.

moissanite is unironically the way, nobody will know until you tell them

>> No.57606059
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>I'm poor
Yeah we know, this thread isn't made for you
When you hear someone get double meat on a Chipotle burrito do you grandstand about that too?
Fucking poorfags, when will they learn

>> No.57606084

I could be worth a billion dollars and I'd never spend a cent on chinkshit designer garbage for women or flashy watches for shitskin men.

>> No.57606097

No I call them a retard for eating seed oil goyslop from shitpotle.

>> No.57606138

>I don't like thing I can't afford so I came here to get mad, tell you about it, and insult you
Fucking loser
>I will never have to eat food while on the go
Wow I guess you're better than everyone else, congratulations anon, we're all proud of you

>> No.57606156

And you're a consumerist retard who wastes their money on women lmao.

>> No.57606193

>you're a consumerist retard
Wrong, I own a limited amount of items but buy quality
>wastes their money on women
Wrong again, I'm not OP, I just came to give my 2 cents to OP
You're seething at spending habits of people with more money than you, you're a fucking loser and should reflect on what your fucking problem is

>> No.57606217

You're an incel frogposter that thinks spending money on women makes them like you. Meanwhile they'll always go for Chad once they string you along for enough gifts. You're seething because you think you can just buy attractiveness.

>> No.57606258
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>thinks spending money on women makes them like you
Wrong again, didn't read the rest of your post, you're a bitter loser mindset faggot and you're NGMI, you'll die early of anger and stress and you make assumptions about people and state it as fact, you're delusional
If this is how you react at another man's gifts, I can't imagine how you react to actual issues in your own life

>> No.57606280
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Holy fuck 750-1200?? Fucking hell you’ve done zero research and have zero knowledge. Direct from vendor is 220-500 depending on movement or middleman 350-650.
Because of that I’m not dropping my guys contact for a retard like you.
Lick my taint
Suck my sack
You will never be a woman

>> No.57606299

How does one even do that?
I want to buy a crate of rayban new wayfarer RB2132 polarized glasses.
Not even to resell, just to have a lifetime supply for the eventual losses/fuckups/drops throughout the remainder of my life.

>> No.57606371

Unironically I started on the subreddits for chynees fakes through 1688 sellers then found a reliable guy who has contacts and does direct shipments so I can get anything with quality check approvals by myself and him within 2 weeks once he has them in hand. Certain products and factories have delays that are out of our control so some fake Rolex’s like the recent dd3285 gmt super clones were back ordered for 4 months

>> No.57606441

My girlfriend earns a high salary and her family is loaded so she can easily afford my gifts, but for me to spend nothing would be an insult. Besides… Luxury goods aren’t really that expensive if you’re only purchasing them every month or so.

>> No.57606486

I got mine something from SKIMS.... like an 80 dollar two piece bathing suit. I think they are in style I have no idea.

>> No.57606566

Get her a blacked dot com shirt

>> No.57606667

>Six figures net worth
AFTER this most recent pump? LMFAO
And if you were 700k+ you would have said HIGH six figures net worth. So you're probably sitting on 500k or less. Disgusting peasant! Begone.

>> No.57607225


I will tell you how my valentine day went. I got a valentine card from my wife and the kids at breakfast. The kids made something at school that they gave me and I surprised everyone with a red rose.
Now my wife is cleaning the house and we get to bed early if you catch my drift.

For me that's wholesome af, you shouldn't turn this hyper commercial event into a shopping spree. Setting standards for the next 30 years in your relationship.

>> No.57608685

doing the same but without the rose and the teddy, but alone

>> No.57608721

get yourself a teddy, you deserve it

>> No.57608753
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>Gf likes luxury / designer goods

>> No.57608895

>Women are not smart enough to know the difference
Not until they're out traveling and customs stops them, takes one quick glance at their fake shit, confiscates it and hands them a hefty fine for attempting to smuggle counterfeit items. If they're really unlucky they're stopped in a country that wants to make an example out of them and can dish out fines anywhere between $10-300k for just one counterfeit item.

Better to find a woman who isn't obsessed with looking wealthy

>> No.57609009

Simp thread

>> No.57609597

Got my gf some flowers and she loved them. Stop trying to please high maintenance whores.

>> No.57610002

I wage valet in the mornings and am wearing my pair of Endorphins rn. Great choice though they take a couple of days to get used to.

>> No.57610314

Buy replicas from China, find good ones and it'll feel about the same as retail

>> No.57610493 [DELETED] 

imagine buying whatever that is instead of tao for the same price rn. shout out to KASPA and rectum shmectum gang we really out here y'know?

>> No.57610866

Why are 90% of people in this thread such stingy faggots when it comes to someone that they love and care about? I spent like 6k on valentines and I'd gladly do it again
>1k omakase
>3.5k cucinelli dress
> 1.5k ysl bag
>inb4 you are a retarded faggot for doing this and your gf will never love you and will fuck chad instead

>> No.57610884
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Lmfao you’re an actual retard.
A truly retarded fucking idiot.
Customs does NOT do this unless your suitcases are filled with merch, so shut the fuck up, lick my taint, suck my sack, you will never be a woman, and continue drinking my cum

>> No.57610892

Your gf will be fucking Tyrone by summer after she’s pissed you didnt get her Prada and went for YSL instead

>> No.57610929

Like poetry lmao
My gf doesn't even care she'll wear anything I buy her

>> No.57610989

a colleague of mine used to work for customs in a euro country. companies like rolex, lvmh, etc donate a lot of money to politicians to make them crack down on counterfeit merch, so customs officers were in fact instructed to go after people who wore fake watches, had fake bags, etc and slapped them with €10k fines

>> No.57611030

Most men don’t need to bribe their girlfriends and wives with expensive gifts to make sure they stick around. Try giving her flowers for a couple of years and she’ll leave your ass

>> No.57611181

Lmao nice larp. You’re acting like a full fledged retard. Anyone whose gone through EU customs knows they don’t even fucking look at you let alone ask to inspect your accessories

>> No.57611211

It’s obviously when they pull you in for a random inspection. Last time I got pulled in by customs in Italy they wouldnt let me go until I could show a receipt for the submariner I was wearing

>> No.57611231

bro bought a pink tee for 600 bucks

>> No.57611232

Can you npcs literally come up with something original yet
I've been going out with her for 6 years and didn't buy her shit until I started making decent money
She paid for everything for like 4 of those 6 years
What's the next cope?

>> No.57611234
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you're obviously lying you poorfag i have been to italy and spain 2 dozen times and i have never been asked to show receipts for my rolexes or my $2m richard mille rm 11 i just flash my watch band and my rolex/richard mille cufflinks and the customs agent sucks my 12ft dick and lets me go i don't even have to prove my ownership of the cars i drive they could be rentals or uber rides or my friend's car for the night not that it matters to customs agents because i'm obviously rich and therefore clearly not a terrorist

>> No.57611281

>’My girlfriend paid for everything for 4 years before I started making good money’
>Comes into thread and asks why people are stingy
Perhaps because they’re not making good money yet and would rather invest than piss it away on designer clothes?

>> No.57611644

Wow no cope about how my gf is a gold digger and will cheat left so I guess you have to move the goalposts
Yet half the people here talk about how they literally do jackshit besides either get fake trash or some flowers lmfao
Yes I'm sure everyone here is so poor they cannot afford anything more expensive than flowers

>> No.57613348
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Alright everyone. I settled on getting a nice hotel room for a few nights to get away for a bit. Should be fun. She appreciated this much more.
To the anons here talking about being stingy or think your gf will leave / fuck chad if you buy gifts for them - that’s very insecure. You could die tmrw and be on the other side and be like damn - I should have treated the person I cared about better. At the end of the day it’s just money and you’re rich too anon. That’s why you’re here isn’t it?

>> No.57613368

people like OP enable the wageslave system to continue harvesting the souls of the citizen

>> No.57614228

No Valentine's gift even from my angel, lol. I decided to treat myself by investing in assets like INJ, XTP, and SOL. I'm quite content with those choices.

>> No.57614566

We just went for a picnic, hike and outdoors sex. No presents.

>> No.57616271

get another girlfriend

>> No.57616642


>> No.57617579

My uncle had a wife like that. She got her most valuable gift when she divorced him and got a free $400k house.