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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57577133 No.57577133 [Reply] [Original]

Biggest airdrop you got yet?
For me it was GRT airdrop 3 years ago, it was locked for 4 years but it was worth $350k usd for me at the top, I lost it all since I couldn't sell since it was locked but I still like to believe it was a win. Second biggest was uniswap which was $8k usd for me.

>> No.57578327


>> No.57578342

>I lost it all since I couldn't sell
They unlocked part every few months, how did you even lose it? I'm still dumping 12500 every 3 months. It's only about $2k now, but I was easily getting 5 figures early on. Also if you got the airdrop you would have had access to the sale which was also significant.

>> No.57578350

3 uniswap airdrops. nothing crazy

>> No.57578353

Arbitrum airdrop was about $30k for me. Jito airdrop was $16k. Optimism and Celestia were like $8k each. Dymension was I guess like 13k but I didn't even go through all of the wallets yet. Uniswap was... $3200 when I sold, I think. Still remember the PS5 memes.

>> No.57578363
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lmao anon wtf even are you talking about get your onions ass out of this thread you normalfag we are talking about crypto here - now buy my token or gtfo

>> No.57578387

Got a like $2k from the Osmosis airdrop thanks to a rumor thread on /biz/ actually, that's the best I've gotten

>> No.57578403

Is it worth to grind the airdrops now anon? I'm seeing some Industrial scale airdrop grinding out there

>> No.57578545

>GRT airdrop
Wait wut? I bought on launch.. how?

>> No.57578566

got uniswap
arbitrum which was highest at $5k
also got tia and sold immediately
hadn't heard of it and was lazy, a bit annoying as $8k would have been nice right now
still can't complain

>> No.57578743

Grind zksync
It was only for 800 people who participated in early access

>> No.57579728

for me it was uniswap, and perhaps HEX if you count it as such
fucking polymath somehow ignored my application tho
yeah try my code grvt io 4OULH49

btw, some anon mentioned OHM staking at Eigenlayer could in principle secure you a spot, haven't really investigated that option, but perhaps it's true

>> No.57580483

how early did you have to be for the grt drop?

>> No.57580502

Se time as testnet node oprators

>> No.57580560

1inch airdrop, abt 3k at the time. was searching for any airdrops any of my wallets were eligible for. 99% sure i had never used 1inch on that wallet kek no clue why i got that

>> No.57580578


>> No.57580581

>1k from polymath
>1 inch

>> No.57581108

>I don't feel any lust for her

What an odd thing to say.

>> No.57582096

You got the 1inch airdrop because the devs knew you have a 1inch cock