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57589202 No.57589202 [Reply] [Original]

I've just come off interviews with Amazon AWS and Google Cloud.

Out of the 30 so people i spoke to the only white person was the recruiter and the VP.

Literally everyone else was indian sprinkled in with a few chinks.

Funnily enough my college class was around 65% white, so IDK where these people went

>> No.57589215

indians replace everyone under them with more indians. same with asians

>> No.57589217

Indians, like Jews, pretty much give massive preferential treatment to their own kind

>> No.57589222

the Browns know how to play the game. A retarded brown will be hired before a whitey

>> No.57589226

They became SEA expats.

>> No.57589228


White women are not having kids with white men, or are not having kids at all

I propose the following to restore civilization:

>end welfare
>end alimony/divorce laws that benefit women
>revoke women rights

simple as

>> No.57589230

They're all either working some minimum wage job or NEETing.
Companies don't hire white men for anything anymore, its all pajeets, women, and niggers.
Didn't you get the memo anon?

>> No.57589231

As it should be. Whites lost the plot desu

>> No.57589233

leave them a scathing review about their lack of diversity
this isnt true. white unemployment rate is like 5%

>> No.57589241


Liberal white women lost the plot. Thought this was already clear

>> No.57589254
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lmao bruh i got a huge dong

>> No.57589256

Women don’t have a plot they just exist to be guided by men. Their (white) men lost the plot

>> No.57589269
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bro that's such a beta take women don't have a plot they just exist to be guided by men like what the actual cuck is this guy

>> No.57589305

NEETs aren't unemployed. Yeah that sounds weird but "unemployed" actually means "looking for a job", it's a nu-speak word. If you're not looking for a job you're not in that data.

>> No.57589311
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dude that's such a beta take you don't even understand the basic terminology we prefer
>neets aren't unemployed
yeah that sounds weird but
actually means
>looking for a job
it's a nu-speak word if you're not looking for a job you're not in that data i bet you get no bitches pussy

>> No.57589355

>outsourced to browns and AI

might want to learn an actual skill. Engineers don't work on computers. They make bridges.

>> No.57589370

Good for them.

>> No.57589398

If you didn't already make it as a white man then it's over for you.

Society has turned 100% poo now and every poo company and country will go downhill until it resembles pooland.

>> No.57589529

the Whites, as the innovator class, were early and already reaped the rewards, and have moved on.
from the .com bubble to the startup boom, Whites built the system from the ground up and allowed it to be commoditized so even a brown could do it.
now the innovators have moved onto new fields that reward them appropriately for their talent, the most obvious to people on the outside are data science, ai, blockchain/cryptocurrencies.

as the only race capable of both the innovation and the application Whites simply keep moving from field to field, leaving in their wake the browns and women.

>> No.57589534

they were undercut dumbass. And AI is going to undercut the jeets

>> No.57589767

Based take.
The fact that only the VP and recruiter were white should tell you something anon: many white engineers have realized that they are the only ones with a clear overall vision, therefore they must shoulder the burden and uncertainty of leadership, and make the structure and rules for the indians and chicks to follow; such that a useful product, can become reality.
This is a difficult adjustment to make, as we all long for the ease of simply following orders in a society new can trust. But now we must make the mini society with it's aim on delivering the public good.
To read the future, clarify the goal, decide best path to it, these are all fragile and risky things, but the only one who can do them is the unique, the free and sovereign individual. Collectivist cultures can not fathom making their own rules and incentive structures. Consensus decisions cannot move in the delicate way needed to deliver a profit, it's like threading a needed at 100 yards. One man must rely on his honed skills and understanding and move with the power of many chinks and indians lifting his platform, his dream vapour vision, turning the company on a dime as the world changes to find the one narrow path to a useful new innovation, and success.
In this society, white engineers have no option but to drive themselves towards Self overcoming, to learn the skills and to navigate this game, to overcome it and build a new and better world.
"These men grew weak, poor weeds, poor soil!
If only you understood my saying, 'Always do what you Will, but first be such as Can Will!'
'It is given' that is also a doctrine of submission but I tell you, you comfortable people, it is taken, and shall be taken more and more from you.
And soon they will stand before me like arid grass and steppe, and truly, weary of themselves, and longing for fire rather than water.
Soon I will proclaim with tongue of flame, he is coming he is near, the technological Superman"

>> No.57589789

H1B visas have obliterated the domestic tech job market for entry level.

Why train someone when you can get a desperate third worlder

>> No.57589809
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truly indians? did they try to lure you into buying random shit as $LRDS?

>> No.57589848

Society decided it don't like us so we decided society don't get us. I'll be in the warehouse packing boxes til my crypto lets me retire.

>> No.57590572
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>> No.57590614


have fun living in india while knowing full well where it leads (shit in the street, trash everywhere, a godawful all penetrating stench of death and decay, people eating literal shit and trash, i could go on forever with these indian horrors but you get the drill)

>he who does not study history is bound to repeat it

>> No.57590642

whites created the civil rights act which makes such behaviour illegal

>> No.57590650

When you say "engineers" do you mean actual engineers or code monkeys? If the latter, than white people got undercut a decade or so ago and young white people can see the writing on the wall (95% of code monkeys will be made redundant by AI in the next five years). As far as I know there are still plenty of white engineers (actual engineers).

>> No.57590806
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>Where did all the white engineers go?
OP is a jew.