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57558963 No.57558963 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57559006

Uber Eats in Europe only asks you to tip after the delivery is made (not to mention the fact that no one tips in Europe anyways because we're not ugly fat brown retards)

>> No.57559009

I fucking hate americunts

>> No.57559023

Call the police. Claim you ate it and became exceptionally ill so you can sue on criminal and civil charges.
This is why you need money, by the way. If you can afford good lawyers you can afford to ruin people who fuck with your shit.

>> No.57559027

imagine thinking this was a good idea to put on twitter, when you're serving a possible 25+ years if the person dies from incesticide. Even if they don't die, that's 10+ years

>> No.57559039

you don't need a good lawyer for this lol. Not only could you sue the person who will serve an insane amount of time in prison. You can sue UberEats or whoever the delivery company is. Unless they have in their agreement both with the driver and the customers when you sign up/order that they have zero liability with drivers and how they handle food

>> No.57559111
File: 138 KB, 522x278, IMG_1631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your McRaid fries
Next time you better tip

>> No.57559138

can't wait for AI delivery bots to replace these subhumans

>> No.57559224

You’ve obviously never worked at a fast food restaurant
10-20% of all orders are being messed with by the cook
Fast food cooks hate their jobs and spit in food on most shifts I worked

>> No.57559226

Someone should clue in the fucking delivery app companies that a big portion of potential customers are not ordering specifically because ordering involves trusting another person.
Plus the obvious advantages
>No tipping needed for robots
>No additional service fees for robots
There's 0 downsides unless you're one of the pathetic fuckers working for these companies.

>> No.57559237

So what the fuck can we do. There's just no fucking way to enjoy taco bell without consuming other people's spit then?

>> No.57559245

Ahahaha imagine being american. fat fucks. I have never tipped before in my life. No one asks me for tips.

>> No.57559256
File: 237 KB, 1829x1214, 8Pk0486MIAOCgprmyZWZEDyGghnJHgl0ukgkAnqQCek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

automate them too I don't care

>> No.57559320
File: 886 KB, 1125x1620, IMG_2652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cook your own food
>Automated fast food cooked by robots with meat that tests at 2% human DNA
Living the good life

>> No.57559335

>you need a lot of money so you can spend all your time trying to fuck other people over
sounds like a job

>> No.57559338

Yeah what the fuck
Do american delivery apps really require you to tip first? What stops someone from just shitting on your food even after a 100% tip?

>> No.57559349

I worked at Wendy's for 3 years and never once did anyone fuck with the food, and we had some real dickwad customers. We were 80% white though, I wouldn't be surprised if this happens in a nigger infested area. If I see a greater than 50% black staff I run out of there.

They obviously know this the tech is just another 10 years away unfortunately. Also they'll charge you more than it costs now because people will pay it not to interact with monkeys.

Anyone that pays a premium to get their goyslop handled by brown hands deserves to eat insecticide. I tried this a couple times when Uber was giving me $60 in free food just to use this retarded service and even then I regretted it.

>> No.57559350

You need money to defend yourself legally, yes. Otherwise any asshole can take advantage of you.

>> No.57559352

So you're fucked even when you cook your own food kek
You hate ro raise your own livestock

>> No.57559366

>I worked at Wendy's and they didn't fuck with the food
Ok cool. That's at least reassuring. I live near a taco bell and Wendy's and have occasionally stopped at both for a meal on the way to work. The thought of them fucking with my food was always in the back of my head but I never know for sure, and I'm always a polite, normal customer.

>> No.57559411
File: 567 KB, 1365x841, StayvunFi 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Amerigoy SOOER

>> No.57559430

no evidence. better luck next time non tipper cucks that think they are alpha Chad's for not tipping but get btfo. karma is a bitch

>> No.57559449

I don't know how it is in the US but in Europe the only people who are uber eats wagies are fat shitskin immigrant manlets lmao

>> No.57559486

It doesn't matter if they have zero liability with drivers in the fine print. You sue them for not vetting drivers and allowing them a platform to poison users. They'll settle for millions lol

>> No.57559491

Dude just sprayed raid in his car with the doors and windows closed. Breathe it in deep, wagie!

>> No.57559511

lmfao do these high school dropouts even hear themselves?

>> No.57559521
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It's worse when you go to Starbucks and they want you to tip for a fucking $6 coffee. It's not even delivery.

Absolutely unhinged

>> No.57559531

Where I live now it's just college kids or 20 year olds. Some white, some black, no trend too obvious. In the cities it's just like in Europe, although they're fatter here so they don't ride bikes as much. How do they make any money driving? Nobody knows.

>> No.57559630

I'm unable to believe that someone could see the way those stickers are curling back and not report the delivery. If I can open the seal without tearing every sticker to shreds then I'm getting a refund.

>> No.57559656

When will burgers put an end to this?

>> No.57559671
File: 938 KB, 1024x1024, krbFRuq0KY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also if you want a better coffee maybe stop buying shitty starbucks

>> No.57559684

>see low tip
>dont accept the order
isnt that what most drivers just do? why pay for bug spray and then do the delivery and then commit a crime

>> No.57559718

insta clout.

>> No.57559727

what does this post mean?

>> No.57559733

aw nevermind it means sue, got it, lmao

>> No.57559741
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x1024, 8p6DvR4UJ9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao insta clout more like insta douche imagine caring about your social media following it's so pathetic and the guy ordering starbucks is a stupid normie 4chan chad only drinks coffee from the darkest corners of the internet at his favorite indie coffee shop if you are a real chad you know how to find the best coffee in the world

>> No.57559744

take your meds
also the pic in the OP is probably just bait and all you retards are falling for it

>> No.57559844

Exactly. Check out Satoshi Jobs Inu. It's as memeable and meaningless as they come

>> No.57559846

How about try not being a lazy piece of shit and picking up your goyslop yourself.

>> No.57559866

Who would care if you’re eating horse? Whats the difference from a cow?

>> No.57559907

Checked. Also kekd that's amazing anon

>> No.57559975

Lol why do you think these contract wagiefag jobs are exploding. If you read the fine print, doordash, grubhub, uber, airbnb have zero liability when you sign and agree to their ant-size documents. Best thing you can do is sue some poorfag blowing 5k-10k in attorneys fees in the process. Best thing doordash or whoever can do is terminate that person indefinitely. If he or she gets hired back THEN you might have a case, but a LOT more fees and red tape to peel away. It's like public parking lots. The sign says "company NOT responsible for auto damage or theft", but Uber or whatnot is worse. An uber driver or doordash deliverer could rob, rape or kill you and you can't sue them for shit. The only way you can sue them is if you have evidence their contract workers and they were both partners complicit in creating crimes together

>> No.57559985

>imagine caring about your social media following
Where have you been the last 10 years?

>> No.57560051

Robots are more expensive than wagies

>> No.57560064

Stop eating goyslop, faggot

>> No.57560067

i dont "get" this argument
if nobody used uber eats, doordash, these wagies wouldnt even have that job in the first place
if the tips are too low why take the order in the first place? It all seems insane

>> No.57560087

it's funny you say that because the hands in the OP pic are white
the delusion of you chuds is so interesting to see

>> No.57560215
File: 421 KB, 800x591, Renoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one tips in Europe
Peripheral European detected. Tipping is an old upper class custom that was common in French salons and English coffeehouses. It's still practiced today in bars and restaurants, despite being co-opted by governments and corporations as a stealth tax/price hike.

>> No.57560225

>Peripheral European detected
Yup t. southern euro
I had no idea tipping was a thing anywhere in euroland nowadays

>> No.57560253

Can't blame you. It's still considered a "class act" by some, but is generally disregarded by the masses.

>> No.57560266

your lines suck, learn to trade

>> No.57560282

>the nicest man in Baltimore

>> No.57560299

You can only use delivery bots in areas that are high trust societies. Otherwise, nogs just smash them and steal the food.

>> No.57560312

OP here. This.

>> No.57560319
File: 928 KB, 1024x1024, 4ZaKK2Z46U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate crypto and people who think they understand finance are idiots i hate every crypto project and bitcoin is retarded if you invest in crypto you are a cuck

>> No.57560519

Stuff like this should be used to mount a case that delivery apps legally shouldn't be allowed to ask for tips. But even then, if you don't tip at the door and you get the same driver the risk is still there. So tipping should be illegal in the food industry. The staff should be fined thousands if they ask for or even accept a tip.

The threat of a personal fine makes sure that cashiers ask for ID (at least in my country) for age restricted goods. The threat of a personal fine would also make sure that food staff don't want a tip. It would also ensure that they get paid a decent wage, the prices would go up, but at least it would be an honest representative price.

There's enough of this kind of shit online that you could mount a reasonable case for this.

>> No.57561424

Imagine fucking using uber eats, or anyof the subhuman services
fucking pathetic.

>> No.57561432

How did he already know they weren't going to tip?
This fucker might actually be poisoning food for no reason

>> No.57561459

It's almost like people have disabilities, cars break down, someone gets severely sick, etc. You would be able to come up with scenarios like this if your IQ was not down the shitter.

>> No.57561462

>No tipping needed for robots

Why? You have to tip other automated things in america, why would robots be the exception?

>> No.57561467

The idea is that someone can decline poor tipping orders. No one forces a person to accept orders and you have to be really picky to have your pickiness hurt you. The person posting that photo is just bitter at life.

>> No.57561563

one of the few fast food items i used to get was BK's whopper. then i started to learn the basics of cooking, found a whopper copycat recipe on YT, recreated it and it tasted exactly the same for a 1/4th of the cost (also tried to make BK hamburgers at home but even though the burger has fewer ingredients, it doesn't taste at all like the real thing - probably because i'm using the wrong brand of ketchup). anyway i haven't been back to BK since and also don't plan on returning. trying to recreate a big mac at home is my next goal. ty for reading my food blog

>> No.57561590

>What stops someone from just shitting on your food even after a 100% tip?
Usually because Uber drivers do repeat business and will prioritize big tippers.

>> No.57561633

Nice painting Anon.

>> No.57561635

For me, it’s the mcchicken

>> No.57561643
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x1024, GUHjWrTNcz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can even call it that is gay and i am not surprised that someone who is gay would like it 4chan is a place for real men unlike you 4chan is the only place to be 4chan is the best social media site you'll never find 4channers painting like this because we are superior to you

>> No.57561666

Anyone who has ever used any type of raid bug spray knows that its super foamy and smells like zyklon B air fresheners. No way that such tampering won't be detected as soon as the customer picks up the bag.

>> No.57561670

I used to go to cafes and eat street food even when I was a broke university student (then starve for 3 weeks)

In this case the income of the wagies serving me were much higher, does that mean that they should have tipped me?

>> No.57561835
File: 116 KB, 1280x1064, IMG_8765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you just go to court for every food delivery??
How do you know they did something like this instead of just delivering your food normally??

Will you try to smell the order ? What if it just smells like goyslop

Same for spitting in your food you won’t be able to tell so are you just gonna sue everyone

>> No.57561870

Horse meat is delicious.

I'd be thrilled to have some mixed in with my beef.

>> No.57561902
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1640103798903 mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating McDonald's
Both sides are wrong and equally sub-human

>> No.57561915

Honestly it's completely appropriate (in the poetic sense) that modern americans are actually eating human beings when they think they are eating cow hamburger.

>> No.57561916
File: 1.54 MB, 1024x1024, pLpAdLEVro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also have a huge cock trust me

>> No.57561932

My parents unironically have this painting

>> No.57562590

Horse is good

>> No.57562597

Make them eat the first fry in front of you and if they refuse report the order as never arrived and punch them.

>> No.57563261

Here tipping usually means rounding up so you basically hand over some paper bills and say "no need for change it's fine thank you". I've seen it in bourgeois-y restaurants, dunno about real upper class places.

>> No.57563319

companies are aware its just that robot delivery drone cant defend themselves from niggers and when they are being constantly raided and destroyed you can recoup costs.
this factors into a lot of things in modern industrial design. human workers will sabotage their replacements endlessly

>> No.57563595

This guy’s got it right, if you are too lazy to get your own damned fast food, it’s an immoral crime to allow you to live.

>> No.57563681

White people can be niggers too. It's a concept beyond a normies comprehension but when high IQ people call someone a nigger it's because they're displaying characteristics that happen to be primarily dominant in a certain group of people and has nothing to do with their skin color.

>> No.57563738

Nigger. You are the blackest nigger in all existence