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File: 98 KB, 983x694, 1695046494393891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57556145 No.57556145 [Reply] [Original]

But But But The Rsi Edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


Previous: >>57554704

>> No.57556163

kys thread splitting faggot

>> No.57556170
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>> No.57556172

kill yourself OP

>> No.57556181

>The White House on Friday touted the U.S. government's plan to spend $11 billion on semiconductor-related research and development and said it was launching the $5 billion National Semiconductor Technology Center.

>> No.57556182
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Never bet against America

>> No.57556183
File: 381 KB, 1912x637, Screenshot 2024-02-09 133441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post link to the sub 300 post smg then

>> No.57556185

No Bobo! We'll need you someday! Just hold on. Have you considered job placement services? Retraining?

>> No.57556186
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>> No.57556191
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This is probably the last /smg/.

>> No.57556195
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can't split the thread when the other isnt a real thread

>> No.57556193
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Yeah I'm thinking we're back.

>> No.57556198
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This volume isn't doing it for me. It's thin. Soft. Light.

>> No.57556199
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this is insanity

>> No.57556200
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SNAP stock

>> No.57556203

>thread splitting again.
Fuck this, I'm done for the weekend and going out for a drink.

>> No.57556205
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>> No.57556206


top signal, /pol/ is discussing how big nvidia is

>> No.57556215

>Market all time high
>Economy unstoppable
>Jobs for everyone even need immigrants to fill vacancies
>China dead and dying
>Trump heading to prison
>Inflation beaten
>Unprecedented pay raises

Fuck Bros I'm riding with Biden again I guess

>> No.57556222

is that headline actually true?

>> No.57556226

The smartest thing you could have done at any day for the past month was ape in at the all time high.

>> No.57556227
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4987 EOD

>> No.57556228
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>> No.57556231
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Guys I need some funds/cash crisis that will crush the stock market just for a short time to unloads my bags.
What are the chances of it happening this month?

>> No.57556235

>more retards will buy
We're just getting started.

>> No.57556236

looks like marketwatch or yahoo finance idk

>> No.57556239

Especially because /pol/ is nothing but glowies so some glowie was probably hired by Nancy pelosi to help dump.her NVDA bags

>> No.57556242

>T. A retard

>> No.57556251

Yes, if you want big dick returns just invest in China. China has a very large population and the BRICS nations doing business with the Yuan will give it more and more strength in the coming decades. Buying China today would be the equivalent of investing in the USA in the 1930s prior to WW2.

>> No.57556252

if this is the blowoff top then you have a few weeks at most

>> No.57556256

Literally nothing that bears have ever said would happen because of bond yields has ever happened. Like for over three years. Pitiful.

>> No.57556260

Your Public Union jobs need to be a transfer list to executioners roll call. You take 43 paid days away from your desk from day one. That's 2 MONTHS of not doing your job, from the moment you start working.

You deserve a fucking hanging, you deserve your skin to be the only attachment your head has to your body as you're dragged behind horses. You deserve to be put on a table and strangled by your own intestines.

You want MORE of my blood and sweat?

ASO shorts.

>> No.57556268
File: 45 KB, 482x440, 37870247_671774676529344_7140569445281300480_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is still buying stocks?

who looks at a market that has risen 50% in the last 6 months and says to themselves "yup, now is the time to buy"

who the fuck are these people? the market is broken

>> No.57556272

>blowoff top!!!
>Pelosi is gonna dump her bags!!!!!
Man it's like you guys pull these retarded lines out every 6 months and then get mogged again

>> No.57556276

Bears, you lied to me. I’m down 10% ytd

>> No.57556280

Damn looks like we definitely cruising into a easy Biden victory again.

>> No.57556286

Big Money is who has been pushing it back up ever since they bought their own dip in October 2022. Now we're in the phase where retail finds out and piles in.

>> No.57556288

People smarter than you.

>> No.57556289

Nice try glowie. Now tell pelosi to show us her old woman tits.

>> No.57556290


>> No.57556291

speak english and maybe someone will respond

>> No.57556294
File: 890 KB, 930x1271, 1686611270782496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long does this last? what if this is the bait pump before the big dump in march?

>> No.57556296

Okay so I went in there and it was just a bunch of people calling each other jews in a circle while swearing they denounce the talmud. I didn't know you could have lower quality conversations than we have here.

>> No.57556297

yeah fair, but the balance of probabilities are moving towards us and away from you all the time.
this *is* building towards a blowoff top and you're trying to time the top like the fucking retard you are.
and it will end like every other time someone tried that.

>> No.57556302

this is still a nothingburger compared to the dotcom bubble and it lasted two years. the nasdaq went +200%. just know when to start selling.

>> No.57556307

market is up 12%

>> No.57556309

if you got rid of the 2 months paid leave, you'd have to fire 15% of the work force because they wouldn't be needed to do the work of the people who are on vacation and that would lead to a spike in unemployment and rate cuts.

>> No.57556312

AEX (netherlands) is growign the SPX. It's all tech as netherlands has ASML and some other shitty tech (Adyen)

>> No.57556313

Every time reddit bulls begin being in denial about fundamentals and technicals in this thread is when the market has all but topped out. It's like clockwork.

>> No.57556317

I have a better question for you. What if you're left behind?

>> No.57556318

>buy literally anything
>watch line go up for a few months
wow who knew it was this easy

>> No.57556321

>"two more weeks" posting unironcally

>> No.57556323

The amount of funds being poured into the debt market, trying to prevent the 10 year yield from finding fair value, is beyond astronomical by now.

>> No.57556324 [DELETED] 

We'd cut 15% of DC's budget in 1 move?
How much is our deficit per year?

>> No.57556329

Do you like money? what is wrong with stock going up?

>> No.57556331

Im embarrassed I used to go to /pol/ at one point. They are wrong about everything all of the time, and no constructive conversations ever happen there. It's just a bunch of broke NEETs trying to make fun of other people for actually participating in society, and glowies trying to get the said NEETs to shoot up elementary schools

>> No.57556337

>Folks in this thread actively fighting for shittier working conditions and less paid time off

What a wild time

>> No.57556339
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>> No.57556344
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>its still all about mag7 and AI

I'm tired of these overrated companies. We need a shit company fund. The real boys that will make a comeback. Nothing over 5 billy marketcap just good balance sheets, we're gonna make 2024 our year fuck your AItech slop.

>> No.57556345

if stocks truly only ever go up then it doesn't matter when you buy in

>> No.57556346

it's a bull market
but there are companies which have collapsed or flatlined recently - SNAP, AAPL, SAVE

>> No.57556347
File: 102 KB, 545x393, Rich strongbad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody's so busy looking at NVDA that they're missing AMZN's slow and steady gains today. Feels good man.

>> No.57556350

Bobos, post your best arguments for the market going down soon. Mumus, post your best arguments for the market continuing to go up for a while

>> No.57556355

it was funny during the elections and HWNDU, after that it turned into 90% glowniggers

>> No.57556356

consumers are fucked and don't bother with them.

>> No.57556359

Buy Google while it's under $200, that's where the real money is Strong Bad.

>> No.57556360
File: 211 KB, 404x230, FAGGOTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will all come crashing down HARD FUCKING LANDING when JAYROMEY informs them it will have to be

>> No.57556367


>> No.57556368

I got righteously heemed yesterday after biden said "long live the king" and then threw natural gas off a cliff to be trampled by wildebeests, but I made it all back plus tip thanks to NVDA and Spy. This has been my greenest day all year

>> No.57556375
File: 156 KB, 1716x871, nvda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bobos, post your best arguments
surely this will go up forever

>> No.57556386
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x1714, Screenshot_20240209-145047-667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still holding my SNAP short position. They recently released some shady shareholder changes. This turd is going sub $10.

>> No.57556390

NVDA $10000 by eod

>> No.57556395

turns out $700 was just a psychological barrier, a kind of human autism
once we breached that it's going to keep running up until earnings or the next psychological barrier - $800
at earnings it will probably crash like 30%

>> No.57556396

Everyone who paid attention to real estate, only now instead of having to pay for yard services you just trade paper back and forth

>> No.57556398

Bros this colossal pumping is making me nervous as shit. I fear a gigantic crash will escalate around Q2 2024, this is too good to be true.

>> No.57556400
File: 25 KB, 320x318, Strong bad park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man I am way ahead of you, I gots googl AND goog.

>> No.57556402
File: 138 KB, 1170x648, IMG_9928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys hear that Steve Jobs owned over 5000 shares of Cigna at the time of his death from AIDS?

>> No.57556404

SSSHHHHH don't tell everyone. Google is THE sleeper stock. All that data they have from being the biggest search engine. They have the best shot at making the best AI on the market. They develop their own Tensor chips too so they don't even rely on Nvidia for meme AI chips.

>> No.57556406

load puts at close?

>> No.57556407

Is PLTR still under fair value?

>> No.57556409

WHEN is someone going to tell these tards.

>> No.57556411

>Buy gay stock
>die of ass cancer
What kind of investment thesis is this?

>> No.57556421

You say this shit as a DC Public Worker who has no intent to make my life better. You absolutely deserve to be killed on the spot for your constant treason, and your use of Threat of Force to withhold The People from the services we Fund if you don't get "enough" of a pay raise is 100% Pirating and an unlawful disordering of the balance of US authority.

I can't find any Publicly Traded Rope companies, so I'm gonna go with LOW.

I hope you get what you deserve, and I want to be there to watch.

>> No.57556424
File: 110 KB, 1024x1024, 1707418747100505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the working class can no longer afford housing so instead of saving up for a house we just live with parents and throw everything into the stock market
or that could just be me projecting

>> No.57556425

mumoids can only cope when you pose this to them.

>> No.57556430

Shhh, let them dream

>> No.57556434

Strong bad is some of the most unfunny shit I've ever seen. Had a boss at an old job that used to put those videos on at the end of the day and everyone groaned because we were forced to watch that shit.

>> No.57556436


He had pancreatic cancer, not prostate cancer.

>> No.57556437

It was funny when I was 13.

>> No.57556438

How in the hell are they losing 1.3 BILLION dollars a year?
Like, slap some shit on Linode and Cloudflare. Throw together a frontend in Xcode and OH MY GOD YOU'VE COPIED THE WHOLE COMPANY.
How does this even cost that much?

>> No.57556442

What the fuck

>> No.57556448
File: 200 KB, 370x300, homestar strongbad shitposts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your boss is based and you and your coworkers are cringe. I'm sorry but it's just the truth.

>> No.57556452

Fucking sold All my SOXL calls cause they expire today. Where do I park $130k?

>> No.57556456

I thought it was kinda funny from what little I saw of it, but that was like 20 years ago.

>> No.57556457
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That adds up to another $16b for SMCI.
>New price target: $740*(1+16/41) = $1028

>> No.57556466
File: 1.12 MB, 860x652, FAGGOTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dreaming is fine, but fuckin IN, IN, IN, not NUH, NUH, NUH. These same niggers probably say "REE SEE CUPS". They should all be GASSED.

>> No.57556470

I feel like you probably enjoyed invader zim as well. I bet you were one of those kids.

>> No.57556471


>> No.57556474

Whats your timeframe on when theyre going sub $10? By next week or next month?

>> No.57556475

I bought Tesla puts and didn’t realize I’m on my third pdt of the week. It’s only $600 but I can’t decide if I should sell or not. I’m up $100

>> No.57556481


>> No.57556482

I've yet to see a Tyrone or Stacy shill it. Then the generational picotop is in.

>> No.57556486

So you make minimum wage and are mad at everyone doing better I see

>> No.57556488

It especially doesn't matter to people who never buy in anyway, because "Now MUST be the top!"

>> No.57556490
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>linear scale
>not inflation adjusted

>> No.57556494
File: 2.23 MB, 3360x4982, pass_it_on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it expires today your fucked and have to take the 30 day vacation, if further expiration just hold for tuesday.

>> No.57556497
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>> No.57556499
File: 19 KB, 252x395, Homestar stong badman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No and they're not even similar at all. Zim was edgy while Homestar was surreal. Really weird attempt at a gotcha though, champ.

>> No.57556501

>This turd is going sub $10.
the question is. when

>> No.57556504
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Probably next month in my opinion. It's going to be a slow bleed because they are effectively a dead company at this point. Now if you'll excuse me, my blue chew is kicking on and I have a sluts with nuts thread calling my name over at /gif/

>> No.57556512

But the chart on the wall is going up

>> No.57556515
File: 21 KB, 438x143, AI will now build all routers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undertakeranon, you see this for Cisco?

How do they even employ 10,000 people?

>> No.57556516

2/16 puts

I normally like to gamble 50-100 bucks for fun but losing $600 would seriously upset me. What happens if I get flagged?

>> No.57556517

You literally just told me you were going to make my life better as a poor person, now you openly mock poor people.
It's like you really want us to kill you all.
I agree.
UAL, flying into DC is going to be fastest for most of us.

>> No.57556520

You haven't seen the writing below it.

>> No.57556526

>sluts with nuts
Raggot those are men.

>> No.57556532

>How do they even employ 10,000 people?
they employ 85k people

>> No.57556538

>UAL, flying into DC is going to be fastest for most of us.
Sorry, that's SAVE

>> No.57556545

You do realize you have to be 18 to post here right

>> No.57556546

Apparently back in the 80s and 90s, mass layoffs were a sign of severe distress, a last resort before bankruptcy.
Today they're done to make the stock go up because employees are more liabilities than assets.

>> No.57556548

GOOG is far too terminally jeeted to ever achieve anything.

You'll wake up one morning and find out PM Rakesh got rid of Search to boost Bard traffic 0.5%.

>> No.57556558

Well 75,000 now, but that's not the point. They're routers. What the fuck do you need a small city working on them for?

>> No.57556564
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>> No.57556573

And you don't realize how serious this ought to be in your head.
You don't deny you are a Public Union worker? You mock us while robbing us. And you will get yours, it always comes. And I pray its your children they dash open in front of you.
But that's just me.
KODK, so we can send the pictures of this bitches dead kids to everyone.

>> No.57556576

Did you know GE used to employ over 300,000 people world wide? They dont anymore of course.

>> No.57556583

Its time to for the pour hour.

>> No.57556590


>> No.57556593

Yeah it was par for mid naughts flash era internet along with the lamas and cupcakes and whatever. Now we've got actual content everywhere, you can watch Seinfeld and MIT lectures instead.

>> No.57556596

I think we're going for 50 days off in the next contract and I may quit if we don't get at least 50 hr

>> No.57556598

Every single company is infested with jeetcode these days. It's job security for the senior engineers that actually know how to untangle the abominal copypaste monstrosities the jeets shit out every day.

Imagine that every tech company is a window factory and they hire pajeets to work the night shift and smash all the windows for the day shift.

>> No.57556602

Microsoft is just as jeeted as Google is and somehow they are doing fine. I'm sleeping good holding GOOG.

>> No.57556604

It's really easy to hit a point where your corpus is *too* big even with just public data.

>> No.57556610
File: 245 KB, 1170x652, IMG_9926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever met a boomer who could work a router?
Layoffs are based though. Glad I held

>> No.57556611

I've thinking about Applel. They have been losing steam in the last years and even itoodlers are catching up with how their tech barely improves each year. I doubt they will crash any day now, but they no longer have that oomph that impressed normalfags anymore.

>> No.57556621

Who do you think *invented* routers, son?

>> No.57556625

>You ever met a boomer who could work a router?
I feel like I should point out that the boomers invented them.

>> No.57556633

normies on social networks are all over the vision pro

>> No.57556641 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 720x576, jesus-pepe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed be God.
Blessed be his holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be his most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be his most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most holy Sacrament of the altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints.

>> No.57556642

I was 1 year early. I've been shorting every day for a year. I will short another year and then another till I achieve victory. I do not care how much I lose. I will be right. The higher this goes the longer I can short without experiencing loss.

>> No.57556647

Changing OS's is a hell of a lot more trouble than using Bing.com instead of Google.com.

>> No.57556650
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>> No.57556651

You can never have too much data. If it's too much for their servers to handle in an AI application they can simply limit and curate access.

>> No.57556656
File: 85 KB, 490x386, 1310804490300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that AMD has cooled off since last earnings, what are your prospects for the company this year? Lisa was phlegmatic about Q1 and Q2 for 2024 promising a ramp up for AI in the second half of the year due to TSMC getting zerg rushed by orders. Are you holding or moving to NVDA?

>> No.57556658

I have a stake in Microsoft too. Their main money maker is not in OS's anon. I hope you know that...

>> No.57556659

Yes, in 1975 every single Baby Boomer in existence showed up to the Xerox headquarters to collectively engineer a device that could manage data packets efficiently.
fucking retards on this board I swear

>> No.57556665

For training obviously. Who fucking cares about inference.

>> No.57556670
File: 199 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought more shares of LLAP. I’m out of control

>> No.57556674

>if you got rid of the 2 months paid leave, you'd have to fire 15% of the work force
So we'd have more "work" done at 85% of the price. Our federal budget is routinely ~15% over. I said this yesterday here too, I think. Congress would still spend too much, but we could get closer to actually having a purpose for the people in DC, not just a fucking leech pile of nigger women with 4 babies by 5 daddies.
That's KAOCF, diapers can be made cheaper.

>> No.57556686

This video is disingenuous.
The kid is obviously left handed.
t. lefthandie

>> No.57556690

Will INTC ever be $50 again?

>> No.57556697

If you believe AI and you should buy NVDA. if you believe semi but want less AI hype, you buy AMD. AMD is hardware company while NVDA is AI company.

>> No.57556700

When the chinks invade Taiwan.

>> No.57556701

Left handed people are subhuman. AI will eradicate your kind one day.

>> No.57556703

Predictions for NVDA on Monday open?

>> No.57556706

Well in 2024 every single MILLENIAL and ZOOMER did show up to BBC HEADQUARTERS to do a little cum gurgling while someone repaired their cars for them because they didn't know they had to keep the OIL changed.

>> No.57556707

Oh I didnt know it was you. Please, go to gif and stay there.

>> No.57556711

I guess if lefthanded means not even remotely understanding how the tool works

>> No.57556713

Right, there's also cloud services (which are more difficult to change than search engines), Office products (which are more difficult to change than search engines), games (which aren't interchangeable at all), and LinkedIn (which, again, is more difficult to change than search engines)

Thanks for the condescending and irrelevant reminder, you point-missing moron.

>> No.57556714

Good luck getting people to vote for politicians who support policies that would eliminate their jobs. There's a reason the entire public sector is a bunch of poz hole, socialist schlong sucking, faggots. Their jobs depend on it, so they just tolerate all the woke shit to keep power and keep their jobs.

>> No.57556719

I got hit with a ruler by nuns every school day and came out stronger, more left handed, and more catholic than anyone I know

>> No.57556721

Called it.

>> No.57556726

When the dollar collapses.

>> No.57556728

Why is there no volume today? SPY finally hit $500 on 70% RVOL

>> No.57556733

buy arm not amd
where does amd go from here? arm is still growing

>> No.57556737

Up by [the last digit of this post] percent.

>> No.57556744

So did those nuns beat your head in with those rulers or were you just born retarded? Catholics are vile heretics that deserve death for allowing themselves to be led astray.

>> No.57556745

I'm already back, sorry chud.
Actually pretty based.

>> No.57556747

Google has cloud services. Google has OSs (Android). Google has Office products (Google Drive).

Don't invest in it if you don't want to but it competes with Microsoft at nearly every business.

>> No.57556749
File: 348 KB, 584x855, Worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't 90% of ARM shares owned by SoftBank?

>> No.57556762

Good enough

>> No.57556767

>buy arm not amd
Is arm still a good deal here though? seems like such a smaller company than amd in terms of revenue.
>allowing themselves to be led astray.
>do the same thing for 2000 years
>led astray
Kek protties are brain damaged. go back to simping for israel.

>> No.57556769
File: 35 KB, 453x453, bobby-hill-disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit take

>> No.57556777

>where does amd go from here?
is this a serious question?

>> No.57556782

I cant wait to play a harp in the clouds with god and his angel while looking down and seeing you get raped by the devil for eternity

>> No.57556787
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>> No.57556789
File: 34 KB, 1024x771, google-revenue-breakdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of Google's revenue is ads.

They have extreme jeet vulnerability. One disgruntled Brahmin and his cadre of H-1B's will consign it to the poobin of history.

>> No.57556790

Yes, that is a possibility. His brain has trouble making sense of the mechanism if it recognises that his left hand is not the one leading in precision and strength therefore the whole concept becomes alien to him.
Try operating a can opener for left handed persons or write with a left handed pen... or do something requiring precision and strength with your left hand at all and notice how your brain is struggling.
>inb4 i fap with both hands equally well
>AI will eradicate your kind one day.

>> No.57556794

.. mushrooms?

>> No.57556797

ARM? Don't want to touch them. They have tried server market for years but didn't make. If consumer electronic rebound, maybe there is a chance. Of course everyone are saying they will switch for x86 to ARM, but it is painful to ask companies to optimize code for ARM again with no return.

>> No.57556798
File: 196 KB, 1170x617, IMG_9931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LRCX (Lam Research)

>> No.57556802

>I got hit with a ruler by nuns every school day and came out stronger, more left handed
my dad was a lefty and he said he used to get hit with the ruler too. Were the nuns as mean as he made it sound? I'm catholic and recently received my confirmation sacrament in November after never getting it done as a child.

>> No.57556804

I'm beyond the point of vote harder. Either the people organize at the expense of these parties if needed, or they organize to march and arrest. But Voting won't do shit, imo. As you noted, when they get to DC, they're protected by the Public Union, and don't dare seriously bite on it. Trump did that, we can see what they're trying against him.
GE, because they still make bulbs and shining light on the nest of pirates in DC is necessary. We'll at least need flashlights.

>> No.57556806
File: 29 KB, 664x378, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Generally over history, it’s been a bad idea to buy the biggest stocks by market cap. Almost by definition, all the good news is in their price, and there is nowhere to go but down.
>Perhaps more concerning still, the tech sector has reverted to take an even more extreme share of the overall index than it did in early 2000 as the internet bubble was about to burst.
>Gave points out that the US stock market is now about 70% of world market capitalization, even though its economy is only 17.8% of global gross domestic product.
>Therefore, he says, the markets are implying that “over the next 20 years, less than 20% of the world economy will earn three times more profits than the remaining 70% or so,”
>Or put differently, that US tech firms will be “entrenched global monopolies stretching into perpetuity.”

>> No.57556811
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>> No.57556812

yea they made me put my hand flat on the desk and whapped it with the skinny side of a yardstick every day

>> No.57556819

What does IBM do nowadays?

>> No.57556822

UNG position just went green

>> No.57556827

ouch. that doesnt sound very holy to me

>> No.57556829

That is refereed to as task loading, but if you're having that much trouble just in the kitchen with 0 stress you're not very capable.

>> No.57556831

> Be anon
> Ignore billions of dollars worth of revenue in other market segments

>> No.57556832


>> No.57556834


>> No.57556836

Being lefty is gay and satanic. I'm just literally to retarded to use my right hand for anything

>> No.57556838
File: 216 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every human being on earth carries an ARM chip in their pocket. Complete market penetration

>> No.57556839

collect patent fee
chiplet is AMD weapon to fight against intel.

>> No.57556843
File: 76 KB, 1024x1024, pepe-carrying-big-bopper-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so would you write with your right hand after they bopped your left one? or would you just continue using the left?

>> No.57556845

Where my ADM bros at? We convincingly held that $52 level and are moving back up. I'm in for 200 shares at $51.95, but I'm thinking of adding here.

>> No.57556849

>Therefore, he says, the markets are implying that “over the next 20 years, less than 20% of the world economy will earn three times more profits than the remaining 70% or so

not my problem, as long as i'm making money I don't care if poors and thirdies live in poverty

>> No.57556854

Yes, anon, when a company has a $1.8t market cap, billions in revenue become a rounding error.

That's how math works.

>> No.57556855

I showed up here around 2020 did they gargle FAANG like this as well? Also going up in perpetuity is the dumbest shit.

>> No.57556856

> bloomberg
will probably only show up in my financial post subscription by Monday, knowing these lazy fucks

>> No.57556858

good luck for your consumer electronic like xbox. Personally, I would like to pick up TXN rather than ARM if I have to .

>> No.57556861

kept using left

>> No.57556865

Hasn't it always pretty much worked like that? People just didn't think of Africans as people before so it seems like things changed.

>> No.57556866

The fraud investigation wrapping up?

>> No.57556868

Dude, it's a kid in the video. Of course he is stupid.

>> No.57556872

>Aren't 90% of ARM shares owned by SoftBank?
Yeah, so?

>Is arm still a good deal here though? seems like such a smaller company than amd in terms of revenue.
Where does AMD go from here vs where can Arm go?
I think the best AMD can hope for is for the status quo to remain as it is. Arm totally dominates several markets (IoT, mobile) and has been getting its fingers into several more (auto, datacentre, laptops). There is a big possibility of them eating more and more of AMD and Intel's lunch. RISC V won't be a serious concern for many years, if ever. So I'd say Arm is both a safer bet (no real competition in its stronghold markets) and a threat to x86.

>> No.57556873

Buying late Feb

>> No.57556874

wouldnt they just continuously whack your left hand though?

>> No.57556876
File: 242 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have until the March 26th earnings report. Get your gambling money in before then. Bears will have their own money ready on March 27th :)

>> No.57556878
File: 225 KB, 334x408, miko18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a shit company, as soon as I hit my break even price i'm dumping these bags immediately.
This a pajeet shilled company stay away. All the executives are leaving because the ceo is a fucking moron

>> No.57556882

>Yeah, so?
So if they dump on you out of nowhere it'll be fast and relentless.

>> No.57556883
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>> No.57556886
File: 31 KB, 723x757, jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> and you think the church which preserves apostolic succession from Peter the Apostle, and the dogma and sacraments, will lead to salvation

>> No.57556887

Haven't heard any new news on it.

>> No.57556891

Yea it fuckin sucked ass

>> No.57556894

You should go with LUNR, it's up big which means it's the superior space company.

>> No.57556895
File: 80 KB, 1497x852, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! This looks like a great investment :)

>> No.57556897

(I'm a ghost from another time, if it wasn't obvious)

>> No.57556898
File: 152 KB, 848x886, bobo-bends-prison-bars-tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest. Bearmarkets are more fun

>> No.57556899

Damn bro. Now I want one of these and I don’t have any.

>> No.57556900

Literal heresy made up by con artists.

>> No.57556904

Now is the time to buy anything but American

>> No.57556907

you haven't been keeping up with the news the Concerned Investors Group resolved its differences with the CEO.
this is why it's pumping like 15% in two days

yeah, I think it will soar after earnings. LMAO at the faggot shorter in January who was saying 55 cents by june

>> No.57556909
File: 105 KB, 602x390, There is no threat relieved sweating Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NVDA finally broke 720

>> No.57556910

No i'm never touching a space stock again. They will never be a thing because space is fake and gay

>> No.57556912

that means no more growth

>> No.57556914

thanks for taking that punishment so that I could be free to use my left hand

>> No.57556915

Right after I posted that I dumped a few spoons of baking cocoa into some peanut butter.

>> No.57556923
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Investors just got an advisory seat on the board this week. Its fine. Don’t worry about it. You should have bought at the dip

>> No.57556928

>y Arm is both a safer bet (no real competition in its stronghold markets) and a threat to x86.
I agree its a safe bet but outside of hiking their royalty fee what else do they have? i dont actually know. I should go look at their earnings but i dismissed them since i thought theyd really only do well if their chip users do well.
people used to say lefties were demon possessed but in reality its bad writing since you smudge your pencil markings as you write.

>> No.57556927

>US tech firms will be “entrenched global monopolies stretching into perpetuity.”
This is literally what is happening right now and betting against it is retard tier

>> No.57556930

What if instead of starting an insurrection we just create another branch of the federal government to determine efficiency of the other parts, and then we can use their data to determine which parts are overworked and we can expand those so that everything balances out equitably? We could even get a contract with Palantir to get help from the AI.

>> No.57556931

This is our faith. Protestards take the Bible, written by Catholics in the 4th century AD, dissasociate it completely from its context, rip out a few books (like Maccabees and Wisdom of Sirach), and believe they know better
it's literally the first low-IQ revolt against rightful authority, the logical conclusion of which is niggers on our streets and trannies in our universities

>> No.57556936

Nvidia will hit $1000 by the end of Q1 2024

>> No.57556938
File: 940 KB, 720x720, 1707444160430477.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NVDA on its own has a higher Mkt Cap than FXI

>> No.57556941
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last push into happy hour, give it to me

>> No.57556940
File: 11 KB, 407x398, Screenshot 2024-02-09 102321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the blood moon almost got me but I prayed for the intercession of the blessed mother Mary ever virgin and like clockwork she came through

>> No.57556945

OK have fun with AMD, the "is Pepsi OK?" of silicon

>> No.57556948

Good let it pump another 10% so some fool here can buy my bags and I can take that money and buy the bottom on HTZ

>> No.57556952
File: 109 KB, 655x674, MSFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

........and just like that
MSFT will never be below $420 ever again

>> No.57556955
File: 158 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_5704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stock goes down before it goes up

>> No.57556957

Doomers out. End of February at the latest.

>> No.57556958

>but in reality its bad writing since you smudge your pencil markings as you write
i feel this deep in my soul

>> No.57556963

sometimes stock goes to 0 because company doesnt make money

>> No.57556965

Why are you assuming im a protestant simply because Im not catholic? I am a christian, I follow christ. Though Im sure thats very difficult for a retarded papist nigger to understand.

>> No.57556975

Worth selling out of soxl and tqqq for now?

>> No.57556979
File: 218 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_5723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the thing though: they do make money

>> No.57556982

are you orthodox or coptic or something?

>> No.57556983

Yes take your gains
t. early win taker

>> No.57556984
File: 2.38 MB, 960x540, smg explains leveraged QQQ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And moving into NVDL, yes.

>> No.57556992

I sold a little bit of my SOXL and TQQQ. Keep selling bit by bit as we go up. I think 45/share for SOXL is a realistic short term target.

>> No.57556994

keeping 100 in each to buy back in a few weeks, maybe this is the wrong move, maybe not..

>> No.57556995

> papist
only protestants have this seethe and these infantile words

>> No.57556998
File: 38 KB, 819x799, semi succubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A threadly reminder that behind every semiconductor stock is an evil mistress that will inevitably destroy your gains

>> No.57557004

Their legally binding and audited financial statements say otherwise. Do you think you're funny or clever, or did some wannabe Jordan Belfort tell you this garbage over a phone call?

>> No.57557016
File: 39 KB, 260x252, vagabond wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you classify exiting the market to be safe and use your gains, "timing the market"?

>> No.57557019
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>> No.57557022

I assume everyone here is for trade not for investment.

>> No.57557024

>maybe this is the wrong move, maybe not

*snibs you*

>> No.57557028
File: 284 KB, 512x512, 1666111452409367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a lot of AI frogs lately. Can we get one with a SPX 5000 or SPY 500 hat? Preferably standing on the floor of the NYSE.

>> No.57557029

Yes. Remember, every time you sell you're technically buying dollars and going short everything else.

>> No.57557030
File: 5 KB, 175x187, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most shared article on Bloomberg
the emperor has no clothes, and that's a good thing

>> No.57557032


>> No.57557033

Scoopsies is still underwater on SOXL for years now because his average is like $75

>> No.57557034
File: 214 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_5713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no insider information. Only a good feeling in my gut.

>> No.57557040

>What happens if I get flagged
You can't daytrade unless you have more than $25k in your account.
>30 day vacation
Our pattern day trading (PDT) policy changed on September 5, 2023. Per FINRA regulation, PDT flags will remain on your account indefinitely, outside of extraordinary circumstances.


>> No.57557041
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>> No.57557043

>Preferably standing on the floor of the NYSE.
With one foot on the head of a freshly killed bear

>> No.57557053
File: 135 KB, 1200x796, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New NVDA Target is dismal only 920

>> No.57557057
File: 4 KB, 250x159, 169904582234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold enough of my NVDA calls to cover 70% of my cost basis, leaving me with 60% of my original position.

>> No.57557065
File: 203 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah hold on give me a bit

>> No.57557066

wow, what a bunch of kikes

>> No.57557080

I am thinking May 8th SLV 20c, ITM.. silver is bouncing around its low range and calls are .93 cents.

>> No.57557085

It's not insurrection when there are lawful charges behind the arrests. You're thinking Asian again.

Rocket Labs just got a renewable splash-down. They got 13 missions this year, one down. I'm in for $50, when do they get to profitable?

>> No.57557087

I just told you I am a christian. That means I follow christ. I dont need to sample every sect of christianity. I know that the bible is the word of God and is how God speaks to us. Catholics dont read their bible, therefore they do not listen to God.
You are literally projecting.

>> No.57557088

i never have messed around with the "sell partial positions" strategy im either in or out. simple as

>> No.57557089
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit i forgot to take hairy chest out of the prompt. Brb

>> No.57557094

That one is at least in the top 5 most based ever list.

>> No.57557096

Any NYSE:CRNC enjoyers in chat?
AI for the car, announced some sweet shit at CES with VW

>> No.57557097

You're a protestant regardless of whether you identify as one or not.

>> No.57557103

that may explain why they continue to fill contracts they would have sold or dropped.

>> No.57557104
File: 105 KB, 1290x1290, IMG_5996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a financial genius.

>> No.57557105

You dont even know what it means to be protestant. Just like you dont know what it means to be christian.

>> No.57557108
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Lab’s launch capability is directly threaten by the SpaceX Transporter rocket program. I’m not touching RKLB because of this

>> No.57557111

at this point balkanization would be good for this country.

>> No.57557112

hehe me too, actually we all are

>> No.57557115

NVDA is up over 30% in the last month, surely it will dump even on good earnings?

>> No.57557117


>> No.57557118
File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, Ool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the Superb Owl

>> No.57557121

Its great for your mental health and your portfolio. Covering your cost basis on a high risk position is a good way to prevent yourself from greeding and ending up with nothing.
Always remember: its easier to keep money than to lose it and get it back.

>> No.57557120
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>> No.57557123

You're literally protesting against the Church itt.

>> No.57557127

as soon as interest rates drop I will go full 30x leverage bill hwang on NVDA

>> No.57557131
File: 215 KB, 1200x1042, 1703352256854189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Superb Owl
I forgot, this week was Superb Owl Rally
Next week: President's Day Rally

>> No.57557135


>> No.57557143

i have to say I shared your previous comment >>57556782 with my friends bc I was laughing my ass off
good play sir and let the Lord Jesus Christ be praised

>> No.57557144

after this week's action it is almost all but certain that I will have a surplus of cash after next Friday once my ITM SPY covered calls get exercised. I'm thinking of entering into a small position of the Mongolian Mining Corporation as one anon suggested. Any other fun tickers you guys recommend?

>> No.57557146

NVDA chads why are we so much smarter than everyone else?

>> No.57557149
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>> No.57557152

I have no clue but it seems like the delusion has not peaked. My calls I bought 3 days ago were up 80%.

>> No.57557154

They have different launch facilities available to them each. Rocket's Electron is an 8 million per launch, Falcon is 62million plus. If you're doing small loads, its not alot better to wait for SpaceX, perhaps.

>> No.57557155
File: 128 KB, 883x498, nokia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they all hairy
frogs are amphibians
amphibians do NOT have hair
this really fucking bothers me

>> No.57557156

Im not protesting shit, I am TELLING YOU that you are following satanic doctrine. Youre a bunch of ishtar worshipping morons.

>> No.57557158

how did you do today anon?

>> No.57557159
File: 346 KB, 1097x1495, __osage_kyoufuu_all_back_and_1_more_drawn_by_riima__9863ed55ce5b218c71ec2fc28ac2d5d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toot toot toot! How did it go today anon?

>> No.57557161
File: 169 KB, 1080x1001, 1675471907064478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad... +1.51%

>> No.57557162

Have you watched CSCO in 2000?. it is a good company.

>> No.57557163
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>> No.57557166


>> No.57557167
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more

>> No.57557172


>> No.57557173

FXI confirmed to pump 5% on Monday because my order didn't fill. I haven't been this angry in a while.

>> No.57557178
File: 40 KB, 562x562, ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.57557182

Up 5.5% or about $1500. Full 3x Portfolio Chads win again

>> No.57557183
File: 19 KB, 768x360, FAGGOTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nearly to the penny

>> No.57557184

my best case scenario is a sufficient rise up to earnings where I can buy back my short put and a drop

>> No.57557185

not terrible i guess

>> No.57557188
File: 19 KB, 366x253, nature is healing2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my year to date is finally back in the green thanks to NET
if only ROAD didn't behave like a fucking piece of shit i'd be up way more
anyways i think ANET will bring it up to 4k+ next week

>> No.57557190

oh no. he missed.
guys, what we gonna do?
oh, whew, saved.
everyone else is making money on me.
It just looks like shit.
I'm sorry, I'm just not liking it is all
I know I know but
It sucks.

>> No.57557193
File: 246 KB, 900x1220, velazquez_corronation_of_the_virgin_mary_g5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prot says what?

>> No.57557197

Here comes the pain

>> No.57557203
File: 353 KB, 1024x1021, 1602416181751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had invested in NVDA stock instead of buying a RTX 3090 when it came out you would have 12000$ today.

>> No.57557204

+1.5% after almost +10% today

>> No.57557208

As long as stocktwits is bearish I hold

>> No.57557210
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>> No.57557214


>> No.57557215
File: 40 KB, 512x512, 0D26F8D32DBDB0776D1D594FC40165686D29005843DD1D050BC6256B280273A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very comfy.

>> No.57557221
File: 707 KB, 814x1200, 1614718614707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not checking!

>> No.57557247
File: 166 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know how to tell you think but frogs aren’t humanoid either and they dont wear clothes. They are just as fake as your pink haired anime girls. I wanted the pepe to have thick jewish chest hair like I do. Please don’t me so antisemitic

>> No.57557309

Yeah that's probably not a bad call. Normies are so incredibly retarded about AI.

>> No.57557378

Probably won't peak until businesses investing in AI realize they're not getting any productivity gains.

>> No.57557525

I'm loving this bubble. Slowly been selling off tickers that I have been waiting to sell for about 2 years now.

>> No.57557859

>surely it will dump even on good earnings?
Stock split. watch it happen.

>> No.57557935

>Why are you assuming im a protestant
how stupid is this nigger?

>> No.57558169

That seems really fucked. Is there any other time companies have behaved that way? Where it's actually more profitable to buy their shares than their products?