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57576450 No.57576450 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here actually believe him? If so then why? I'm genuinely curious bros

>> No.57576483

nick szabo created bitcoin

>> No.57576487

Nobody here unironically believes he's Satoshi. There are people who know he's a lying retard, and Pajeets who get paid to shill him and post cringe memes

>> No.57576491

what's there to believe, if he's Satoshi then just move some Bitcoin from one of his wallets, until he can do that nothing he says matters.

>> No.57576498

he looks fuckin amazing

that suit tie color combo is legit poppin'

lot of us could learn from that

>t. a black man

>> No.57576501
File: 450 KB, 727x709, vB9Oqyufcw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also my cock is so big bro you wouldn't even believe it's like 10 inches big man no lie

>> No.57576613

Yes. Because hes Wright.

>> No.57576693

You mean the guy who didn't know Bitcoin was Turing Complete?

>> No.57576786

Of course he would say that since there's no such thing as "Turing Complete" in reality. Computers don't have infinite memory. Nick Szabo = Satoshi, confirmed

>> No.57577064

That isn't what he meant and you know it. By the same token CSW was correct in his assertion that Bitcoin is Turing Complete in practical terms.

>> No.57577128

bitcoin isn't turning complete
just because a drunkard say's the Earth is flat doesn't mean he is into some crazy esoteric knowledge
it means he's had too much cheap wine lol

>> No.57577137


>> No.57577188

damn, satoshi has this much good taste in fashion?

>> No.57577334

>does anyone actually believe him?
because its obvious

>> No.57577396

yes cause it's obvious to anyone with a working brain

>> No.57577480
File: 461 KB, 557x604, Monday_MustBeCourt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be creg
>wake up with hangover
>Calvin calling you a cunt on the text
>another 3 days solid of being asked dumb questions by dumb little people
>quickly knock up some improved new forgeries to give lawyer

>> No.57577511

He's btfo'd COPA this entire trial.

>> No.57577517

which trial are you watching then?

>> No.57578976

Craig does dress well because he's got some aristocratic fantasies. Remember his cringe post about listening to Mozart?
He's a major narcissist. People who love classical music don't need to broadcast it as part of their identity, because it's quite elitist and frankly a little embarrassing to explain to normoids.

T. Classical music lover

>> No.57578983
File: 195 KB, 571x513, X74mTiyyXm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean look anyone who likes classical music is by definition a complete fag and so this guy is a narcissist and a loser and probably has a small penis because he's a total retard i mean you gotta be some kind of retard to like music like that i mean i don't know i'm a honey badger i don't think much about music because i don't give a crap i just don't like listening to it at all so if you want some advice i've got nothing for you bro i don't give a damn about you

>> No.57578996

>subhuman rambling
Yep, OK bro.

>> No.57579001

Notebook (as in paper, not computer) he used for one his forgery wasn't even being produced yet as confirmed by the factory's manager.
>This was a super secret custom production for me only, the manager wouldn't know about it

>> No.57579011

anon you're talking to a bot

>> No.57579017

i can't believe it lmao
how can he be so dumb and how do you recover from this

>> No.57579039

How can you tell? Apologies, I'm old

>> No.57579042

the pajeet shitcoin image that's being spammed on every thread

>> No.57579048
File: 26 KB, 1080x1080, a4go4MdpIX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally don't give a shit about your shitty ass thread

>> No.57579231 [DELETED] 

Factory manager couldn't possibly be a laser eyes BSV maxi with MSM-induced WDS (Wright Derangement Syndrome) like 99% of people

>> No.57579234
File: 77 KB, 248x272, moar!_bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>quickly knock up some improved new forgeries to give lawyer

>> No.57579359

cregs dissertation software ate his references
>"not plagiarism then, is it?
>''Dr.' C. S. Wright, 2024'

>> No.57579535

GUMBO CHUMBO Supervises my PhD's
eh, AY CHUNG as well
>hes Chinese
>sorry, I'm bad at making up names

>> No.57579830

I believe we live in a simulation and Craig Wright is a recent example of one of the simulation's periodic belief tests, like "Who killed Kennedy?", "Who masterminded 9/11?", Who is Qanon?", etc. That's why there is enough circumstantial evidence to convince anyone he is Satoshi while simulataneously there is an equal amount of evidence to convince anyone he is a fraud and a scammer and there will never be any resolution one way or another. I guarantee there will be no clear outcome to the COPA case, because for whatever reason, the simulation like to drag out the uncertainty forever. In a traditional, non-simulation, Newtonian reality, you would never get these unprovable Schrödinger's cat-type scenarios.

>> No.57579885

Con men always dress and speak very well.
They have to, because they can't exactly convince anyone on the technical merits...
They convince people they have a great deal and are highly trustworthy through surface level signalling (words, dress).

>> No.57579899

>Dr Wright, all of your claimed supporting witnesses here state, they have never heard of you?
>'I'm uh, really bad with names'
>'names and faces, bad, very bad'
>'possible I confuse them all for someone else'
hes getting fucking raped here
>That's why there is enough circumstantial evidence to convince anyone he is Satoshi
about time he produced this claimed 'circumstantial evidence' then
because so far?
there is none. Nada, null and fucking zip.

>> No.57579918

>Does anyone here actually believe him?
some do
bsv bagholders + sunk cost fallacy

>> No.57579936

Does he have severe autism by any chance?
I just cant fathom how he cant see how easily everyone in the world can tell he is not satoshi, and how obvious it is hes faking some narrative and evidence around it.

Its like a 5 year old trying to tell you story of the cat from the woods eating the cookies when they have crumbs and chocolate all around their mouth.

If he legit has autism then it makes sense why he cant understand how everyone else sees it. If he is narcissist on top of it then it makes even more sense

>> No.57579954
File: 699 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240212_081930_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin, just as Satoshi intended. Or Satoshi's Vision you might call it.

>> No.57579955

You're confusing circumstantial evidence with direct evidence, but yes, it's way past due he should produce some direct evidence of his claims. The simulation won't allow it though, the same as it won't allow COPA to produce a unequivocal direct evidence that will put him in prison for fraud, perjury, IP crimes, etc.

>> No.57579959
File: 343 KB, 944x851, textbook_case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add in compulsive liar
and numerous other disorders, too many to mention
hes quite the package, is creg

>> No.57579964

>You're confusing circumstantial evidence with direct evidence
he literally has neither tho

>> No.57579974

>it won't allow COPA to produce a unequivocal direct evidence that will put him in prison for fraud, perjury, IP crimes, etc.
also, watch this space
hes getting fucked for this, otherwise, entire Justice system may as well give up. I have never seen a more deserving case of fraud, perjury, etc - no exaggeration. And demonstrable absolute contempt for the Courts.

>> No.57580006

>hes getting fucked for this, otherwise, entire Justice system may as well give up
I guarantee he won't, the trial will be inconclusive and both sides will be able to claim partial victory from their point of view, and he will still be making people seethe for years to come.

>> No.57580748

>'Micrososfts Patch Tuesday is only on Tuesdays for plebs..'
Judge is getting right bored with cregs shit now

>> No.57581539

>classical music is pretentious, says man who doesn't capitalize proper nouns and can't get through a sentence without swearing
You're just a retard

>> No.57581565

I’m Australian so I can tell he’s lying

But it’s hilarious so I’m going to keep going along with it because it makes Americans seethe for some reason


>> No.57581580

What's the point of living in style if you have to live in court 6 months out of the year

>> No.57581651

your convict is getting shipped back shortly, Old School style

>> No.57581752

Looks a little gay, m8

>> No.57581826

Based sovlful nigga

>> No.57581928
File: 74 KB, 313x238, ndood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoosh be stylin, bro

>> No.57581949

imo they are trying to use an odious dummy to bait satoshi into doxxing himself. but he never fell for it which is cool