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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 880 KB, 2577x1956, SPYROSCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57599955 No.57599955[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Couldn't alter the text enough to make it postable. save this screenshot and expose their next scam the wallets are all buying into. Also, post this on any spyro thread you see. I don't care if I'm banned for this, I'd rather take a ban knowing I prevented at least a couple people from giving these kike faggots more ethereum.

>> No.57599962

if you niggers repost this or save it, someone correct 'SYPRO' in the purple text lol

>> No.57599964

>fud so you can buy cheaper
Just doubled my stack

>> No.57599980

>The ledger isn't openly available to everyone
Fuck off ranjeet with your phone posting. Go ahead and mass report me too. Your shitty scam is elaborate but not impossible to see through.
Say it with me, Ranjeet.

>> No.57599992
File: 3.34 MB, 643x859, 1706192642597547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always love seeing anons willing to expose bullshit like this
i promise, theres still good people out there trying to keep this board from going to complete shit
based, checked, and bump

>> No.57600006
File: 591 KB, 600x906, IMG_0974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Thank you for your service OP.

>> No.57600060

based thanks sherlock

>> No.57600076

Also if any spyro niggers comment on this that are buying into this scam just to flip - you're a brave nigger. Just know this faggot can RUG fully at any time. He has the technical capabilities to deploy the

>> No.57600077

Thank you for exposing the curry stained pajeet fingers. It's an obvious scam to most people who have been around but /biz/lets need to see this shit to understand what they are getting themselves into.

>> No.57600079

checked and based. keep it up.
here's 1 from stobox.
function mint(uint256 amount) onlyManager public returns(bool) {
require(managers[msg.sender].mint.max >= managers[msg.sender].mint.actual.add(amount), "Limit exceeded");
uint256 supply = totalSupply();
require(_maxSupply >= supply.add(amount), "Supply exceeded cap");
managers[msg.sender].mint.actual = managers[msg.sender].mint.actual.add(amount);
_mint(treasury, amount);
return true;
^small ukranian team can add "managers" to mint tokens, no fixed supply (the stobox shill is psychotic, maybe he'll show up here)
another one I've seen is kaspa - their early blocks are "missing". there was a good writeup article on it, if anyone has it, post it, it was autistically detailed.

>> No.57600101

well technically there is a fixed supply at the upper limit. it's 20x the current "totalSupply" 100000000000000000000000000 vs 50000000000000000000000000. so the circulating supply can be minted up to 20x current amount. Free marketcap multiplication!

>> No.57600184

It wouldn't surprise me if these people were behind the LINU pump, which would explain the aggressive reporting and shutdowns of shitcoins that were shilled here around the time, mass reporting HOKK, TUCKER, and LUCKY because they weren't their projects. For the record, all of these are abhorrent shitcoins, but this group/solo kike behind Spyro is operating with some degree of sophistication and obviously would want the spotlight on their own scam.

>> No.57600202

Nah i don't think it's related at all actually with any of the previous 'revival' coins.
This is a literal scam. Those revival coins at least have some purpose behind them if anything - this is purely a scam to slow dump on investors while they still have "top 10" dextools time (until their money runs out)

>> No.57600215
File: 301 KB, 941x860, 1707880318509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. Too many scams to keep track of these days.

>> No.57600231

>Too many scams to keep track of these days
Always have been too. It's the worst and best thing about crypto unironically. The good thing is if you're autistic enough to dredge out the ether scan transactions you too can expose scams.
The one thing they forget about (or just don't give a fuck) is ethereums blockchain is a fully open ledger. It's not like they're hiding anything.

>> No.57600242

I'm convinced it's a handful of guys using /biz/ as Le Secret Crypto Club meme. Basically out of everything the last year shilled here pepe is the only thing to reach CEX. BITCOIN gets honorable mention but that was never going to get listed with a ticker like that

Basically every coin in the last year has been gigachud bait and I suspect it's gigatranny to blame

>> No.57600267

Ok I sold 130m for what I put in plus 80% and will keep the rest in there to see where this goes I’m sure it’s a scam but it can still pump

>> No.57600276

True. I say that like the Bittrex days weren't just pump and dump after pump and dump kek

>> No.57600289

Funny that over 300,000 dollars in ethereum has flowed through this coin in the past hour BUT the holders have only went up by four.
I wonder why that is...seems odd!
Yeah, it's a fucking scam and I'm telling you as an old fag that yes you can try to skim some eth from this but just know - at any moment they could rug it fully.
>But the contract is renounced
That's why 90% of those holders are the person who made the coin. So it can be renounced and they can still continue dumping.

I do agree though, it will go up. It's a MASSIVE fucking gamble though to put ethereum into this. So if you do skim some eth AND get out safe, grats. But it's most likely not worth the risk because the actual bull run has started and actual alts will go up in the following months by 1000%s.

>> No.57600296

Imagine not being a top 50 holder of this. Imagine already not profiting 6k on this and still being top 50 holder. lol. yeah what a terrible scam!

>> No.57600305

Explain that then, faggot. Change your IP and reply to me too, I don't want to talk to your current ID.

>> No.57600308

I put in $200, just pulled out $350, and I kept 100M in just in case it continues for a few days

I agree when I looked into this last night it looked very sketchy, the dev or devs paid mad marketing for this to pump right out the gate after presale. I figured I’d ride the pump early and get out early this time. We’ll see where this goes though.

>> No.57600329
File: 207 KB, 1284x630, 1707881302182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're like gamblers who insists they have a system and they can beat the house. You got lucky, take this as a lesson and take those profits and put them into a real project instead of meme pictures. You don't want to learn the lesson that these shitcoins pump and you can get out in the green until you don't the hard way. This kind of gambling ends in you getting rekt sooner or later.

>> No.57600343

Is it possible that it is part of the smart contract? I saw something about proof of liquidity being locked, which is why I’m asking.

>> No.57600348
File: 297 KB, 493x489, njIz7tyvwr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao no why the hell would i want to put money into some dogshit shitcoin what a retarded investment i swear only a total moron would buy into a project like this

>> No.57600353

wtf? you're a legit schizo. You know that, right?

>> No.57600357

READ the fucking screenshot top left
PLEASE read it. PLEASE just go back 3-4 pages in the transactions to 2/13/24 anywhere from 2AM-8AM ( I forgot the exact times, but it was degen hours )
and PLEASE see the proof
I don't even know why I'm begging. Honestly.

>> No.57600368

No worries my avi stack soared and I figured I’d do exactly what you said, gamble, I don’t think I cheated anything though, was lucky. Last night my initial got cut in half before I fell asleep, and today that 4x so I pulled out near 2x and kept the rest in for any other pump it has. Scam? For sure. Only dump from here? Maybe not.

But yeah people need to look at wallets for this OP did exactly the same thing I did. I just noticed how much they were marketing on twitter and paying spam bots on there to blow up their shit so figured it’s likely to pump, which is what’s happening, normies see green and hop on without even looking at something everyone can see.

>> No.57600374
File: 28 KB, 680x383, 1706489979963830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2577x1956 image packed full of info
>paragraphs of text in further posts elaborating
>ur schizo, my ser
they are NOT paying these fuckheads enough to defend this junk, kek

>> No.57600379

it's being listed on cmc tomorrow. they paid for a fast track. and they fast tracked cg already. I don't think you understand how high this is going to go

>> No.57600382

Because I'm exposing your scam? I don't give a fuck if you're changing IDs by phone posting or are just a random nigger who wants to skim eth off this scam. It's a scam and nothing you can say will change anyone's mind. The only real people buying into this are the ones who want to gamble their eth.
I'd post the ether scan transactions to make it easier for you, retard. But that will flag jannies to ban me faster. I'd rather this thread stay up as long as fucking possible so the archive will be very obvious.

>> No.57600411
File: 318 KB, 960x762, 1707881898006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read this exact post about so many shitcoins KEK just make sure you sell while you're in the green anon, don't end up in a baggie cult.

>> No.57600413
File: 218 KB, 1170x1447, IMG_4342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s my 100m stack gonns be worth in 3 months?

OP is effecting the price I think nice

Or it’s just the cool off after the pump I can’t tell

>> No.57600422

Holders have went up by 2 since this post >>57600289
with over 100,000 more dollars of ethereum going in and out
Man that is organic. Which one of you anons are amongst that 2?

>> No.57600436

Thanks anon..i was about to buy $3k worth.. thank you very much for your service.
God bless you

>> No.57600459

I wouldn’t call it a scam, I would just say that they hold a very large percentage. I also think this has a good chance of reaching 9 digits, but I like 70% out just in case. I made 1 ETH off of this, so I’m happy. I just don’t want to watch this hit 500m and not keep some.

>> No.57600467

Btw, thanks op and the guy that begged me to look.

>> No.57600477
File: 309 KB, 896x552, 1707592564902924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the nigger who begged you to look AND the op, nigger and no problem. I am just autistic and really enjoy honing that in on the blockchain.

>> No.57600480

Anon, read. They're literally using wallets to artificially inflate holder count, generate volume, and spending money to market it so suckers buy in. They're PUMPING the price so they can DUMP their wallets on the marks. It's called a PUMP and DUMP. Spending some cash on marketing and CMC listings etc is chump change compared to the eth they're harvesting.

>> No.57600481

not sure after 3 months. It's just a cool off after all the fun. The "biggest bag" contest. Winner won 5 ETH, but has to hold for a few days to get it. Then the next burn is coming. Yesterday's burn was 37b. CMC listing coming tomorrow. Other news I guess too. We get the same info in the Top100 holder tg that reg tg gets. besides the nfts that we're getting

>> No.57600495

>Get Captcha
If jannies have any soul they will do what's right with you.

>> No.57600503

>Homies are behind the mass reports
Whew is this the new narrative shift for HOKK und LUCKY?

>> No.57600508

They are doing you faggots a service by pumping it and letting you all know ahead of the game

>> No.57600530

No baggie retard, I was speculating that the people who pulled a pump and dump on you "homies" (baggie retards) were behind this Spyro scam. OP didn't see the pattern so they are a different group of scammers. You tards selling NFTs to each other and jerking each other off in TG are just the wreckage of one of the more successful scams in recent memory, along with those copycats trying to chase the "dogcoin revival" meme.

>> No.57600545

Ah gotchu bro. Still, your biceps is smaller than mine so I dont care about your opinion on based LINU

>> No.57600549

Whatever baggie. It's not like any of you ever listen. If jannie had any sense they'd make a baggie general for you fags and the GME/BBBY faggots.

>> No.57600563

Kek classic small 'cep reply. Dont worry about me bro, I got double my initial out of LINU and SPYRO after making a 4x and Ill just hold the rest. I think LINU is gonna moon soon but we will see. You take care bro and go hit those arms in the gym sometime

>> No.57600570

True. Ngl, still am going to try and make money on the small bag I have left. Feel like a lot of people are going to fall for this thing.

The irony of it all is that I want to create an honest memecoin and I’ve been trying to generate more $$$ for the lp. Think I’ve got a good idea for it too.

>> No.57600573
File: 36 KB, 1089x623, 1707795444142242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You tards selling NFTs to each other
Yeah there's a reason for that. Linu is CEX approved, NFT sales are going towards listing fees. TG for receipts.
>Verification not required

>> No.57600585
File: 95 KB, 534x588, IMG_4229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright you were chill till you shit on LINU, that’s a based biz project, yes it was taken advantage of and fucked by these PND fags haunting our board however LINU is community based and whole hearted as fuck. I agree with Spyro being a scam, but, I’m here to make money so I will ride this wave to profits as long as I can. If they’re gonna pay to boost and pump/dump these bags then why not profit off that?

All I wanna know is how far this can go. But appreciate you because I’m a gambling man, I have money in alts but I gamble like no other.

>> No.57600609

Its kind of poetic that a shitcoin made by LUNC baggies is attracting retards like you guys.

>> No.57600627

>still no 'cep posted
Yeah nah youre wrong

>> No.57600653

Nigger like I care what projects are run by what and what their points are as long as I profit
>N-No you can’t just profit off scammers!!!
>n-no memecoins have NO way of making you money, they’ve never mooned before!!!

>> No.57600664
File: 83 KB, 750x730, 1892722900182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its kind of poetic
And your post will go straight into the archive. In 2 years I'll put you in the FFF thread after you've missed out.

>> No.57600713

>Feel like a lot of people are going to fall for this thing.
Yeah you are and maybe 25-30 other people. The rest are the creator of the smart contracts wallets. You really need to consider that.

>> No.57600795

I already took out 3x my initial.

>> No.57600840

You can now buy it on CB Wallet. Also BitGet Wallet just tweeted it out. 800k followers.
I don't get how you guys are fudding this

>> No.57600860
File: 352 KB, 1344x1400, 1707511140149499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coinbase Wallet supports thousands of tokens, including all ERC-20 tokens and all tokens on EVM-compatible chains, such as Avalanche C-Chain and Polygon.
>Yo-yo-you mean if I deploy a new erc-20 token contract I-I-I can be on CB wallets chain?
Fuck off.
>advertising / call to raid
>No capatcha required
Kill yourself. Stop calling this FUD when it's fucking proof. Holy fuck, I'm done here. Hold it overnight if you aren't the contract creator and see what happens, you stupid fucking nigger newfag.

>> No.57600908

even if it's dumped on, it was just listed on BitGet. like, there's no stopping this now...

>> No.57600927

12.6b tokens were just burned 6 minutes ago on top of the 37b burned yesterday

>> No.57600928

Yo, I just dropped 1 ETH of my profits from this into LINU. I was talking shit with you the other day in the linu thread. I thought the price wouldn’t hold.

>> No.57600935

after your first couple days of shitposting you can spot scam coins from a mile away, but nice to see someone cares

>> No.57600948

Bros got other examples of scam coins going the distance? Like where’s this gonna stop?

>> No.57600994
File: 934 KB, 1170x1075, 1707784339029242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jannies still haven't banned me or pruned the thread
They care
Keep the screenshots anons, i know it's pretty shitty without more context (Ie: a normie wont be able to connect the dots of the wallet screenshots. Regardless, keep it up. Don't let these scammers get away with this scott fucking free. At least TRY to save one or two retards from losing their ethereum/btc

>> No.57601016

They did prune the other SPYRO thread you were trying to expose, tho. Weird

>> No.57601018


>> No.57601023


>> No.57601032

jannies r indian

>> No.57601034

Because that was a thread shilling this scam. This is a thread exposing it. I'd rather this one stay up than the 1PBTI thread shilling the scam.
Jannies will probably still ban me for a week+ and prune this, it just hasn't been seen yet. But I'm hoping which ever jannies see this, they just leave it alone. Enough morons lose to scams here then blame it all on crypto being unsafe. But they should use that loss as a expensive fucking lesson.

>> No.57601114

go to bed, pauly

>> No.57601235

Keep it bumped, ranjeet. Other anons should be aware of this before it archives and I have to repost it. I'll literally post it on every spyro thread that comes up, by the way. I'll do my best to save any newfag that I can.

>> No.57601303

What a shame
i was really interested on this project but ain't gonna give these brown*ids my hard earned Efferiums

Thanks OP

>> No.57601335
File: 59 KB, 750x933, HE7zY6lbAt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine, I've taken further steps. I remember doing this in 2021 with a nintendo coin that had mario plastered all over their shit and they took action.
They have no idea how autistic I really am. Because I want to see them burn now.

>> No.57601361

>Let me save the newfags by completely burning the whole thing down
Fuck OP... don't try to help so much

>> No.57601381
File: 295 KB, 493x489, AAnAcgb4vB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you shouldn't bother saving the newfags they should be out saving themselves what a bunch of newfag normies anyway lmao

>> No.57601419
File: 103 KB, 659x635, Redpilled Stobox CEO Gene STBU Gates WEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, the mentally ill paid spamming tranny scammer is here again, lying through his teeth. The fake solidity dev exposed here:

The idiot took it from a small note in the CertiK audit.

Stobox is the premium market leader in tokenization (RWA) with first mover advantage, but CEO is against totalitarian globohomo, pic, and that freaks out dinosaur finance, so they have hired people to fud Stobox. No wonder, STBU market cap is only $7 million and the clearest 100x in crypto and they will dominate a coming 16+ trillion dollar market. They tried to fud both BTC and ETH the same way, but they failed and they will fail with STBU as well.

>> No.57601452
File: 100 KB, 601x498, Screenshot 2024-02-12 144140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it going with your deranged pump and dump paid scammer group, mentally ill tranny faggot?

>> No.57601459

Oh, brother. That’s just embarrassing. This is a whole new low on /biz/. Even for you. The most embarrassing thing is clearly you don’t know legality and can’t see how dumb you look. Not to just us. But to whomever you sent that email to.

>> No.57601470

Seethe scammer and guess what? I'll find your next project. I'll find it.

>> No.57601491
File: 57 KB, 619x600, E0zzZGCGZV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe scammer and guess what i'll find your next project i'll find it this is the most pathetic thing i've ever seen in my entire life you think you're a big shot because you have a big mouth and a little dick i bet you're sitting there in your basement all alone wacking off because no one wants to look at your ugly face

>> No.57601523

>I'm gonna save /biz/
Holy fuck dude. All this over a memecoin. Literal scam coins gets launched everyday.

>> No.57601568

>Literal scam coins gets launched everyday.
So what. They are usual super obvious scams. This one isn't nearly as obvious without the really fine details of what went up right before it was launched on uniswap.
This one looks super real until you start looking at etherscan and the orginal transactions / connecting the 10k+ usd dumps

>> No.57601571

>the orginal transactions / connecting the 10k+ usd dumps
what does this mean?

>> No.57601649

Refer to the OP and the early posts. He outlines how the scammer(s?) are using multiplex wallets to swap and drive up prices and dump on the fresh meat to extract profit.
KYS jeets not buying your currycoins

>> No.57601660

Multiple* wallets

>> No.57601686

Based. My 'cep talk made you buy?

>> No.57602079


>> No.57602263
File: 67 KB, 960x616, 1705560441307439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you not disgusted by yourself, lying about a great project like that? Also, combine that with your demonic energy and one understand where the hell, literally, you are coming from. Seek professional help, tranny faggot, or a good priest. Life is too short just be an evil psycho and lying about a project that will not only gain investors, in a mighty way, but also mankind as well, no less.

>> No.57602276
File: 18 KB, 512x512, t3GQ8Nge62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know what it's like to have real power you have no influence you think you're a big shot with your dumb ass scam token you're delusional and quite frankly a complete failure at life but hey keep up the good work good luck scamming people you piece of trash

>> No.57602307

Safemoon. They basically had the ability to siphon money from the lp, but no one noticed because of the bull run. Funny enough dog bat and the goose coins were clones of safemoon. There was also a trick built in where you could spend 0% taxes if you messed with the slippage.

>> No.57602341
File: 65 KB, 1547x177, 234928374.666.97987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand of course the dishonest and cowardly faggot is samefagging, as always. As if you ugly moron couldn't be more pathetic. You know nothing about me, Kadena psycho. Pic related.

>> No.57602667
File: 95 KB, 1024x1024, 5453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scamming people
Every single time I have asked you and the rest of you mentally ill tranny pump and dump scammers/spammers to come with your best laughable argument that Stobox is supposed to be a scam, using logic and documented facts only, you ALWAYS just run the hell away. Sucks to be you, evil faggot.

>> No.57602694
File: 847 KB, 722x726, 1707893453972010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's an ai you're replying to anon
some little creative anon out there has been using it for weeks with intern pepe the frog pictures that dalle generates. It was quite hilarious, it used some sort of like markov-chain sense to reply but with a little more context.
Now he's made it kind of gay by making it involved in a specific crypto, which is whatever he keeps posting. Badger.

>> No.57602870

Ah, thank you very much, fren.

>> No.57604036

>2024 year of the dragon
>Wood Dragon
>Trees are largely made of wood
>money is made from wood
>money trees

Spyro the Dragon is gonna make you a lot of money if you invest early it seems like. this is the 2024 Doge


>new Spyro video game releasing in Q4 2024

okay this is too much...

>> No.57604415

checked and based noticer
when the timing and values of the wallet are similar, it's a whale scam.
that's called bait
lmao good morning, once again,
>that's not me in the post you mention
you're schizoid! the supply can be inflated 20x of what it is currently. that's just a fact. admit it and maybe I'll stop bullying your threads.
>lying about a good project
the supply can 20x from what it is currently
it's literally programmed in the blockchain you dumb gorilla nigger scammer. Like I told you in the other thread, it's a cool project but you - the primary /biz/ shill, act insane to fud your own bags and it's not a good look.
third post isn't me, retard.
I love it when other posts reply to the stobox guy it rots his brain

>> No.57606016
File: 2.65 MB, 2000x2667, KDA Solano scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're schizoid! the supply can be inflated 20x of what it is currently. that's just a fact. admit it and maybe I'll stop bullying your threads.
1. You got exposed as a deranged tranny and fake dev
2. Your rambling that they can 20x the supply is a giant lie and would have been stated in CertiK's audit if it were true.
3. You will always come and post your dishonest/deranged spam together with the rest of you paid trannies in your awful and butt ugly tranny pump and dump scam group.
4. That we have you paid KDA scammers fudding a project is a giant bull sign, pic. Market cap for STBU now is only $7 million.

>> No.57606270
File: 49 KB, 498x412, 1706211736556271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, based fellow autism weaponizer

>Wow... this is like.... sort of embarrassing for you...
rot in hell for your greed, currynigger

>> No.57606307

Based grateful anon, thank you OP keeping Sanjay and Ranjesh at bay.

>> No.57606311

A spyro thread opened yesterday the EXACT MINUTE a LINU thread got nuked.
Really makes you think.

>> No.57606549

Based thread based OP
something was suspicious about the scam pumps from 800k mc to 1.5mil mc in two minutes.. ofc it was bots but still..
almost every pump is fake and gay

>> No.57606579
File: 124 KB, 1021x1024, 1687591540569742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at 500k, took initial out today
My profits are making me profits
idgaf if it's a scam, it's making me money

>> No.57606591

Holy fuck I'm glad I didn't buy this, thank you anon.

>> No.57606599

>market cap increases

>> No.57606703
File: 158 KB, 1652x739, mentally ill KDA tranny c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like I told you in the other thread, it's a cool project but you
You are insane Adam, you have multiple personalities, literally, mentally ill tranny. You tried to take over and it all fell apart, the price crashed and YOU are the moron fudding your own bags. You are too stupid to make any good threads and you are lying about being a Solidity dev, yet have no clue what you are talking about. If your absurd lies were true, it would have been stated by CertiK, but they didn't. You are a proven pathological liar, tranny faggot, and mentally ill.