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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5757225 No.5757225 [Reply] [Original]

>The ABSOLUTE state of /r/bitcoin

holy kek

>> No.5757261

the important thing is you've found a way to feel superior

>> No.5757269

why shit on him? I don't get it.

>> No.5757281

It's cool?

>> No.5757287

Imagine being that much of a manchild. Holy shit. No wonder white women prefer non-whites now.

>> No.5757302
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>> No.5757305
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>> No.5757309

the nu-males are invading /biz/ REEEEE

>> No.5757314
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manchildren buying depreciating toys instead of trying to maximise profits in the biggest bull market of this decade

>> No.5757316

stop ruining biz you fkn normie cunts

>> No.5757320

how dare he take some profits out and buy a product with it!! it should stay a number on his blockfolio app !!: @:@ :@ :@ :@

>> No.5757333

Why the fuck didn’t they just use bitflur or some shit?

>> No.5757341


>> No.5757342

those things are for zelda.
zelda is a legendary game franchise.
you play as a legend... LINK.

>> No.5757347

>he took those profits to buy a $300(?) device when he could've tripled those profits

>> No.5757354

>Dude starts with crypto and made enough gains to cash out and make himself a gift

Why should I laugh, he's already better than pink wojack posters who bought the shitcoin of the week at ath

>> No.5757357

Hmm. Jesus christ. You guys are calling him a manchild, yet here you are on an anime messaging board.

>> No.5757376

I get that some people don't have a lambo as their goal, but this just feels kinda wasteful. Oh well, not my problem. Soyboy gonna soy

>> No.5757377
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>> No.5757404





>> No.5757406

>has no friends to tell so makes a post on leddit

>> No.5757407
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>> No.5757490

So what? Would buy one myself if I was younger.

>> No.5757512

better than putting it back in btc desu

>> No.5757519

Well no anon, cashing out is okay as long as you put the money in another investment like bonds / PM / Stocks ... Buying stuff is a waste of money. Especially shit like this which you do not need. The problem is he made profits and immediately gave in to short them gratification. Aim for long term gratification. Like 5 - 10, everybody likes to buy nice shit but unless its a small % of your net worth you are throwing money away. That's how poor people stay poor.

>> No.5757522

this board is full of children, what do you expect

>> No.5757558

faggot bugman

>> No.5757563

>cashing out in the year of crypto

seriously dont do this

>> No.5757610

>but unless its a small % of your net worth you are throwing money away
do you think 300$ is a big part of his net worth?
might as well cut on food and toilet paper and put everything into magic internet money/stocks/bonds.

>> No.5757615
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The absolute state of white soyboy men

>> No.5757623

He bought a toy. Kys

>> No.5757629
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This shit is unironically triggering me

>> No.5757644

> not cashing out taxes
> not cashing out small goodies before the big crash

you will end up with literally negative balance

>> No.5757654


>using the single most appreciating type of asset in the world right now to buy the single most depeciating type of asset in the world right now

>paying people to get you hooked on mindless entertainment when you haven't even made yourself rich enough to be free yet

Can you not see the incredible stupidity? I know it's only $300 or so but that $300 could be worth an extra $10,000 minimum by the end of the year if he invests it correctly. Where will that fucking games console be? Outdated or broken probably.

This is the problems with Gen Y. They will never be boomers or better until they understand what the fuck wealth is and how to keep it. Hint, it's not this.

Then they have the nerve to turn around and whinge that they can't afford houses, mortgages or rent.

>> No.5757675

Nice. I might take some profits to get a new computer.

>> No.5757695


>> No.5757710

300$ is quite a bit. Its prob 10% of his monthly wage. That's substantial, again a lot of people can not stand the idea of long term gratification. They want something and they want it now. That's how you stay poor dumb dumb. Toilet paper is okay that's like 2$ or 0.02% of your wage. Food should be 5 - 10% since its hard to avoid. Still a lot of money that would have been way better invested desu. Food is truly a giant fucking money sink. Too bad people have to eat.

>> No.5757726

He's most likely living with parents and doesn't have an actual job. All his posts on reddit are about games or noob crypto questions.

>> No.5757730

He should have bought 10 SNES classics, he could sell them on ebay and make 2x profit easily. Literally doing it wrong.

>> No.5757733

If he has to be a manchild, he should at least do it with a PS4 and not some Nintendo kiddie game console. I bet he plays some wahoo bing bong super mario on it.

>> No.5757739
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redditors should all kill themselves

>> No.5757742
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>> No.5757743
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>> No.5757748


Right? I've subsisted only on water and crumbs in my computer chair for weeks now. I've shut off all my utilities and am just barely surviving in this -20 C weather. But at least I'm making gains.

You're a retard, why do anything remotely fun for the rest of your life if you can just invest it.

>> No.5757765
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>> No.5757779


>> No.5757783


>Tfw I've been unironically thinking of doing this the whole week

I just really wanna play Mario Odyssey desu ;_;

>> No.5757797


>depreciating asset

Actually if he bought one during launch in March he could have sold it for 1.5x profit because nobody could find switches for months. So it's not that bad, but now there are enough switches in the wild and it will depreciate as a result. Which is why I said he should buy a ton of SNES classics and sell them on ebay if he wants to be a manchild. At least he can play it then sell it for massive profits.

>> No.5757854


Like I said, do fun things when you've got enough that you don't have to work anymore and your wealth will basically grow on its own.

Or else don't whine about having to wageslave so much when you keep siphoning off your economic power to put into pleasures that'll get you nowhere.

>> No.5757865

Pointless console with 1 game on it. The GPD win 2 is on the way and will blow this thing out of the fucking water. It already runs doom at a higher fps than the switch. Of course it comes at double the price but it will be well worth it to play more recent steam titles and ps2 games on the go. Oh well, guess whatever floats your boat. I would personally keep my money in the coins though.

>> No.5757884

wtf are you want? wahoo bing bong super mario is best game

>> No.5757899

Swirtch is 300$
Its cheap if he made a 5,000 profit.

Anything less is splurging.

If you ask me one night with an escort is just as good

>> No.5757931

>paying some cum dumpster to have sex with you

>> No.5757938


>> No.5757968
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This. I understood why my parents are elitist after coming to terms with this. Poor people deserve poverty for the choices they make.

>> No.5757990

I intend on cashing out only once and that’s to get back the money I started with to break even. Beyond that it’s staying where it’s at until I either reach a million-ish, or the market indicates i should get out while I still can. This money isn’t sleeping and I’ve hardly been either.

>> No.5758009


What coin is this?

>> No.5758011


>Paying for sex

And inb4 'you always pay for it somehow', paying for sex by talking to some qt at a party is a lot cheaper than paying for it with real monies.

>> No.5758026

You have to reward yourself every once in a while, or you forget why you're doing what you're doing. Making money is no different. I, myself, cashed out some BTC for Amazon gift cards and got a new DSLR. It was a very small percentage of my crypto holdings, but it will give me reference of what things can be if I keep going.

>> No.5758034

>food is a giant money sink
Where the hell do you live where food is that expensive? Here in the first world I can easily live off of 100€ for food per month. Thats less than one fifth of my monthly rent alone and easily below 10% of my monthly income.

>> No.5758038

I'm going to sell my RPX for a brand new iMac pro, stop me

>> No.5758041

you dont pay a thot for sex
you pay them to fuck off in the morning

>> No.5758045
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you guys are fucking stupid if you think buying things that provide non-monetary value such as fun or happiness are worthless and meaningless. Learn to live. You guys will lose all of your money and never enjoy life if you put it all into a single thing and expect insane returns. There is such thing as limiting exposure and profit taking. Without it, you are bound to get burned eventually.

>> No.5758065

you have to go back

>> No.5758066

Why do fully grown bugmen still love toys?

>> No.5758096

Not everybody is as poor as you. I pay for good service without any drama or emotions.

>> No.5758099


I can't agree with this, time should be the most valuable thing to anyone, it is the only thing you cannot get more of. If you make a little less so be it, life should be spent living.

>> No.5758116

>limited exposure and profit taking

I’ll take asset and risk diversification for 500 Alex

>> No.5758129

I guarantee you I've been on 4chan longer than you. You probably spawned from /pol/ or some other shithole in a gross part of the US with little to no income if you think I'm wrong.

>> No.5758138
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How do you get time?

>> No.5758149

why are they fucking married to their dinosaur coin i dont get it, are they just completely ignoring all the altcoins that are fucking mooning left and right?

>> No.5758165


>> No.5758176


I wish I knew :(

>> No.5758190

You unlock it wealth my friend

>> No.5758203


>> No.5758211
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>> No.5758233
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>> No.5758238


>Spending all your time in order to free up time in your 40s

Sounds legit.

>> No.5758244


The rich are working on it, they are trying to get immortality research going. I would suggest getting as much money as you can because I'm pretty sure we will see something that will extend our lifespans within our lifetime, but nobody but the rich will be able to afford it. Not full blown immortality but research with renewing cells that will have us look 20-30 years younger is possible. So you can earn back some decades.

>> No.5758280

Disgusting i lmao @him next year when my 300 i didnt take out is now 3000

>> No.5758301


>> No.5758302


> bUUa

> am i kawaii? Zgu

> red ID

your really a cunt aye

>> No.5758310
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Just cashed in another 3k dollars for my alt hodl.

>> No.5758316

I want to hit your fucking face. Fucking whiny normies

>> No.5758350


This place is the epicenter of the crypto shitstorm. Nobody in /biz/ gives a fuck about anime you retard.

>> No.5758379
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>shilling meme coins on weaboo image board
>I'm not playing on the computer mom I'm an investor

>> No.5758403



>> No.5758408

This is actually pretty triggering tbqh

>> No.5758416


>> No.5758421
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Who said spending all my time? You are not getting my point. How to handle money was always integrated into my raising. Instead of instant gratifications I focused on building my wealth, lived below my means, reinvesting, and in the long run I don't have to jack shit. My money makes more money for me, I don't buy useless shit with it. This was going to happen in my early 40s or late 30s as you put it. But crypto currencies accelerated this I'm even shocked. Now I'm free as a bird, travelling the world and lurking 4chan when bored. Your lambos and depreciating assets will keep you company as you waste most of your life employed.

>> No.5758437

This. If my parents had invested all the money they spent on the lottery and scratch cards they'd never have to work again now. Instead they wagecuck for a pittance.

>> No.5758451
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By buying manhours to do the work for you.

>> No.5758506
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Peter Thiel comes to mind

>> No.5758521
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>mfw i actually do that

Well shit...

>> No.5758529

>Monthly wage
This fucking board

>> No.5758540


>> No.5758548

At least it's better than wasting $400 on virtual cats.

>> No.5758569

Bugman confirmed

>> No.5758662


>> No.5758673


No I get your point, but unless you think you're gonna make at LEAST 5 mil you're delusional to think that you're gonna make enough to be financially independant til your death. So while you refuse to spend money on yourself at all while chasing that dream, I will have cashed out a bit of that money and spent my prime years enjoying life.

>> No.5758731


>> No.5758789
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>Prime years
I understand if you are female then. Also you're not thinking out of the box anon, after getting the 5MM are you going to sit on it? No, inflation will kill you. You find ways to grow it...This amount can get you a long way

>> No.5758814

holy fuck i haven't laughed that hard in a while

>> No.5758816

what are you buying with it anon

>> No.5758820

/biz/ is being invaded by reddit like /pol/ was, soon this board will devolve into a state similar to current /pol/

>> No.5758844

Actually lambos are also expensive toys tho

>> No.5758858

You will never make it.

>> No.5758902

No enterprise spirit beats politics. Investing only in your left / right wing beliefs literally only gives you half the earning potential.

Without entrepreneurs politics is just a shitty debate

I welcome pol though. Their fud makes coin increase in price like IOTA and XLM

>> No.5758908
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>> No.5758919

Also wanted to buy Switch because I made 0.444 btc from 0.178 in two weeks but decided to just invest for better gains instead buying overpriced shit with like 2 games I would play on it

>> No.5758920

>am I le 4channing yet xD

>> No.5759028

What a retard. I just asked my mommy to buy me one for Christmas.

>> No.5759124
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>> No.5759135


>> No.5759159

i get your point but for all we know he has over $100k in crypto already, it's be far stupid if he bought a new car like most redditors do.

>> No.5759191

Fuck I was actually considering buying the Monero sweater but this post made me realize I'm a tremendous faggot.

/biz/, you always steer me the right direction.

>> No.5759222

hahahaha fucking hell

>> No.5759226

I have enough invested in crypto that I now just use my job for fun money. Cashing out of this bull run is cuck tier shit.

>> No.5759388

This. Thiel specifically gave millions to sens.org, and LEAF crowdfunds for specific anti-aging research too. Some bitcoin whale gave $1m to sens.org which is cool. But it would be economic suicide for anti-aging therapies to be limited to only the rich. The expense of aging and social security will eventually drive the demand and necessity for funding affordable therapies.

>> No.5759426

They are jelly of the Switch.

>> No.5759428


>> No.5759452

Anon, I...

>> No.5759514

I thought writing the word "alt" was a bannable offense there


>> No.5759771


>> No.5759787

>anon is furious people realize profits while he forever sits on bags

>> No.5759795

I probably have so much crypto waiting around to get cashed out I could buy the whole soy industry and make nu males homo again

>> No.5759826

fucking faggot

>> No.5759827

fuck you

>> No.5759994

That's a good call though. What else would you do? Buy more fucking LINK? At least with a Switch you get to actually BE Link.

>> No.5760299


>> No.5760302
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>> No.5760333
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fuck off r*dditors

>> No.5760363

>OP yells at some redditor for taking out $400 out of what's probably a $4-10,000 stack for a video game console while dreaming of $2-300,000 Lambos.

>> No.5760468

Stop playing video games
hit the gym and get ripped or some shit
fuck even watching anime is better

>> No.5760633
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Well, I am just sitting on a mound of shitcoins from 2016-early 2017, laughing and doing nothing while normies pump my stack to the fucking thermosphere.

>> No.5760650

Reddit, the post

>> No.5760683

I've thought so many times over the past year - "this is a sign it's all coming to an end now".. but at this point it's getting completely fucking ridiculous. I want this shit to crash hard so all these dumb ass "investors" that jumped on the train three weeks ago when CNBC started shilling 24/7 get completely fucking rekt and leave.

>> No.5760695
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Unironically me, and I have 40k sitting in my bank account. When I turn that into 400k and I'm retired in Japan I won't remember these cold days

100% serious desu

>> No.5760726
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jesus christ thats disgusting

>> No.5760777

What if he was one of the whales that had 3MM or something? He didn't say anything about his net worth. Maybe he has a good job too.

$500 isn't a lot to everyone.

>> No.5760818

What did Kek mean by this? Fcuking normies REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5760844

Bbubtbtubbtubututbtbut it's different because the lambo will finally be what it takes to get the opposite sex to notice them

>> No.5760877
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lambo is just a meme

>> No.5760879


Honestly 400k ain't enough anon. I will probably hit that later this year if the market continues the way it is, and desu I'm starting to doubt 1 million will be my end goal, that's like chump change these days for rich people. Seems like for rich you aren't somebody until you have 10 million or more.

>> No.5760888

>Bank account

>> No.5760919


Also don't leave that much in a bank account, you are losing value to inflation every year, take it and at least buy stocks or something.

>> No.5760943

The Alt is the only time they made profit.

>> No.5761048
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*32k Bittrex, 10k Binance
Slip of the tongue, mb. I started with 2k when ETH was $47 and LTC was $22, if I wasn't a complete fucking retard I'd have 400k by now already

>> No.5761057

I have a switch. But Im also a /pol/biz/fit/ guy.

I do agree tho a good bunch of Switch users are numales.

>> No.5761104


Good post.
I feel similarly in regards to the superiority complex. I try to fight it but most of my close friends live life like the typical american -- spending money they don't have on useless shit (buy a nice car w/ loan, out for drinks every night, etc.). A few of them are in deep credit card debt now and the others are barely above water as they wage slave away. None of them even take the free fucking 401k match from their employer despite me explaining multiple times that it's free money. Whatever - I've given up. Let them do it their way.

>> No.5761131


Whites know women only want alimony and child support. No wonder whites are superior.

>> No.5761134
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lol I'm unironically a big nigger and I own this
Oh btw my gf isn't black if u know what I mean
y'all mad ?

>> No.5761170

>owning anything nintendo after 10 years old


>> No.5761193
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I bought my boyfriend a switch. He loves it!

>> No.5761215

r/bitcoin almost as bad as r/BTC. Fuck bitcoin and shitfork maximalists.

>> No.5761221
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I just want a quiet life in Japan with my waifu, I don't want lambos or mansions, just a beautiful koi pond and a nigger-free society.

>> No.5761238

>not understanding that low development costs on a handheld console can lead to new innovation not seen in the console space

>> No.5761255

None of them even take the free fucking 401k match from their employer

Jesus christ I cannot tell you how many of my coworkers I've tried to explain the 401k system to. Its like most people have no idea how to save their fucking money.

>> No.5761261


>> No.5761276

>a game about going to the moon
>collecting coins


>> No.5761301

i hope your waifu is 2d

>> No.5761326

top kek

>> No.5761415

ouch that one physically hurt.

>> No.5761508

How are you planning to get a citizenship there anon? My dream is to go on a month long holiday there just exploring the cities and the rural landscape and all the niche restaurants which i can afford but due to work i can't do it yet nor do i want to lose all of my money,

I want to move there too if i like it and the only viable option I have is marriage, but i wouldn't be there long enough to find someone to marry so it seems like an endless cycle
What's your plan anyway?

>> No.5761531


I think it's deeper than that.
At least with my closer friends - they now have a deep understanding of what a 'savers mindset' looks like, how to establish a basic cash flow budget that's incredibly easy to stick to, have friends that are willing to go drink in one another's backyard or whatever to save money on bars, etc. etc.

They just don't want to. They can't see envision any lifestyle for themselves that doesn't revolve around the 9-5. It's quite sad. Maybe a lot of people - the type of people that would never post on a 4chan board - actually like wageslaving? To me it was so torturous that I would have rather ended my life than go into the office one more day.

>> No.5761573


Feels bad anon, I would have also had 300-400k if I wasn't fucking stupid with antshares and sold before it turned to NEO...

>> No.5761627


>> No.5761666


Japan does have an investor visa you can get, I think. Not a bad idea to try but I think you'd probably need to be a millionaire already to really get it easily.

>> No.5761724

best comment haha relatable

>> No.5761746

Yeah marriage is looking to be the only way for someone without a degree. I just feel like i need to fucking go there at least to see what it's like

>> No.5761797

I'm still considering the "Buy high sell low" T-shirt, srs.
Also lol @ thinking that this bull market is gonna last forever. My grandma asked me to buy her bitcoins after seeing them on tv in Eastern Europe, there's literally no-one left to buy, and I'm cashing out 10% of my portfolio, too...
Not to play beta male games, tho, I'm just diversifying

>> No.5761838
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No stress, no charts, no chasing pumps

>> No.5761876

But does Japan want you, anon?

>> No.5761893


Normies only know about Bitcoin and very few even know about alts like Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash. We're still safe. Until I hear normies talking about QTUM, NEO, or REQ or some shit no crash is coming just yet

>> No.5761894


If theres a will theres a way simple as that.

>> No.5761927

>you'd probably need to be a millionaire already
that's most countries. now imagine you are trying desperately to leave a third world shithole

i find it funny americans and europeans find it offensive when laws apply to them when they want to migrate, and still you have it 1000% easier

>> No.5761936

oh would u look at that he's a blackbelt

>> No.5761943

I bought a switch too with .1% of my profits. Somehow I think my portfolio will survive.
Rewarding yourself with your gains is fine but it should be a very small chunk of your portfolio. My first reward was a steak dinner that I prepared myself. This time was a Switch. Next time will be a decent vehicle. Time after that will be a house. And the time after that will be some whore(I think normalfags call them girlfriends) who I'll trade out for a different model every few weeks or months.

>> No.5761966

I think i'll be having some fun with this.

>> No.5762037


>> No.5762139

That's just subculture coming with gaming.
You have all types of embarassing communities.

I used to sell hobby products at conventions. Most of the customers are freaky ladies or old fat ladies.

>> No.5762140
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I'm a /fit/ white male. Sure I'm autistic but I can blame that on language barriers.

I even know basic Hiragana thanks to namasensei

>> No.5762176

Eventually but they'll be limited to just the rich for decades so make money now.

>> No.5762196

lmao you bitch

>> No.5762248

Kanpai fucker

>> No.5762283


>> No.5762285

Gotta admit I'm guilty of that, I always thought that I could go live to whatever country I wanted, considering I'm from a good country

>> No.5762320

>i find it funny americans and europeans find it offensive
Where did he say anything about finding it offensive? He simply stated the conditions and you're the one that read into them and saw a problem.

>> No.5762353
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Did this dude push his chewing gum against his baby tooth so he wouldn't look like a fucking bobo next to this chick?

>> No.5762677

>first guy posts a screencap from Reddit
>Second guy says first guy might not have his life in order
>NEETs reeeee on second guy, calling him a redditor

You see how you are missing some important detail here?

>> No.5762743


ahahah oh god

>> No.5762913

>spending over 1% of your portfolio on a toy
Lamboland is about making enough to buy a lambo without even noticing it. Anyone buying a lambo before hitting at least 8 figures is a fucking retard unless they were obsessed with lambos since childhood and its literally been their life dream to own one in which case they're still a retard but a happy one.

>> No.5762987

Anime is a coping mechanism for depressed and suicidal people. Video games is for children.

>> No.5763040


>> No.5763070
File: 21 KB, 125x85, 142107012735s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> tfw stopped goint to the gym since I discovered cryptos
> spend all days and night reading articles, YT tutorials, discord and lurking biz
> sleep like shit, eating less than 2000 calories a day, just veggies and pasta
> i can literally see my trips getting flabbier and smalles
> mfw the gains goblin finally got me

h-hold me /fit/.. i mean /biz/

>> No.5763092
File: 581 KB, 2226x1264, How to lose your Switch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5763100
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>> No.5763115


fuck, I used to do that..

>> No.5763170

Newbie question:

Coinbase is used to buy BTC.
GDAX is its affiliate where you can exchange BTC for altcoins?

>> No.5763193

https://discord DOT gg/M2zvFvt IS FOR WINNERS. dont be a loser and make MONEY!

>> No.5763355

the joke
>my head

>> No.5763440


will brozouf ever moon?

>> No.5763451
File: 102 KB, 720x913, received_248982625634630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the beginning of last year I had 500 bucks to my name. My friend was homeless so my mom let him stay with us. I kind of sorta wanted a Nintendo switch, but I knew about Ethereum and had a little bit of foresight so I put all my money into it. My friend around the same time ended up buying a Nintendo switch and a new TV, and tried to ask if I wanted to own half of the switch with some of my gains, obviously I refused. I tried to get him to put his money in Eth but he didn't want to buy an ATH or risk his money...

40k later I still haven't bought
a switch, though it's getting tempting now. I think I'll buy one when I hit 70k

>> No.5763456

Please tell us enlightened one, what market have you heard of in the last 10 years where you could put money on something and come back a week later for it to be worth 10 times as much?

>> No.5763505
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This shit never gets old

>> No.5763582
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>> No.5763595
File: 25 KB, 1078x647, exodus-portfolio-all@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hear me out. This is what everyone of you who wants to get rich with Crypto needs to do.

>Install Exodus for friends, family normies etc
What is Exodus? Exodus is an extremely user friendly Bitcoin wallet that also hosts wallets of other coins. Full control over your private key, no registration like on exchanges, and you can convert one coin to any other coin that is supported by Exodus.

>Give them free BTC
Why should you do that? Giving away money instead of getting it? Ridiculous!
Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies work with the network effect. The more people use it the more exponentially it increases in value. Right now all the people that are tech savvy enough and money risky enough to get into Bitcoin got into it. Most people think it's too late for them.
Give them free Bitcoin. Even if they're not doing anything with it and just let it sit around they can see it grow in value daily, which makes them think about getting into it.
I got this idea from getting the Binance TRONIX airdrop not bothering with it because I viewed it as worthless, but seeing it increase in value makes me want to get some despite having no idea what it even is. It's basic psychology.

>But why should _I_ GIVE them money?
I'm not talking about a lot. I'm talking about like 50 bucks to a bunch of friends. I expect a lot of you have made a lot of money with Crypto already and the experienced of you know that a bunch of hundred bucks are nothing. How much money do you lose daily by average fluctuations? How much money do you put in shitcoins just for the hope of a x10. View it as an investment that increases the value of ALL of your coins.

>Why Bitcoin? Bitcoin is dead!
Bitcoin has the greatest normie recognition. People are likely gonna be happy if you tell them you give them free Bitcoin. Installing a wallet requires time and they need to trust you with their computer. Free money is a great motivator for that. Of course you're free to give them any coin.

>> No.5763658


Aw shit I meant to make a new thread

>> No.5764213


>> No.5764226
File: 436 KB, 989x1000, 17734D9E-C572-45DC-96CF-062BD2936C13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the Fuck back to plebbit reeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.5764283

>being so autistic you shit on people for cashing out a little bit here and there to enjoy some of their gains

>> No.5764392

I've bought a lawnmower, a Switch and an inground pool. Fight me., faggot.

>> No.5764493

No they won't you dumb fuck, you have no fucking clue how big the outrage would be. People would literally refuse to work and demand they get a share. We are programmed to want to live as long as possible, the economy would go to complete shit since most people would put ALL of their money into anti aging shit. AGAIN if you live longer you have more time to make money so logically you put all your money into anti aging. You have plenty of time anyhow then. The only way to fix the economy falling apart is for the government to make it cheaper.

And even then competition will likely arise, anti aging is a TRILLION dollar industry.

>> No.5764598

I bought a rent and food for 2 years and a used car.
Still have 90% in crypto

>> No.5764612
File: 75 KB, 940x492, AAEAAQAAAAAAAA14AAAAJDc2MTNmZTc1LThiNWMtNDAyMC1hMjkwLTE1ZGY4NzlmN2UxMA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*must not laugh*
*will not laugh*

>> No.5764728

My coworkers who are pretty normie have been talking about ETH and "alt coins" though I haven't heard them mention many specifics, they know all about the game. Then again they are business savvy, but still pretty normie

>> No.5764865
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>> No.5765310


We can make this bull market last very long


>> No.5765516

/pol, fuck off

>> No.5765736


>> No.5765908
File: 86 KB, 1178x1170, 11651651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5766490
File: 52 KB, 344x251, 1512893142733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking switch

>> No.5766502



>> No.5766614

They don't want him. Even if he was the greatest medical doctor or most innovative engineer this planet has ever seen they wouldn't give him citizenship. I don't understand why so many weeaboo assfucker retards think the most racist xenophobic ethnostate on this planet is going to take in their pale flabby ass because they made 1 million dollars on crypto

>> No.5766713

This is clearly fake - everyone knows that you CAN'T CASH OUT.

>> No.5766723
File: 523 KB, 580x1584, wojak_de_milo_stock_crash1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5766824


>> No.5766892

came in expecting this.

leaving satisfied