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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57559920 No.57559920 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to buy in the 35k - 37k range. Now, it’s back at 47k, and the halving is right around the corner, but it feels wrong to buy at the two-year high. What are you doing?

>> No.57559956

Monitoring this thread for advice

>> No.57559976
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I'll spell it out for you very slowly.

You are

You cannot time the market. You are R-E-T-A-R-D-E-D. Many such cases.
What you need to do is a magical trick called DCA. DCA is like a cheat code where even the stupidest people can make money.

>> No.57560011

I was too prideful to dca. I thought I’m smarter than everyone else and will just go lump sum when there is a flash crash, but it hasn’t worked out, evidently.

>> No.57560055

btc is gonna peak at 91k in a year so draw a a curved line from now till a year and half from now to 91k and then draw a bunch of squiggly lines below that line and thats what it will look like

>> No.57560106

>and will just go lump sum when there is a flash crash
That happened 2 years ago. You should have bought in at 15k.

>> No.57560109
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CBBI is only 65. you missed the bottom, but you haven't missed the top. you can DCA in, or just FOMO now. probably won't matter much in the end.

>> No.57560158
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>> No.57560170
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imagine being sidelined right now LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.57560177

You'll buy the top nigger I can smell it

>> No.57560204

Correction time imo

They are not pumping new highs with this many freeloaders. But don't miss the final dump before liftoff.

>> No.57560298

>btc is gonna peak at 91k in a year
big if true

>> No.57560327

based off of the previous peak to peak ratios of growth it will grow only to 91k conservatively, but it might meme to 100k for a quick peak cuz even number

>> No.57560377

I bought all last year retard. It was obvious as FUCK it was the bottom. Stop being greedy idiot and just buy it.

>> No.57560389

the irony that this vaccinated faggot is using based anti-vaxxer memes and he doesn't know it

>> No.57560636


>> No.57560646

Sitting on the sidelines while the market rockets upwards is literally worse than losing money. Prove me wrong.

>> No.57560673

Started DCAing $250 a week like a month before 15k feels so fucking good right now.

>> No.57560688

Just wait, although I have most of my stack in btc having dca'd since 17k, I have 5-6k waiting on the side like you, for the 35-40k range.
I'm sure it will go there, halving is in a couple months still, and this rally will lose its steam eventually. And post having there is a dump..
Though I may be a retard to stop dca'ing. After a month if there is no downcycle, I'll probably ape back in and dca again.
But too soon now.

>> No.57560696

don't fomo, when you have strong feelings of fomo the market is about to crash

>> No.57560709

>I wanted to buy in the 35k - 37k range. Now, it’s back at 47k
it will prob drop to above what u wanted to buy it at so buy at 41.5k

>> No.57560733

The dump occurred on Jan 22 this year retard LMFAOOO

>> No.57560901

I'm curious, to all you sidelined anons. As we were leaving the 20K zone for 18months,, what was your rationale for not buying?

>> No.57560920
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I loaned.

>> No.57560924
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i was worried about the future of crypto i was worried about governments putting a stop to crypto i was worried about hacks i was worried about the security and safety of my money i guess i'm like a woman worried about all these little things i should just man up and put my money in the biggest bags i can find

>> No.57560957

using u as a metric
>1. if bitcoin went to 55k right now would u cut ur losses and buy
>2. what price do u think the peak will be that u want to sell at?

>> No.57560977
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>> No.57560982

I'll answer:

1. No
2. DCA out once we get around 80k with most of my stack sold by 100k

>> No.57560986

>2. DCA out once we get around 80k with most of my stack sold by 100k

okay but what do u think the peak will ultimately be this cycle

>> No.57560992
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>> No.57561006

Bitcoin is dead. Wall Street is involved. You can’t compete with the sharks in an unregulated market. You’ll get fleeced.

>> No.57561007
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lmao u must be autistic or something with all these rules 4chan isn't for pussies you know

>> No.57561009
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you had




>> No.57561027

I "buy" your tokens with a no collateral loan, then default. Easy USDT.
Whats not to like?

>> No.57561054

I bought all of my BTC for below $25k... at the time it seemed like he no-brainer play, since we were obviously in a bear market... now that it's going back up, noobs are fomoing back in and people like us look like geniuses kek
The extra inflows from the ETFs will give this cycle a boost and push us to $150k-200k.

>> No.57561057

>I bought all of my BTC for below $25k
Why did you not get them for free?

>> No.57561066

>The extra inflows from the ETFs will give this cycle a boost and push us to $150k-200k.
this is possible but its still safer to sell at ~80k 1 year after the halving

>> No.57561083

We're going to $80k and beyond long before then. Just zoom out and see for yourself, this cycle is already outperforming the previous ones. Golden bull supercycle is imminent.

>> No.57561088
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>selling later
Why not continously borrow and continously sell as long as people are still liquid?

>> No.57561098

This is the type of thinking that gets you burnt

>> No.57561103
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its not outperforming, just look at this historic parabolic chart since 2009, its consolidating between 100k and 10k

>> No.57561107

If BTC doesn't continue to outperform, then I will update my expectations. Bit I think being a conservative pussy is the type of thinking that leads you to never make life-changing gains. Lots of people bought Bitcoin at $3 only to sell it all when it was $30

>> No.57561108

You are a bunch of suckers waiting for a singularity in price when instead you could be millionaires with a steady cash inflow.

>> No.57561124

>when instead you could be millionaires with a steady cash inflow.
Yeah, we can all be millionaires at age 65 if we just keep our heads down and max out our 401ks like good goys. I don't think people on a crypto forum are generally interested in taking that route though.

>> No.57561137

No one cares if you default on a SHIBA INU loan.
Just max out your credit line, put it on a self custody wallet and tell them you can't pay it back.
It's literally free money.

>> No.57561147

>investing money you can afford to lose in BTC is the same as taking out a loan to gamble on Shiba Inu
dude just stop

>> No.57561158

Are you dense?
1. Take out a loan on SHIB (no kyc, no credit check)
2. Use that as collateral to buy USDT on margin (easy 10x)
3. Use that as collateral to buy BTC on margin (easy 2x)
4. Put the BTC in self custody
5 Default on the SHIB loan.
It's as easy as that.

>> No.57561166

The more shitty the coin, the better.
>Y-Yes sir, give me those dogshit tokens for a low, low price.

>> No.57561167

There's no way retards are actually offering no-collateral loans to cryptofags on the internet. That's the most nonsensical business idea ever. It has to be some kind of scam

>> No.57561169

Read this
Now seethe.

>> No.57561181

Yeah I get that you took a screenshot of a web page which may or may not be part of a scam. I just don't get it at all. You're saying they're giving no-collateral loans with no KYC and no credit verification. So they're pretty much just giving free money away. You'd have to be really gullible to think that's what's actually going on.

>> No.57561185

This is gonna be a good bull market (been through 2). People are gonna realize that 5% bonds aren't gonna cut it in high inflation environments. With all the money that has been printed, this will be epic.

>> No.57561192

I don't care. No one cares, actually. As long as there is still money inflowing into shitcoins i win. Easy as.
It may be bad for the next generation of gullible retards but that's not my problem.
I just handed you the method. Do with it whatever you will.

>> No.57561222

I Have $150k in limit orders sitting between $38 and $33k.
I don't think all or any of them will necessarily get filled but they are in areas I am interested in bidding if we reach them.
It really all depends on how the price reacts from here. Does the whole move get retraced and nuke below? Does it consolidate? Is there a shallow pullback that gets bought up?
All those things give some ideas / opportunities just size your orders accordingly.
Based on sentiment alone I am seeing a lot of euphoria from bulls and capitulation from bears.
^ this comment is a prime example of bear capitulation.
^ this one shows bull euphoria

>> No.57561269

How is this making you more money? Just curious.

>> No.57561455 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57561469

i went in at the 40 dip and boy am I glad I did

If you're still on the sideline you're too late

>> No.57561506
File: 396 KB, 3286x1872, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im yoloing mstr when btc hitd 34k

>> No.57561547

Well said. Bitcoin has always rewarded the brave, the same will even be true for those who bought at $69k.

>> No.57561598
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>^ this one shows bull euphoria
im NEVER sidelined and ALWAYS euphoric

>> No.57561626

what happens when bulls euphoria meets bears fomo, you get sideways till trendline

>> No.57561756

It's the same thing

>> No.57561771
File: 28 KB, 147x146, Screenshot 2023-11-06 182525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did full reddit move. You are retarded and priced out.

I will wait for Extreme Greed and ATH.

>> No.57561829
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>> No.57561843

Who cares? There's more gains in stocks than crypto right now anyway

>> No.57561848
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bro crypto is dead af you would have to be retarded to even touch this crap rn there is so much money to be made in the stock market bro i literally make money hand over fist with my options trading and the best part is i can touch boobs while i am making it you sound like one of those poorfags who has to resort to crypto because you are priced out and stupid and your cock is so small

>> No.57561857
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bro crypto is so gay i would never invest in it the stock market has much more stable and predictable returns anyone who buys crypto is an absolute fool and they will never make any money i personally make tons of money trading options and i love to touch boobs while im making it you sound like a poorfag who is priced out of the stock market and has to resort to crypto because you have no idea what you're doing you're just as retarded as the average crypto bro

>> No.57562315

What happens if you default on the loan? Do they blacklist your wallet and IP address?

>> No.57562335

>Ooh NOooooo one of my random generated wallets is BLACKLISTED how will i ever cope

>> No.57562347

If you accept the fact that crypto is money, you also have to accept the fact that every money is debt.

>> No.57562372

So what if it dumps a bit? Seriously you people should not be 'investing' because you're only reason for buying this shit is to make a quick buck. It will go up but you just have to be patient. If you can not afford to hold for a few years minimum then don't buy at all and find some other way to make money. Retards.

>> No.57562402

Price is meaningless. The only thing that matters is retards dumping their cash into our pockets.

>> No.57562431

In a trade gone awry, he roped himself tight,
Lost in the depths, his fortunes took flight.
Swinging alone, with no hope to cope,
A swing trader's gamble, ending in rope.

>> No.57562673

It's not swing trading if people give you their money.
For free.

>> No.57562696

That’s a bot you’re responding to anon.

>> No.57562725

How do you write shit like this and not cringe internally? You sound like an edgy 12-year-old

>> No.57562765

The fact that you are annoyed by my writings tell me i am on the right track. I think i'm going to crank this up a notch.

>> No.57562783


>> No.57563083

What do you mean? More money as opposed to what?
No. What happens is that the bears are buying from someone. They're not buying from the euphoric bulls because they think price is up only so why sell. They are buying from people taking profit and/or opening up shorts.
If all the buyers run out of steam but the sellers / shorts keep pushing down price but there aren't enough buyers to absorb selling until further down then price will move further down.

>> No.57563090

When I say bears buying I mean capitulated bears FOMOing in btw

>> No.57563115
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rate my triangles

>> No.57563120

uh huh
not a cult btw

>> No.57563747

Its the nature of a deflationary currency
The fuck else you gunna hold Timmy, USD? lmao

>> No.57564860

Its surprising how much people would pay these back so that their credit score doesn't get damaged later.
You only need a good credit score when getting a credit card, buying a house, or buying a car but if you take out a loan and just never pay it back and you make good trades you will be able to buy houses and cars outright and then pay like $250 for a company to harass the credit bureaus with "prove I owe this debt in 30 days or erase this from my records" to fix their credit afterwards since they are constantly being bombarded by these requests they won't make the deadline and you'll be off scot free

>> No.57564866

Correct, time in the market beats timing the market

>> No.57564919

>Sideline bros


holy shit retards BTC will be $100k next year

>> No.57564934

Retards. Did you even look up how these loans work?
No KYC no Credit check but you are giving collateral and paying a huge 13.8% monthly APR so it doesn't matter you aren't getting something for nothing and if your collateral balance falls short you have to give more money to make the difference or you get your collateral taken. Enjoy your margin call new friend.

>> No.57564960

Ironic as you literally are buying the local top.
Stay dilated. You will never be unvaxxed and white.

>> No.57564978
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The people who make money don't fomo. Bitcoin sells off in march every time, sells off a lot at the halving every time. The people in denial about this are the ones already fully invested.

>> No.57564987

You can time the market you subhuman retard, the person who gave that advice is 100 years old and benefited from a 70 year bullrun. His advice is invalid.

>> No.57565031
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>Bitcoin sells off in march every time, sells off a lot at the halving every time. The people in denial about this are the ones already fully invested.
HAHAHAH bro ur so retarded

>> No.57565066

Stop with this "obvious" bullshit, it reveals you as a stupid newfag. BTC price is never obvious, it always goes much higher and lower than anticipated.
But 16k was clearly a very good place to buy, and OP should've bought at least a chunk there to have some skin in the game in case it pumped as it did.

>> No.57565069

Not side-lined, just incredibly tempted to try swing my stack as I don't feel I have enough but my DCA is now becoming less and less effective.

>> No.57565094

Crypto is literally a game of financial musical chairs. It is fundamentally worthless and millions are going to be left holding bags after the final crash.

>> No.57565110

hey nocoiner sideliner this fud wont lower the price of bitcoin by $1 lmao nice try bud

>> No.57565117

>Taking advice from some who that lost all his gains in the luna crash.

>> No.57565136

>the top this cycle will be 85k

bitcoin bros, wngmi

>> No.57565157

i calculated 91k but yea around there

>> No.57565167
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>all this stress for a 2x

why couldn't I have just bought in 2011?

>> No.57565172

It's sad really. At least a person who goes to a casino realizes they're gambling.

>> No.57565182

Is the "final crash" in the room with us right now?