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File: 461 KB, 1189x856, the promised land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57585694 No.57585694 [Reply] [Original]

white man, why do you refuse your destiny

>> No.57585700

literally in the center of bumfuck nowhere

>> No.57585709

which is ideal

>> No.57585712

Perfect. No trannies, hoards of zombie drug addicts or poos

>> No.57585736

Yeah there's probably no hecckin gay barerinos

>> No.57585746

>densely wooded, middle of nowhere
Probably full of ghosts, bigfoots, skinwalkers and other assorted demonic creatures.

>> No.57585752

Not my heckin barcades and goy dash!

>> No.57585759

>buy this to join the missing 411
no thanks

>> No.57585765

What’s the feasibility of buying this and developing a rainwater collector and solar panel sustainable house on it?

>> No.57585776

>No water access
>Probably on a flood plain
>Trailer trash neighbor
>Likely restricted use

>> No.57585781

good, a man needs to kill to stay emotionally stable

quite easy, are you above 100 iq, can you swing an axe

>> No.57585787
File: 123 KB, 512x512, Eeby2lhPIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i have a huge cock

>> No.57585792

all I see are assumptions

>> No.57585831

Most likely by an old coal mine that contaminated the area. That's why west virginia has such cheap property and its in the middle of nowhere where everyone is a drug addict.

>> No.57585853
File: 104 KB, 906x936, cat-crying-in-blue-suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need someone to gay marry me for a green card - how much would this cost?

>> No.57585899

How much you got?

>> No.57585921

Add me on tg @yeageristocrat

>> No.57586064

>hoards of zombie drug addicts
Not roaming, but they are your neighbors

>> No.57586134

Absolutely not.

>> No.57586177

Ok. Go buy it then. Don't bitch at me when the well water is poisonous, your neighbor is a meth addict that steals your copper wire, and the city government fines you for building without a permit.

>> No.57586383

>close to actual street
>at least 2 neighbors.

what are you a city faggot?

>> No.57586704

seething hard, democrat problems

>> No.57586724

yea but cityfags can't say, muh middle of nowhere in this thread, it basically is an unassailable property, it's perfect

>> No.57587383

That's a fox from a game cam pic in the listing. How awesome is that?
Nothing wrong with that property but a well/septic system may or may not be expensive. Some parts if ev are straight rock and require very deep wells. They may not perk and require your septic tank to be a holding tank you have to pay to have pumped out regularly. There's electric right on the paved road, so you're not really THAT far out there. You can see the old narrow track rr grade from logging/coal in the pic. That often makes it easier to cut a road in. It looks like it was logged again fairly recently as well, and the decaying blind (and game cam pic) means it's probably just someone's hunting property... Maybe all of the locals hunting spots as well. They'll keep hunting there if you buy it and don't actually live there.

Lots of factors in deciding if you'd want to make it home, but the biggest would be mineral rights and well/septic You don't want a gas well hogging up half your property one day with tri axels plowing through if it's avoidable and you don't want a $60k bill off the bat just to get water and sewage going.

You could buy a shed on skids, run electric, and probably use spring water and an outhouse for like $8k and live indefinitely with a $150/yr property tax bill if you really wanted to though. Just pretend you have another house somewhere else and use the cabin part time if anyone asks.

>> No.57587491
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>west virginia

>> No.57587619

It's not for everyone and Wallace is legit clan area. Not kkk, but Hatfield and McCoy type clans of inbred hillbillies. They won't like you and will consider you an outsider for about the first decade you live there, then they might soften up a bit. If you don't flash money around, don't pick fights over locals trespassing, and generally keep to yourself, you'll forget what a nigger even looks like in no time.

t. lived in WV panhandle for several years.

>> No.57587630

I live in Canada, equivalent of this for us would be 200-500k. even in middle of nowhere. 1+ hr away from nearest grocery store

>> No.57587668

>Inbred meth addicts with guns trespassing on my property or nigger fentanyl addicts sucker punching me
Wow I just love the hustle and bustle of America

>> No.57587864

The issues usually arise when someone from out of state buys rural property, and bubba goes to his tree stand like he has been for 40 years, and the new owner informs him that hes trespassing. It's all woods, everywhere, and Bubba doesn't consider this patch or that hill any different than the others really. He's been trudging around them his whole life, like all of his ancestors. It can be tricky, but most people in that area don't hunt deer for sport. They hunt/poach to eat. They'd very much prefer beef, but they're fuckin poor. Also it's polluted with deer, so it's not like they're hurting some population by poaching some here or there. If you end up in that situation, you need to make a judgement call. If he's legit poor and just trying to eat, you can give him written permission for certain times of the year or something. Then, if he disregards that and somehow causes trouble later, you have a paper trail and the state police won't prosecute you if you shoot him (assuming you tell anyone) lol.

Starlink, cameras, and a good neighbor make theft fairly low concern. They usually just rob seasonal camps.

>> No.57587976

Non American hands typed this. Rural areas are just as cucked as the city with the downside of no jobs.

>> No.57588007

WV has two very different panhandles

>> No.57588020

>ghosts, bigfoots, skinwalkers and other assorted demonic creatures
This. Last time I went camping I saw fucking wandering lights all night in the forest.

>> No.57588034

No, you can pretty much do whatever you want, because there's no one there to see you. That's kind of the point of living in a rural area. Drinking and driving with loaded guns is the most popular pastime, but church is common too.

>> No.57588051

lol, lmao
I won't settle for less than 500

>> No.57588060

Americans have it so fucking good.
t. leaf

>> No.57588069

One is full of awesome fishing, hiking, ski resorts, picturesque historical towns, and national forest, but also retired city fags and feds. The other is full of the descendants of the Irish that George Washington ran out of Pittsburgh for refusing to pay taxes on their whiskey. And a Cabela's. I lived by Cabela's.

>> No.57588079

I've had enough shitty neighbors to immediately distrust anyone I catch trespassing. My neighbor in a suburb was running a chop shop and sending money to Yemen terrorists back in like 2010. Bubba can have the deer though, wouldn't bother me at all.

>> No.57588092

Why not just live in a high trust white upper middle class community with no spics or nignogs? Homesteading is not for everyone

>> No.57588095

> has never heard of wells and groundwater
> landscape clearly hilly in photo (not flood plain)
come on anon you're better than this

>> No.57588115

Other anons already pointed out that this is West Virginia. That well water is poisonous.

>> No.57588128
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I hold out hope Manitoba might still have something like this for cheap
though with a climate that will freeze your balls off

>> No.57588169

>le wv real estate meme thread

>> No.57588171
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>west virginia

>> No.57588181


It's definitely alien country.

>> No.57588185

If you live by a DuPont factory, it probably is. Otherwise, you can drink spring water right from the ground, and people do.

Water quality in general varies in the mountains though. I have awesome water and a shallow well. My neighbors just a few hundred yards away have a deep well with loads of sediment. It just depends if the well hit the right cracks in the rock, and no one really knows exactly what's there until they drill some holes.

>> No.57588191

>moving in with sasquatch

>> No.57588226

Ideal for what? Twiddling your thumbs and yanking your cock?
Cool. You have a charged 12v battery and a 40 gallon barrel of water. Now what?
Not an argument. You have provided nothing of value to the conversation, not even counter assumptions.

>> No.57588232

Fuck off with these stupid threads, I don't want to live in bum fuck west virginia. Got it?

>> No.57588239

You are buying poisonous cursed land.

>> No.57588346

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to fight the skinwalker or become the skinwalker.

>> No.57588353

bump =-)

>> No.57588371
File: 66 KB, 616x596, 1474748140503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I give a rats ass if you bump the thread? I'll bump the thread myself. BUMP! hehe, bump bump bump, see i don't give a FUCK. Lets keep bumping the thread to expose Op's retarded faggotry to the world. BUMP BUMP BUMP!!

>> No.57588447

>no well
>no septic tank
>no electric line
>too many trees for starlink
>no trash service available at all
>lymes disease ticks
>alpha gal ticks
>prion deer
>holler hillbillies fixin' to holler
>nearest walmart 30 minutes away
>nearest hospital 2 hours away
>nearest fent dealer 2 minutes away
>industrial waste in the water (if you can get any)
>roaming neighborhood fent parties
>jehova's witnesses
>poison oak
>rotten ramparts
A real shithole

>> No.57588496
File: 7 KB, 300x242, 1642004906456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think I give a rats ass if you bump the thread? I'll bump the thread myself. BUMP! hehe, bump bump bump, see i don't give a FUCK. Lets keep bumping the thread to expose Op's retarded faggotry to the world. BUMP BUMP BUMP!!

>> No.57588932

you are a literal cuckold who wants to work for another man's benefit, fuck you you massive faggot

also it's so convenient you don't list anything that makes this true

I can own guns
I can hunt
I can place ieds
I can plant fields
I can raise animals

city living is the definition of slavery, no one from any age before this would voluntarily live in a city

>> No.57588946

>The other is full of the descendants of the Irish that George Washington ran out of Pittsburgh for refusing to pay taxes on their whiskey. And a Cabela's. I lived by Cabela's

sounds based

>> No.57588959

that literally doesn't exist, the jews squeeze you for every penny

you are a literal cuckold

land is wealth, without land you are dependent on other men to provide for your family, which by definition means you are a cuckold

>> No.57588973

getting away from faggots like you

actually, you started without having an argument and just spewing shit everywhere

>> No.57588974

or anything else for that matter

>> No.57588985

nope, seems fine
>he can't build his own things
>he can't chop down trees

you are a literal cuckold, kys, don't worry your wife will come down to fuck me anyways because you are the essence of cuckoldry

>> No.57589019

>>he can't build his own things
>>he can't chop down trees
You literally can't without a permit and endless red tape.

>> No.57589034
File: 748 KB, 1559x681, LeaveNow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off yankee

>> No.57589043
File: 334 KB, 576x658, yourwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with the lack of women there, i would presume there are more trannies

>> No.57589146

literally democrat inventions

ain't no democrats out there sissy boy

>> No.57589158

you actually want the fewest amount of women living in your local area possible, it's basically like repealing the 19th amendment

basically every hospital that closes etc, is actually good, because women will leave

>> No.57589170
File: 190 KB, 505x499, FCsRbZUtYr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally a democrat invention ain't no democrats out there sissy boy

>> No.57589455

i decided to move to SEA instead. honestly im homesick and miss the appalachian mountains. i will return someday if God does not wipe me off the map with a mega tsunami first

>> No.57589469

kill yourself

>> No.57589489


>> No.57589555

so a few questions anon.

Which parts of West Virginia? Does regular Virginia have cheap property prices too?

>> No.57589563

Actual redneck here: I don't want to live on a hillside full of scrub pine.

>> No.57590086

still better than 99 percent of the options

>> No.57590133

1. you're asking a faggot
2. virginia is a liberal state with a current democrat majority as far as I'm aware, or it's just on the cusp of being democrat majority

I think virg is putting up an "assault weapons ban"

so virginia isn't an option if you believe in having rights

>> No.57590160


>> No.57590170

you’re a retard that knows nothing about virginia. it’s a purple state at best, with all the libcucks centralized in nova and a few central va cities like richmond and cville. the rest of the state is redneck as fuck and based ralph northam will not be passing any ass weapon bans while he is in office

>> No.57590182

and to answer your question, most of the cheap land is near WV and in southern va. you can still find some affordable lots in the tidewater region as well, but do your due diligence for flood zoning

>> No.57590202


I was right, demo majority in house and senate

good luck cuck, but personally I wouldn't recommend anyone move to a shithole, as I live in illinois I'm an expert on this field and you should shut the fuck up

>> No.57590237

in comparison wv keeps it nice and based, there is a 0 percent chance that liberal legislation will pass


>> No.57590271

fuck off brian

>> No.57590368

All those trees are dead

>> No.57590430

Anon learns about seasons today...

>> No.57590447

Stick an extra zero on the end for land like that in ausfailia.
Americans are retarded for not buying this up

>> No.57590449

Makes sense, OZ is small and overcrowded

>> No.57590904

Didnt they just poison ohio with that choo choo train full of plastic that exploded?

>> No.57590911

Australia is bigger than mainland USA and has less then 10 percent the population of the US

>> No.57590956

I know man, the arrogance in this country is only outdone by the idiocy

I encourage all whites to illegally migrate to the united states and camp on this land unironically

>> No.57590961

literal nothing burger
it's a big shitty desert

>> No.57591021

also no schools, no hospitals.

>> No.57591051



Ironically enough Appalachian schools are probably still doing better than any inner city shitter right now. There's like 1/100 Chicago public high schools that is math proficient at the moment.

>> No.57591146

literally good, schools are just indoctrination centers for women and faggots to rape kids, also hospitals bring in jew doctors and women nurses to push bioweapons on you

all a white man needs is the great outdoors as his medicine, and the internet has infinite education

your institutions are not only worthless but outdated as well

>> No.57591149

Is the sink poisoned here?

>> No.57591154

>just buy a house
>they won't poison your tap water then

>> No.57591162

this thread is about land

no tap water, rain water etc

>> No.57591189

Sorry goy you need permission to build anything on this land you bought.

>> No.57591194

not sure about this exact property but most properties like this have no restrictions, I would personally put a tent of some kind up

>> No.57591211

>I can plant fields
>I can raise animals
people who talk like this on 4chan have never built a basic animal enclosure, cared for those animals, butchered/cleaned them, planted food and harvested, etc. I doubt you can fix a lawnmower much less a tractor.

>> No.57591220

so are you saying that because someone hasn't done something they can never do that thing in the future

by that logic you'll never get pussy

>> No.57591224
File: 272 KB, 1024x724, xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my destiny is downtown in a wealthy french riviera town, fucking white women and beurettes
thanks for the offer though

>> No.57591236

No, I am saying I have the utmost confidence that you are going to buy 20 rural acres and go homestead it, with outstanding success, anon. I have zero doubt in my mind that you have very capable hands and will be WINNING BIG TIME, in very short order.

>> No.57591241
File: 635 KB, 1080x2408, fat fucking PIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white women are the frontrunners of the apocalypse, stay the fuck away from these bitches

>> No.57591249

cool, so you might as well not teach your kids anything because they'll just be dumbshits and fail, because if you haven't previously done something you'll never be able to do it in the future

honestly, you might as well just give up on life because it's all so hopeless, why try to make any progress at all

just kill yourself honestly

>> No.57591265

Make sure you teach your kids how to reddit space too buddy! Hey man, if you're really feeling this BLUE about life, maybe take a step towards your dreams and go down to the local tech school? Learn how to do some of the things you'll soon be dedicating your life of self reliance to such as
>Fixing cars
>Fixing small engines
>Emergency Medical Technology
Gotta start somewhere, Reddit!

>> No.57591278

hey man, why try to learn anything

just give up like you said, such a good idea, we've got a big thinker here

just fucking give up and don't try to do anything new


>> No.57591379

If you want to dig a foundation you'll need to schedule an appointment with whatever rotating code enforcement officer is in charge of that area, then get a building permit, etc... if you want to put a trailer on piers or build a cabin on skids, I don't think there's anything you're required to do. Maybe notify the assessment office? When you go to the other side of the state where the DC bigshots vacation, they have restrictions on the size and types of seasonal camps and regular full time code enforcement, though it's still a: unless a neighbor bitches, you can build whatever you want, sorta thing.

>> No.57591381

>anon says he wants to buy land and be epic white man
>tell anon he better learn so land skills
>anon has a melt down and poops his pants
All you had to say was "I am looking forward to honing my homesteading skills", instead you pooped in your hand and started rubbing it on your face.

>> No.57591690

You should look for campgrounds in that area and spend a few days there for yourself. Just toss your truck in 4wd and start taking random logging roads. There are legit hills have eyes types there. They're generally cordial enough, but they will and do kill people. They have a pack mentality and (justifiable) distrust of outsiders. They will absolutely tell you where you can and shouldn't go. Don't disregard that advice, don't talk down to them, and keep a cooler full of cheap beer in your truck for peace offerings lol.

If you buy land and build a cabin in that area and make your intention known that you're staying there, they won't bother you (provided you're white and don't look/act like a douchebag). They probably won't help you either though, just snicker and think you're retarded lol. Everyone local will know who you are and why you're living there. It will take years before they even start to accept you as a local, so be prepared to essentially do and learn everything on your own. If you go to a swap meet or something, assume everyone will try to take advantage of you because you're an outsider lol. Also, Starlink works fine in the mountains, check the maps. You only need a little clearing of trees in the right direction.

Also, if you're genuinely considering WV, you'd probably be better served looking at rural property closer to a bigger town. It's still all the privacy benefits, but not as many deep hillbilly clans and of course shorter commute for food and fuel. The downside is higher cost of land. And look at the topo maps for anything you're considering. When you get further east, the mountains are bigger and hell on brakes and transmissions. They often shut down the roads over them in the winter as they become impassible. Just because it looks like 20 miles to Walmart on the map, doesn't mean it's a 20 min drive, or that you can actually get there regularly. Best of luck.

>> No.57591951

Last part is true. What you want is an unincorporated town. Most don't even have anywhere you could go for a permit. But really, if you ain't from here, stay tf out. Cunts from outside have been buying up and slicing and dicing the Appalachians into quarter acre lots then trying to sell them at stupid prices because I totally live in the mountain woods to have neighbors up my ass in every direction. Stay away from subdivisions, HOAs and any other egregious shit going on. I considered buying this one but decided not to. Check demographics and population. One I'm in talks over is 96% white 4% black. That 4% is one person so I can live with that. Also, be very wary of "federal opportunity zone" stuff. They are doing that to make it easier for developers to put their immigrants out there on a contractual kickback scheme from the government. Other old towns are in some liberal gentrification planning. My old town which was all white and farmers, is now a small city hellscape of northerners and they are slapping up apartments all around. This whole region is full of landmines so to speak, so step lightly to find the right option.

t.been land hunting for a year and a half

>> No.57592091

An old buddy of mine bought into one of those cabin subdivision things way east a few years ago. They take care of the road with the annual fee money and it's nice enough area, but most of the other owners that come there are doctors, lawyers, or federal employees of some sort from DC/nova. It's kinda shitty when I visit and he's telling me we can't shoot because Dr so and so is down the road this week. Like, why the fuck did you buy this place as a vacation property then? I can shoot in my own backyard close to a major city and I can't dump a mag here, on top of a wv mountain, because it will piss off your neighbors? Makes no sense. They do stock the fuck out of the lake and stream by his place though, so it's awesome native fishing, but I like the freedom to do whatever I feel like in the mountains. Not worrying about what my neighbors think. Fuck that lol.

>> No.57592099

wow... this sound so much better than living 10 minutes from a clean grocery store... I'm literally so excited to go live next to 90iq meth heads I can barely contain myself! I'm returned to TRADITION!

>> No.57592110

this. the neighbours are likely low iq meth addicts and alcoholics

>> No.57592164

It's not for you. Stay in the city, please.

>> No.57592190

ok but what about water

>> No.57592197


So... same as the city. Are you guys for real? There are entire tent cities of junkies in cities that you are forced to live next to and deal with routinely.

>> No.57592224

You got to fuck it.
Make a lot of skinwalker babies.

>> No.57592225


This is the actual core criticism of serious rural living. Utilities and services are hard to come by. The "muh methheads" thing is retarded, junkies are parasites by definition and require some kind of large human community to live off of, they would literally just tilt over and die if they were forced to fend for themselves out in the rough backcountry. You will come across almost no human beings whatsoever. Which means peace, but also trouble getting good water/sewage, internet, all that.

>> No.57592352

I like how all you fucking cuckwits have to project that someone who talks shit about your retarded dreams to live a life of joyless solitude must not have any experience with it. I've lived that life in a beautiful place, it gets old fast and I prefer to have friends and BBQ over coping on 4chan about how based I am for being a lonely faggot living in the woods. 99% of these innawoods posters couldn't pitch a fucking tent much less build a cabin.

>> No.57592386

Honestly, the biggest threat you would face in that area of wv would be from jealous boyfriends/cousins/uncles. Those girls are all about some outsider dick lol. Stay the fuck away. I don't think timber rats are a big problem there, black bear are usually easy enough to chase off, if they're interested in you at all, and you could go your entire life there and never see a mountain lion, but...don't make enemies with the 2 legged critters lol.

>> No.57592404

Nope. Pine beetle.

>> No.57592405

When you're young you want to leave, and when you're older you realize how awesome it really was. Stay in the city, boy.

>> No.57592446

That's it. People only look at the positives and don't consider the negatives that go with them. Good fishing is a camping trip. Living is I'll do what I want on my land. Said doctor should go back wherever he came from since it is more his speed.

I guess you missed the part of if you ain't from here stay tf out.

I was born and raised there just like every generation before me. I've been out, seen other places, lived in foreign countries and what you take for granted is how much better life is there than elsewhere. I did as well until I saw what there was. As for BBQs, how tf you live out and not have a bunch of friends that want to BBQ, hunt, boat, 4wheel and do all the other fun shit in the sticks? That sounds more like a you problem and wouldn't change wherever you go.

>> No.57592509

I'll stay in my small town full of like minded people but uh, have fun dying alone you antisocial mentally ill freak. Keep your disease to yourself, there is nothing trad or based about having NO COMMUNITY. You are NOT USEFUL to ANYONE.
You're not talking about living rural, you're talking about living in a small town. You're a fucking retard.

>> No.57592636

No electricity
No sewage
No running water
No good internet
No good roads
No hospitals/shops nearby
Forget about food delivery or seeing any people more than once a year

Were not there yet fren. This is for after satellite internet covers the earth for cheap and we have flying cars or some shit

>> No.57592662

I've lived there. I've got work clothes and chainsaw blades that are probably older than you. If I moved back higher in the mountains I would become part of the community. I was trying to give OP realistic advice. You're just being a faggot and shitting up the thread with your insecurities and fears. Sorry if the local boys picked on you about your sexuality or something. It's not for everyone. Stay in town and drink craft beer at BBQs in the subdivision with your reddit pals.

>> No.57592703

False. Many of us live remote from the small town and just do get togethers. My "small town" only had a post office and was 45 mins to the grocery store. We had a community but it wasn't based on modern contrivances. It was based on day to day living. Nowhere is so remote you won't make community except maybe the outside of Alaska up by Yukon.

>> No.57592800

This. That dude is obviously a fag and got picked on and moved away to a place where he was accepted is all. Rural kids (and adults) are constantly congregating. It's why there's no anonymity in those areas lol. They don't trust outsiders, which is what I was trying to convey in my posts about anyone buying very rural WV land and deciding to homestead it. You won't get much help for a while.

Every time outsiders come to deep Appalachia and offer to "help", people end up broke, sick, poisoned etc...from the logging companies robbing everyone, to the coal wars, to DuPont, to oxycontin...they don't want anything now except their food stamps and to be left alone lol.

>> No.57592976

Exactly. Nobody comes in that everyone and their brother doesn't know about and we damn sure don't trust anybody after all that has been done. Prove yourself and we might warm but that'll take a good bit of time unless you are obviously our people.

Truth is, better we let everyone believe negative about the area. We don't want them anyhow.

>> No.57593170

Wow he is literally me

>> No.57593209

Nigger don't you have IEDS to go place in west virginia?

>> No.57594440

>Rural areas are just as cucked as the city with the downside of no jobs.
It's if you're a useless dumbass that doesn't know plumbing, basic water treatment, basic electricity (enough to wire a house, install a battery bank with solar cells), etc. I know all of that and i live in the countryside 30 minutes from the nearest town. Best decision i ever made.

>> No.57594478

>it gets old fast and I prefer to have friends and BBQ
You're just a weak normie.

>> No.57597195

>buying land right next to some loser in a trailer.
I don't want to deal with rednecks shooting all day and hunting on my property.

>> No.57597235

>gets poisoned anyways

>> No.57597238

This, there are better locations in WV, no I will not tell you them

>> No.57597256

Oh there's zombie drug addicts, alright.

>> No.57597262
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white peoples destiny is being a disposable peasent tied to the land of his master in absense soveriegnty or purpose, thats europeanculture, currently you are free range cattle that will returnt o your cage since youve become redundant

>> No.57597391

Sounds like another cuck seething they can't subjugate the clans

>> No.57597512
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a limp dick castrated pig without the measn to support his own population number, you were cucked the moment you exited a sows cunt.
Subjugation is redemption, eradicating the nordic npc gene expression allowing for southern europes salvation, thats progress

>> No.57598716

anon was actually implying that you can't learn skills because you haven't previously done it, and that all learning is impossible

because he's a shill

>> No.57598725

I'm glad your creative writing skills went to good use

>> No.57598738

any proof
figure it out genius, our ancestors somehow survived thousands of years without plumbing, are you saying you're too stupid for that

>> No.57598751

Don't stalk me nigger.

>> No.57598760

I hate women in general, so it should be easy for me

electricity isn't only produced in your fag pox powerplant which has blacks running it

why do I need sewage

water falls from the sky

since this is on a road cable will be available

cityboy needs a good road

women and jews work in hospitals, I want less of them in my vicinity

I hate normalfags

>> No.57598768

all power comes from land ownership

go ahead eat the bugs though, I'll be taking over the world

>> No.57598784

I didn't even read 1/4 of your post, when you started mentioning hills have eyes I stopped, you're a paranoid schizophrenic

have you ever considered some of us have lived in small towns all our life, and this bullshit is so ridiculous, people don't actually act like in your hollywood bullshit

>> No.57599947

Idk why I bothered. Have fun in rural WV. I'm sure you'll get along swimmingly with the locals given your attention to detail and desire to learn new things.

>> No.57600025

Wait, did you guys mix up your IPs? Is this supposed to be the formerly rural faggot who enjoys his current small town life responding now?

Holy kek. Your demoralization threads turned into white pills and second shift fucked up! You guys suck so fuck hard at your jobs lol. It's no wonder your bosses are scared. This should be on pol. I'm screencapping it all before the jannies delete it lol. Goddamn do you suck at your jobs. You're gonna get outsourced to streetshitters lol.

>> No.57600118

seething shill

>> No.57600141

more proof of latent schizophrenia

>> No.57600176

Jesus fuckin Christ, I was right! I feel like I may have encouraged some anons, or at the very least explained to them what to expect if they want to buy cheap rural land in the mountains because of this thread so...thanks for playing cunt. We'll be here tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that.

We're not leaving our country or moving to a city. Ever.

>> No.57600194

no idea what you're talking about, retard, I'm the op and I believe that the property I post is the best for the lowest price possible, in basically every category

so you're saying that I'm against that somehow, honestly kys twice

>> No.57600269

C'mon. Turning the bot responses off and taking over manually won't save you. This is good shit lol.

Let's pretend it was a real thread. You're saying you happened upon this real estate listing and asked biz what it's like in the area, right? People who actually know the area reply and tell you the pros and cons. Now you're upset and calling them schizos and mixing up your angry and defensive responses.

What are you asking and what are you upset about; from this IP? The OP's IP.

>> No.57600300

man the guys at the top really must hate my sensible threads about cheap real estate

weren't you the guy who said you can't learn anything new

yes your schizotier hills have eyes comment is completely divorced from reality

>> No.57600334

Are you the OP asking about the rural property in WV and with no real life skills or are you from a rural area and now living in a small town? It can't be both. Unless... you're both of those posters? Who are you?

>> No.57600378

I'm not asking about shit, I'm simply claiming it is superior to all other options currently available

I'm from a rural area and small town yet I don't have land

are you aware more than 1 person on this website is from a small town, people mind their business

you're a massive faggot, also, it isn't a lifeskill to use a hammer, axe or screwdriver, these are basic human capabilities that even women can do

you're trying to push the idea that it is impossible to learn anything new or swing an axe if you have never cut down a tree before

you simply couldn't just learn new things according to you, which makes you a dogshit shill

>> No.57600434

You've answered nothing from my posts and apparently just skimmed other posts for arguments to respond to. Youte not a human. You may as well post 3 sentences with a frog graphic. We all knew it was a bullshit thread, but a few of us decided to respond realistically, because actual humans still read here.

You failed the 4chan turning test, dramatically. You should commit the bot version of seppuku and save your programmers the shame for g being outed so publicly and failing at your demoralization mission. This is my last response. No one cares what you post, Bot.

>> No.57600452

For me it's Montana. I'd gladly pay a bit of extra cash for some quality land and to get the full 4 seasons. Need a few good acres since Uncle Ted suffered from people being too close. You ARE going to be wealthy enough this bull run to not have to be excessively frugal with your money anymore right anon? To be able to pay the rich people premium for premium quality?


>> No.57600484

ah I think I got you mixed up with this faggot

I'm still not buying your hills have eyes comment, seems utterly ridiculous, what do people look out of their windows and did that scare you

>> No.57600500


>> No.57600510

it has nothing to do with memes, I just see the lowest price for the highest amount of land, and the most conservative legislature, as long as you don't buy land that has obvious poisonous chemicals on it then it's basically the best option

>> No.57600973

>come white man
>built this shit land
>bring In civilization to this land
>make a shining city
>and then give it ALL UP for “tasty food” and “muh racism”
Story of this nation anyway
Most of US were like this, and were built and now? The best ones, the ones that were jewel of usa? Filled with filths, genetic abominations and refuses.
No point to “built” unless there is a guarantee that this shit won’t repeat again

>> No.57600995

Because it isn’t my destiny. I vill NOT live on ze reservation despite how many weircucks cry out for it

>> No.57601015
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(i am just trying to fit in)

>> No.57601600

personally I just want to live a decent life, once I get that figured out, then we can rebuild it

since my opponents will only destroy things I'm pretty confident that they won't succeed

>> No.57601610

also it isn't my responsibility to save anyone else, every faggot and negro can die, it isn't my responsibility to keep them alive, the jews can figure that out, not my problem

>> No.57601906

But you build and they will come and feast on your result and destroy
Filths ans genetic abominations are like that
Save non but your own
And even then, sometimes even brothers steal from each other

>> No.57601918

all I can say is good luck to them, we've allowed certain things but those things can easily be revoked from these people

>> No.57601932

>You want to live innawoods because… BECAUSE I WOULD WANT TO! HOW COULD YOU DISAGREE WITH ME?!?!?
A major sign of autism is the inability for the subject to handle differing opinions

>> No.57601954

a city is a reservation, it is literally a slave colony where every action you take is taxed

on your own land in the country you can avoid most taxes and you don't need as much income to survive, because you can produce things for yourself

you have it completely backwards

>> No.57601963

Good luck to you as well

>> No.57601989

Would love to know how much I am going to get raped by bolsehevist lawmakers in madison for not having plumbing hookup and utility

>> No.57602006

what land rights do you get if you buy that?
in my country you would not be allowed to build anything, camp in a tent or vehicle, remove or add trees, etc. you would just own the land but couldn't do anything

>> No.57602011

What country? England/Germany?

>> No.57602017

any land where you actually have a right to build would be much more expensive

>> No.57602019

That makes no sense.

>> No.57602021

Crazy since Australia is so big

>> No.57602023
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listen i know this may be hard for you guys but maybe you could just try not being retarded and then i think it would be pretty obvious that 4chan is a cesspool of degeneracy and autism i mean seriously the way they talk makes me feel like my braincells are being raped like for real tho do you have down syndrome or something is that why this simple concept is so hard for you to grasp

>> No.57602030

I had a friend who set up a fully self sustainable homestead and the government turned up and forced him to connect to the power grid etc
people here just accepted the government having complete control over everything

>> No.57602046



>> No.57602056

Why are you scared little baby?
Apparently you do not have the power of the blood of Jesus Christ
You’re a weak bitch
Do not fear those that can only harm the flesh
You fight the ghosts skinwalkers aliens bigfoots etc
They are all metaphysical kikes.

>> No.57602060

it's actually crazy how little space that is
it's not even 100ft x 100ft

>> No.57602273

Schools are slave factories.
Hospitals are death temples.

>> No.57602279

Toilet? That’s a witch house

>> No.57602343
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>> No.57602373

lol he is back with more trash again.
Here he is showing a black slave khaje (fixed, like how we do to a dog) to attend all the needs of owners many wives.
This dude however think this blackie here is a “moorish kang”
His evidance? None
This painting? Made out of imagination of a painter
Sad sad blackie
As we speak, there is no more black moor left anywhere in the world, not even Morocco

>> No.57602399

White people currently watching as Israel genociding Arabs and NOTHING they can do about it
How do you feel about that blackie? Anything you can do to stop them killing kids and adults a like? Removing graves? Stopping food and water? And killing or exiling them all, only to start over with Syria?
How do you feeeeeel when we own your very life ?

>> No.57602510

i've noticed more hateful/actually seething anti-White browncels in recent years

>> No.57602522

Would cost $6.5 million in Canada.

>> No.57602572

>city government

>> No.57602640

It’s because they are jelly as fuck
I mean imagine you are sitting on your toilet shitting, and for a second your screen is locked and you see your shitskin face in your phone screen, then when you look down to flush you see it’s the same color as the shit in the toilet
Ofcourse, you be jelly too
It’s funny to me as wel. They say all they want about America and whites and yet, they don’t have the balls to defends Arabs from genocidal Jews (only few millions) because of the same whites
Fun to see when they seethe
Also as for why it’s increasing? I think it’s because the time is up. It’s getting worse in west and when whites get really pissed, when life gets hard and jobs are hard to find, then they are the first who are getting booted.
I mean look at ukrain, they didn’t give a fuck about Indians or blacks or other assorted shitskins when war started

>> No.57602670

t. hill jews

>> No.57602692

dont forget

>> No.57602809

many of these properties have "no restrictions", meaning there is no code that you must follow as to things you are restricted from doing as long as you aren't breaking the law

it is essentially unzoned property

you could live in a tent indefinitely

>> No.57602819

this is west virginia, as previously stated the legislature is over 9/1 in the republicans favor

>> No.57602823

insanely based

>> No.57603375

Oh you debunked it? Thank goodness

>> No.57603662

do you live within a 1 mile radius of east palestine, no?, then you'll be fine

>> No.57603677

The West Virigina cheap beautiful land thing is getting out more and more, and I hate it. Going to be the next Jackson Wyoming

>> No.57603695

I think we still have time, people are too retarded to make good decisions

>> No.57603711


Ok but you do understand what he means when he says purple state, right?

>> No.57603723

If you don't know how to do these things already then you're hardly even a man. A boy at best.

>> No.57603733

what's the problem with that?

>> No.57604238

there are no democrats with independent thought if you have literally 51/49 democrat to republican ratio your state is completely ruined

look at the virginia black population

they introduced an assault weapons ban, every single democrat will vote for it, and even some cocksucking repubs

once you lose the republican majority kiss your ass goodbye, the state is finished unless violent revolution happens