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5758185 No.5758185 [Reply] [Original]

I see a lot of fucktards and 18 yo who are making some good money for the first time in their lives.
Now you think:
>"wow that makes me happy, let's share it to my friend/family/gf so that they will be happy for me"
>"wow I'm making money with this thing, let's convince them to do the same so that we can make money together"

There are few things to understand:

1) relationships these days are extremely superficial, when you disclose your gains to someone then the rumor will most likely spread and people thinking they can profit from you if they become "friend", in this case either they get what they want (profiteering from your bucks and knowledge) and stay nice... or they don't and they will hold a grudge, that's where the toxicity begins because they will try to screw you for not giving them what they are entitled to as ""friends""

2) PEOPLE ARE JEALOUS, unless you are born in upper or upper middle class where success is encouraged from birth and competition is taken with fairplay then you have to know that as you move up in the social hierarchy people will resent you. Maybe it's because they always thought they were smarter than you and deserve fortune more than you, or maybe because it forces them to watch themselves in the mirror and they don't like what they see. Most people see their own failures in the success of others and some will even try to bring you back at their level.

>> No.5758196

I had a history professor in high school, very good teacher and passionate about his domain. This guy was a painter on his free time, a talented one, he did some fairly good stuff and exposed but never in private galleries, that didn't prevent people to make him propositions though. Now one day he divorced and the ex-wife moved with her new partner in the south, things went well until one day when he sold a fresco for tens of thousands of euros. This came back to the ears of the ex-wife who then:
- denounced him to the fisc for having sold in the past multiple of his painting without declaring them (at a time she was still married with him)
- sued him proclaiming that the division of property after the divorce was unfair
And you now what? Not only did he have to reimburse her half the valuation of his other paintings to the witch but he had to pay fiscal penalties too. Your gf today can be your worst enemy in 5 years.

3) people always give unsolicited advices when it comes to money and it will mess with your strategies, the fact we like it or not relatives have influence on us no matter if they don't know shit we value their opinions not based on rationality but trust and it's a terrible thing in this case.

>b-but anon how do I get people in cryptos if I don't speak of my gains?
Explain them the tech, if they don't see the possibilities then they are too dumb for it anyway. If they ask you about how much you made or how much you have just dodge by saying shits like "a bit but not as much as I would hehe".

>b-but anon how do I get roasties without showing gains
Just visit a prostitute, best value for the price.

>> No.5758202

Let them do whatever they want

>> No.5758240

I learned this the hard way, lots of snakes around.

>> No.5758250
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Wise anon.

>> No.5758289

I didn't need to read all of that, but it's basically true. I tried to help my closest friends by dropping a hint and they just told me I was an idiot falling for a ponzi scheme akin to Amway. Now they're still wageslaving, and I'm at home making more than they make that whole day in an hour.

>> No.5758315

I've decided that I'm never going to talk about crypto or money with people.

>> No.5758325

>he didn't fall for the power level meme
>he instead fell for the trust meme

seriously people, starting falling for this meme. it is essential.

>> No.5758334
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I told friends about bitflur and everyone who trades crypto in my college decided to use it too.

Now I see amazon packages fucking daily. I walk in the halls and I hear “bitflur.com blah blah” and it’s fucking pathetic.

Keep your secrets to yourself too.
Trust me.

>> No.5758370

Yeah it’s mainly for tax evasion but that’s actually cool.

Does it affect your gains? No. Fuckoff.

>> No.5758438

If I ever breakthrough I'll just start pretending like everything went to shit and I cashed out or something. Only people who know are my parents and a single friend anyways. My friends also invited me to a whatsapp group where they discuss crypto, but I declined. They're probably trading peanuts anyways and if they don't it would be full of resentment and deceit. Nothing to gain from it but jealousy. My parents don't even ask how much I put in then again they aren't the greedy kind considering I am 25 and living with them while they put up with my neet bullshit lmao.

>> No.5758473

schizophrenia the post
crypto gains aren't special or exclusive. thinking as such is a greater fucking mental disorder. you sound like the cryptovirgin

>> No.5758504

You’re just a jealous faggot who found out the hard way that other students have more btc than you.

>> No.5758512

Why should you tell people about your gainz anyway.? You're literally giving away secrets that you spent hours working on.

In the business world, secrets like this are worth a lot of money.

>> No.5758598

You can but you have to be picky, lots have someone in their entourage who made good money or worked as an executive in finance/industry/commerce too, sometimes it's a cousin, sometimes it's a grand uncle, generally they give good advices and will keep their mouthes shut if you ask.

Naïveté, attention, validation, etc...

>> No.5758629

This. Especially the part about jealousy.

>> No.5758633

Lol bitflur is a scam
They got 90 days to start a dispute on paypal and get the refund back

>> No.5758666

Merchants accounts can’t do that.
And don’t use PayPal. Banks are connected.

Get amazon codes or prepaid debit card funds.

>> No.5758715

KIll yourself
I doubt this would ever happen
This. PayPal is for faggots.

>> No.5758776


> fuck a whore guys its just fiscally logical
> wise

no hes just an autist

>> No.5758812
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Good thing that since the start of this year you are automatically married with a prenup in the Netherlands

>> No.5758834

Flur is one of the best services I’ve used

>> No.5758854

But how am I going to explain to my parents that I'm making money by sitting behind the computer every day?

>> No.5758907
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Because then the value and acceptance of the blockchain grows. It helps me AND society at large.

Of course, when I get a certain point, I'll never tell them how much. I'm not that stupid. If that makes me a jew, then so be it.

>> No.5758973

Gold diggers are whores, they just cost you a lot more time and energy for the same result.
Now if you seek a life partner to build something with that's another question but unless you are a retard you won't try to find one by showing your wallet around.

>> No.5758984

>People don't like it when you brag about your money.
Really makes you think!!!

>> No.5759058

holy fuck OP u're the fookin reason anons are still out here lonely ass fuck with you no partners

if u're makin gainz go tell someone you love and that will fuckin support u in what u are doing

otherwise u're just going to end up a depressed anon saying things like
> I made it to 1MM but no one to share it with

fuckin idiot fags

>> No.5759077
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Don't disclose your wealth to ANYONE. Not just crypto gains but all your money in general. I once had a girlfriend in college who flipped the fuck out because I made the mistake of telling her I had over $10k in the bank and she was dirt ass broke.

Nobody needs to know about your success (or lack thereof)

>> No.5759144

LISTEN to this fucking OP. He knows what he's talking about. ESPECIALLY the second point. Jealousy will drive people to do crazy things. KEEP IT A FUCKING SECRET LADS. LET EM KNOW WHEN YOU BUY A MANSION

>> No.5759233

>I learned this the hard way, lots of snakes around.


>> No.5759248
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dey wana stick me for my papers

>> No.5759258

OP is right. Read this true story from a plebbit


>> No.5759332

Here's my strategy of when I accidentally told my friend that I made money from crypto

The next time you meet him/her, tell them "I've sold everything to help my dad's head transplant. Now I'm broke". They will subconsciously think you aren't rich anymore and won't look up to you when they need money.

>> No.5759378

GF asked about my financials, I was stupid enough to tell her I have 17k and no student debt as a student. Now she asks me why we never go on vacation and that I should 'live' and enjoy the money.
Now I wish I have never told her

>> No.5759443

This. So much this.

>> No.5759537

I agree telling friends or even a gf is retarded but is it safe to tell your parents?

>> No.5759614

I told a friend about a mining farm I have started and how much money i made per month. It were a couple of grand only each month so not a lottery. But he stopped his contact with me.
Having more money can severely damage the ego's of your social environment.
so keep it to yourselves.

Funny thing is a couple years ago I lost a couple of grand in the stock market and there your """friends""" tend to listen and contact you more often, because they love to see you down. Literal energy vampires. Be fucking careful.

>> No.5759671

So what exactly can be the outcome of people getting jealous of your mad gains?

sure i get it with relationships it can be a source of conflict but as far as friends go, if they are jealous of what you do, what could they possibly do that can affect you in any sort of way?

>> No.5759718

>So what exactly can be the outcome of people getting jealous of your mad gains
Mostly them just cutting ties with you and talking behind your back I guess.

>> No.5759750

This a really good thread

>> No.5759780


I've unironically never told a single soul about being into crypto and the comfy gains I've made. Not my parents, not my girlfriend, not my friends. No one.

Anyone else?

>> No.5759865

It's too hard not too!
I told my close relatives only (wife, brother and close close friends), but I just tell them It's a fun game to me, and i'm doing small gains because i'm bad at it.
Also, everytime there is a small crash/correction, I use this occasion to tell them I lost a lost so they can feel better

>> No.5759878

Dump her or tell her you lost your wallet

>> No.5759922

>too hard not to
>I lost a lot

sorry for the typos i'm too tired

>> No.5759954

feels so good that my dad is making huge success in crypto along side me
he bought 10k worth of ripple when it was 1k sats
he bought 5k worth of verge at 160 sats
and he bought like 300 ltc at $66

hes the only person i discuss crypto to, we should all do the same with a small inner circle

>> No.5759980

Depends who they are, if you parents managed their wealth in a good way and have three big houses, 2 60k+ cars without too much debt then maybe.
If they are wagies who never had much financial success and live paycheck from paycheck then don't.

It can go from them just talking shit in your back and launching rumors to a butthurt ex blackmailing you with false rape allegations.

That's a good strategy, when I began investing in stocks and made a bit of money years ago I shown my portfolio to my brother in the euphoria, I regretted it and then said I lost most of it few months later, it was a lie but it's better this way for both of us.

>> No.5759996
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I started making 6 figures a year when I was 19 and always been very open to my friends (who are all broke students) and my past and current gf and didn't have any problems so far.
Actually the only person who behaved poorly because of my success so far was my own mother.
So if you chose the right people to have around you it is possible, allthough I probably got really lucky.

>> No.5760001

>I use this occasion to tell them I lost a lost so they can feel better
I'd never do that. Makes you seem like you don't know what you're doing and if they think crypto is a "scam" they will now get "confirmation" that it's a scam, because you lost money.

>> No.5760065


>> No.5760082

And why should I give a fuck?
I don't want to scam them, it's a pretty hard game and they are not interrested in it anyway. No reason for me to convince them.
I'd rather set my ego on the side, than showing my growing crypto wealth to the world

>> No.5760113

I tell everyone about my gains because I'm an insecure beta faggot who needs validation now that I've quit my job and live in my mother's basement in my mid 20s.

Anyone know that feel? Probably not. Oh well.

>> No.5760132



>> No.5760151

Going to kill this thread. Bitflur is a scam.


It's an IRS honeypot site. If you ever used it and cashed out anything you're fucked.

>> No.5760167

Damn, you guys need to make friends with some rich people. I grew up well off and all of my friends and I talk about our financial/crypto gains all the time. Except for one friend, everyone is only happy for the other. One of my friends made 250k off of XBY (scam, I know) after I told him about it in may, he even gave me a 10% finders fee.

My ex girlfriend who came from oil money still talks to me. We talk about our finances regularly. She's starting to make money again from her family business and I'm breaking my crypto highs each week. We're only happy for each other.

Make friends with rich people. They'll help you and be happy for you when you make money.

>> No.5760197
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money doesn't change you, it changes the people around it

>> No.5760219
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>implying I have, had or ever will have a GF to tell about my gains
I'm going to tell my parents eventually though. Can't wait to see their faces when their "failure of a son" turns out to be 100 times richer than them.

>> No.5760238

Fucking hate women that do this. I only hope that once I make it I can find a decent vagina just to propagate my dynasty and gains to my children

>> No.5760261
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>don't give a fuck
>quit work
>see coworkers outside of work
>let them see you wearing custom suites
>invite them to your mansion party but don't give address or date
>drive off in your new lambo

Niggas dun give a fuck nigga!

>> No.5760270


>> No.5760271

I do want to give money to my parents though, they gave me all I ever wanted and they're wagies who work hard to keep this shitbag of a son alive

>> No.5760313

I basically shilled tons of people into crypto, no issues with any of them. Parents know. You guys have some shitty people around you.

>> No.5760332

parents are basically the only ones you can tell, but not if they are narcissists. I've seen some anons with huge gains tell their parents, who then demand money or kick them out of the house if they are still living with them.

>> No.5760347

Agreed, you have to giveback what they put in.

>> No.5760407
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>see coworkers outside of work

I'm imagining you literally hanging outside of the Jamba Juice you used to work at in a bad Hugo Boss pinstripe suit just waiting like that.

>> No.5760459


Fucking niggers

>> No.5760483
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It depends what kind of parents you have
In hindsight I should have not told my mom or at least mentioned amounts, because now she feels entitled to a share since she raised me.
(Hint: She didn't, I was basicly left alone after she divorced my dad since she had to focus on my two younger siblings.)

But if you have good parents that aren't poor and made a lot of poor financial decisions in the past you should definetely tell them.

>> No.5760507
File: 75 KB, 600x523, 6262302+_01da72d3c4569d52a2ca6259786e6d8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have money you have to spend it
Sometimes I feel bad about poor people, but then I remember they're retards. Poor people logic will never not amuse me

>> No.5760607


post source dude, this kind of thing is worth moving countries for.

>> No.5760626

Either you're American, where being a snake is just normal and being jealous of people who have more money than you is encouraged, or you don't know what a 'friend' even is and you're sperging to random people at your high school.

I've told things to my friends, years ago, and we're exactly the same. No snake behavior, no attempts to use me for anything, no treating me differently. Americans are autistic as fuck and just can't have relationships.

>> No.5760852

Wholesome post anon, thanks for the advice, i'm sure it'll help greatly if I manage to remotely make it

>> No.5760983

Yup. Pull a Trump or otherwise you'll be a Notch instead.

>> No.5761195

it's true i don't have a direct sourcrs because i am lazy. starting now when you marry you are no longer married in 'gemeenschap van goederen ' unless you want it.

>> No.5761307

I tell my dad because he is into crypto too.

My girlfriend gives me money to put in my portfolio (we live together), but aside from those two no one else knows.

I'm posting from my wageslave job in the office toilet right now and I've earned 3x from crypto than my actual salary so far. Makes me sad for all these pathetic wagies selling time for money.

>> No.5761438

I was the same but my family kept seeing me looking at charts on the computer and asking me what I was doing, so eventually I gave in and told them. Now they're telling the extended family and friends that I'm rich. Fuck.

>> No.5761442

I told my parents, they cheered me once they got over the fear I'm gonna lose all my monies into some ponzi.

I told people I know, successfully got some on board and everybody's happy with the gains they've made, except they're saying that they should have put in more but it's not like I didn't tell them to put a good chunk.

>> No.5761575
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>mention i made some money from crypto to dad
>he tells all his friends his son is a wall street genius making big bucks on new tech
>get calls from his friends asking for hot tips
>shill them LINK and REQ

>> No.5761699


Going from unsuccessful to successful will really show you the ugly truth about humanity.

Not identical, but I have similar experience from a different area of life.

In school I was a quiet guy with very low confidence / self esteem. Mainly due to living with shitty parents. I was very much a loner with no friends, never mind any chance of a girlfriend.

Fast forward a year or two after leaving, I've grown from 5'8 to 6'3, grown a broader frame, gotten tanned, took better care of my skin and teeth, hit the gym hard. Improved posture, walk. Removed toxic parents from my life. Spent hours and hours refining my fashion sense and reading about female psychology. Started to get very good with women.

Now when I go out, I have a lot of success with women. I've gotten very good at it. The men around me absolute detest me. You wouldn't believe the resentment people have towards someone they've beaten down to shit but who doesn't give in and comes up and overtakes them. I went from loser to winner and people absolutely resent me for it.

I've doubled down on their jealousy and now I make it even more obvious that I'm very successful with girls. If these guys were smart they would ask me how I do it, but they're not, so they resent me instead.

>> No.5761705

Yeah, I dont have poor and dumb friends and family. My mother in law gave me 5k and told me I can keep 50% profit in a year from now. Already made 10k off of her money in 2 months. Lol.

Based filipinas

>> No.5761813

>My girlfriend gives me money to put in my portfolio (we live together)
Not keeping those portfolios separate could become a big issue if you break up

>> No.5761837

tell me to buy Confido or Espers on YoBit

>> No.5761849

keep doing god's work, anon!

>> No.5761862

I think my dad is kind of a different breed
Doesnt care how much I make evrn though I told him. He is fairly rich and keep on asking me to pray to god and doesnt expect a single penny from me
Keeps preaching me to rise above all these materialistic things and focus on meditation and stuff.

>> No.5761903

I love filipino moms
They treat me better than my own mom

>> No.5761919

So how do you do it anon

>> No.5762004


Fucking this, I will never ever get married in my life.
My parents spent their life together for about 20 years, simply living together under the same roof (inb4 degeneracy), they started a family, had me and my brother, and when they simply decided that they had enough with their relationship and watned to try something new, they just shook each other's hand and everyone went for his/her path. No divorce, no trials, no lawyers, no drama, nothing.


>> No.5762007

That's sick, you're a lucky guy

my dad is a manchild who makes 50,000 euros a year and works crazy hours to distract himself from the misery of his shitty life

I told him I was reading a book called "4 hour work week", and his response was "that sounds like hell", despite being, by far, the most bitter, cynical and pessimistic man I've ever met

some people can't be saved

>> No.5762049


pls gib story

>> No.5762058

>they just shook each other's hand and everyone went for his/her path.

I have a feeling they still have a better relationship than most married couples.

As soon as you label something, you box yourself in and you try your darndest to preserver that. That's stressful. Free love is the best love. Walk away if you want, come if you want.

>> No.5762147


Is your dad mine?

Vietnam vet, ended up vice president of a huge bank.

Retired at 45 to a small comfy cottage and hasn't worked a day since in 25 years (since he had me).

Wants me to be happy, and that's it. I think he truly "made it" after going through what he went through. Moving beyond the physical into the metaphysical, I suppose.

>> No.5762166

My parents are very good, I'm still an uni student living at home and they won't let me spend a dime, in fact I even feel bad and want to have a stable income already so I can pay them back. My current goal is to make so the 10% of my gains can be used without worrying to pay my mom and make her not work overtime anymore. Of course I'm not stupid and won't tell her to quit her job.

>> No.5762169

The absolute state of western society.
good job on getting your race extinct

>> No.5762181

>not sharing your wealth with your family if they were good to you

nigger kill yourself. Unlike you, I actually have a functioning family that loves me way before I ever made any sort of riches and now that they know they love me even more since I paid off our family house.

If you family is dysfunctional and shit then ok maybe you have a case but unlike your nigger tier family, I actually have a good one so your "advice" is pure bullshit mate.

>> No.5762215

> Now she asks me why WE never go on vacation

never change, roasties

>> No.5762219

Yea man it's crazy
My dad doesnt even watch tv
Doesnt eat out at any restaurant, nothing makes him happier than simple home food(no onion and garlic)
Constantly advises me to chose a job where there is less workload and stress, even though the pay can be lower
He is reading some book about god right now as I write this.

>> No.5762265

Well the obvious thing is to maximise physical traits as much as possible. It's not PC to say it, but physical attraction is way more important than anything else with regards women. Don't let people try to convince you other wise.

After that, you need to be two things :

- completely non-needy

- irrationally self confident

Best way to get these two traits? Go out with the sole purpose of getting rejected as many times as you possibly can. Go somewhere people don't know you obviously.

Tried to be as succinct as possible, that's as short as I could make it. Non neediness is huge. Convince yourself you don't need a woman and they will come to you.

>> No.5762276

you have a good dad anon, try to follow his path

>> No.5762300



>> No.5762352

>but physical attraction is way more important than anything else with regards women.
Not really.

Studies show that its status and the ability to defend and raise offspring is what matters to women

>> No.5762645
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> comes from a "good" family
> calls less fortunate people niggers
Anon, I...

>> No.5762659



OP is right more or less.

>> No.5762717

I know this and I still disclose my gains. I know what to expect of people so I'm not going to be surprised, if anything, it lets me weed the snakes earlier.

>> No.5762737

Long term? Yeah.

Short term? As in, getting them into bed? No.

Obviously I'm not going out to find a wife. A girl well suited to my personality won't be found in a nightclub. I go out to have fun and casual sex, I have no intention of forming relationships with girls I meet in nightclubs.

You would be disgusted at how true my posts are in reality, I've literally made eye contact with a girl, mouthed "come here", made out with her and had my hands all over her after a 10 second conversation. The power of body language and presence is something else.

>> No.5762738

Kek, I'm probably too convincing since I don't do anything to get them

>> No.5762745

Dude, filipinos are awesome.

My filipino in-laws take me on vacation every year ( and not anywhere shitty, always somewhere tropical in SE Asia), are super conservative (remind me of how Americans were in the 1950's), and constantly give me free food. I love my in laws, getting married was the best decision right under investing in crypto that I have ever made.

>> No.5762759

a dumbfuck family that's where he comes from.

>> No.5762808

Where did I say you shouldn't sharing a part of your wealth with you family?
Seems like the low IQ nigger with bad reading comprehesion is you.

You should just never tell them how much you make.

>> No.5762862

My mom still feeds me food with her own hands anon when I dont eat
How can I not share my money with her? Even if she has never once asked for it and hasnt spent any money on herself in the last 10 years

>> No.5762902

wealthy affluent individuals talk about their money, end of story. If you can't talk about your financials, then you're most likely broke or have no idea what you're doing. Hang around like minded people and you'll open up many more opportunities. I basically completely disagree with OP, everyone I run into knows about how much Crypto I have IF they ask me directly.

>> No.5762906

kraut here, how to marry a dutch cutie?

>> No.5762948


>The power of body language and presence is something else.

You just need balls man. Bitches sniff out any hesitation. It's like playing poker, even if you don't have a winning hand, you act like you have a winning hand.

>> No.5763143

Yes, you could tell them you bought a time machine but it doesn't work and now they scammed you 11 million $

>> No.5763152

Yeah they are very traditional catholic. I love their reactions to the crazy shit in the west. Like watching a grandma from the 50's

>> No.5763166

>Pull a Trump
Trump doesn't actually have all that much money, he's just in a good position.

>> No.5763422

there is a difference between shilling and disclosing your gains. it seems to me that people in this thread have to tell everyone about how much koinz they made. It is like telling people about how much you have in the bank.

>> No.5763551

Op also suggested not shilling crypto. Anyway, my parents are happy for me and I want to share some of it with them. They even refused to take money from me at first.

>> No.5763621

dont understand how people have so little pride and self awareness that they feel they are entitled to something you have because they spend time with you just wtf

>> No.5763640

You're a fucking retard mate.

>> No.5763835

I don't even make a lot of money, I'm still a wageslave, but I'm from a poor and corrupt country and if people knew I'm making ~$2000 a month working remotely I would probably be extorted, robbed or killed.

Even had a friend who just stopped talking to me when I told him.

>> No.5763965

>Hey anon I signed up to that internet coin thingy you mentioned ages ago
>"I got something called ripple and golem"
>What coins do you have ?? xD
>Realise this son of a bitch only talks to me to get crypto knowledge from me, remembering I mentions those months beforehand


>> No.5764002
File: 3.83 MB, 450x253, cope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>but physical attraction is way more important than anything else with regards women.
>Not really.
>Studies show that its status and the ability to defend and raise offspring is what matters to women

>> No.5764032

>it's not pc to say it, uh-oh!!, but....

Nigger, do you know where you are?

>> No.5764360

I told my dad and my uncle, they both gave me $100 to put in various coins for them.
Then while I was trading, their money was doing way better percentage wise.
So I learned a good lesson from helping them out. Buy and hold.

>> No.5764732

This is the fundamental difference between rich and poor - their mentality.

>> No.5764740

Wtf is this webm. Top kek

>> No.5764767
File: 66 KB, 645x729, 1512327553864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If these guys were smart they would ask me how I do it

your 6.3 if i was 6 feet id have good looking women around me even with no money.

26 year old manlet neet, last gf when 22. first when i was 16.

>> No.5764787

https://discord DOT gg/M2zvFvt FOR FREE PUMPS. dont be a loser.

>> No.5764878

Your parents know you extremely well, and can use everything they know about you to damage you psychologically, materially, legally...
The temporary ego boost of showing off your power will be short-lived. Not only will you regret the lapse in discipline soon after, you risk their vengeance for the rest of your life.
If they think of you as a failure now, it will only have a multiplier effect on the negative feels (shame, rage, envy) they feel if you show off.

>> No.5764907

>marrying a flip
That is even more cringe than marrying a chink. Way to project to the world that you have low testosterone. Everyone you meet thinks you have a mail order bride.

>> No.5764915

il be a loser you dicksucking faggot

>> No.5764986

Good man. I've been working towards becoming you.
How long did it take?

>> No.5765016

You would be amazed at what confidence, high self esteem and non-neediness can accomplish.

Look at RSD Tyler for a guy who has mastered the game completely. Ugly, ginger manlet. If he doesn't inspire you I don't know what will. Something tells me you're way too pessimistic to accept advice anyway.

A guy I know in college is 5'5 / 5'6 and has slept with over 100 women.

>> No.5765090


>> No.5765176

Pretend you are remote IT or remote software dev or something. I’m a dev, my last job was 100% remote with the occasional business trip, your “business trips” could just be vacations.

>> No.5765182

>Way to project to the world that you have low testosterone. And by the way, this is what other people will think of you, which you should care about
hard xD

>> No.5765264

I told my parents and they gave me a lot of money to invest now I'm sitting on a 1.5 million dollar portfolio. They just want 10 percent of the pie , and want me to keep basically use that money to setup a future for my self . Start a business now. They want me to cash out now because of how the volatile the market is but I think the steady gains like we have now will be around for a while. I'll probably cash out q4 2018.

>> No.5765471


This. Stay in California, faggot.

>> No.5765555


Good plan. I think Q4 this year or early next year will have a slow down period, but things will continue to pick up again eventually.

>> No.5765862

what is non needines?

anyway had hot gfs in the past. llooking at theur current bfs dont think they would stay with a guy like me now ( and im not even super short, im 5.8) .. but i dont care.

anatomy is destiny.

when ill cash out on my altcoin in about 1 year time, ill just fuck escorts.