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57545008 No.57545008 [Reply] [Original]

>get diagnosed with terminal cancer
>have three months left to live with chemo
>wont live to see your shitcoins make you a millionaire
>even if they mooned tomorrow (they won't) you won't have nearly as much time to enjoy it as you thought you would and you would be tied down with chemo/constant pain
> All those years spent looking at charts, listening to youtubers, incelposting on 4chan etc were for exactly nothing
>never get to have your revenge fantasy of girls finally being into you for being rich
>only legacy is leaving behind a bunch of shitcoins that may or may not be worth a lot of money in the future, who knows
What would you do, anon?

>> No.57545013

inject some more science juice, might as well

>> No.57545017

Impregnate my sister to carry on my legacy

>> No.57545064

Fast for 40 days and become one with either skeletor or Jesus,

>> No.57545114
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This is why you shouldn't put off your Real Life, and start living now.

Travel, have fun with your friends and beautiful women.

You never know how long you have left.

>> No.57545130

>All those years spent looking at charts, listening to youtubers, incelposting on 4chan etc were for exactly nothing
That would be the same regardless of what you did
>Spends 30 years working out
>It was for nothing
Nothing matters when you die, the nearest of that is family

>> No.57545132

Vaxxed status?

>> No.57545156

maybe instead of obsessing over fleeting vanities and foolish things like becoming rich from doing nothing but clicking buttons on a screen, you should seek out more for yourselves in life. Maybe stop being a idol worshiper and instead shift your focus to truth seeking and loving the people around you. If you don't have friends of family, make an effort to do every little thing that you can to help others any way possible. It could be simple encouraging words or anything. You cannot love/worship both God and money, anons. Its one or the other. Obsessing over such idols makes life empty and meaningless

>> No.57545223

I don't have money, salary is shit, traveling and living costs are all time high, we currently experience slowest recession in history of man.

>> No.57545248

I'd probably start a drug empire and end up getting my brother in law killed

>> No.57545298

Does anyone know if he fucked up? like did he has blood in his stools and just didn't react to it; seems unnatural to go around perfectly healthy and then out of nowhere "u got like 12 Sundays left bro".

>> No.57545349

Lmao even
Going to another state in my country is 1/4 minimum wage, just the travel(by fucking bus), going to another country is like 10 minimum wage if you don't spend much and know what ticket and hotel to get
>Have fun with your friends
Fair, just comes to time management for everyone to be free
>Beautiful women
One mid dinner and a random hotel is 1/6 of minimum wage here, besides the gas and considering she doesn't get expensive things

>Why are you using minimum wage as a reference
Because conversion doesn't transmit well

>> No.57545376

Your fortune on the other side is going to be way more valuable than anything here. Try not to forget this.

>> No.57545394

>What would you do, anon?
Implying most of biz is going to make it in their lifetime.

>> No.57545444

Make more than minimum wage lol

>> No.57545455

Bad advice anon, all your suggestion takes a lot of money and the likelihood of you getting cancer is very low.

>> No.57545456
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>> No.57545483

Try not to be too jealous

>> No.57545484

imagine having 3 months left and only 3K in your bank account.... hell

>> No.57545538

>be me
>no money
>stuck taking care of my old man who refuses all offers of help with his care
>can’t leave him alone because he’s feeble and barely able to care for himself
>if I do leave, state will come after me for neglect/filial responsibility laws

I can’t leave till he kicks the bucket or starts accepting help from others. How am I supposed to start my life anon??

>> No.57545614
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>Travel's a meme bro I have everything life can offer right here

>> No.57545661


He’s British and middle to lower class so probably consumes diet of high processed food and animal products, cancer is the only outcome.

>> No.57546365

Regardless of what caused it, it seems strange that you can get so far into the process of dying without noticing it.
It's like meningitis, where you go from 100 to zero really fast and barely spend any time in the 50 zone where you have to react.
The guy at "3 months left" are in the single digit zone, somehow he just went by the double digit zone with no reaction.. it's worrisome if this is "legit", would ease my mind a lot if the guy has been shitting blood for a year.

>> No.57546567

why the hell would anyone want to travel there??

>> No.57546712

Agreed but when you eat like shit, you feel like shit, and have absolutely no idea when something is wrong since feeling bad is your baseline.

>> No.57546845

eventually he will die out of nowhere and you will spend the rest of your life glad of your decision to stay

>> No.57546873

I went down the rabbit hole of people posting their colon cancer stories on youtube after watching this video and one of them was like what the guy says where they ate like shit so when they had weird bowel movements they just thought it was because of that but the other two were women who had their bleeding and constipation ignored for months to years before a doctor finally did something about it. We dont know what happened with this guy but look at Chadwick Boseman: the guy had an Olympian body and was a vegan but still died of colon cancer even though they caught it at stage III. The point is you never know how or when you're going to die, even arrogant pricks like the guy who knows he must have eaten like shit dont know whats going to happen to them

>> No.57546885
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>> No.57546909

I have blood in my stool often, wtf am I supposed to do about it? It's probably just hemorrhoids and I'm not having some stick going up my ass to confirm it. We need to come up with better diagnosing methods in the future.

>> No.57546914
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i'm too much of an autistic, practicalfag to do anything really. I don't date. just watch HD porn. it's close enough. I don't travel. I just watch youtube travel vids in HD. feels like i was there. good enough for me. i literally have 1 friend and 1 family member and that's more than enough for me. can't imagine being hounded by more than 2 people in life. i kind of envy those who have nobody sometimes

>> No.57546920

Yeah, only a subhuman earns minimum wage but that hurts the pocket way more than traveling in developed countries
For you to have an idea an europoor has to travel 8 times through Europe just to be equal to going to USA from my country, I have the money to travel but I would think about that money all the time, it's unironically cheaper for a mutt to buy a semi new dodge challenger, just think about it, each travel is almost equal to a car, who the heck would pay it with free conscience besides millionaires and those retards who live in a van

>> No.57546944

There are stool tests. Which would you rather? Some scope your butt or shove you poop with a tiny spoon shovel into a container without getting shit all over the bottle and bathroom? Ya I’ve done both Id rather be scoped.

>> No.57546954

Me and my brother call it government juice

>> No.57546973

It’s pretty simple. No red meats, no processed meats, no burned meat, no potato chips. Those are the biggest and well known bowel cancer causing foods. People eat that stuff daily!

>> No.57546975

I got this recommended to me as well, poor guy but it’s weird that he didn’t see a doctor sooner, he’s looked sickly for a year judging by old videos.. feels bad

Anyways I’d sell everything I have, buy a plane ticket to either the USA Australia or SEA, buy a motorcycle once there and just drive around seeing as much as I can fucking as many women as I could, possibly try murder if it was justified in some way (basically stand around at night wait for a mugger and shoot/stab them to death) even if they managed to kill me it would be whatever

>> No.57546992

Literally just fast and the cancer will go away

>> No.57547003
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I would rather have lost my money or wasted my life trying to succeed and make something of myself compared to wasting my money and living paycheck to paycheck waiting for the next shiny bauble to come out

>> No.57547005
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this guy is actually retarded i bet a woman left him for a broke guy or something the op probably looked sick for years but now he actually has terminal cancer which just makes me sad as for what he should have done instead

>> No.57547021

When I had multiple close friends die, multiple pets, etc. I had a shift in my thought process.
>was less afraid to do things
>less worry about how people perceive me
>started having sex without condoms getting multiple women pregnant
>started traveling more, went minimalistic, started working out, started going to the doctor regularly
I'm still trying to simplify my work to a single final project I can run indefinitely that gives me a feeling of accomplishment/purpose. Then reduce workload to 1 hour per day. Then continue with spending time with family, traveling, and learning.

One idea I heard was dont wait until you get rich off crypto to change your life. You need to workout, improve your appearance, become more confident, eat healthier, etc. so that when you get rich off crypto you can seamlessly step into your new life.

>> No.57547025

Statistically retarded take. You are much more likely to live a long boring life and you best plan ahead for that.

>> No.57547047

What part of my statement was retarded

>> No.57547064

aggressive cancers can kill extremely quickly. how often do you see a doctor for a headache?

>> No.57547098

One of my friends had a bump appear on his head. He went to the doctor, they tested it, it was cancerous, they did a surgery to remove it. It grew back super aggressively and he was gone within 3 months or so. He had a second surgery but it was really too late and he went on hospice afterwards due to the aggressive spread throughout his body.

>> No.57547099

fast and drink water mixed with apple cider vinegar also train mentally to not fall into a despair pit

>> No.57547479

the doctor didn't recommend me that and I'm not getting a tube up my ass there is a low chance the person responsible will fuck it up and pierce my bowels, i'd rather die than be at the mercy of someone else like that if i can avoid it, not to mention my dignity as a man having someone put stuff up my butt

>> No.57547521

I would try to heal it

>> No.57547533

Money/lack of knowledge.

>> No.57547545

Walt should've made a move Marie

>> No.57547726
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life generally becomes cancer at age 30. beyond that, it just gets worse

>> No.57547802
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Totalbiscuit was shitting blood for months and let it go too long, poor bastard. I also have some minor bleeding and the occasional sharp stabbing pain from my lower colon, and I often go days between movements, this thread makes me think I should at least let the doctors take a look up there. My stomach has also bloated outwards quite a lot.

>> No.57547847

volunteer yourself for whatever experimental immunotherapy you can find, something like CAR T-cell treatment. cancer should be attacked from at least 2 sides simultaneously, so continue chemo. that said, 3 months isn't a lot of time so you're probably fucked.

>> No.57547875

do you eat like shit? if yes, stop. if no, see a doctor asap

>> No.57547893
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Yes absolutely. Copious amounts of terrible processed foods, frozen foods, then giant hamburgers and fried stuff from restaurants. Also, a pack a day of cigarettes and at least 6 beers a night. I'm 5'8 170 lbs now, like 35 lbs gained in the span of a year out of nowhere. At least if it is cancer, I'm not at the part where you suddenly lose all your weight (aka dying). I assume I am just becoming a fat bastard, no cancer. I hope

>> No.57547961

>literal dream cattle for the kikes

I’m sure you’re fine goy.

>> No.57548080

Enjoy your early death buddy, at least you'll go out knowing nothing ever got put in the naughty pipe!

>> No.57548133

Damn, didn't know americans had it so tough

>> No.57548266

I've been bleeding for 2 years but I'm pretty sure it's hemorrhoids anyways

>> No.57548311
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this but unironically. cancer can't grow if it has no food and body enters autophagy.
it might be bullshit or it might help, either way nothing to lose at that point.

>> No.57548470
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how poor is this fucking board lmao

bought 350k house in midwest, 5/3. Still have 40k in crypto. Traveled all of Asia, the important parts of Europe, and dabbled in South America.

I am proud to be an American and not europoor trash

>> No.57548849

>What would you do, anon?

>> No.57548896

Lie naked on the dirt in the warm sun on Indian Lands in Arizona while doing a water fast until I recovered or starved.

>> No.57548934
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you guys need to learn to take flush niacin i've been telling you this

>> No.57548940

you and your brother sound based

>> No.57548966

>high processed foods
>animal products
No, are you retarded or something? A low carb high protein high fat pure animal diet is the best thing you can do for your health and avoid cancers because they literally feed from carbs (sugar)

>> No.57549045

lmao, low IQ and a big misplaced ego. you would be sedated and woudnt feel anything

>> No.57549058

Cancer isn't some foreign parasite taking you over, it's your own cells that are down so bad they've devolved to a more primitive mode of survival. You need to restore the ability for them to produce energy properly. That means more food, sugar, CO2, b vitamins, progesterone, etc. You'll also need to remove the things that gave you cancer in the first place like whatever cancerous food and liquids you were consuming before.

>> No.57549098

There are alternatives to colonoscopies but American doctors are obsessed with them. They aren't so common in Europe. Get an alternative


>> No.57549122

nigger that's factually wrong. cancer is just cells that have stopped responding to signals that tell them to not reproduce. normally those cells are spotted and culled by your immune system but if your immune system is weak or fucks up it won't kill them which results in cancer growth.
EVERYBODY gets cancerous cells in their body every day of their life but their immune system kills them.

>> No.57549195
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It's factually right but you're right too. And fasting can help reset the immune system and can probably promote apoptosis. You can't fast forever though and you need to get things right when you're eating. Also don't take any injections designed to turn your immune system into a passive igg4 cuck.

>> No.57549197

I don't have any friends and after certain age it is impossible to make any. That also menas almost zero chances to get into a relationship. Only chance now is accumulating wealth for a comfortable life, at least for a few decades left before depressions take control again.

You are suggesting people to control their autism, which is impossible. You can mask for a while but it is too tired some and pointless.

Maybe it is my fault but at some point why beat me if it cannot be changed without huge effort for something others get for just existing?

>> No.57549249

How can a post like that cause so much seethe? Fucking retards lmao

>> No.57549457

pathetic, i can tell already that you are way too uptight, let go

>> No.57549954

Use it to give Palestine nuclear weapons. Dead Jews and sandniggers is always virtuous

>> No.57550069

Can redpill me on this