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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57558614 No.57558614 [Reply] [Original]

How are people okay with being wage slaves for 40+ years. I graduated college 3 years ago and the time went by so quickly at my first job. Everyday feels exactly the same, day in day out. I don't want to do this anymore. has any former wagie escaped outside of being a neet or through crypto?

>> No.57558649

Just live frugally and invest wisely. You'll have to wage for a while, but you will make it eventually. If you're intentional about your decisions, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to retire in 20 years or less.

>> No.57559861

Get a remote job. No commute, no need to pretend to work where you don't have to, move to/travel wherever you want.

>> No.57559872

Go all in crypto now. This is the bull year. Don't leverage. 10% btc. 90% alts. Last chance to make it. DO NOT LEVERAGE. I would have retired last bull if I didn't leverage trade. Now I'm fucking broke like a newfag

>> No.57561325
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>Get a remote job
unironically this
the pandemic only proved to us that we can work remotely and be equally or more effective that way, and it also gives me time to look at the BIGMIKE chart, if Michelle really has something down there then I better let her take me to the top.

>> No.57561334

And maybe less hours, the 8 hours seem like school hours for god sake

>> No.57561337
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remote work only made me see my home as an office

>> No.57561358

bump because i have similar feelings. i try and save and invest as much as i can to escape.

>> No.57561365

Same. I am a slave wagie in America but i feel if escorts were legal and safe to have fun with it could offset the miserable life of waging. For escaping probably gotta go all in crypto, saving money from job isnt going to do jack shit after awhile the percentage gains get smaller and smaller.

>> No.57561485

christ I swear we have the same "how do people handle waging" thread every single day

>> No.57561494

How do you even get a wagie job? I've been laid off from tech and can't get another SWE job and am about to be homeless in a week. None of these wagie places actually ever respond to my applications.

>> No.57561514

I found a solo job with no mental effort where I can just think all day and do the tasks on auto mode. Worked wonders. Gonna go down to 3 day work week in a few years when I hit 300k in savings.
Maybe you need to think outside the field of corporate office dronery. That shit is deeply miserable, but people are so proud they refuse to lower themselves to non flashy titles and work positions.

>> No.57561721
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>tired of wagecucking after 2 years at high-end consulting firm
>know 99% of the technical side of software biz
>quit to try and start a software company 4 months ago
>currently trying to figure out marketing
i still have zero income from it but every day im learning about SEO, traffic, building an audience etc.
i'd have never learned any of this if i was just slogging every day in the cube farm, even if ive lost 4 months of income (about 60k pre-tax) so far.

>> No.57561795
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When i didint have a job i had too much time to think about how everyone is enjoying this limited time on earth more than me by doing things i cant afford like eating top tier food, driving amazing cars and being proud of their house.

While all i did was rent cheaply and neet, i unironically thought about sudokuing on nearby train tracks but a switch flipped and i decided to instead make a goal list. To build a house and earn a certain amount of money by 30. If i cant then ill reconsider sudokuing again

>> No.57561802

What service are you offering anonv just curious u dont need to link your landing page but itd he cool if its on the web anyway.
Tell me its not ai automation xD

>> No.57561819

its nothing unique, its a saas biz app for small service industry businesses (hairdressers,masseuses etc). there are a lot of other companies doing the exact same thing but it seems to me i could start scraping up some clients and just learn the "business" side of things without waiting until i have some unique new idea.

>> No.57561852

My problem is that i have a hard time identifying something like that, something that could be remotely useful that i could carry out.
I say this because sure someone would love to hire a genius dev to create them a personalised app in a week, but i know not that elon musk guy, i need time and i can’t identify what else people need that i could do.
Besides the obvious stuff like helping companies and people with issues they already have like network issues or lack of ci cd or some shit. But i have a day job and cant spend all my time one other stuff, so it would probably be best if i developed something like you in my spare time and sold it to people who need it. But like i said, i have no idea what i could make that people need…

Any ideas ? XD

>> No.57561925

>i can’t identify what else people need that i could do.
i identified this as a skill that i dont currently have but that i'm trying to learn, its something im passively working on while i pursue launching this business
>if i developed something like you in my spare time and sold it to people who need it. But like i said, i have no idea what i could make that people need…
its cliche but because the ramp-up time of building traffic to your website/app takes so long, you really do need to start marketing and finding customers before you even write any code. otherwise you'll code something that "might" be useful and find that you have no clients. again this marketing is where im spending most of my time trying to figure it out
>any ideas
desu no fucking clue, if you browse startuptwitter for long enough you'll see tiny little businesses in every weird niche. just think of all the shit you could get people to pay $20/mo for, and see if that exists yet, if not you can probably build it

>> No.57561933

This. Covid lockdowns were fucking awful, because I would close my work VM at the end of the day and open up a game without even standing up. I couldn't differentiate between work and home any more. Nowadays I mostly work from the office, and when I work from home it's just so that I can have a day off.

>> No.57561956

>Graduated college
>Couldn't land a decent job
>ended up wageslaving at dead-end job
>parents bought a second house and let me keep their old one I just pay for utilities and property taxes
>currently have 16k in cash, about 1k in bonds, 25k in QQQ, 6.5k in a Roth IRA, bought shares in VOO with it (just opened it, probably should've opened it earlier)
>have nothing in crypto, too volatile for me (and too many scams)
>no debt
>I'm 29
Financially speaking how am I doing

>> No.57561964
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kek since COVID i have been having to go on a 3 week trip every few months to reset my surroundings thanks to WFH, otherwise i fall in a rut of distraction

fucking laptop work is probably destroying all our brains like this

>> No.57561980

What are you pulling at the dead end job? Whats your long term plan? Sounds good anon. Im in a similar boat except I have some debt.

>> No.57561988
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Ah i see, thanks for the reply anon, but yeah i suppose market research and such is part of the process.
Anyway, i tried ai automation for a while after seeing some vids on yt, made a simple embeddable ai chatbot with custom background files i could insert depending on business needs, and created a decent platform for them.
Made a cute little website after stealing templates from the web kek and i got 0 traffic. Even with some seo and getting it on google.
So i tried cold calling a few random companies i found on google maps.
I found out i dont have the spirit for it.
Ended up making like 4 cold calls then said fk this. Was thinkjng about buying a instagram or fb ad but its very complicated and gave up on it because it also costs money

Anyway, gl anon

>> No.57561991

You need the right "mindset"

It's like Stockholm Syndrome
You need to embrace and accepts and you will eventually learn to love

Also try not to travel too much, the more you see the world and possibilies the more miserable you will see you life.

>> No.57561992

>but yeah i suppose market research and such is part of the process
i think it is part of the process when you know what you're doing. for guys like you or me, the only process is to jump in blindfolded and find out what works in the trenches. after that, the market research can help us since we know what to look for
>Was thinkjng about buying a instagram or fb ad but its very complicated and gave up on it because it also costs money
yes i've been told by experienced marketers this is just flushing money down the toilet when you're not already well monetized. the advertising needs to pay for itself, doing it earlier is just costing money

>> No.57562029

Computer screens make one depressed

>> No.57562592

Why didn't you just slack off and do the ground work on company time? That way your still getting a check and you can always change your mind if you see it won't work out. Especially if your not earning any money yet, there is no conflict with your employer

>> No.57562892

Most of us will be old as shit in 20 years, who gives a fuck. I don't want to live "frugally" through the rest of my 20's and all of my 30's

>> No.57562916

Sounds like you are a risk-averse passive cuck and you will rot where you are.

>> No.57562971

Heres the alternative

>> No.57563064

The house is what makes this good.

>> No.57563074

Then have fun retiring in 40 years

>> No.57563093

I can deal with the work, it's just annoying how it dominates so much of life. I'm the efficient and energetic kind of worker, so I'm hoping I can get a remote job and only work like 30 hours a week, or raise my salary so much that I can survive off of part-time work. It's annoying being at the point where you're told life's over and it's time to settle down and wage the days away when you feel like your life hasn't even started yet.

>> No.57563106


>> No.57563143

I do have a remote job and still feel like a wagecuck. 8 hours of my time I have to be dedicated to work, and they expect results everyday so I can't just slack off

>> No.57563157

I work 40 hrs a week, minimum, because I am a Christian

>> No.57563164

what about working for yourself, starting a business and reaping the fruits of your labor? Right now I'm making a company rich while they giving me a small cut

>> No.57564044

Go for it but small businesses are on the way out these last 4 years so good luck. I've had success just waging and earning certification while investing.

>> No.57564085

Please advise me on remote jobs, anons. I would like to give this a shot and see if it works better than standard wagie office work.

My primary issue is I'm unsure how to find them. Where do I find job postings that are legit for these? how did you guys find yours?
PLEASE none of this shit. I refuse to be customer service talking to retards on a phone for 8 hours, even from home.

>> No.57564108
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hey anon i don't know what to tell ya man it sucks to find remote jobs especially good ones a lot of them are customer service bullshit to be honest but who knows there could be something out there that's not that bad honestly most work from home jobs can be total bullshit though i wouldn't get my hopes up stay away from call centers or support desks those will ruin your life

>> No.57564141
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Start stealing and become a burden on society. First thing you should do is quit your worthless wagie job. Don't bother applying for benefits, welfare or any other government assistance unless you really can't help yourself. I personally prefer to also GHOSTMAXX, no properties in my name, no hand outs, no benefits, no taxes, just living in the shadows of society and outside of the system as much as I can, but I digress. Simply take everything you need from big corporations, resell it and enjoy life. Hit their jew warehouses and megastores and become an honest reseller. Make sure to post about it and encourage more people to become burdens like you. Once enough people do this, their system collapses. Also always remember how over half the population got vaxxed and sided with the government? make them pay and enjoy it too. This is how you get back at the jews, the governments, the corporations, the normie cattle and everybody else who wronged you.

>> No.57564156

I mean you're kinda telling me things I already know, my man. I have 0 desire to do customer service/ telecomms.

I want to at least TRY a legit remote job though, to see if it's for me. I am very very tired of my wagie 9 to 5 and I suspect if I could just wake up, roll out of bed, and be at my workplace already this would help to at least eliminate some of the stress of having to wake up like 2 hours early to shower/eat/get dressed etc for my drive to wagie job.

I need guidance though. simple "job opportunities remote jobs" google searching is not being very promising. I do not mind if it doesn't pay that well, I am okay with a pay cut if it improves my sanity. I can manage my budget around this.

Should I use Indeed.com to find them? ziprecruiter? some other method?

Help me remote anons

>> No.57564330

do things that are like events, like ice skating in the winter with someone , garden festival, visit a nearby city or whatever. If you do this shit every other week you will have 26 things you have done in a year and you can look back gladly on the year and maybe it wont feel like it flew by.
Also those things are cheap so everybody can do it