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File: 181 KB, 736x733, d4cca88fd3ab5316532a1f41ceb7b21c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57568328 No.57568328 [Reply] [Original]

What race in USA should I marry to get rich fastest and why

>> No.57568331


>> No.57568333

Women don't make you rich, retard.

>> No.57568334


>> No.57568339

asian doctor

>> No.57568343

Any race you marry can quickly halve your net worth. Even if they don't divorce you they spend like a mother fucker holy fucking shit. My greatest regret is marriage. I could have had 9 figures by now but my wife who quit her job the moment she married me spends like a fucking bitch on shit nobody needs or wants. She once bought a 30k piano because she thought it would be nice for decoration. Nobody plays piano in the house. I want to die.

>> No.57568351
File: 214 KB, 566x346, DrPhil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your wife loves you and God loves you, fren.

>> No.57568370

Jewess > Asian = Indian = White (WASP) > White >>>>> Latina >>> Black

>> No.57568379


>> No.57568439

Your kids should be learning piano

>> No.57568449
File: 247 KB, 955x2048, GCvNIvjWMAAAR4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed this is popular among white men ...why do they reject thier own kind

>> No.57568455

Yes they do. Especially trophy wives who are warm open business doors

>> No.57568520

imagine the testosterone, the wide shoulders, the masculine intellect and drive of the white man

now try to understand that white women are born with the same genes

in the free market you seek your desires, we aren't limited to big boned linebacker bitches with dogshit attitude about how you can do anything a man can do

we would prefer femininity, which based on genetics, is highest in asian women

>> No.57568526

also asian women have above average iq, so basic logic is on a similar level

if my iq is 130, the average white woman's iq is 100, the average asian woman's iq is 105

I'll have much more intellectually in common with an asian woman, she will be more able to understand basic logic

>> No.57568580

also, don't get married in the usa, you will always lose, move to the phillipines if you want to get married, she'll need 10k to divorce you

>> No.57568588

But wouldn't that mean your sons come out tiny and weak too

>> No.57568592

the only net positive races globally are western europeans and eastern asians
but neither is going to make you wealthy unless they already are.

>> No.57568595

Then why are their countries (other than le Japan) such shitholes

>> No.57568600

probably not, they would be average, but since I'm not required to be a homosexual and fuck men, then I will follow my desires to have sex with women

hey why don't you have sex with a 7 foot tall samoan bitch, don't you want your kids to be strong

>> No.57568604

So preserving white culture doesn't matter?

>> No.57568609

because the american military invaded and killed them and destroyed their cultures

honestly they aren't that bad, if vietnam had 2nd amendment rights I would literally be on a plane this instant to move there

>> No.57568611

I like Samoans

>> No.57568618

white culture is whatever white men decide it is, white women don't have culture, women are devoid of culture

>> No.57568622

So why would Americans want that for themselves though?

>> No.57568630

>much heckin culture
go tradcuck somewhere else

>> No.57568631

Isn't that low level third worlder woke poverty victim mentality?

>> No.57568635

so you'd fuck a chick that looks like the rock

huh, what the fuck are you even saying

regardless, wherever the anglo saxon man drops his seed it is ubermench, it doesn't matter where, if I move to the phillipines I get tight little asian chicks that I think are hot, because I don't want to fuck men, they recieve my high iq genes and my strong physical genes

no one loses, only white women lose because they are repulsive and retarded

>> No.57568637
File: 220 KB, 960x780, d9601d1c3c082e0c4636fef8d0f462d6 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it can be anything you make up in your head? Its not what it has been for centuries?

>> No.57568644

Is tradition only a white culture thing?

>> No.57568648

when white men invade a country, they turn it into the highest tier society possible, for centuries this is what the white man did, and still does

I'm just continuing that trend, we invaded england, america, the list goes on and on, there is no "white woman", women are genetically shit thrown at a wall, female genes are basically the melting pot

>> No.57568659

White women are much more beautiful than Asian women. This is a fact known to every race.

>> No.57568668

Then why does it take so long for white genes to appear in white mixed offspring?

>> No.57568677

maybe on your photoshop cover with 10 layers of makeup and filters on it, a white woman can become fuckable

but put a 5'7" broad shouldered autistic looking bitch next to a petite well taken care of asian woman who is 5'2", the asian woman will get 100x more attention in real life, because we aren't using photoshop, false angles, etc, to inflate the white woman's station, we're just using reality, and genetics which can't be argued with or altered

>> No.57568679

>coarse hair, yellow skin, slitty eyes
> fair skin, varying colors in eyes and pink cheeks with large eyes

>> No.57568691

But what about the face. And the hair. Hair is like a horse. Nose is flat with wide nostrils and eyes are small.

>> No.57568694

5'8" fat as a fucking hog with linebacker build but blue eyes

5'1", skinny with a fat ass, brown eyes good attitude

yea bro, my opinion isn't changing, I prefer women over men, I don't want to fuck the masculine form

you have never went on a dating app in the midwest in america, because I love hearing your retarded opinion that has no relation to reality

>> No.57568700
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>> No.57568718

sounds like your personal opinion, which I don't give a fuck about

>> No.57568725

Yeah there are ugly women of the white race but they don't all share the same exact features of
Yellow skin
Slitty eyes
Coarse hair
Flat nose

>> No.57568731

maybe you can fuck a giraffe or a cow next, they have vastly different features, wouldn't that be exotic

>> No.57568734

Vietnam doesn't even need second amendment since they don't have north american pavement apes running around their inner cities

>> No.57568736

How is genetics personal opinion? Do you think Zuckerberg children look like him?

>> No.57568742

so, you're taking 1 case out of a million to project your argument, also zuck isn't white and is a pathetically weak jew,

>> No.57568745

I can also cherrypick a bunch of ugly chinks, Rabbi. Nice try though.

>> No.57568751

Why would you bring foreigners to the last wholesome all American place in America?

>> No.57568757

I like guns, vietnam needed guns during khmer rouge didn't they, that's the one thing asian countries have wrong, the right to bear arms would basically make them perfect and nothing would change

>> No.57568761

Its literally any white man. Name one white man who mixes that has children who look like him?

Look at Nicholas Cage. Zero trace of his genes in that kid

>> No.57568771

Shhhh let him cope about not being able to pull white 10s in the US KWAB

>> No.57568773

They don't have a lot of rights because they LIKE being oppressed and doing things THE SAME like a monolithic group.

>> No.57568774
File: 12 KB, 263x480, subhumanbaldingwhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just in my area you shrimp dicked faggot

you just have never seen a white woman in real life, retard

but please come to america and be stunned by these fat ugly fucking pigs and regret your life

>> No.57568779

Women are generally antithetical to the accumulation of wealth and marriage especially is generally value destructive. The most important factor that alters that is if the girl comes from an already wealthy family, in which case race is inconsequential. Thinking a woman is going to increase the rate at which you accumulate wealth or the probability of attaining a large sum of it demonstrates a massively flawed understanding of women as a concept.

>> No.57568783

I've seen white men choosing foreign wives a lot though. Its quite frequent

>> No.57568792

Why would you ruin the most wholesome last cultural heartland place in this country? I can understand Los Angeles or a place like that

>> No.57568794

>let's the dog out. it runs into the street and dies.
jfc I bet dinner isn't even ready

>> No.57568801

it must hurt to be so shrimp dicked and weak, eventually someone will come here and post the collages, but I don't have time for that, my dad had green eyes and red hair, I have blue eyes and dark brown/black hair

do you think that made a difference, nah, I think it's still ok, my kids don't have to be exact copies of me, they will be who they are, based on who I choose, which won't be a broad shouldered pig, I will choose a female

and that's where the white man comes in to improve the genepool

>> No.57568810

There weren't as many cars on the roads in the suburbs. It used to be insanely empty and quiet and clean.

>> No.57568819

But thats because your Mom was white. If she was Asian you'd have oval eyes, smaller build, short ect

>> No.57568834

my iq would probably be higher, I would be better able to focus on long term tasks, everything is a tradeoff

I'm already 5'9" though so I wasn't tall in the first place

>> No.57568886

>it must hurt to be so shrimp dicked and weak

Funny when they start to project their own failures, like clockwork. Thankfully, unlike you, the nation I come from is amongst the tallest and most athletic in Europe, let alone the world, therefore I have no reason to move overseas in order to bag a loyal and good-looking partner. Hey but good luck to you tho buddy, maybe only 1 of your sons will come out like Elliot Rodger kek

Btw those "broad-shouldered pigs" are the only reason why R1B euros and their offspring were so historically successful. The Scythians weren't breeding short, frail, brittle-boned south-east asians who subsisted on a steady diet of rice and the occasional chicken.

>> No.57568893

Yeah for what it's worth, I think that the "WMAF" marital pairing actually has amongst the lowest divorce rates, at least in the United States. Not sure ab Canada.

>> No.57568903

actually is statistically amongst the lowest in divorce rates***
It's getting quite late over here.

>> No.57568907
File: 61 KB, 806x254, haplo IP109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn bro, why do asians vastly outnumber our "successful white lineages" then

could it be that fucking a man in the ass to create a more masculine mindset adinfinitum maybe became a problem when these bitches actually think they're men

yea, that's the fucking problem

also I1 will always mog you little bro, you're the shrimps of europe, you're arguing as the asian man in europe and you aren't even an aryan, fucks sake nigga

>> No.57568908

I know a white guy who married an Asian woman doctor. Both got rich, but she hates his family and doesn't show any respect to them. Plus she's an atheist who just has a Spanish speaking nanny raise the kids.

>> No.57568921

I'm an athiest as well, came from danish vikings skol nigga, I think religion is slightly pathological and the current state of religion is literally the most pathetic circle jerking faggotry I've ever seen in my life

>> No.57568927


>> No.57568928

also the only valid religion currently is islam, and I'm being unironic here, if islam takes over europe it would be a vast improvement to the current social situation

>> No.57568931

Do you have proof? Does it include Indian

>> No.57568935

White women are retarded nigger brained followers and age like milk. I'm on that native American pussy like a true white man colonial.

>> No.57568936


>> No.57568941

insanely based throwback, every white man deserves pure navajo pussy

>> No.57568945

Yeah, good for you (?), but this guy was not raised in an athiest environment

>> No.57568951

You lost any relevance you might have had with that statement.

>> No.57568961

what I'm saying is that that's part of the problem, that might be a too based take, but, honestly, what the fuck has religion done for the white man in the last 100 years, not a damn fucking thing

it's a place for a homosexual grifter, "priest", to literally put ancient sandnigger writings in your head

honestly even though jews are repulsive rats, the way the talmud is published as in, it gets updated and debated upon over time is vastly superior to the bible, and probably the quran

muslims just have the best moral framework because they stopped feminism

all of them are shit because they are a fairytale, sounds like a personal problem and I'm not sorry honestly

>> No.57568969

islam never allowed feminism so they won by default

>> No.57568997
File: 135 KB, 572x960, GFzXU6xbMAAUGb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57569001

>numbers of people == success!
And yet, it was Admiral Perry who forced the Japanese to open their markets to the US, and it was the Europeans who turned the Chinese coast into yet another colony in their overseas empires in addition to all of South-East Asia, not the other way around. So much for the superiority of numbers. That's why millions of supposedly superior Chinamen keep trying to worm their way into North America first chance to immigrate they get. You know, the countries built by Western Europeans (Whites) in the first place, which are far more appealing than their own bugman-culture shitholes that they keep running away from. Fuckin' idiot. Try using your brain for once, or whatever remains of it, that is.

>Does it include Indian
If I remember correctly, it was referring to "East Asians" in particular, rather than "South Asians" ie India, Bangladesh, Pakistan. As for a source, I don't have it on me, so you'll have to take my word with some salt.

Unironically the Arab world would be far more destitute if it hadn't been for the Persians hand-holding and wiping the asses of the Arabs for half a millennium. Had they not lost, the tribes of Arabia would be praying to Zoroastor instead.

>> No.57569004

You keep saying the same phrases...are you by any chance very young

>> No.57569009
File: 686 KB, 1024x680, Zhang-Lily-22-1024x680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High stock Chinese. Intelligent, good values, loyal, great business sense, interesting culture

>> No.57569015

They're kicking them out of Harvard and sending them all back to thier dystopia. Too many were taking over

>> No.57569021

Idk what the purpose of posting this video was, "cold approaching" is retarded, no matter which sex is doing it, especially if it's out on the street instead of a bar or some other social setting.

>> No.57569025

Holy cope

>> No.57569026

She was too short for the first one who basically looked like Apollo. Not talking about the imported brownie after him.

>> No.57569029

pretty based

>> No.57569038

how to spot a shitskin who has never looked at or interacted with a white woman, fuck you

>> No.57569044

Cope AND seethe

>> No.57569047

you can be the most aryan motherfucker on earth

20 pakastanis would beat the dogshit out of you with a bike chain

numbers do matter, and western society is literally FAILING because of white women

>> No.57569071
File: 59 KB, 377x570, christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up bitch
I'm telling you right now, don't fucking come here you dumb brown bastard, you'll regret it

>> No.57569079

But that makes no sense since they were there the whole time they thrived? In fact bringing multiculturalism in is what started the downturn?

>> No.57569084

Yeah you're like 15? I can tell because you repeat phrases. Are you even American

>> No.57569087

honestly no idea what you're talking about, or what point you're referring to

>> No.57569090

what is your race?
you type like a nigger

>> No.57569095
File: 275 KB, 1080x1350, eva vlad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, makes sense. But again, what was the point

>pic related the "broad shouldered white pig" in question
I too, can cherry pick hundreds of images of ugly asian women (not hard considering their population numbers). Will I? I'm not inclined to, but if you really want, I could indulge you.


Wrong. If you'd ever interacted with Pakistanis, you would know they are on average paper thin. Though I can see why a manlet would be intimidated by third worlders kek, the absolute state.

You are a nu-male or Jewish (then again, what's the difference really), therefore I support your race-mixing endeavours. Stop coping online and go back your Asian queen, king. If you weren't insecure about yourself, you wouldn't need to spend all this time justifying yourself. Go and get 'er.

>> No.57569103
File: 17 KB, 350x500, 41vPqOTLVOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about before and after.

>> No.57569104
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>> No.57569127

It's either DYEL manlet defeatist *American* white incel #578253, or Rabbi Schlomo JIDF working overtime. Occam's Razor says it's the former.
And I emphasize "American", since only an American could harp on about fat people like an incessant dog, and "incel", because even amongst the fatties, the average white woman in her early twenties is not overweight. Not that he would know, since that would require leaving mommy's basement and touching grass

>> No.57569131

I've seen a guy who looks at women like her but calls them rich and spoiled and yet married an Asian and says he prefers Asians.

>> No.57569138
File: 67 KB, 679x609, opened the dating site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're picking literal models, I'm going to my local area and just picking at random the fucking pigs here

you are delusional

every post after this will feature the local online dating selection currently in my area at this moment in time

>> No.57569153

I'm not intimidated by anything but numbers has some bearing on the success of a race

obviously I'm not saying they're the strongest or the smartest, but being the most numerous is an advantage

>> No.57569191

incredibly optimistic to see the future we will terraform planets, muslims don't let their women vote and that's the key to civilization

>> No.57569193

That is called "coping" and additionally "settling". But hey, if he's happy, then it is what it is. But that wouldn't change the reality of his cope and subsequent settlement.

I live in Alberta, and while there are a lot of fat hogs here, the overwhelming majority of 18-25 year old white women are thin and normal looking. I would know, since I go outside (and yk interact with them).

Btw, she isn't a model, kek. In the biz, we call that "average Dutch woman". The absolute state of rust-belt America.

The very fact that you're posting cherry-picked images of washed-up whores off a dating site only shows me that you don't rlly have much irl experience, which is fine because that can be fixed pretty easily. Like legit I just opened the "CMB" dating app on my phone and the fourth swipe is this overweight Chinese chick living in Edmonton. Dating apps are not reality dawg.

Unironically no hate I suggest you start leaving the house, even if it's for 5-10 minute walks. It's good to get some fresh air. I know what it's like because I used to live your life, at least in part.

Without a doubt, I agree. However, one race succeeding doesn't mean another has to be extinguished. But again, if you're seriously dead set on getting an east asian GF, literally just do it and get off of /biz/. She's not gonna bag herself. Just take a bunch of decent pictures of yourself and rotate a dozen apps that have decent selections for your city, and you'll find a date.

>> No.57569219
File: 210 KB, 283x613, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the Chinese girl but this is legit the 5th swipe lol so right after.

Again this isn't representative of reality since ik firsthand the avg woman is neither overweight and certainly not obese, let alone women in their 20s.

>> No.57569225
File: 635 KB, 1080x2408, fat fucking PIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can post as much as I fucking want on biz, everyone throwing shit at me won't make my opinion any less valid, you can go down your own road and get divorced and cucked I don't care

this is the closest woman to my current location available to date on online dating, which is the most popular way people have met for some time now

you fucking faggots want to tell me white women are divine angels, can't do it

>> No.57569247

>"you fucking faggots want to tell me white women are divine angels, can't do it"
>only posts pictures from dating apps.

As I said, you are divorced from reality. Your "opinion" is derived purely from sitting on your ass swiping through an app, like I just did 5 minutes ago. And the photo I just sent is a girl who's legit 20 minutes away from me. Many such cases. Two can play this game, and I can post just as many fat Asian hoes as you can white hogs. White women are not special in this regard.
You are mentally ill, and the cure is literally opening your door and going outside.

>won't make my opinion any less valid
Then stfu, take my advice, get off biz, and get an East Asian girlfriend. Oh wait you won't, that would require moving your fatass outside, bahahaha.

>> No.57569256

dating apps are the most popular dating method which we have know for years

this is a literal fact, and you muh walk around town shit is pure fantasy, cocksucker

>> No.57569265

"Pure fantasy" ... for losers who don't get invited anywhere outside of league of legends party chat. Stay mad, bitchless, dick drier than the sahara desert, coping on 4cuck, etc. Ggez no re /thread

>> No.57569270

it is an empirical fact that online dating is the most popular method of dating

it has been for years

you are a fucking liar, and a wretch, I would curbstomp your ass for looking at me funny you little rat

>> No.57569277


>> No.57569357

yeah OLD is full of fatties but if you are attractive you match with one of the non-fat ones and make her your gf. might be a skill issue

>> No.57569366

I've gotten virgin redheads from online dating

doesn't change the fact that 99 percent of them are unfuckable pigs

cuck fag

>> No.57569392

honestly in my experience online dating the white women are far fatter than the blacks and browns

another L for white bitches, they literally suck at everything

>> No.57569428

2nd generation west europeans

>> No.57569434

the pure incel rage shows you are coping. not my problem everyone rejects you.

>> No.57569446

I reject fat pigs, no one wants them, except you I guess, good luck teaching darquaveous how to read cuck nigga

but I get the virgin redheads, and I'll get a lot of virgin asians when I make my trips, don't worry about me old boy

>> No.57569449

How can yt bois compeet?

>> No.57569454

the zucc is Jewish. Jews have been marrying into powerful Asian families recently as they move from the west to the east to establish their next host state

>> No.57569459

yep, as far as I can see it that's the entire purpose of the ukraine war, lebensraum for kikes

>> No.57569462

Bug fucker cope

>> No.57569463

>39 posts
yeah im sure you are a hit with women

>> No.57569474

cow fucker cope, insect pussy is tighter and I can throw them around, keep killing yourself under that fat bitch piledriving you though faggot

>> No.57569486

I got a virgin from online dating, isn't that the pinnacle of success, in my opinion it is, but keep sucking the std cooze of "hot girls" on tinder bro

you're a disgrace, you're going to have aids soon

but I fuck virgin pussy with basically no exceptions, gg, good luck

>> No.57569499

is this virgin in the room with us right now

>> No.57569523

I fucked her for a while but, honestly there's always a better option out there, I'm just not a cuck to white women, like you, but go ahead, get your stds, get divorced, be the cuck you've always wanted to be, I'll have a harem of little asians, and my life will always be great, because I'm in control, I play the game well, no bitch could ever get me into a contract

>> No.57569541

Women are the worst financial liability you can have. Just wait a few year until they come out with realistic sex bots that are powered by chatgpt like in the movie bladerunner

>> No.57569554

is this harem of underaged asians in the room with us right now

>> No.57569568

no, not currently, like I said I will have a harem of asian girls, although I never said underaged

it's just in the cards for me, no one will divorce me, they will serve me like they are supposed to

>> No.57569709

Ching chong china mon stick it up the alien's bum.

>> No.57570096

100% correct and based.

>> No.57570105

that's how to become poor retardo

>> No.57570184

Close your legs. I can smell the fish and bbc batter from here.

>> No.57570203

bruh, you're in heaven
give her a good hard fuck and learn some piano

>> No.57570295

You just know.

>> No.57570403

That is no woman sir...

>> No.57570902

Eliott Rodger incoming

>> No.57570983

don't be jewish, basically all you need and your sons will be fine

>> No.57571002

ask kevin federline

>> No.57571032

also you just know

>> No.57571037

nah it's just the social circle in tech and the silicon valley, or ivy league schools. almost all women working in tech are asian so they end up with each other.
retard, they met at harvard in 2003 when fb wasnt even created. her parents were chinese refugees from vietnam.

>> No.57571043


>> No.57571174

>what race should i marry
if you're white only marry a white
if you're any other race marry only a jew

>> No.57571648

Indians in USA are the richest on average. If you are a woman I don't recommend it, because the social norms are too difficult accept.