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File: 38 KB, 308x566, en_coca-cola_prod_zero sugar _750x750_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57573199 No.57573199 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best product and business decision by a big company since Apple's Iphone?

>> No.57573210

I drink anywhere from 7 to 8 coke zeroes a day. AMA reddit!

>> No.57573216

how much money have you saved up for your chemotherapy?

>> No.57573220

>You have been banned from /r/cocacola

>> No.57573224

I won't drink that thing ever for the simple fact that there's no way it has no negative side effects.

>> No.57573242

????????????????????? "zero sugar" drinks predate the iPhone. They existed in the 1990s. Maybe 1980s too, not sure.

>> No.57573261

I don’t drink that shit. But it’s just rebranded Diet Coke but with sucralose right. Yeah, if I was Warren Buffet you bet your ass I would have one every where I went even if I didn’t drink it. Fucking put water in it for all I care.

>> No.57573266

nah that shit tastes weird, diet dp is the best or diet cherry pepsi

>> No.57573267
File: 89 KB, 1127x685, IMG_0625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s Diet Coke rebranded and sells almost as good as regular. That’s the power of branding.

>> No.57573280


>> No.57573300

>when anon is SO young that his parents had the first iphone... and when he first encountered a sugarfree cola he thought they were a new thing... and since the iphone is "old parents' tech" he naturally thinks that fancy new cola he saw must be newer

>> No.57573324

That can't be healthy
if i drink more than 2 a week i start to get worried

>> No.57573330

for regular soda drinkers, i actually agree
for occasional soda drinkers, i would rather take my chances on such a small quantity of aspartame vs so much sugar

>> No.57573337

There was this attractive girl that I used to fuck that used to weigh 100lbs . She got addicted to these and now she weighs over 150 lbs easily and she’s really unattractive with her clothes off. 0/10 would not recommend.

>> No.57573338

Anon is a faggot for buying a case of this shit a day but you 'health' faggots who probably have some meme diet like keto or vegan are even bigger gay faggots.

>> No.57573339

>So much sugar
Orange juice has more sugar, just dont drink it constat and youre fine

>> No.57573350

I know but coke zero was a new product of diet sodas. It tastes differently.

>> No.57573359

I am older than you
You are in that weird phase where you missed coke zero is different than diet coke.

>> No.57573372
File: 46 KB, 620x675, I'm Just Like Otacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am older than you

>> No.57573410


There's literally no evidence that aspartame consumed in the quantities a person can realistically ingest from soft drinks causes cancer or any other harm. It's literally one of the most thoroughly studied food additives.

>> No.57573422

but what if it causes cancer?

>> No.57573429

I would rather wait for long-term evidence tho.
That's why i'll just play it safe and drink 1-2 cans a week.

>> No.57573488

Coke without sugar is MUCH older than iphones.

>> No.57573506

What's the color of your pee?

>> No.57573705
File: 129 KB, 472x800, 1973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since Apple's Iphone
Coca Cola has made a no-sugar version since the 1960s. Here's a can from 1973 specifically.

>> No.57573706

holy fucking shit
coke zero is a new formula with a different taste and has been the main growth of the cola company. Phones and smartphones were also a thing before Iphone



>> No.57573711


>> No.57573736

coke zero has sucralose, not aspartame.

the negative effect of sucralose is is disrupts your gut biome and can kill beneficial bacteria.

you know... the fact that there are living breathing humans who live in corpo-land that don't read the ingredients of products makes me think its really easy to take advantage of people! HAHA!!!

>> No.57573749

We have 30+ years of aspartame consumption
How "long term" do you need in order to not admit you're being retarded

>> No.57573767


Who the fuck cares oh no I might get ass cancer when I'm 70 please no I want to live as an old decrepit man more.

The obsession normies have with living long at any cost is baffling. Death is nothing to be feared.

>> No.57573770


>> No.57573781

He'll just say that aspartame is bad too, don't waste your time

>> No.57573789

There is nothing even remotely newish about Cola with no sugar. Just how young are you??

>> No.57573793


>> No.57573809

>Phones and smartphones were also a thing before Iphone
Epic esoteric knowledge. Knowing that really shows you're oooold. Maybe you've even held a landline phone in your very own hands. Woah.

Nobody ITT claimed phones didn't exist before the iPhone, by the way.

>> No.57573813


sugar alcohols fucks your pancreas shit up as it excretes insulin and doesn't find the sugar

>> No.57573817

Imagine drinking that shit

>> No.57573850
File: 126 KB, 339x273, 1498723595763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspartame is made up of aspartic acid and phenylalanine which are both entirely benign amino acids. When it is broken down in the gut it release methanol. Methanol is indeed toxic but the amount you get is infinitesimally miniscule. You get orders of magnitude more methanol from drinking a glass of wine or beer. When it comes to toxicity dose matters.

Aspartame is literally the most heavily scrutinized and researched food additive ever made. They've been trying to link it to everything from cancer to brain damage for decades and they have not found a single piece of evidence to suggest there is any connection. The dosage is simply too small. One would literally need to drink 20+ cans of coke every day for decades before even the most harmless symptoms would manifest.

As far as food/drink choices go zero sugar soda is among the most harmless. You're doing far more damage to your body when you drink a single cup of a sugary drink or eat a donut.

I will keep on enjoying my coke zero, I only wish it didn't get so expensive.

>> No.57573853


it's over

>> No.57573894

Aspartame is made up of ass parts of me. I thought you guys were scientists

>> No.57573918
File: 201 KB, 717x880, 1704787626618929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57573972

>t. Warren Buffet
anyone who believes thats a genuine post needs their head checked

>> No.57573994

Fucking based. For me, it's diet Mr. Pibb, but they don't even sell that shit in stores around me, so I have to ship it online by the crate like a restaurant. At least I get a good deal on them since I'm buying in bulk.

>> No.57574032
File: 12 KB, 255x176, 1690897401826573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stopped drinking all soda and juice and stuff with weird preservatives
>all i drink now is water, black coffee, bone broth, and the occasional gin
>brain fog is 90% gone overnight

i have broken the conditioning

>> No.57574180

try harder, coca cola nigger

>> No.57574255

Fake post by a fake anon.

>> No.57574733 [DELETED] 

I love Coke Zero

>> No.57574735

cancer in a can?
>the power of branding
idk anywhere else, but Zeros about half the price of Regular in Bong (or Regulars about twice the price it should be, to be more accurate). And if it still doesnt outsell Reg'lar, at half the price? somethin not quite right with dat shit.

>> No.57574746

>seems legit

>> No.57575189

Have you seen the shit these studies cover up, have you seen the shit DuPont did with Teflon and how it’s litterally still used today. I drink it but I know there’s no way it’s 100% not with potential health side effects

>> No.57575232

i dont know why a no caffeine version is not ubiquitous, i just wanna drink a can of coke not be all yolked up dammit

>> No.57575554

It tastes weird

>> No.57576658

Something ominous about soda brands and a lot of brands in general. Look at the first ad featuring the polar bear.

A rad canister with a vicious black liquid in it. Referred colloquially as "Coke"

>> No.57576675

What about red 40?

>> No.57577858

Sugar free Coca Cola predates the first iPhone by many many many years OP.

>> No.57578022

In the United Mutts of Burgerland they’re the same price and sell almost as much as regular coke in the Southern U.S. making Diet Coke hard to find.

Keep in mind, Burgers are really divided along soft drinks choice more than politics. It sort of stems out of it you might say. The Southern rural U.S. are proud Coketarians who value tradition, the Midwest tends to be Dr. Pepper Witnesses—while the North and California a godless Pepsirians. You occasionally get some Tab hold outs and a few RC Cola’s.