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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 720x791, IMG_20240208_075057_083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57541024 No.57541024 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not accumulating this for the next few years

>> No.57541031
File: 847 KB, 680x668, ALPH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget Kaspa

ALPH mooning

Alephium, ALPH gaining momentum, the ALPH train is unstoppable, ALPH hits $10 faster than many guess and then begins the real ALPH hype and fomo

>> No.57541084
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Anon, sell me that alph

>> No.57541117
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It feels good to know that I'm going to get rich without ever working a day in my life because I bought Kaspa and Alephium. I deserve it too

>> No.57542434
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Kaspa is hodl

>> No.57542536


>> No.57542631

does Kaspa support smart contracts like Bitcoin Cash?

>> No.57542647

>number go up forever!
>dude just trust me!
kaspa holders are retarded.

>> No.57542694
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that shit won't touch my wallet, i'm fine already with solana, ETH, $SUPER and BTC

>"yes if you buy ALPH i triple mone back yes"
shut up poojeet

>> No.57542775

devs are deving smart contracts

>> No.57542790
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>> No.57542813

how do you buy in the US?

>> No.57542828


>> No.57542976
File: 164 KB, 701x534, Btc to kas evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me tell you guys the story of how I first found out about Kaspa. I was riding the bus home from work one day and after me comes in this scrawny looking nerd type. It was Yonatan. I didn't know that at the time, of course. He had a laptop which he was working on to develop some software. I saw the blockDAG on his screen and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Yo, is that ten blocks per second? On proof of work?" I asked him, but he didn't respond. Suddenly more people on the bus started becoming interested and started forming a crowd around his seat. The crowd was murmuring, "this guy's solving the trilemma!" The bus driver was like "Solving the trilemma? Yeah right, I've heard it a million times before". But those of us who saw the daemon running with our own eyes knew what we saw. Unfortunately, Yoni had to get off the bus again after one stop, but before he left, he just whispered, "Kaspa". I had no idea what he meant at the time, but it clicked for me months later when I saw the name being mentioned on /biz/. Thanks yonatan

>> No.57543041

That bus driver's name?
Vitalik Buterin.

>> No.57543225
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Have everything I need

>> No.57543260
File: 756 KB, 2314x937, kaspa-jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they have any idea when BinanceUS or Coinbase might pick it up?
And do I need to be worried about picrel?

>> No.57543315


I've been holding since .05. My portfolio is insane in this moment.

>> No.57543463
File: 61 KB, 990x299, kaspa-genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...there's missing history from before May 2022 too? I might throw a few dollars in because the chart looks good but I'm beginning to smell bagels

>> No.57543616

There's published proofs of prunality on the Github page, which shows (and gave mathematical proof) showing that some data can be pruned out over time in a secure way that still maintains the PoW weight of the entire ledger and verifiability of UTXOs.
If it works as designed, then I see no issue with throwing away old data over time, since it's unneeded for consensus and just becomes useless bloat that doesn't add to security. But now people are making a better effort to archive all that history. Most of the 'missing' has been recovered as of now. There's no evidence of intentional wrongdoing by the Kaspa team.

>> No.57543657

Loaded up this at .005, ready to dump on bizlets who still haven't bought it

Loaded up on this at .28, ready to dump on bizlets who still haven't bought in yet.

Lol I'm doing fantastic right now. How are people still bag holding coins like LINK, SOL, AVAX and others LOL

>> No.57545536


>> No.57546759
File: 116 KB, 602x753, 1707402378574079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot of the wallet with kaspa and alph or you are just another liar like many others.

I have 10 BTC and 10M KAS. Anyone can say whatever they want here.

>> No.57547546
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i know i got in late, bought my bag for €9500, i left ~€1300 on my bank account for day to day uni life, i'll be rich in 2025 when im 22

>> No.57547571

Jewish terrorist.
Not my money in kek hands

>> No.57547971

Good stack, anon. Which country do you live in?

>> No.57548413

croatia, you?

>> No.57548536

your stack already puts you in the top 1% wealth class in Croatia... soon it will be top 0.1%

>> No.57548593
File: 150 KB, 679x708, Screenshot_20240208-173950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anons who won't enter KAS due to the massive yearly pump, this is SOL at 2.5Bn MC in 2021

>> No.57548851

The overall crypto market cap in 2025 is going to be way higher than it was in 2021. Kaspa will have no problem reaching $80 billion when Bitcoin is at $5T

>> No.57548975

I have a question for you. Do you know why the volume of a sphere increases by a factor of 8 when you merely double the radius?

>> No.57548982

why cant you buy it easily at any non-chink exchange?

>> No.57549085
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Yeah, it's because the volume of a sphere is related to the cube of the radius. We're about to get a golden bull run, with a halving in 3 months and new ETF money coming in... things are looking bullish for Kaspa and crypto in general. $80B market cap is FUD desu

>> No.57549111

Jesus how poor are europoos if this puts them in 1p wealth. Pathetic.

>> No.57549295

This is fake it ignores the solana repricing

>> No.57549557
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>> No.57549948

also does anyone know how to sign up for one of the exchanges that sells kaspa as an american? mexc doesnt let me join, can i get a VPN and open an account or will they do KYC shit that will screen me out?

>> No.57549974

Kaspa is already at 2.8 billion market cap fucking retard

>> No.57549989
File: 1.36 MB, 924x755, ZIr8arhkvg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kaspa is already at 28 billion market cap yet crypto bros act like they're going to become millionaires lmao its over bro you missed the boat go to a real job instead of being a worthless coiner you'll feel better about yourself i promise and i have a huge cock

>> No.57550043

Yes anon, that is the point of his post. Reading comprehension fail.

>> No.57550580

you dont have to signup for changenow

>> No.57551239
File: 34 KB, 474x646, 1706020791823392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Jew pilled. It occured to me last night what big brain sompo is working on. Meta smart contracts. I don't know what it will be, maybe some icypiss type of architecture but actually working and on pow...

>> No.57551493

I love this coin. It's MY coin. It's one of those coins people FOMO into HARD. So much going for it from the start, and the only FUD it ever received came from some indian people forgot about in a week. No one wants to do research right now. Everyone's tired. People on the sidelines know the bullrun is coming and their portfolios are looking like ass because all they don't have THE luck. All you had to do was buy $5,000.00 worth of Kaspa when it was .03-.05 cents and you would've been set for fat gains. And those gains could be turned into even bigger gains. But now you're just stuck with no capital hoping to turn $500.00 into $10,000.00 ON SOME SHITCOINS.

>> No.57551504

Solana was being mega-pumped by FTX though, kind of an outlier.

>> No.57552542
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>> No.57552548

Paki thread

>> No.57552580
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They are both outliers.

>> No.57552620
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Nic Carter knows Kaspa? Isn't he a banker

>> No.57552673
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>> No.57552705

Yep... I've been seeing these comments all over the place since it was under a penny. You should search for Kaspa in the warosu archives to remind yourself what people were saying about it in 2022/2023. It'll give you a sense of scale and perspective

>> No.57552729
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>> No.57552759
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>> No.57552823
File: 104 KB, 941x1255, F0RrVERXwAEiDKf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaspa is pretty unique to me in the sense that the more I research and learn about it, the more I like it. I've tried my best to read through white papers, and I'm genuinely excited to witness the birth of the DAGKnight protocol, which will open up many new doors for proof of work in general. The fair launch and deflationary emission schedule are just a bonus to me because that's literally, exactly what you want, in order for your coin to poompa over time

>> No.57553032

Anyway, the reason I say this is because most coins on the market right now are centralized vaporware scams with no actual substance behind them. Kaspa has a deep rabbit hole of substance behind it going all the way back to at least 2013 when v1 of the GHOST protocol was first proposed on the Bitcointalk forums and later adopted by projects such as Cardano and Ethereum. There's also this website, https://research.kas.pa/ where you can see the years of research the developers put into this coin years before launch, conducted out in the open for everybody to see and participate in. I honestly can't think of any other project in all of crypto that this applies to

>> No.57553124
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>> No.57553392

Sell off that crap and stash some cash for Peaq when it launches later this year. It's all about DePINs, and the media's catching on to this narrative.

>> No.57554270
File: 105 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240130_192838_764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaspa is hodl

>> No.57555763
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>> No.57555897
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>> No.57557777

I wish I made more money so I could put more into kaspa

>> No.57557865

Holy fuck

>> No.57559047
File: 218 KB, 2048x1033, 20240204_064236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57559536

I'm accumulating not only KAS but also QANX, INJ, and AZERO. Blockchain gems are going to make me a crypto millionaire, EOY.

>> No.57560054
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>> No.57561307

im running out of time to get 100k kaspies :^(

>> No.57562849
File: 82 KB, 720x444, Screenshot_20240206-163717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our talents of silver are enough the value will be multiplied

>> No.57562907

you tell me, i barely got 40k

>> No.57564144

Who told you about this?? Nothing is ever posted on biz anymore. Do you all have secret tg channels that an old boomer(me) isn’t allowed in?

>> No.57564184

I want to cum all all over chicns face and in her eyes

>> No.57564446
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>40k kaspies
Wow 5 million

>> No.57564989

where do i buy caspa? is it on eth or bnb chain?

>> No.57565095

I learned about it from mining channels on YouTube.
I believe there's wrapped Kaspa on Ethereum. But the real Kaspa is a layer one coin, not on any DEXes