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File: 25 KB, 172x92, VYhEcIb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5751047 No.5751047 [Reply] [Original]


If you don't understand how big this is going to be you honestly don't deserve the returns.

>> No.5751121

still holding those bags? ouch

>> No.5751140

i sold at a loss and already made it back, enjoy your shitcoin

>> No.5751216

unironically stay poor bucko, hodlers always win these shootouts

>> No.5751307

Buying bounty now is a pretty good buy. ICO holders and people who bought just after ICO (people like me) dumped around 10-15x from ICO, which caused this crash.

Guess who's buying it now again? Me.

>> No.5751476


For anyone reading in the future, I will translate what these natives of biz are ACTUALLY saying:

"This coin is no longer at a very high price and the risk in making a purchase as dropped drastically, Due to this I have decided not to make a purchase".

Don't be them.

The coin is quiet now, there is no pump, there is no chance of suddenly dropping -40% like when you try to buy a big spike that's already +56%.

This is where the real money is made.

I'm telling you guys this crowdfunded bounties thing is going to be HUGE. Consider how many groups on the internet want to see anything happen... now imagine if they could put a bounty on it and leak funds into it.

This has so many applications, petitioning developers for certain patches to games with money to convince them, porn to fill out rule 34, Capture the flag with Shia Lebouf, bounty to ask EA to opensource Starwars BF2... (Sounds ridiculous, but when enough people put $50 towards the bounty, instead of the game, they might actually go for it).

This can change the fucking world if you guys think about applications and not just gains.. First comes applications, the gains will follow hard.

>> No.5751527

it's called crowdfunding you absolute fucking retard

>> No.5751570


>> No.5751623

You can't go to kickstarter requesting the Lazytown girl to post nudes for millions of dollars.

Infact you can't go anywhere for that.

But I bet if you put a bounty up for it.. it would reach 1M

and she would probably go for it.

Check mate.

>> No.5751646

>requesting the Lazytown girl to post nudes for millions of dollars
alright i'm all in now. you got yourself a bounty partner

>> No.5751672

Fuck. Alright op you convinced me.

Im going to stop trying to chase pump and dumps and for once buy into a dump instead of a pump.

>> No.5751711
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You are clearly king of the pajeets
I'm in

>> No.5751714


>> No.5751725

you all deserve to lose money
this is a neet dream not a profitable business model

>> No.5751736

>The coin is quiet now, there is no pump, there is no chance of suddenly dropping -40% like when you try to buy a big spike that's already +56%.
Shh, stop telling people this. I like people buying my hyper inflated bags.

But seriously, yeah, this guy is right. Stop buying pumps and buy the dump. This project got dumped on from ICO holders and whales, and now we are buying it back. Expect a moon in the coming weeks.

>> No.5751772

Your fucking deluded.

I dont give a shit how late your cuckbase deposit is. You aint getting on this rocket and trying to FUD to stop it is laughable.

>> No.5751828
File: 51 KB, 448x463, 1514823120328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt this basically the same as REQ

>> No.5751971

Req lets you request payments from others that you know.

This lets you post up a goal and lets anyone add funds towards that goal, the logic being with enough funds anything is possible.

This can even be profitable for the people putting up the funds:

Consider this, you and your pump n dump group load up on some shitty no name,coin... Then make a bounty to list it on binance. Binance devs request payment... You crowdfund the payment and each put in 0.5 ether.

It lists goes up 500% and you make back the .5 ether many many fold.

There are a Million applications for this.

>> No.5752027
File: 1.86 MB, 500x600, 1513399660876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i thought REQ also had the "post stuff you want done for a price you want to pay" function sorry

>> No.5752046

holding strong

>> No.5752146

Strong hands pajeet

>> No.5752169

Put up a bounty for the killer of Seth Rich!

>> No.5752181

Except they didn't even think of this feature. Some fag trying to save his bags desperately tweeted them to add it. The founder Pascal Thellman is fresh out of HIGH SCHOOL. like he just graduated IN 2017. His only real job has been running a shit tier blog about cryptos.

they stole their website design 1:1 from ethlance

"featured on forbes" actually a paid advertisement on an auxillary blog

all the tell tale signs of a scam

why do I know all of this? I'm still holding these chuck e cheese tokens (you know they're only used for governance or "determining the legitimacy of a bnty. nothing else.") that I bought at .22 out of fomo trying to do a quick flip.

not even a big enough market for bounties. (people don't make a living looking for bugs that may or may not be there in other people's codes)

this market is a niche inside a niche

not to mention most of they're shitty bounties on the website (i have an account) are ICO's that pay out in their shitty ICO tokens that are literally worthless.

luckily i only put $100 in because i'm not an idiot but that 100 could've been 300 by now on any other non shit scam pajeet coin

>> No.5752218

Im not sure if req has that function but this is specificallly a crowdfunding model.

I might be willing to pay $5 to see some guy try to fight a shark... But a million others,might as well.

Now thats actually a viable proposition for a homeless guy with nothing to live for. Go out... Fight a shark.. Film it.. If it goes bad oh well donate the funds to whoever.. If it goes well he went from a homeless guy to a multi millionaire and the internet got an amazing video.

>> No.5752255

so this investment will blow up when homeless guys start fighting sharks and the lazy town girl posts her nudes

>> No.5752272

So was vitalik. Age =/= competence in this field.

The bounty idea has caught on, I think they will pivot their business to be more focused on crowdfunded utility bounties as opposed to just niche bugs.

>> No.5752308
File: 386 KB, 697x659, 1512387449492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop redditspacing you mong, its obnoxious
can bounties be censored or removed by admins?
i can see multiple legal issues that the faggot dev undoubtedly will cuck to

>> No.5752338

By that point it will hit the news the normied will hear of a $2 coin thats the next social media fad as the media catches on.

We all know what happens when you mix normies with a sub $3 coin.

I get it everything in your body is sayint "wtf dont buy this it hasnt even,gone up 400% already? How are you going to get dumped on buying this"

Disregard that. Buy boring. Buy slow. Buy dead. Position yourself and trade proactively not reactively.

>> No.5752382

Unfortunatley yes. But this is a nessesary first step to setup a completely decentralised unregulatable version once this gets popular and its legal troubles become well known.

>> No.5752481

Once that happens we can get the real dank shit.

>> No.5752525

people dumped them to get into all the other hot coins
XRB will be the final nail in the coffin for BNTY

>> No.5752561

In the long run,money goes to good ideas and implementation.

In the short run money goes to whats popular.

The trick is to get your money out of whats popular,and into good ideas that aren't popular.

>> No.5752601

So can we actually start this and make it a thing? How does one start a bounty

>> No.5752669


Buy boring slow dead coins made by a high school grad with no job experience let alone startup experience
75% of startups fail but this copy writer dude will go the distance
i'm officially out of this shit.

>> No.5752689

Bought my first 8k around 130 ethshit and 17k more yesterday at 170. Feeling comfy, especially since I got burned over 60% of my stack for being a retard but gained it all back in 2 weeks through smart decisions. The best part? Bnty can't fucking go down from here, I got all my losses back and I can only win now. So fucking relieved, go both, go cuckcoin

>> No.5752732

Print and frame, this so you can show your grandkids how close you came to actually making it.

>> No.5752754

this is dot com bubble culture at it's finest. the tokens themselves have little to no utility (unless you plan on betting on the "legitimacy of bounties"). not everything needs a coin and we all know BNTY was just a coordinated PnD to sell off to plebbit. there's no real world value for this. if the only way this can go up is reliant on them pivoting their entire business model off some guy's tweet then I'm not sold on their competence

>> No.5752809


Should I try make my shit back? I bought at 25 cents. Should I get out at a loss, trade into something and then buy back in? It's so risky but I'm down quite a bit.

>> No.5752945

The tokens do have a purpose. They get burned. Would you rather have them burn ETH?

>> No.5752983

thanks pajeet maybe I'll buy back in at .08 right before Q2 when they actually are ready to implement anything. In the meantime have fun with your beta bounties

>> No.5753213

also this is coming from a guy who's done more marketing for this company than the company itself trying to save my bags writing daily shill threads on here and reddit. i just a post that hit the front page on r/cc the other day on bnty but im tired of trying to convince people to join this shit i know is a scam and would rather go back to investing with some values.

>> No.5753346

Seriously guys, we can't let BNTY have the nuclear codes.

>> No.5753602

/comfy/ here keeping the price down.

>> No.5753941

nice just bought 100k

>> No.5754268


Never know when this shitcoin will liftoff

>> No.5754408

I said this somedays ago.
Its bleedng and wont stop bleeding.

Theres nothing going on for the coin
The hipy was around chasing the oumo and binance. Both are gone now and theres literally no reason to go up.
I could see another pumo end of january (maybe) when binance voting goes on. It will still fail it however due to much more popular coins.

>> No.5754410

I'm kinda surprised people are still holding onto this with eth mooning today

>> No.5754453

>hipy was around chasing the oumo
Hype was around chasing the pump


>> No.5754467

why cant this be done as a smart contract app for like any other crypto?

>> No.5754584

Dont chase hype. By the time it comes the coin will already have gone iup 40% and youll get into that mental shitfight of double thinking is it too expensive to get on?

Why not enter when its quiet?

>> No.5754620


Wrong metaphor.

I mean with logic like that, you probably buy things when theyre "mooning" and not stopping mooning.

>> No.5754656

just bought 100k . thx anon

>> No.5754733

Its been out for literally a week and something like 2-3 times ICO price.

And in that time not only did you buy high.. But then you claimed you now have bags and rapidly shitposted to try to get rid of them?

And let me guess because its stopped going up and fell 30% now its time to sell at a loss right?

And when it goes back up 25%.. Its time to buy right? Because clearly its good to buy expensive things at high prices... And its bad to buy things at low prices.

You have weak hands this post isnt intended for you. Its in tended for the people buying from you. Your losses that are locked in when you sell becomes their upside.

>> No.5754834

Youl'l buy back in when it jumps 30-40% with a post "whats going on with this coin"..

It will then go up 25% before dumping 40% putting you red.
You will then shitpost about how its a crap company and youre selling your bags.

How do I know this will happen? Because im describing both the future and the past... And here you are shitposting because the sole reason you bought in is because it already went up so high.. And the sole reason you sold is "because the price went low"

Sure you can justify it how you want... But ask yourself if this was up 60% would you really care that the devs are inexperienced? Lets be honest. You would not.

>> No.5755093
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This guy is speaking the truth. Sick gains arent made by weak handed cucks that buy high and sell low.

>> No.5755323

This coin won’t budge until it gets listed on another exchange because of the whale. Any news on that?

>> No.5755750

Volume increasing and no upwards resistance at the moment. All the whales are in DBC trying to earn through that contest

>> No.5755992

don't bother. let them buy in a week when price has doubled. It's better for us. plus most people on here are ignorant faggots so they kinda deserve to lose