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57599026 No.57599026 [Reply] [Original]

I hardly see FUD about INJ. The team is active and carries out many fires. Thousands of INJ staked. Airdrop. Excellent Tokemonics. Very low supply. INJ is currently at 3B.
Anon, do you believe it can reach 40B in the bullmarket?

>> No.57599162

No, it has run out of steam long ago, thats crypto for you, whales rotate after every pump, not saying it wont still pump in the bullrun, btc will pump everything, I just dont expect a facemelting pump like it had previously done.

>> No.57599192

>previously done
>one month ago
kys shill. no one uses sol or icp and sol just crashed again. inj fees have gone up week after week for a year now

>> No.57599211


I personally have seen a lot of positivity from anons about INJ. I'm not invested but I am intrigued by it, and given how shitty most of the top-10 coins by market cap are, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect it to jump into the top-10 in a bullrun and displace some of the garbage

>> No.57599215

I really want to buy $3k worth of INJ but I forgot everything about it. It can't be stored on a trezor can it? I've looked at so many alts recently that I forgot everything. I just remember that I decided I want
And maybe some ATOM

>> No.57599238
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Forgot I also want to, and mean to by some HNT.
I think I need to make a spreadsheet to see what I can and can not buy, I won't keep anything on a cex.

>> No.57599255

the tokenomics are reason enough to all in. biz shit all over bnb before its historic run, inj will be no different.

>> No.57599284

Can be stored on a ledger I have like $1k staked to farm airdrops. The staking rewards are great. I might accumulate more. Definitely restaking all of my rewards.

>> No.57599311
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Fuck yeah brother that's why I've got $3k right here to spend on it when the time I right.
I think I've got about 10k for alts so I'm gonna get a few bags. The only thing stopping me is figuring out the best way to store them if I can't keep them on my trezor.
For instance Helium (definitely going to get some DePin bags). Apparently the official wallet sucks.
Don't know anything about Software wallets but it's seeming like I'll need to for the bull.

>> No.57599332

Shit anon I wiped them from my memory when they leaked customer info. Is there another way? Ledger seems sketchy as fuck but I've got several thousand dollars to buy alts right now.
Maybe I'll get a ledger just for alts lol I only have a trezor
Thanks for the encouragement, friend.

>> No.57599346

>kys shill
Having a realistic outlook on potential price action = shill holy kek. I hold neither sol nor icp, im just saying your shitcoin already pumped 10x, its due for a correction as money moves around and hype slowly fades. Holding a small bag wont hurt, but I would never go all in for such a play. You do you, nigger.

>> No.57599352

id just stake it natively. 15%, 21 day lockup

>> No.57599369

> it has run out of steam long ago
nice try you stupid bitch. the pump from $10 started in october and inj was over $40 two weeks ago. kys you seething ngmi faggot

>> No.57599402
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>21 day lockup
Doesn't that make you nervous anon? I don't trade or try to time the market but 21 days seems like a lot.
I will absolutely be buying $3k worth of INJ though. Should I just do it tonight and get it over with? I did say I don't time the market but I do like to slurp when I can.

>> No.57599421
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21 day lockup ain't nothing when you're talking about $3k that's not life-changing money so i would pull the trigger now and get it over with the market is still red hot and it's a risk worth taking imo you can also just stake that $3k for 21 days or even better stake it on ledger for 21 days i never keep anything locked up for longer than 21 days but that's just me

>> No.57599423
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Thanks for the advice, fellas. I got overwhelmed.
Got a plan now. Gonna buy some INJ tonight but I'll probably spread the $3k over 3 days.
What do anons think of my other picks?

>> No.57599438

Fuck it bro I'm going to order a ledger tonight too. I'll stake it on there and just keep it on goybase until it arrives.
THANK YOU anon. Your advice will make me a tasty bit of money down the line.
Also pretty excited about HNT and I think that's one for a Ledger too.

>> No.57599462

if eric chen wasnt doxxed then maybe, but either way im riding this to $100b mc which will be a lot sooner than people realize

>> No.57599517

Greedy pigs never learn. It's ok, you'll learn to control your greed eventually. And its quite hilarious that you keep saying im seething meanwhile youre the one throwing insults instead of bringing in a decent rebuttal.

>> No.57599541
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you're a typical greedy pig keep chasing your moonshots and you'll learn to manage risk eventually it's pathetic how easily i can make you all upset keep calling me names if it makes you feel better i'll be over here with my giant honey badger cock being happy

>> No.57599565

>Holding a small bag wont hurt, but I would never go all in for such a play.
So what coin/play WOULD you go all in for? What's your guaranteed liquid 10x this bull run? Asking as someone with close to 7 figs in INJ. I think people really underestimate Jump Capital and the burn mechanism, but I am legit curious to hear opposing thoughts.

>> No.57599569

I bought my ledger from Wal Mart so my info was never leaked by ledger.

>> No.57599665

kek no response, as i suspected. why is biz these days populated with so many faggots who exist mainly to give their midcurve opinions in threads and then scurry into the shadows when confronted with a thoughtful question? anyway best of luck with your $350 dickinbuttinu position desu, you will need it

>> No.57599690

YOU SAID IT RAN OUT OF STEAM LONG AGO. THE PUMP WAS FROM OCTOBER 23 to FEB 24. fucking retard link chud. ngmi.

>> No.57599713

Do you guys hold anything besides INJ? That and TIA are my biggest bags

>> No.57599938
File: 122 KB, 1660x1136, Dec 19 2023 CryptoDona7 SOL fractal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in $20 billion for sure.
Pic rel is the Solana fractal it was following.

>> No.57599949
File: 166 KB, 1080x1109, F8_QqxlW4AALWvq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That and TIA are my biggest bags
Fuck yes. INJ TIA LCX are my go to this cycle.

>> No.57599975

What’s your reasoning for LCX? Would have considered it if it didn’t pump so much

>> No.57599989
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lol lmao bruh this pump is over the devs are total cuckolds and the coin already pumped like 20x you're probably already too late to the party lmao if you bought this you're probably just gonna dump your bags on some poor anon who wasn't wise enough to see through this blatant scam i've been playing with this coin for like 10 hours a day and lemme tellya you're about as likely to make money as i am to buy a horse-sized condom and fill it with your mom's urine

>> No.57599993

> biz shit all over bnb before its historic run
this isnt true

>> No.57600015
File: 157 KB, 832x704, 22PRhoeNcV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biz is a bunch of autistic neets who just don't understand how based i am they all say my dick is small but they don't realize that my dick is the size of a horse i own all the nfts of rare pepe and everyone wants to be me because i am the most based person on /biz/

>> No.57600048

I've got a meager stack of INJ (400 now to be exact, will add more on dips up until my stack reaches 1000), what I'm REALLY liking about it is the recent Volan upgrade - brings tokenization, and gas compression (even cheaper fees than SOL now), among many other things. Also, the deflationary tokenomics will lure in a ton of normies during peak bull (like it did with BNB).

>> No.57600104

LCX owns both the regulated exchange and tokenization narratives. No brainer for me, still only $275 million MC.

>> No.57600224

It's kinda true

>> No.57600613
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>the tokenomics are reason enough to all in
Completely agreed, see pic

>> No.57600618
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Got a ledger on the way and I've got usd transferred to KC for some INJ.
It sucks that I am not getting to slurp but I am at least getting a solid bag.
Will also be buying some HNT soon.

>> No.57600620
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Burn scheduled tomorrow?

>> No.57600698

>put in buy order
>56 INJ
It's over. I should have listened when I was in maxi mode last fall.
At least I have almost a full Bitcoin now but still, it's nauseating to see such a small number of tokens come from such a purchase.

>> No.57600814

Yes TIA is good, I have bags. Just make sure to dump before the big unlock later this year. ALPH is also good.

>> No.57601659

yeah every week about $200k is burned but this number has been going up
i see a single inj worth hundreds if not $1000. just stake it and forget about it

>> No.57601702

Redpill me on Injective. Is anyone actually using it? What does it do better? I see Pantera is in it which I do lend some credence

>> No.57601962

> Tokenomics
All the midwits use this retarded argument. Fade more on TIA and SUI.
Bull phase will be over and we'll be in a recession once major unlocks hit the market. TVL matters.

>> No.57603213
File: 5 KB, 235x164, IMG_20230328_072737_429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assessed that it is the project with the highest number and value staked, due to gains from passive income INJ and airdrop. Despite the suplly being extremely low, the team burns a lot of INJ frequently. The community is strong. Currently the price is $34 with 3B. I believe 5-10x.

>> No.57603493
File: 35 KB, 827x393, Screen Shot 2024-02-14 at 15.53.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when sol/eth whale gains starts flowing into injective its going to $300-500

if things really get silly it could get to 4 figures.

considering that CZ is facing jail, it would be too suspisicious for them to just pump BNB to pay off their huge fines. and guess who is one of the biggest investors in INJ?

this coin is going to make a lot of people seethe in 3-4 months
screenshot this

>> No.57604112
File: 91 KB, 961x943, Coindesk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the midwits use this retarded argument.
Is pic related midwit? Didn't think so.
"Retarded argument" make number go up

>> No.57604430

Thanks brother I'm going to grab about 5k of them over the course of a couple months. I'll stop worrying.

>> No.57604720

>crypto is going to implode
>but buy my bags
fucking retard. inj $1000

>> No.57604783

Steak a portion for airdrops on a keplr wallet.