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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 414 KB, 769x585, Copywriting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57541984 No.57541984 [Reply] [Original]

Incels hold crypto for years hoping to make $280k while zoomers are making it every single month after leaning an in-demand skill.

>> No.57541995

this man hasn't written a single ting in his life

>> No.57541996

what, flipping drugs?

>> No.57542011

>cherrypick a news
>make generalized assumption

GG 9/10 bait

>> No.57542027

what's the max IQ you can have to 1) be drawn to a youtube video by something that looks like that 2) actually believe that thing makes $280k per month?

>> No.57542047

How the fuck do you make that much doing something chat GPT can do?

>> No.57542069

Lurch looking ass only 22.

>> No.57542078

you don't
those are glowie psyop videos for zoomers

>> No.57542102

>sirs only $5 payment for knowledge training book to receive 280k career
I'm starting to think America's average IQ is more like 90

>> No.57542188

i work for a fortune 50 and one of my closest co workers is a copy writer. They don't make anything near 28k a month let alone 280 not even at facebook, amazon, google ect. a typical salary for a

what is i made this shit up for 2000 for views alex. average salary under 90k in NYC https://www.builtinnyc.com/salaries/content/copywriter/new-york

actually surprised it's that low, I guess big tech pays everyone better than average.

>> No.57542644


>> No.57542680
File: 19 KB, 112x112, F53C67DD-8835-4576-B2A1-45B9022DBC37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what the average avax holder looks like

>> No.57542740
File: 1.62 MB, 500x470, 7e73y4y4u758u47329329394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incels hold crypto for years

i don't actually understand why retards at biz and beoble love to hold shitcoins like LINU
so basically you just gonna buy and wait all your life
it's the stupidest thing i've ever seen

>> No.57542755
File: 180 KB, 1024x1024, CASINUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine believing you can make 280k a month as an average copywriter. This dude just wants to sell you a shitty course trust me.
I'll keep holding and playing the casino all while getting laid, seethe.

>> No.57542770

this guy isn't even literate, nevermind a copywriter
i'll stick to my memecoins thanks
i don't believe you for a second that you get laid tho

>> No.57542863

No one would be stupid enough to tell you their money glitch secrete for free and risk loosing it all by showing others how they can cut in to it.
I just don't believe it.

>> No.57543001

maybe i should make a video with some retarded title like 'how i make 500k a day as a dog sitter', then i can get 25k views and make 10$ for 4 hours of work like that genius guy

>> No.57544482

something between room temperature and 100

>> No.57544501

>Colored man in his car video


>> No.57544508


>> No.57544519

judging by the color of his skin, he hasn't read a thing in his life either

>> No.57544523

Zoomers can only excel in TikTok and there are only so many zoomers in the world that are able to make a living out of it.

>> No.57544557

judging by the comments the gorilla marketing approach isnt netting him many new customers
and yes i am gonna (you) this thing so his funds get drained faster while he gets nothing

i mean how dumb do you even have to be to think copywriting post gpt is somehow a thing left

>> No.57544653

gaslight yourself and cope harder millennial loser. Average Gen Z is financially bussin

>> No.57544687

there's a lot of dumb fuckers pissing their money away by subscribing to gurus
I guarantee that guy is trying to sell something in that video

>> No.57544723

>watch on right hand
faggot alert

>> No.57544762


You're a fucking retard.

Copywriting 200K lmao you fucking zoomer dipshit

>> No.57544785

you forgot
>1 post id?

>> No.57545031

fr fr

What now, incel?

>> No.57545085

>goes defensive when called out

>> No.57545155
File: 119 KB, 735x742, 1672086128619665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a reputable degree in engineering followed by a master's and worked in nuclear power, high-volume engine assembly plants, big pharma, and sanitation for 15 years and you know what? The amount I made in crypto greatly exceeds the salary I collected during that time. The years spent grinding calculus, thermo, programming and then working 50-70h weeks for years is basically considered worthless relative to speculating on assets in 2017. So even though I 'won' my entire career is basically a side hustle that I put way, WAY too much time into. In conclusion, effort vs reward is hardly correlated so just do what you want in life and maybe it'll pay off, but nothing is guaranteed.

>> No.57545171

i think most of us here have a similar story
there is absolutely no point in trying in the cagie anymore
the chinese were way ahead of us with there let it rot phenomenon

>> No.57545200

>I have a reputable degree in engineering followed by a master's and worked in nuclear power, high-volume engine assembly plants, big pharma, and sanitation for 15 years
Boomer shit fr that's like expecting to get big money from shoeing horses.
The big money in 2024 is in copywriting, SMMA and influencing.

>> No.57545239

This was in 2010 dumbass, the systems I developed were cutting edge at the time but we still used flip phones.

>> No.57545266

True, it's not even the poverty that stings the most. It's the demoralization that our time and skills are worthless.

>> No.57545307
File: 65 KB, 640x480, E9C1F83F-B2EB-4DB2-93E6-2476576E41AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level up, wyboi!

>> No.57545312

dont forget to rent an expensive luxury car
thats about all the proof of success a zoomer needs
retards with no sense of accomplishment. your brain is rotted by lust for money. maybe follow some other measure of success like professional and personal milestones

>> No.57545322
File: 117 KB, 710x1002, RDT_20240208_1423206660815341383393976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57545344

I have to support my family you retard, fuck off with your milestones. If you don't pay me I'm out.

>> No.57545358

youre the one belly aching about your career
using money as a benchmark for your life is sad. especially from someone who claims to have a family

>> No.57545397

You honkaloids are such fragile little bitches aren't you
Every thread you have to point out someone's skin color like effeminate little troons

>> No.57545450

arabs/persians/indians/armenians are so obsessed with money and status that when ever you seen them advertising or selling something you should know theres a good chance they will break laws, ethics, rules to get even the smallest amount of money
nothing wrong with taking note of that and being cautious

>> No.57545508

I have tons of non-financial accomplishments that I care about but at the end of the day if it weren't for crypto I couldn't afford a home or healthcare for more than a one person even with an above-average career and I consider that somewhat disturbing.

>> No.57545548


>> No.57545560

Have a (you)

>> No.57545596

>using money as a benchmark for your life is sad
this is the troll line
well either that or he has lived on a trust fund his whole life but doubt that he would be here of places if that were the case

>> No.57545615

Why are muslims so fucking ugly?

>> No.57545637


This. Crazy how easy it is to run a biz opp hustle like this, I used to do it myself back in the Warrior Forum days. Google it zoomers.

>> No.57545667

he's not ugly. probably lots of girl want him.

>> No.57545701

Step 1) Buy fake Rolex
Step 2) Rent expensive car for a day
Step 3) "how i make $10k per day as a 15 year old email plumber"

Yeah nevermind the piss poor spelling, the pleb haircut,
the unkempt appearance, that you are sitting in a garage instead of your luxury apartment that you would be able to purchase outright after only 6 months with such a income. Ignore all that.

>> No.57546842

>rent fancy car
>buy fake luxury watch
>sell some courses to retards how to get rich
>get rich from said retards

>> No.57546895

I literally made that last run, you dumb bitch
Also that nigger is a scam artist and you fell for it

>> No.57547335

just pay him $1,997 for his accelerator program and then join his $3497/month mastermind discord group and he'll show you!