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57554644 No.57554644 [Reply] [Original]

imagine owning XMR right now

>> No.57554662

Whats the fully diluted mcap?

>> No.57554675


>> No.57554686

They're losers, they love to lose. If they didn't, they wouldn't spend so much time losing.

>> No.57555057

Imagine being the idiot who buys Cronos and Stacks because you think these rankings mean something outside of crypto-gambling-ponzi-land.

>> No.57555110

how else should I pay for drugs

>> No.57555168

OP has XMR favorited so clearly he holds it kek

>> No.57555200

zucco, you're a faggot KYC bagholder
jewish rat

>> No.57555336

>They're losers, they love to lose.
xmr losers are idealistic. they WANT people to be better. people SHOULD want privacy. but they never will. XMRcucks will die defending the liberties of shitskin hordes that can barely function day to day

>> No.57555360

Not selling.

>> No.57555406

FUD lol STX nakamoto release is coming

>> No.57555609

Turbo autists living on the fringes of acceptable society, maintaining a dozen layers of opsec where a flaw in any one of those layers renders all their efforts worthless. They already lost when they accepted the shitty state of society as a given that can't be changed.

What they should want is a world where they don't have to maintain all those layers just to say what they think or avoid getting arrested or fired from their job. Almost no one wants or cares about that level of privacy. Most people just want to be able to say what they think openly without punishment.

>> No.57555643
File: 92 KB, 1433x782, gets slaughtered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried explaining why there was no bull case for Monero numerous times but xmrcucks are too proud to be reached. so instead I'll just link this guy since he gets it.


>> No.57555661

>bitcoin university
the bull case for XMR is that retards like (you) hate it

>> No.57555726

Not sure what you’re talking about. I’m up ~20% in a week with xmr. Probably should’ve sold when I was up 30%, but oh well.

>> No.57555759

Bitcoin is certainly the trojan horse with all the bankers that have climbed right up its butthole.

>> No.57555970
File: 109 KB, 540x533, 5121193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure the privacy and freedom fight is an uphill battle but mocking and black pilling those who are committed to it isn't helping any. I'm not delusional enough to think XMR would get me to make it levels but I will certainly support and hold it once I do make it. Freedom isn't free and the effort put forward and risks one takes to maintain it is the cost.

>> No.57556040

Sounds like a personal problem you worthless junkie

>> No.57556047

its not a bull market coin. it's not even a bear market coin. it's meant to get in and out of, not hold.

>> No.57556066

then why retards hold it

>> No.57556136

You tards aren't fighting for freedom at all, except the freedom to be sandboxed into unimportant drug markets where you have zero impact on 99% of society while lording it over "normies" for being sheep.
If Monero maxis actually cared about anything other than jacking themselves off, they wouldn't completely ignore basic human nature and incentives, or celebrate losing liquidity and access to markets, spaz out every time someone talks about the price, or spend half their time seething about Bitcoin rather than working together with them against more important enemies.

>> No.57556173

But it’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message. Who cares about money bro? I would like, die in poverty with my anus gaping from prostitution than be rich off off le corporate evil government deep state Illuminati’s!

>> No.57556207

bagholder cults, like gme/amc/silver

>> No.57556211

is /biz/ your only exposure to the XMR community?
Try going on the IRCs and development channels, or even the discord. Most discussion is around improving the protocol and increasing adoption (and yes they talk about the price too)
schizos on /biz/ aren't representative of the community thats actually developing the network

>> No.57556243

I think it was Kevin Mitnick who wrote in one of his books how hackers have this tendency to believe they can beat human systems, and then get BTFO by the legal system in the end every time. I’ve noticed the same thing with internet advocates and crypto boys as well. It seems like it may be an impossibility to completely decouple from the legal system (because governments will always be able to use your money against you, and plenty of smart people will sell their soul to the governmenr).
Feels similar with monero maxis. Yeah, it does a lot of things better than bitcoin, but I don’t think it can survive on technical strengths alone. What do you do when your open source project starts getting really high quality help from worldclass programmers, and then 5 years later you find out they were NSA and insered some obscure backdoor? (Look at what the FBI pulled with OpenBSD for a real life example of this).

>> No.57556265

Why do you kick them while they’re down you fucking Jew. What, did they do that to you in school? Awwww, point and laugh at the impotent little fag. ):

>> No.57556269


> I would like, die in poverty with my anus gaping from prostitution than be rich off off le corporate evil government deep state Illuminati’s!
that can be arranged. just keep holding, white knight

>> No.57556305

The main reason people SHOULD be so worried about privacy is because the media, ESG, major corporations, politicians, are all pushing an agenda that is funded the money printer and they can afford to destroy peoples' lives over it because they control the printer.
Monero lets people escape some of the negative symptoms. But the real solution is the destruction of the money printer. Destroy it, and people can act out in the open without the state coming down on them. But that requires everyone dumping as much wealth as possible into an alternative money that can't be inflated away to fund their goals. For this you have to appeal to mass human nature, greed, number go up, the belief that everyone is going to get rich.

>> No.57556413

>open source

Do you know what those words mean?

>> No.57556502


>> No.57556676

Monero does nothing “better than bitcoin” and it will offer the same “escape from negative symptoms” to those whom people seek the escape from. Get the fuck over yourselves. The market speaks

>> No.57557002
File: 439 KB, 511x612, the blockstreamcoin monero disconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething about Bitcoin rather than working together with them against more important enemies.
How cute. This fag thinks blockstreamcoin has the same enemies as Monero and actual crypto users.

>> No.57557278

The is no any description of obfuscated/strange parts of the source code in this article. Actually, there is no any useful information in this article at all, only some world salad and slop which can be condensed to about 10 words. Did you read it?

>> No.57557294
File: 612 KB, 900x854, monero-chan_kanpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin University
Imagine making 10 videos of constant seethe of an altcoin you supposedly don't care about and poses no risk to your position. Couldn't be me.

>> No.57557315

Monero is money. Bitcoin is funco pops.

>> No.57557332

looks like a perfect buying opportunity

>> No.57557353
File: 415 KB, 1078x633, W2S3Qh5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of payment on the black market.

>> No.57557365
File: 1.04 MB, 935x899, 0UjcGKC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of payment for ransomware piracy.

>> No.57557379
File: 105 KB, 1097x548, Ppqf1NT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of accepting crypto donations for ISIS and assorted terrorist groups.

>> No.57557387
File: 203 KB, 716x1410, gayxD3z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of accepting crypto donations for far-right and assorted extremist groups.

>> No.57557401
File: 256 KB, 881x800, vfCeGmN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of crypto payment for buying virtual gift cards in the US.

>> No.57557408
File: 566 KB, 882x1036, 1UE62N1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Monero is now overtaking Bitcoin as the preferred method of payment on the EU's largest Bitcoin storefront.

>> No.57557415

>december 2022
kek, anon i like XMR as much as the next guy but it's not a good investment vehicle. you would need complete dystopia survelliance and censorship to make XMR worth something and we're just not there yet. maybe in 10-20 years

>> No.57557428

payment systems aren't good investment vehicles. why do you think XLM's price is dog shit? people just use it to buy things, not store their wealth in. you want things that people will park their money in.

>> No.57557430
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1698357576849844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Bitcoin's exorbitant price is NOT the result of organic real-world supply & demand but is instead the result of 10+ years of demonstrably fraudulent trading by a cabal of profiteers who are counting on you to take the bait and FOMO in every time they initiate a pump.

Reminder that this same kind of market manipulation is how utterly useless memecoins are also able to inexplicably attain multi-billion dollar market caps.

Reminder that price action in a market this spectacularly fraudulent is therefore not truly representative of an asset's actual value and is an inherently meaningless metric.

Reminder that such fraudulent trading is not consistent with long-term growth and stability.

Reminder that Bitcoin is now rapidly losing real-world economic relevance to Monero as *reliable* privacy and *full* fungibility become evermore necessary for truly permissionless crypto transacting. https://moneroinfodump.neocities.org/#MoneroReplacingBitcoin

Reminder that maxipads are delusional bagholders who actually believe Bitcoin can continue losing real-world economic relevance without it negatively impacting the price.

Reminder that those same maxipads will attempt to distract you from Bitcoin's downward spiral with constant appeals to historical price action that, as seen, is inherently meaningless.



Reminder that actual ADOPTION = sustained & growing utilization by non-speculators as a medium of exchange in a real-world economy for the purchase/sale of goods & services.

Reminder that Monero is the only cryptocurrency that has consistently growing demand from non-speculators due to it becoming the exclusive medium of exchange for cyber-related black market commerce.

Reminder that this growing demand makes Monero the only cryptocurrency with a guaranteed floor since commercial users will continue buying it no matter the price or market conditions.

>> No.57557456

Anon, at that point, why don't you put a 20x long on GOOGL? If it's short term USD gains you are concerned about Bitcoin is literally correlated with the American tech sector, but has more volatility.

>> No.57557488

Nice to see you've updated this >>57535945 section of your cope pastas now that Bitcoin has passed 44k.

>> No.57557560
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 1641509517132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin has passed 44k.

Oh, is it wash trading season already? Maybe they can artifically pump it to $100K this year kek. WAGMI

>> No.57557577
File: 76 KB, 1073x795, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And would you look at that, the US M2 money is expanding. How timely. Actually, let's check how FAANG is doing, oh it's also up, when did they bottom? December of 2022. Interesting.
So anon, why would I buy BTC instead of FAANG? I kind of forgot. Or is it just "cope" that's making me see the actual mechanics that go into price action instead of screaming like I'm the 50th Youtube thumbnail telling you about a BIG HAPPENING TO BTC.

>> No.57557584

Drugs are mostly shit but people afraid to try them are just pathetic

>> No.57557800

Great. Gives me more time to slurp

>> No.57557890

>peer pressure
Are you like 15?

>> No.57558117

This is me. The flaw in my logic was believing people wanted to use crypto as a currency. People actually just want an easy way to scam free fiat currency. Crypto makes it easy.

>> No.57559813

Anons in the know understand that going long on QANX is the play.

>> No.57561336

The thing is is when you realise most people are really spineless greedy retards, you should still stick to doing the smart thing. Like even though it turned out that >90% of people were happy to go along with the vax and even persecute people who gave resistance, it was still the right move to not get vaxxed. I'm sure holding XMR will turn out similarly. It's not going to get adopted by the majority but it's still a good move and we will see the rewards eventually.

>> No.57561708

He blocked me after I said you can buy more things with Monero than BTC and he replied that you could buy anything with BTC because I pointed out he only accepted debit card payments on his site and not BTC. I must have made him mad to have blocked me but it resulted in him now accepting BTC. Here is proof that until recently he didn't accept BTC payments

>> No.57561812
File: 139 KB, 1200x800, uw7NT42Y-photo5332597963144407822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Textbook maxi. Also afaict his site still doesn't accept bitcoin.

>> No.57561892

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Monero is much better for use - legal and illegal (just like fiat currency by the way) than bitcoin for many reasons. Hell even the biggest normgoy alive doesn't want you to be able to just look at their bank account and see the balances and transaction history. It also doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize why it's so demonized when it takes away all the power of currency issuance and tax collectors from all the people who are allowed to kill you and lock you up. Binance delisting and halting withdrawal after CZ's arrest and their cooperation with US authorities is awfully convenient timing too. Look, if you want to make gains for fiat BTC and the rest of the crypto ecosystem is the way to go. If you want to use digital currency outside of the banking system, Monero is a no brainer.

>> No.57562429

>Here is proof that until recently he didn't accept BTC payments
He was a bitcoin expert to the point of calling his biz a university and he couldn't accept BTC? He shouldn't accept credit cards in the first place! He should be showing people for free how to set up a wallet and how to buy BTC on a p2p market and then getting paid once they buy enough to pay him. Lesson 1 of the uni: "How to pay your tuition with BTC". Are these people taken seriously by anyone who is not senile at this point?

>> No.57562433

0.6 xmr is mined every 2 minutes, forever

>> No.57562455

Yes so? Gold is still extracted too for thousands of years, doesn't seem to bother it's price. If the inflation is a fixed amount that makes is a diminishing percentage. After a point a 1% inflation if your money supply doesn't even mean increasing prices because production of goods/services grows faster than 1% per year. And then money supply inflation is 0.1%, and then 0.05% and so on. At some point there will be so many XMR in circulation that if lost XMR due to deaths of owners or busted computers and backups is a fixed percentage of the supply, the asset may become deflationary even though there's 0.6xmr minted every 2 minutes because more will be lost around the earth on average every 2 minutes. The whole system will stabilize at the point where the supply is big enough so that 0.6 XMR are lost due to user error every 2 minutes, and effectively refound as newly minted coins by miners.

>> No.57562483

XMR is down 29.4% on the weekly

>> No.57562548

Fuck off, vatnigger.

>> No.57562559
File: 9 KB, 788x788, 1707408467330987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast spreading adoption of Bitcoin from 2009 to 2015 was only derailed by the suspicious imposition of massive censorship during the Blocksize War. The censorship was overall incredibly effective & has led to many BTC believers having strong opinions (including a lot of misconceptions & propaganda) about Bitcoin because they have never seen or explored an open discussion of alternative arguments.

Along with explicit censorship, there is also implicit self-censorship of many BTC adopters. Many current or curious Bitcoin adopters - who very reasonably are interested in experimenting with, investing in or discussing alternative cryptocurrencies - feel anxious about voicing their opinions in BTC dominated spaces for fear of lashback.

For BTC adopters, this ingrained culture of censorship is one of many significant issues with their project. This echo chamber of false narratives is not merely a historical relic of the past, something the BTC community needed at the time of the Blocksize War but has "grown out of". Persistent censorship still occurs in the ecosystem today.

In tragically comedic fashion, many of the BTC-favouring individuals who cheered censorship & suppression of dissenting voices such as the BCH community are then bamboozled & outraged once their own ideas are the ones being forcibly ejected from the BTC conversation.

>> No.57562643
File: 208 KB, 904x545, btc_dislikes_taper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reply
Did I touch a nerve? You don't have your normal ecochamber here or what? Why would I buy BTC instead of any other tech stock? They demonstrably correlate. And you don't want to admit that BTC otherwise fails to be a medium of exchange.
>muh SoV
and all of that.

>> No.57562667

Censorship was how the narrative was controlled and anyone disagreeing was forced to leave. They left behind a bunch of gaslighters that are believed only by people who weren't there at the time, like most normies with bags today. But adoption for commerce was halted because of the small blocks and nothing else.

>> No.57562679

>imagine owning XMR right now
no, I don't want to imagine being a pedo actually

>> No.57562737


How to spot a closeted pedo. Chapter one:

> - OK so Imagine owning a van...
> - No I don't want to imagine raping kids in my van after enticing them with candy into said van. No, no, no, I'd rather not imagine any kind of kid raping at all actually

>> No.57563271

In the case of the vaccine, the right move was to long pharma companies.

>> No.57563297

why do you keep talking about this

>> No.57563374

No, but your whiny screed came off as massive cope. Didn't seem worth replying.

>just buy tech stocks
Over the short term they've been
correlated, over the long term they haven't and Bitcoin has outpaced. Also you can't really self custody stocks. Finance laws were rewritten so that in the case of financial collapse, creditors of the clearing houses have first dibs to "your" assets.

>that graph
>both points directly contradict each other
>both coincide with the 4 year cycle

>> No.57563386

How can you buy XMR now?

>> No.57563396

Kraken if you live in US and want KYC

>> No.57563664

How to spot a closeted pedo. Chapter one, continued:

> - OK so Imagine owning a van...
> - No I don't want to imagine raping kids in my van after enticing them with candy into said van. No, no, no, I'd rather not imagine any kind of kid raping at all actually
> - I never said anything about raping kids, it's really suspicious that you mentioned that.
> - Why do you keep talking about raping kids then?

>> No.57563678

Or buy BTC elsewhere and unstoppableswap it though that adds a bunch of BTC fees.

>> No.57563835

He wasn't implying it was a problem since XMR exists smoothbrain