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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57577677 No.57577677 [Reply] [Original]

I think it's time now I've finished accumulating to let Biz know what will be the biggest performer this cycle.

>Still relatively low MC
>Very little or no VC money involved afaik
>1.3m tps, yep 1.3m!!!! tps


>Has probably the best scaling and norm friendly way to take Bitcoin mainstream into retail.
>NFT's on BTC are cheap to use though that doesn't interest me.
>Solid doxxed team who act very professionally and many are based in the UK.
>still only on small exchanges, large ones are in the pipeline.

Get in or stay poor.

>> No.57577698 [DELETED] 

Just sold my bag for AVI

I think tet will do well but not beyond 1 billy this year, and avi is a guaranteed 10x from here

>> No.57577712

And not shilling just stating facts this was my post


Tectum will go far this year and beyond, I’d rather invest in tet than eth; if I had more capital I’d have minimum 3000 tet

>> No.57577722
File: 3.08 MB, 1384x1358, Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 13.52.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoo shoo poojeet.

>> No.57577727

I'm not buying your rug, raj

>> No.57577737

Yo,pump my bags rectum bro!

>> No.57577746
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I’m advocating for your coin just stating facts calm yourself

>> No.57577767

Tectum’s creators are repeat scammers.


>> No.57577772

nah you are shoe horning your meme token into a serious thread.

>> No.57577788

so you are saying someone created a bunch of lies which the team debunked 100% so less people entered the ICO so some could get more. Yes that happened.

geez these scammers do make good blockchains though. ie the Fastest that pisses all over the competition.

>> No.57577802

There nigger I deleted it
Glad I left after getting a 3x then

>> No.57578010

You can verify everything that article said for your self
>but don’t worry guys the scammers said they aren’t scammers

>> No.57578058

Where did the team debunk it? Show me. I’d love to see their excuse.
>I've finished accumulating
It’s $144m mcap
>low mc
It’s $144m mcap

I think it’s a great product. But the owners are going to rug you asap

>> No.57578071

>asian nails

>> No.57578077

Is that what asians nails look like to an Indian? Clearly fucking White hands. Now post yours.

>> No.57578087

They did fully online. BUT if you read it you might invest and then you will go into the TG and I have to talk to fucking lazy dicks like you. I therefore want nothing but your failure and pain that you didn't invest. Now fuck off.

>> No.57578107

You have no proof

Tectum = scam

>> No.57578127

These curryniggers are so cringe. Now go fuck your cow mother in the ass you dirty little scamming brown shitgoblin

>> No.57578132

Fuck you I’m whiter than snow
Fuck chinks fuck niggers fuck spics fuck goat fuckers

Tet is sexy btw I just can’t afford that cap

>> No.57578137

yep, it's true. Sorry I tried to scam u. Im gonna do better with my life from now on.

>> No.57578138

>they did online
Lmfao wow really? Thought they’d do it via smoke signals. Are you retarded? Post the debunking of the evidence that Tectum is a scam or everyone sees that you just shilled a scam. If your next post is anything but linking the debunk, you’re a scammer

>> No.57578143

im a scammer.

>> No.57578196


Wow amazing debunk lmfao they addressed nothing about their owners. >Tectum is not a scam
What a scammer thing to put on your site

>> No.57578225
File: 1.19 MB, 1126x900, Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 15.14.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its a total scam. thanks Coffezilla. Your reddit wisdom has saved us all yet again.

>> No.57578231

Don’t post the debunk for me. Post it for the people you’re so generously blessing with this shill

>> No.57578242
File: 450 KB, 727x709, vB9Oqyufcw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao wow really thought i'd just be able to shil tectum today and get away with it well done guys for calling me out like this i am a dirty scammer i love scamming people

>> No.57578252

honestly I wish I hadn't bothered after a few comments I realised Biz as a place of genuine discussion is over now.

Jannies delete this thread plz.

>> No.57578257

you all seem like niggers here. Its gross. im so glad im rich and im sure you lot aren't.

>> No.57578325

And this newfags, is what scammers do what you ask them for evidence of their claims. Everything but post evidence for their claims. Gg

>> No.57578430

just calling projects a scam even though they are in working main net.

your life is worthless...It's shameful and pathetic.