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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57586886 No.57586886 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57586910


>> No.57586949


>> No.57587010

Which ETF is the best in your opinion?

>> No.57587026

If it continues at this rate it's going to be the largest crypto cycle we have ever witnessed.

>> No.57587046

I like FBTC, partly because my funds were already there and partly because they do in-house storage of their BTC and they have a decade of experience.

>> No.57587055

this anon knows
cyber pandemic leads to a credit crunch, liquidity crunch.
Jim Rickards Explains the Global Elite's 'Ice-9' Plan to Freeze The Entire Financial System

>> No.57587070

None dumb fuck, own real bitcoin
I've heard of this a lot, thanks for the study material

>> No.57587119

Are you saying, BTC is a haven?

>> No.57587126

bearish holy shit

>> No.57587133
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you should totally go all in on shib my fellow 4channer btc etfs are definitely gonna be the largest crypto cycle we have ever seen and that's why i'm hodling my shib i can't wait to buy a lambo and drive to thailand to get a real life waifu not like all you basement dwelling losers who can't find a girlfriend because women don't like dudes who don't hodl doge but we'll see who gets the last laugh when i'm the one in a lambo getting a hot blonde for the night right chodes

>> No.57587143
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you don't need to say more, i already cross-chain swapped all my alts to BTC in rango

>> No.57587146


This was so long ago and during the Covid pandemic. Why are you suggesting Ice-9 could happen now? What are the catalysts exactly?

>> No.57587165

silver baggies are so fucking dumb

>> No.57587198

ETFs mean crypto is officially dead
not dead as in 'you will never make money again'
dead as in, another (((manipulated))) asset by the usual suspects who now own all the BTC

>> No.57587284

thats ok no one was adopting crypto to enhance their personal freedom anyway. let it get jewed. humans suck

>> No.57587286

A cunt shilling bitcoin, is over.

>> No.57587311
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listen here you little cuck you clearly have a tiny penis i have a massive cock and i don't waste my time with your pathetic investments i'm going to the moon on this honey badger erc all you little boys and girls playing with your stupid cryptocurrency don't know a goddamn thing about these honey badgers

>> No.57587467

>“People say that gold does well in inflation, and you don’t want to have gold in deflation, and we may be looking at deflation, that may be coming, but the point I make is the greatest period of sustained deflation in U.S. history was 1927 to 1933 and in that period, gold went up 75%,” he said.
So let me get this straight. The theory was that the stock market would be shut down and we would go into a deflationary period in which people would cash out their money market funds to buy gold. Which will pump during deflation. Yeah nice he got everything perfectly wrong, I should listen to this guy more.

>> No.57587527

He's correct but I think his time frame is too small. Bretton woods III and the rise of the basket of commodities will happen but we're talking decades

>> No.57587600

It's decades because the can kicking is too powerful. In the meanwhile the dollar only goes down and wealth inequality only goes up. Need to leverage up on speculative bets to get rich when number goes up. Until the federal government says we're balancing the budget it's never going to stop. I have 10 ounces of gold and 5 kg (whatever ounces) in silver and if that's not enough in a deflationary shitstorm so be it. I'm old.

>> No.57587686

that's irrelevant, self custody is cheaper

>> No.57587698

>Jim Rickards
LTCE went to 0
his opinion literally doesn't matter
her thinks because he failed catastrophically, everyone in the world must do so too
absolute fucking fiatcel mentality

>> No.57587710

>He's correct but I think his time frame is too small
his time frame is 2 weeks from now to flatten the curve
he is delusional

>> No.57587727
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Terrifying, isn't it?