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57568697 No.57568697 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick of waging bros. I have 500K in crypto and I'm getting close to 1 mil. I'm single and don't plan on having kids, I just want a 1 bedroom condo with a bed to fuck on.

>> No.57568704

Following, I have just short of 400k and don't plan of marriage or kids either

>> No.57568726

I might have to do this. breached into 7 figures not long ago.

>> No.57568730

Just move to Kentucky

>> No.57568739 [DELETED] 

Yup, more than enough actually. You just need 300k to live here comfortably. How? Just put 300k into short term bonds and live off the coupon every month which would get you 5x of average monthly income here, and by having that much money on your wallet, it also open up the opportunity for you to get a real mansion for 300$ monthly payment
T.been doing it for 5 years now. Ill show you the rope if you are interested

>> No.57568764

no, I want a harem of island goblinas

>> No.57568781

how many ladyboys did you rape?

>> No.57568815 [DELETED] 

How many coffees have you had in your life?

>> No.57568832

jesus dude, you're dick must be a category 4 biohazard

>> No.57568852

How you gonna turn 1M into income?

>> No.57568885 [DELETED] 
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I also get the "pure pallete cleanser forbiddenfruitthatonlyavailableinpoorcountrybecauselawdontexistforrichpeople" once in a while if you catch my drift famlam

>> No.57568916

Put it all into S&P500 and dividend income stocks, earn that $50k a year, go to turd world and live like a king I'm guessing.

>> No.57568926

just put 1 mil into a global stock market index fund, then withdraw 3-4% a year. Maybe 100k to risk in crypto

>> No.57569407

imagine being rich and not even having done basic research. sad

expatistan dot com

>> No.57569432

look up coastfire
you can stop working now

>> No.57569500

Is it safe to live there? Are there white people or you have to look at shitskins everywhere?

>> No.57569894

This is Koh Phi Phi, an island in Thailand. It's beautiful, but it is haunted by ghosts. 4000 people died here during the massive Tsunami back in 2004.

>> No.57569896
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>> No.57569913

>I just want a 1 bedroom condo with a bed to fuck on.
not really enough, especially since in old age you'r egoing to probably have to pay to play

>> No.57569935

Not always. Go for the hotel maids.
Lot of them are good if you want The Girlfriend Experience.

>> No.57569936

Is it easy to live there even when you don't speak Asian? I really don't want to learn how to speak Asian... that's way too much effort

>> No.57569947

Asian isn't a language and you sound too dumb to ever make it anyway.

>> No.57569958

I already have more than $300k... I don't mind retiring in Asia, I just don't want to learn how to speak Asian, since it's not worth the effort. I'll just go to Costa Rica or some other cheap country where people know how to speak English

>> No.57570019

people in costa rica speak even less english than thais. function perfectly well in vietnam and thailand not speaking a lick of thai or vietnamese. point and grunt, stick to simple words like one, no, yes, big size, chicken, ice, 4 thousand. its easy

>> No.57570064

cool it with the racism

>> No.57570120

300k is enough to retire if you just live off bond coupons you will get wrecked by inflation eventually
you need other assets in your portfolio

>> No.57570136


agree with everything except vietnam, even in saigon most people don't understand english

on the countryside it's even worse, especially young people can't speak or understand english

>> No.57570192

Immigration will be your biggest problem if you don't have at least 2 condos in different SEA countries. Bounce between the 2 and roll on your tourist visa. Living with zipperheads and cockroaches and the same shitty food is going to get old after a few years. Most places you'll be able to afford are going to be crowded and dirty. If you're lucky you'll find a backpackers 'paradise' somewhere on the beach. But those fucking wannabe hippies get tiring also. Maybe take up surfing, surfers are a bit more tolerable and less ideological.

>> No.57570209

Fuck off you godamn idiot

>> No.57571046

Ok. Whatever it is: pay 2 play or maids, OP is going to need to be OK getting hookups from somewhere on a tight budget and is pretty screwed if they underestimate end of life costs or care involvement

>> No.57571098

Got a throwaway email or something? I'd buy you a coffe if you would info dump on me some time.

>> No.57571111

What do You mean exactly, how does it work?
Try to hook them up or propose paying?
Isn't it dangerous, because they can report abuse?

>> No.57571240

if you're a burger, why not just going in mexico or south america. you're a short flight away from home.
375/month studio in cancun if you're ok to live in that shoebox:

>> No.57571279
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Redpill me on SE Asia maids.

>> No.57571290

If that's all you have and you're too much of a brainlet to invest it properly, then no. But when it comes to cost of living, this is going to last you at least a decade if you're frugal enough.

>> No.57571313

This. Colombia has beautiful women, Spanish is the easiest language in the world to learn and currency exchange is very friendly. Same with Brazil (most speak Spanish too but Portuguese is pretty similar) , Chile, Costa Rica etc. Steak dinner is $5 for comparison

>> No.57572374
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gay buttsex? Or the shit that'd get you permabanned because it's a felony

>> No.57572560

Why not just kys if you're not going to have kids? Life is pointless if you don't have a legacy to pass on.

>> No.57573587

>Implying kids are the only legacy one can have
Make some arts, write some books, etc. instead, faggot. There are already too many humans on this planet.

>> No.57573638

This. What a sad, pointless existence to "retire" in SEA and try to have sex with poor locals until you develop some kind of sickness in your older age and have no one to take care of you.

>> No.57574249

lmfao at tradcuck idiots

Enjoy the crotch goblin vomiting on you while you await perpetual financial slavery to your wife/kids.

>> No.57574701

Compare that to life working in a freight warehouse or railyard or grocery market here in the States….and go fuck yourself. Waking up with the sun, relaxing till noon, having lunch, a swim and some sun, clean up for dinner and a few drinks and snoozing by 10pm to do again tomorrow. Sounds fucking perfect.

>> No.57574724

There are too may brown humans on the planet

>> No.57574740

>Compare that to life working in a freight warehouse or railyard
if i had to choose between a filipino and a white wagie working one of those jobs... i would probably choose you but id really rather you not exist.

>> No.57574915

>Waking up with the sun, relaxing till noon, having lunch, a swim and some sun, clean up for dinner and a few drinks and snoozing by 10pm to do again tomorrow.
Sure, sounds great for a week or two. What's your plan for a year, two years, five down the road? None of the locals will give a fuck about you. Healthcare is abhorrent. No family around. No meaning.

>> No.57574988

alright boys you convinced me, I'm going to plan a trip to thailand for 3 weeks, If I like it I'll plan my retirement there.
what are the best places to visit?
best hotels to stay in?
how do I fuck the maids?
any good massage places?

>> No.57575192

Why Thailand instead of Philippines? It's basically the same experience but without language barrier.

>> No.57575224

for these questions i usually add "reddit" to the end of my google search phrase

also this channel is great https://www.youtube.com/@TalesBeyondHorizons

>> No.57575268

>since in old age you'r egoing to probably have to pay to play
uggo detected

>> No.57575301

>surrounded by mean spirited ugly gooks
what a life

>> No.57575522
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>snoozing by 10pm
*doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof* *doof*

>> No.57575546

I may as well warn, I fell for the meme, went on a holiday there to check it out and won't return.
Also you need to use a Thai bank account and their King is some fag who doesn't let you own shit and there is all types of jew rules about accessing your money outside Thailand.

>> No.57575777

koh chang is nice, and surrounding smaller islands. Went there for a month. less touristy than phuket.

>> No.57575801

Niggers tounge my anus

>> No.57577460

Yeah, you can live off that for fifty years in the Phils, Vietnam, maybe even Thailand.

>> No.57577503

Bangkok for city nightlife
Pattaya for sloots'n'hoors
Chiang Mai for comfy living
Koh Chang if you want to swim in sewage and die of a horrible untreatable infection. No I'm not joking.

>> No.57577603

Don't forget, shit posting on 4chan. I'm actually early retired and I spend way too much time on here. It's nice to be able to post here from a beach instead of a wage cage but I sometimes wonder if I could be doing something better with my life...

>> No.57577651

Being a SEAfag is gigacope but coping with muh kids is also cope. If you get rich then yes, but struggling to support a family is hell.

I have 400k and no income because im too tired. Im hoping to 3x this. I can retire here in EU with 1 million and live off divviez.

>> No.57577721

>Because I'm too tired
You're a useless blob of shit, honestly.

>> No.57577725

> live like a king
What king lives in a 35 sqm condo eating 7eleven slop in a polluted city? With 50k a year you can live comfortably in any first world country.

>> No.57577749

There's literally billions of people in the world, if a place is super cheap to live in there is obviously a reason, like think about the little things - can you get gas at the gas station when you want? Will a corrupt local police type fuck with you and demand money? If you have any problem at all can you get help, or whatever you need to fix it?

>> No.57577855

you can retire on 4% of whatever dollar amount per year, 1mm is more than enough for SEA. you can retire on about 400k invested if you own a house in PA, you don't have to leave the country unless you're looking for a specific lifestyle.

>> No.57578782

No you cant. 50k after taxes is like 35k. You live mediocrely in a first world country. Maybe if you have a wife who makes the same, then you might live comfortably.

>> No.57578800
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Almost everywhere I search is cheaper than my city by miles

>> No.57578804

Property here is not cheap. I don't know why people like south east Asia instead of Latin America which is closer and a better deal. A two story house in front of me on Pattaya is being sold for $250 thousand.

>> No.57578842

Safety. You stand a good chance of getting murdered in many places of Latin America if you are gringo

>> No.57578887

As an American you should know by now to stay in the good zones. Only eurofags are overly concerned with safety.

>> No.57578908

Hitting 300k is known as "Thailand retired"
>Find a decent ETF paying 8% and make $24k
>2k a month
>rent a place for $500 a month which will get you a decent condo
>have enough to go out and eat each day, not top flight restaurants but still good
>enough left over to pay bills and go party a few times a week and buy a girl a few nice things to keep her around
So with 500k-1m you'll be just fine. Probably better to ask /trv/ though.

>> No.57578916

Oh no it's not like the first world where renting is a raw deal. If you're okay with renting the price is entirely different. I assume the house I'm living in might cost $250 thousand like the one up front. But I pay $800 worth of rent. It's a nice located two story house so I can't complain.

>> No.57578940

Well closer to $700 really but plus utilities and such. Pattaya in particular went up a bit with the Russian exodus.

>> No.57579188
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if you actually dont get to 3-5 mill eith 500k in crypto now........ change your folio and jackass dont sell at 1 mill. reevaluate after 2-3 mill SEA is a shithole, fun for vacation/holiday. but the west is nicer dude... koh rangs nice. koh phangan/tao, but yeah youll miss the people and food and normal stuff not nonsense. US/AUS/EU better. stay out oof bear. wait for btc to drop 70ish% pick back up flip in 2027. buy alts nonmember 2027/jan 2028. have that lifestyle you imagine in your head in the west.

>> No.57579262

This is the fucking problem. I do not want to stay in designated gringo zones, i want to experience the place in full. Asia allows for that and SA does not.

>> No.57579272

How am I supposed to retire in Asia without it being assumed I'm a sexpat old man? I just love the food...

>> No.57579276

Are you kidding me? The food is the worst part, just fix, noodles and rice. These people don't know about cuisine.

>> No.57579285

>These people don't know about cuisine
really? I've always enjoyed the food when I went there, its been a few years since last tho so it could've gotten bad

>> No.57579298

Stop caring about what other people think of You.
Objectively not true.

>> No.57579705

>2k a month
less because of the taxes and i wouldnt bet on 8% a year for eternity. look at the sp500 in 1965-75. could you afford 10-15 years of crabbing?

>> No.57579715

>US/AUS/EU better
looks like someone didnt get the memo...

>> No.57579727

>I do not want to stay in designated gringo zones, i want to experience the place in full
what is so hard to understand about this? thailand is cheaper, has better quality services, and i dont have to watch my back like 90% of time. roving black widow gangs dont cruise the city looking for victims. only thing latam has over se asia are the women.

>> No.57579794

Only in America is it common sense to consider your cities, the economic and cultural hubs of your country, as too dangerous to travel in as an American. Vile country underneath a negro boot.

>> No.57579941

Have you considered getting a part time job in something you enjoy, then supplement your salary by withdrawing from your investments, and then filling your leisurely life with things that interest you and good people?

You can live comfortably in a good country, which is like living like a king to most people on the planet, have so much freedom and time to have a life that satisfies you

I have no idea why you would prefer living in a nicer house, if the tradeoff is moving it a dirty hellhole in Asia where you know no one

>> No.57579990
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Take the Puerto Rico pill. Be surrounded by freakin ricans. You fucking idiot.

>> No.57580233

I just checked on google Streetview.
All these tropical shitholes are the same. You move two blocks away from the beach resorts and its all rundown and filthy.

>> No.57580333

I have been to about 20 countries and i have to admit, with all due respect, that PR girls are the least attractive that I've encountered. Loud, overweight, masculine, ratfaces with bad hygiene and dirt under the nails.
Moreover the hurricane season is brutal and the days can be too hot.

>> No.57581470

a part time job is not comfortably

but yes SEAfags are deluded

basically 2x your million needed

>> No.57581514

The SEA meme is making SEA less sweet is what I'm saying. The elite visa is like 5x of what it used to be, less matches on tinder, rent becoming more expensive, etc...

>> No.57581932
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>This is Koh Phi Phi, an island in Thailand. It's beautiful, but it is haunted by ghosts. 4000 people died here during the massive Tsunami back in 2004.
What do the ghosts do, are they territorial? This sounds like the argument of a Scooby Doo mystery where the ghosts were actually villains trying to buy the property.

>> No.57582045

He really is. "wahh wahh I'm too tired" just kys at that point genuinely. "Raising kids in a first world country is hell" lmao give me a break. Weak men create hard times.

>> No.57582060

lol tradcucks, so enslaved to their biology they can't even envision freedom

>> No.57582090

Good morning Schlomo.

>> No.57582174

>weak men create hard times
He says as he browses 4chan everyday

>> No.57582208
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Ko Pee Pee, hehe

>> No.57582235

Hard times don't create strong men. That's been proven over and over.

>> No.57582397

It's not even about getting laid. It's extremely difficult to have meaningful relationships in Asia. As an expat you will likely hang out mostly with other expats, most of whom are students or just moved to Asia to be language teachers. They eventually all move away anyway. I doubt most Asians are that eager to bring you in their friend group. On top of that romantic relationships in Asia are completely different. You usually have to deal with a very intrusive family that will never truly accept you, and in the end you will be in a foreign country that never accepts you with bugchildren around your deathbed.

>> No.57582765
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Dominican Republic is pretty good too. Whites live like royalty. Just dont be outside past 9PM.

>> No.57582788


Brazil and Colombia are legit dangerous. Chile is getting worse.

>> No.57582841

The state of the world is fucked that these asian shitholes are the only thing left.
Yeah okay stay in the us and get divorced and have my kids shot, turn gay or hooked on fent and pay $5 for a can of beans. No thanks.

>> No.57582865

$250k is a cheap house these days. I'm ok with SEA being priced at midwest. Seems about right.

>> No.57582896

Philippines is way way shabbier than Thailand. Ph is 4th world because they don't even belong in the same tier

>> No.57582964

Yeah and right next door is cambodia which is even worse believe it or not. Im for living cheap but not dumpster diving.

>> No.57583069

You’ll be dumpster diving in any SEA country. They’re all smelly shitholes that are good for a couple weeks of debauchery but little else. Westerners who live there are always socially retarded bottom of the barrel cretins, if that’s you then go ape. if you have a modicum of self respect, think twice

>> No.57583070

Start watching YouTube guides on this there are even channels that show you how to negotiate with sex workers. Even channels on how to find a good girl .

YouTube is king for this

Also Thailand is good and safe . If you have 36k a year spending power.

I have been retired since 2017 .

I am comfortable. Eat good. I am not immune from broken hearts. These women will use you to survive. Beware of that.

I honestly thought one liked me for me until she started asking for 700 dollar cameras…

I got so pissed she had the courage to ask for that. She dumped me a week later for “someone her age”

Oh well

There is a new girl turning 18 every week

If you have game you will do good . If you are a simp you better be rich and stingy with you’re money

>> No.57583086

How old are you?

>> No.57583577

Do you have friends there? Do you see your family often? Aside from whores, is your daily routine mostly doing things on your own?

>> No.57583597

I don't know why but it's a common thing that foreigners can't make friends with the locals I think. I still have to learn Thai but it's so boring.

>> No.57583666

how much $ did you retire with?

>> No.57583692

So you've been there for 7 years, no friends, don't interact with the locals much? Are you actially satisfied?

>> No.57583702

If you've got that kind of money, why not stay in the west and buy a plane. Solid GA flyers are always up for sale on faceberg marketplace. $150k for a twin engine piper that can actually make you money every month through charter flights and the like. Fuck living in the third world.

>> No.57583735

If these pussies can still just cut and run when the going gets tough, we're not in the hard times phase yet

>> No.57583749
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only western outcasts move to thailand, imagine being one of those bald boomers.

>> No.57583759

I don't want to fight for what Americans believe in anyways.

>> No.57583996 [DELETED] 

my polish immigrant friend married a filipina and her entire family totally embraced him as one of their own

they have four kids now, i'm super happy for him because he's one of the genuinely nicest men on the planet and american women shat all over him for years

>> No.57584084

im incredibly interested in whatever this guy said.

>> No.57584105

>Chile is getting worse.

How so? I was kinda eyeing Antofagasta.

>> No.57584135

The cartel is expanding there and using it as a port. The economy is also in the shitter and the cost of living doesn't make up for it.

>> No.57584326
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Where did you decide to live? In Phuket or Chang Mai?

>> No.57584572

all the safe countries are expensive. good luck not getting kidnapped tortured and raped and robbed. best bet is taiwan but you might get bombed

>> No.57585286

i guess because most non-whore thais speaking good english are high-so and the average coomers are plebs who can't into those circles.

>> No.57585327
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lmao nice larp bro yeah sure you're right we are all pleb coom brains who are too dumb to talk to smart thais whatever you say faggot

>> No.57585502

it's obvious that most western people living in thailand are poor by western standards? if you can speak c1-c2 thai i'm pretty sure you can make friends easily

>> No.57585567

If you put 1 million into a money market account you can get around 60k a year right now

>> No.57585763

never live anywhere where there are cobras

>> No.57585771

>No you cant. 50k after taxes is like 35k.
Found the W-2 cuck. 50k after taxes is 48k.

>> No.57585857
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>want to go overseas because it's cheaper, more fun and they have cool trains
>because of you idiots everyone thinks I'm a sexpat

>> No.57586229

uhh the places with cool trains have basically zero overlap with the sex tourism destinations anon

>> No.57586245

bangkok has a very cool metro system anon

>> No.57586549

oh yikes, you're a metro fan. I was talking about real trains.

>> No.57586570

yea but where do you want to live? >Singapore
nowhere near enough
you'll be a baron but that place fucking sucks. First time I unironically saw someone bathing in a river that was being shit in upstream

>> No.57586575
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(i have a horse sized d*ck)

>> No.57586863
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Bangkok, Phuket, Chang Rai. Lots of other good places off the tourist circuit but if you're scouting for retirement that's what I recommend. Phuket is my fav but the most expensive, Bangkok is great but big cities get tiresome. Download ThaiFriendly or something a couple weeks before going, it has more prostitutes and bots than when I did it but if you're not a sperg it's very easy to get a girlfriend experience with a nice enough girl. This is absolutely the best way to see the country, or any for that matter. Pic related let me call her mommy and drove me around everywhere I wanted to go

>> No.57586950

And to answer your other questions for a short stay i'd go with cheap hotels over expensive ones or hostels, the cheaper ones employ maids from Laos and Burma who earn less than thai maids. Don't skip straight to propositioning them with money, be friendly ask where they're from and if they wanna grab a drink with you etc. and ez pz. Kind of impossible to get a bad massage in thailand unless you go for a happy ending joint, which can be fun one time but honestly a good thai massage (no nonsense, no oil) is godly and will cost you like $5, best one I ever had was on Khao San road

>> No.57586981
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lmao imagine the smell it's like these idiots have never heard of a soap anyway the best way to travel to thailand is to get yourself a cheap hotel the maids there are from laos and burma and they're dirt cheap because of that i know a guy who banged one of those girls without even having to hand over any money all she asked for was a simple date and she gave him the best thai massage he ever had with absolutely no oil involved

>> No.57587513

god why are all of the pics these sex tourists take always have the ugliest gookiest girl they could find

>> No.57587560

He said he fucked your mum.

>> No.57587591

Her skin looks decent and her teeth are straight and not yellow. That probably makes her a 9 over there

>> No.57588209

yeah I really don't get the appeal of going there if the girls look like that. I guess the guys that go are desperate ugly virgins who would rather have that than nothing in the west though.

>> No.57588325

She's attractive even by western standards imo

>> No.57588369

How many times do you think you will need to fuck until that empty hole inside of you is filled?

How much stimulants?

How many drinks, lines, or hits do you need?

No amount of money will get you closer to achieving a proper life goal.

You'll be endlessly wandering earth for it's pleasures, never feeling satisfied.

Meanwhile the poor working class man will be content with his wife and kids. Proudly standing to meet God afer his death.

Can you say the same you Hedonist?

>> No.57588409

>put 1 mil in schd
>get 35k per year in dividends without selling stocks
>dividends increase as the stock value increases about 10% a year

>> No.57589118

>muh wife and kids
>le God

I've seen enough married guys and divorces to know it's not for me. But you do you christcuck

>> No.57589252

kek you were bragging on /pol/ about getting younger women as an older man but didn't mention Thailand

>> No.57589915
File: 3.13 MB, 320x580, herp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to do it soon with 16k kek wish me luck

>> No.57590625

She looks like she could suck penor well. Did she, anon?

>> No.57591037

>aw herpes hurt
good. STDs rates would be reduced if retards stopped fucking left and right without a condom

>> No.57591075

Living like a tourist is never hard, anywhere in the world. The hard part is understanding what's fucking written. You know, the shit you don't really have to deal with, like any official paper, be it from taxes, lawyers or whatever medical shit

>> No.57591097

Lmao, fucking nasty ass eurotrash bitch got what she deserved.

>> No.57591181

No thats the life. During covid i lived on my savings because I didnt know if I am going to live or die. But now I am back to waging. You have the lfe. You dont have to prove shit. If you are questioning if you can do something better with your life. You have made it. Dont even need to think aboit perpetual money. I personally went the gold diggin route.

>> No.57591998

Invest in IDOs or tokens with TGEs that are close by like Nuklai to easily increase your money to millions

>> No.57592088
File: 169 KB, 1024x576, bu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> buy ETH below 3K
> stake it SOLO
> live somewhere with the possibilities to cash out rewards
that's that

>> No.57592573

>Yeah and right next door is cambodia which is even worse believe it or not
Phnom Penh is actually pretty cool. Lots of fancy highrises built for chinese real estate scams that rent for next to nothing. Of course that comes with the trade off of interacting with the rest of the city when necessary

>> No.57592695

I see that Nuklai is working on AI, DePIN and Data management.
Considering all the narratives its on, I think it should be a good project

>> No.57592974

>the guys that go are desperate ugly virgins who would rather have that than nothing in the west
a lot of them are hardened older perverts without the disposable income to get cleveland blumpkinned at home

>> No.57593888

Not a virgin, but I can only get laid with obese people here. The fact than she's skinny is a huge plus.

>> No.57593916

>our system was hacked, all funds have been lost
>NO REFUNDS but you still owe us the fees and debt btw
>stupid retard kek
Imagine leaving 1 million in the hands of others.