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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 409 KB, 718x620, nig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57578772 No.57578772 [Reply] [Original]


Looking to buy one of these, anyone care to weigh in? STBU recently had a dump because they promised something and didn't deliver. is it over for them?nx4mr

>> No.57578785

Also was looking at Polytrade

>> No.57578836

RIO for sure. Day in day out the most mentioned coin on X. Very juicy mcap, this will melt faces

>> No.57578878

thank you

>> No.57578990

Oh also, I thought also about holding STBU. However, STBU is Ukrainian. Ukraine is obviously going to lose the war and Ukrainians are very corrupt. It is the most corrupt country in europe. Do the maths

>> No.57579386
File: 103 KB, 659x635, Redpilled Stobox CEO Gene STBU Gates WEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STBU recently had a dump because they promised something and didn't deliver. is it over for them?nx4mr
lol. What did they not deliver and why on earth should it be over for them?

>STBU is Ukrainian
No, they have Ukrainian and Russian expats. Here is the corporate structure.

The same paid scammer group is here again, posting hysterical and false information again and again, only because Stobox CEO will not bow down to WEF and totalitarian globohomos from dinosaur finance.

More information about RWA, Stobox here,

>> No.57579392
File: 95 KB, 1024x1024, 5453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why this paid scammers are here to fud Stobox. The same thing happened with BTC and ETH.

BTC revolutionized money/cross-border payments. Tokenization is the new blockchain-based paradigm shift, opening up and democratizing a global $16T+ asset market/management, and Stobox (STBU) is by far the market leader with working products here. This will be bigger than BTC.

>Tokenization is a 16+ trillion dollar market
>Stobox is the premium market leader
>First-mover advantage
>Working products
>Assets for close to 1 Billion dollars tokenized
>60+ customers
>5 continents
>90% of max supply is in circulation
>Deflationary token model (token burn)
>Centralized primary market (primary issuing)
>Decentralized secondary market, both KYC and non-KYC
>Fully compliant with SEC Regulations, registered in the State of Wyoming
>55,000 man-hours used for creating an internationally approved legal framework of global tokenization
>Extremely low market cap, 7 million USD

>> No.57579460
File: 42 KB, 753x287, Screenshot 2024-02-12 123622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these paid fudders allowed to spam lies and fud against STBU every single day, sometimes multiple threads at the same time, while if you post one thread informing why STBU did a 12x in a month, you get banned?

>> No.57579522

I just spent the last few hours looking into RIO and it seems like a fucking scam to me desu, very unprofessional, TRADE looks a lot better in terms of what they have show, I will look into STBU next thanks for the info, but please take your fucking meds cunt.

>> No.57579533

What I dont understand is if it has the first mover advantage, why is it still so unknown? Other RWA cryptos that released recently have 10x its market cap

>> No.57579592
File: 80 KB, 746x403, 1707558791408491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but please take your fucking meds cunt.
You never answered, faggot.
>STBU recently had a dump because they promised something and didn't deliver. is it over for them?nx4mr
lol. What did they not deliver and why on earth should it be over for them?

You are part of the fud group and now doing your usual bad-cop, good-cop routine.

>What I dont understand is if it has the first mover advantage, why is it still so unknown?
They are growing organically. The fake projects have nothing but marketing and until the market mature, there will be a lot of scams blowing up their market cap through pump and dumps.

>> No.57579597

>but please take your fucking meds cunt.
Time to rope, Adam.

>> No.57579599

Someone mentioned in a previous thread that they promised to release a dex (?) in january.

>> No.57579624

>they promised to release a dex (?) in january
They didnt. CEO Gene talked about a tier one CEX in January, but there is a delay, so Turkish whales that tweeted it as a fact lost face and dumped. Consequently, there will be no better entry point later.

>> No.57579639

Ok, thanks again for the info. Do you think all the other RWA cryptos currently are scams?

>> No.57579732

>Do you think all the other RWA cryptos currently are scams?
No, but at best they are years behind Stobox. Many of them are incompetent and over-promising, to in that sense they are scams.

>> No.57580082
File: 100 KB, 601x498, Screenshot 2024-02-12 144140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, the pathetic paid and organized scammer group is behind this thread. I said so from the very beginning. Do you idiots have any idea how bullish it is for 7 million mcap project to be so dangerous for dinosaur tech that they hire paid scammers and spammers to fud the project? Just as they did with BTC?

>> No.57580398
File: 2.65 MB, 2000x2667, 798790.666.06986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same paid fud group, filled with Jews and trannies, tried to fud Solana, pic, that didn't end well.

Similar paid fud groups operated against both BTC and ETH, before both of them became too big. Dinosaur finance only do that against quality projects that they fear.

>> No.57580411

read the STBU smart contract. owner can assign a manager who can rape you with fees.s

>> No.57580459

Ah, here we have the mentally ill, literally, non-dev tranny scammer and spammer moron again.

>> No.57580487
File: 174 KB, 752x1267, 5434324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice VPN and samefagging, scammer faggot. Go cry some more, pic related. You totalitarian globohomos will never win, sorry.

>> No.57580653
File: 67 KB, 960x616, 1705560441307439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is why Stobox (STBU) will 1000x

>> No.57580862
File: 71 KB, 603x614, 1705563512641220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many sleepers in the market. They don't understand how big this is going to be.This will be bigger than BTC.

Here is why:

Tokenization will be the theme of this cycle. BTC gave cross-border payment and non-fiat currency, ETH gave us smart contracts. STBU will give us tokenization. They are the premium market leader in RWA with a first-mover advantage.

>> No.57581072

Im surprised the schizo is still holding. Every time gene tweets something the price goes down. Someone on the team needs to take his twitter away

>> No.57581369
File: 353 KB, 605x1125, 1705561401208008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the schizo
I do research, you don't. Low-IQ faggot.
> Every time gene tweets something the price goes down. Someone on the team needs to take his twitter away
Infantile and stupid. You have profit taking after a 12x within a month and a delay in a tier one listing. That's it.

Pic, Stobox is everywhere.

>> No.57581675
File: 42 KB, 749x342, Screenshot 2024-02-12 174233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still holding
None of the fundamentals have changed for the worse. On the contrary, they are onboarding new clients and developing new projects all the time.

>> No.57581728
File: 77 KB, 640x576, IMG_8244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trading STBU and noticed there are wallets that do nothing but sell.
One has already like $100k in sells.

>> No.57581819
File: 45 KB, 744x422, Screenshot 2024-02-12 175532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And did that surprise you? Team is buying. What does that tell you?

>> No.57581879

Which wallets?

>> No.57582083
File: 155 KB, 1600x931, Screenshot 2024-02-10 174834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will start to panic-buy when they realize that there has been a dedicated team of scammers and spammers, paid to fud and trash Stobox, and that they are unable of finding anything wrong with fundamentals, so all they have is the most infantile and deranged personal attacks they can. As in this thread.

>> No.57582195

once again, you are mistaken. those aren't my posts. lol. I did post source code a while back. you thought I was a "KDA tranny" actually no, I hold 0 of it, just a solidity dev who hates your spam.
function mint(uint256 amount) onlyManager public returns(bool) {
require(managers[msg.sender].mint.max >= managers[msg.sender].mint.actual.add(amount), "Limit exceeded");
uint256 supply = totalSupply();
require(_maxSupply >= supply.add(amount), "Supply exceeded cap");
managers[msg.sender].mint.actual = managers[msg.sender].mint.actual.add(amount);
_mint(treasury, amount);
return true;
for function mint(uint256 amount) onlyManager public returns(bool) {
require(managers[msg.sender].mint.max >= managers[msg.sender].mint.actual.add(amount), "Limit exceeded");
uint256 supply = totalSupply();
require(_maxSupply >= supply.add(amount), "Supply exceeded cap");
managers[msg.sender].mint.actual = managers[msg.sender].mint.actual.add(amount);
_mint(treasury, amount);
return true;
for codelets here, this code lets manager accounts mint more tokens. how much determined by the contract. who are the managers? hope you trust the team guys.
anyway it's a neat concept but I'd rather just buy real estate or bitcoin or eth, lol.

>> No.57582511

>once again, you are mistaken. those aren't my posts.
I am not mistaken, those are you posts kadena tranny. You are part of the desperate scammer/spammer team and you idiot found in a small notification from CertiK.

Pathetic. More of your rubbish and debunked, paid fudding/scamming here:

>just a solidity dev
Sure you are fucker, tell me how how PoS can somewhat help scaling, especially related to Poisson process and don't just run away googling it and come back pretending you know what you are talking about. Answer now.

>> No.57582592

Come on fake "solidity dev", don't just run away. Answer.

>> No.57582692
File: 99 KB, 603x812, 1705589459608919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stobox CEO was years ahead of the rest. While crypto market was finally waking up to the need to have privacy coins, Monero, he was talking about global tokenization of assets.

Stobox, STBU are years ahead of any competitor with working products, legal framework in order and are developing a platform for tokenization with a secondary market. No one is close to them.

Don't mind the Ukrainian flag. They are Ukrainian expats in the US, but have Russian math experts, crypto experts etc on their team.

Farmland and Landshare are among their tokenization customers.

>> No.57582711

Gene seems kinda like an idiot. All he does is like some controversial garbage as a CEO of a company like posts by alex jones. I mean geez you are not a protester. He lacks professionalism and seems emotional, not a good sign.

>> No.57582769

Keep whining and bitching paid scammer. You deranged newfag clearly have no clue how and why crypto and cypherpunks started. He is expressing the core of it, and you don't belong. Go back to discord, tranny.

You will never know how much fun we had on this board, before we got flooded with low-IQ NPC/Redditor/Discord Tranny trash like you.

>> No.57582861
File: 21 KB, 563x327, 1705594233660895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a solidity dev
Come on "solidity dev", don't run the hell away, just answer the question.

Pic. This is the difference between a real RWA project entering the new paradigm in crypto space, and scam projects or, at best, teams that don't know what they are doing. STBU is the market leader in tokenization, by far.

Tweet made in April.

>> No.57583379

>they promised something and didn't deliver
What did they promise?

>> No.57583435
File: 23 KB, 254x105, captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you with the asinine personal attacks again
I'm not monitoring your thread and that's not me.
I'm not going to answer your question. I think the lurkers would appreciate you acknowledging the smart contract risk posed by centralized managers who can mint tokens.

>> No.57583471

be sure to link to this thread next time a "kda tranny" shills kda in your thread and confuse my posts with their posts, you're doing a great job of fudding your own investments as a midwit filter.

>> No.57583551

I just examined the STBU contract on Etherscan and this code here >>57582195 is actually there. I'm not a coder so I can't confirm that it actually allows "managers" to mint as many tokens as they want, but that code is in fact in the contract.

Can anybody with solidity experience weigh in?

>inb4 paid fudder
No, just a holder getting nervous seeing constant dumps and now this shit.

>> No.57583718
File: 417 KB, 1920x1080, 1705103158016322 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of the same tranny faggot samefagging. Again, Stobox is the premium market leader leader in tokenization (RWA) with a first-mover advantage. Market cap is absurdly low, only 7 million USD. That there are nearly daily threads against Stobox is not normal, but clearly paid for and coordinated by adversaries. That this thread is flooded by fake "concerned investors" and openly hostile/hysterical samefagging freaks, also makes no sense. The same shit happened to both BTC and ETH, and you lost, as you will loose this fight as well. People are so tired of your abuse of power and that is why they turn to crypto.

>> No.57583773
File: 98 KB, 598x498, 424234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly every time you have a burn mechanism, as STBU has, burning part of their income, you will also have a mint mechanism, in case you make a mistake and burn much more than you are supposed to. Reversal of fat-finger. However, there is a total cap on supply, so to claim that they can mint as much as they want is absurd. That you have a $7m mcap project flooded with psychos and fudders, looking into coding and contracts, makes zero sense. You are clearly paid, coordinated and deranged. Easily seen here, pic.

Someone are really, really afraid of Stobox and your infantile accusations are insane. You faggots have nothing. Go back.

>> No.57583786
File: 14 KB, 511x143, answer faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop with these excuses, faggot. You're starting to sound desperate and unable to answer this: >>57583551

Stop regurgitating your "muh first moover muh market leader" advertising spiel and actually ANSWER the question: does that code really let managers mint as many tokens as they want? That code is in the contract, I checked myself on etherscan.

>fake concerned investors
Nothing fake about my concern, cum guzzler.

>> No.57583807

>there is a total cap on supply, so to claim that they can mint as much as they want is absurd.
That's what I was interested in. So that code doesn't mean they can ignore the max cap?

>you are clearly paid
You sound stupid. Not everybody with a concern is muh paid shill, paranoid faggot.

>> No.57583820
File: 117 KB, 1219x759, 532432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you fake "solidity dev" could not anser, Fuck off, ugly KDA tranny and your paid, insane pump and dump group. Pic related. Care to tell me about your JP Morgan originated and infested Kadena, and how a group of organized tranny scammers flooded /biz/ in 21, and now you are clearly paid to fud Stobox.

If you are concerned then sell, you fucking paid scammer. Show me your sell transaction, but you can't. Prove me wrong, faggot.

>> No.57583847

>You sound stupid
>just a holder getting nervous seeing constant dumps and now this shit.
Yeah, they just did a 12x in a month, with a micro mcap 47m cap in a coming $16+ trillion market, and you fake faggot whine and bitch about dumping.

>> No.57583897

I bought at 10 cents. Hence, the nervous part, paranoid fag.

>Show me your sell transaction, but you can't.
I can't because I haven't sold yet. Do you sell instantly every time you have a doubt? This "proves" nothing, retard.

>> No.57583983

>I bought at 10 cents. Hence, the nervous part, paranoid fag.
Of course you did, asshole. Even if you did, and you did not scammer, with those strong fundamentals you would have nothing to fear, and you know it. Go back, trash. You have to go back.

>> No.57584043 [DELETED] 

Based and cryptopilled. Fuck WEF and the rest of the totalitarian globohomos. Including the paid Kadena trannies here that seem intent on attacking Stobox for some reason, fudding scam coins while attacking actual projects with potential. There must be something wrong with these people, their goal seems to just be ruining things for other people -_- I guess the bright side is that it's pretty obvious and transparent at this point with these trannies, and they're in panic mode, and that's a good sign. Go Stobox!

>> No.57584098
File: 551 KB, 3840x2160, GDkhEZmbkAAMLL0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare you deranged trannies, Jews and the rest of you paid fudders to give me a better 100x project. Do it faggots. Make me laugh.

>> No.57584120

>paranoid fag.
Do you always rabidly fud your own investments on /biz/ deranged homo? You are so obviously not an investor.

>> No.57584336

Based and cryptopilled. Fuck WEF and the rest of the totalitarian globohomos. Including the paid Kadena trannies here that seem intent on attacking Stobox for some reason, fudding scam coins while attacking actual projects with potential. There must be something wrong with these people, their goal seems to just be ruining things for other people. I guess the bright side is that it's pretty obvious and transparent at this point with these trannies and they're in panic mode, and that's a good sign. Go Stobox!

>> No.57584417

Every time this guy sperges out in a thread, the price dumps even more

>> No.57584464

>Go Stobox!

Kek that id change

>> No.57584499

>Every time this guy sperges out in a thread, the price dumps even more
When I posted and had you tranny ancle-biters and paid fudders around me, STBU 12x'ed. When tranny Adam formed his fake biz group, I stopped posting and the price crashed. Of course, you know all this, but lying and deceiving is just second nature to you.

I never change my ID, unlike what you did now, dishonest faggot, and you know it.

>> No.57584571

What do you mean? ID change? No dude, I made one comment.

>> No.57584703
File: 402 KB, 900x900, 1707585320183894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based and cryptopilled. Fuck WEF and the rest of the totalitarian globohomos
This. Of course the ugly trannies and the rest of the sick pump'n dump group don't get it, or maybe even rabidly support it.

>> No.57584795

Go back to le Rêddit, you fucking tourist.

>> No.57585571
File: 1.90 MB, 1616x1133, 1705182165716061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder

>> No.57585603

Yeah Im not buying that shit.

RIO seems very scammy to me but for some reason all the pajeets are shitting themselves over it on twitter.

Polytrade looks legit, but Im not sure about the tokenomics

>> No.57585710
File: 552 KB, 1920x923, 1049 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA STBU Stobox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you paid scammers are using the same arguments your globohomo masters did against both BTC and ETH. BTC had no office and no one to call, and was run by an unknown scammer producing illegitimate toymoney, ETH was run by a Russian scammer and high school dropout with a postbox address in Zug, Switzerland. You idiots never change. Here, the corporate structure of Stobox:

Here is the same fud you paid scammers and spammers have used again and again:

New vpn ID faggot? There is nothing organic about you paid fudders.

>> No.57585725
File: 1.88 MB, 1384x4996, Stobox-15-innovative-fintech-startups-in-brooklyn-ny-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain pic.

>> No.57585734

Fuck off with your schizo posting, Im not reading anything you post

>> No.57585770
File: 96 KB, 598x496, 424234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your tranny pump and dump scammer group, faggot. Here you are, bragging about your thread, pic.

>> No.57585807

hahahahaah why did you ban me nigger?

>> No.57585847

Ban you, what are you talking about tranny?

>> No.57585891
File: 120 KB, 1415x480, 24234234324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were there two minutes ago, lying homo. Your real group is a tranny pump and dump scammer group, this one is just one of the few smaller ones that you use.

>> No.57585987

Somebody with money and resources are very, very afraid of Stobox (STBU). They tried to destroy Bitcoin (BTC) in very much the same manner, but they failed, and they will fail with STBU as well. They are years ahead of their competitors and the premium market leader in tokenization (RWA), with only 7 million dollars in market cap.

>> No.57586807 [DELETED] 
