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57535506 No.57535506 [Reply] [Original]

Someone here suggested tradeogre. Just lost everything because I thought it was chill to use and bought Kaspa On there. Please I cant afford it, someone please tell me how to fix this. Ive seen posts for months saying people have been waiting and Im surely fucked but I cant accept this or afford it. this was supposed to be what I could put back for an entire month and I dont have anything left. I am so fucking sad. Im such a fucking idiot. I tried to make a twitter to ask for help but I got banned and account locked and the captchas literally make no sense. FUck.

>> No.57535516

Thanks for playing

>> No.57535521

Anon look into haircomb. What many suspected to be impossible is now real.

>> No.57535531
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sounds like you're irreversibly fucked but I don't follow, what is tradeogre?
>captcha: not gonna not make gonna gonna

>> No.57535539

I know this is a larp but what happened to you exactly? Are you saying TradeOgre stole your stack? Your shitpost doesn't make sense bro.

>> No.57535544

It's ogre now

>> No.57535545

not gonna make this shit back

>> No.57535564

how did you lose anon

>> No.57535600

DUde look at the KAS/USDT KAS/BTC Pools theres no fucking liquidity, only buys and all sell orders. Im not larping.
Literally been gone forever, thought KAS looked like a good buy and lost half of my funds to a dead liquidity pool. I didnt care to look because people said ogre was legit.

>> No.57535705

alt exchange.
i guess im fucked bros.

>> No.57535716

You should take them to kleros court

>> No.57535719

ogre is legit but you shoudn't do market buys there you plebian.

>> No.57535727

it was a limit buy, I dont understand why they are letting people even put money into a pool on hold.

>> No.57535762

How much kas did you lose fren? They are probably waiting for kas price to drop so they can buy and pay people who wanna cash out but that ain’t happening so they are stalling.

>> No.57535766

Did u write to a support jeet?

>> No.57535775

I lost over 25,000 KAS to Tradeogre's bullshit. Thankfully, this was back when KAS was only worth like 2 cents, so I was able to recuperate the losses easily. But seriously I quit using Tradeogre for anything after that bullshit. It's been almost a year and they still refuse to even acknowledge the situation, and they hardcoded the price level on their exchange so that people are forced to "sell" at market prices, but who the fuck is going to buy when they know they can't withdraw it? Some lucky faggot got to cash out their KAS because of you, now all you can do is set a sell order and pray that some other retard comes along and repeats your mistake

>> No.57535791

Bro what support? I even tried the twitter they have listed, but I didn't have an account and creating one triggered automated captcha systems that I couldn't decipher if I wanted to. I am fairly sure they don't have one listed.
its like 700 ik prob not alot for many on here but I work hard to save. Just dont like my shit getting taken.

>> No.57535802

This. Why would you use any exchange with ogre in it for the memetics alone

Don't worry anon. Safe moon on sol just released. We are so fucking back

>> No.57535814

I avoided tradeogre bc ogre

>> No.57535816
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>> No.57535819

And people come here to shill. I am drained.

>> No.57535853

I saw your thread on r/kaspa, I feel for you fren. Like I said I lost over 25k KAS to this bullshit too. It's not Kaspa's fault, it's the scammy Tradeogre exchange stealing people's coins. They probably did it because they wanted to keep all the Kaspa for themselves. Just be glad it was only 700 KAS and not your life's savings. And remember to never invest more than you can afford to lose. If losing $70 is enough to wreck your life then you need to be extra careful cuz ur not in a position to be taking on lots of risk, remember that in the crypto market there is an inherent risk that all your money will be lost. That's part of the game and it's the risk we take for huge potential upside

>> No.57535866
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It was ironic libtard

>> No.57535906

Its not gonna wreck me. Took a long time to get it. I get where you are coming from thanks fren least im not the only one.

>> No.57535928

You might as well set a sell order for your KAS on Tradeogre for the lowest amount that you can and hope that it goes through eventually. It might take months or it might never happen. But it's the only way that you can realistically get your money back

>> No.57535934

Should've bought Kaspa on Uniswap (there's an Eth wormhole version of it, I know it's not the native version but it tracks the price exactly). Ah well, lesson learned I suppose - how much of your portfolio (% wise) did you try buying Kaspa on TradeOgre with?

>> No.57535946

Damn man thats fucking rough. Maybe withdrawals will come back or something.

>> No.57535954


>> No.57535973

Yeah it sucks, because even if my idea works, it means that someone else is going to be in the same position that you're in, you just swapped places. I wouldn't count on Tradeogre opening withdrawals anytime soon. They stole my coins in fucking July of last year and here we are 8 months later and they're STILL pulling the same shit. Fuck Tradeogre.

>> No.57536031

Seriously. What a shitty scam, sorry you got roped in too anon. I wouldn't do that to someone else. I love my luck in this space, never an airdrop always a scam.

>> No.57536073

I had a thread elsewhere as another anon mentioned and ngl it seems very botted in there. People even downvote other comments mentioning tradeogre. very sad withdrawing the other half of my funds now hoping they show up.

>> No.57536101

Not my fault you suck at English, baggie. Enjoy your jewish cuck bags also kek. Fuc KAS and anyone who shills it.

>> No.57536113

It's no biggie anon. It sounds like you were affected more than me since you worked hard for the money that was stolen from you. Hopefully your other crypto gains will make up for these losses. I'm not even mad about losing 25k KAS because I bought 20x that much when it was under a penny so the gains ended up massively outweighing the losses from Tradeogre's scam. Kaspa is a gem of a coin, best proof of work L1 ever created, great tokenomics, lightning fast, fair launched, just a fucking great coin all around and you're going to make way more than $70 by holding it.

>> No.57536126

>I saw your thread on r/kaspa
Go back.

>> No.57536140

imagine missing out on easy KAS gains lmao it literally solves the trilemma, it was the most obvious buy of all time

>> No.57536148

Well, tradeogre has all that I bought before I could withdrawal to my wallet lol but may be able to mine or get in soon. Chad. thanks for the suggestion.
whats wrong w it? seems good to me

>> No.57536160

Holy shit, is this your first order book? How is that possible? Wtf you talking about liquidity pool…only AMM dexes have liquidity pools retard. Kek.

>> No.57536169

He's just a fudding /pol/tard who will claim that Kaspa is automatically bad because the dev team has Israeli computer scientists on it, despite it being a decentralized open-source, trustless system which does not require you to put any trust in anyone to use it, let alone jews. In short, he's just seething because he missed out on easy gains don't listen to him

>> No.57536183

yeah dude im a retard i get it. let me hear im poor again or shouldnt be doing this if it matters that much. just gonna log off here. thought i might get some help after getting fleeced by fucking shrek the ogre lol.

>> No.57536202

>literally solves the trilemma
It does not. Also it will never overcome the network effect of BTC, just like other baggie coins like LTC, BCH, etc.
>muh /pol/tard
Okay baggie. Reminder they rewrote the chain history.

>> No.57536230

get good faggot ngmi

>> No.57536248

You know nothing about Kaspa. It absolutely solves the trilemma using a scalable form of Nakamoto consensus that keeps all of the security and liveness properties of Bitcoin's PoW consensus mechanism while being parameterless and allowing for infinitesimally short block intervals limited only by network latencies.
It's outperformed every coin in your list, including BTC, because superior technology always wins in the end. LTC, BCH, BSV etc. all suffer from scalability problems, they do not actually scale
>Reminder they rewrote the chain history.
not true and I'm thinking that my bags are feeling way lighter than yours, maxipad. Up over 20x since 2022, get fucked

>> No.57536261

Wish I knew how to do better. Thanks man.

>> No.57536301

im looking at the btc and usdt tradeogre pairs for KAS and i dont see lack of liquidity on the sell side..

>> No.57536309

Bullshit, I am literally actively trying to sell, you cannot. Look at the market depth.

>> No.57536312

You can't withdraw Kaspa from Tradeogre. Once you send it there, it's forever inaccessible, so nobody's buying KAS from Tradeogre, sellers can't get any buyers, and people who deposited KAS to TO are fucked and lost money

>> No.57536365

Pretty much what I have realized at this point. This whole endeavor is going to make me stay away from Kaspa and alts as a whole desu.

>> No.57536389

Sorry to hear that anon. This is a problem that the crypto industry in general is still working around, because crypto technology itself is designed to be trustless and avoid these kinds of problems, but centralized exchanges DO require trust, and sometimes they abuse that trust to carry out scams, such as in the case of Tradeogre.
In the future, the solution in >>57535934 is a trustless one, because it relies only on decentralized exchange and smart contracts, rather than a centralized point of failure like Tradeogre. Good luck in your future investments anon

>> No.57536396

It doesn't solve the trilemma because it's not a blockchain, it's a DAG. It's not special. Fucking Hedera, which is a DAG, also "solves" the trilemma in that sense, along with many other networks. In the end, KAS is not going to see any significant adoption because it has no usecase differentiating it from other PoW coins and thus will no overcome the network effects of the established ones. Enjoy the pump while it lasts. I don't need it because I only need a 2x to makeit and don't want to bother with low liquidity jewish scams with misleading marketing and subzero IQ baggies.

>> No.57536418

It's not a DAG, it's a blockDAG. Which Bitcoin's blockchain actually is, too. Bitcoin's blockchain is the simplest case of blockDAG where each vertex (block) is limited to just one edge (parent). A blockDAG is a more general structure since every blockchain is technically a blockDAG, but not the other way around. But the GHOSTDAG consensus protocol works the same whether you're using a blockDAG or a blockchain. It's a brilliant expansion of the theory behind the original Nakamoto consensus as outlined in the Bitcoin whitepaper. I'm sorry that you're too subzero IQ to appreciate it. Smart money isn't, though.

>> No.57536471

I am pretty careful, and have rarely had anything like this happen except an account or two getting locked away with minimal amounts. I will be more careful from now on. Also just found out u can only mine with asic. Priced out by design lmaoo.

>> No.57536492

>It's not a DAG, it's a blockDAG
A distinction without a difference. The point is it doesn't solve the trilemma because the trilemma is irrelevant to anything that isn't a blockchain and is by far not the first network to approach DLT design from outside the blockchain milieu. I can appreciate the mathematics just fine, but that doesn't mean it's going to outcompete anything already existing with larger network effects. As I said, ride it while you can but desu, dogcoins will pump harder than this coin in the end kek.

>> No.57536540

Switching all xmr to btc now, fuck all this bad luck recently lol

>> No.57536569

The GHOSTDAG consensus mechanism does resolve to a blockchain though. It selects a main chain using heaviest chain and proof of work consensus. It's not irrelevant to the trilemma, you're just making up BS because you can't accept that Kaspa actually does what it does. It achieves instant block intervals because it's an inclusive protocol that doesn't discard orphan blocks and an ordering protocol that rapidly converges on an agreed ordering of blocks and transactions. It's a genuine computer science feat and I don't know why you're so intent on dismissing it. Muh network effects, who fucking cares? Kaspa isn't coming for the #1 spot. It's coming for the top 10 or the top 5. I know it's not going to replace daddy Bitcoin. It's still going to outperform massively because there is real value to the developments it's made

>> No.57536653

>It's not irrelevant to the trilemma, you're just making up BS because you can't accept that Kaspa actually does what it does
If it's not a pure blockchain then the trilemma is irrelevant and any claim of "solving it" is just marketing. As I said, other networks already "solved" it, KAS is just solving it in a different way. Simple as. Unfortunately that doesn't make it at all special since the usecase is still only muh move coin from A to B. Digital currency is solved in 2024, nobody needs KAS for that. Fact is you don't have to "solve" the trilemma to have workable digital currency. Normies would rather use DOGE to buy shit than an obscure coin with "better tech".
>Muh network effects, who fucking cares? Kaspa isn't coming for the #1 spot. It's coming for the top 10 or the top 5. I know it's not going to replace daddy Bitcoin. It's still going to outperform massively because there is real value to the developments it's made
Baggie cope kek.

>> No.57536705
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BlockDAGs and blockchains are very related structures. The theory used by Kaspa flows naturally out of the theory used by Bitcoin. It's not like Hedera's hashgraph which deviates fundamentally from Bitcoin in every possible way. The fact that you would even compare the two just because they ostensibly both use DAG structures is retarded and shows that you don't even understand the trilemma issue.
HBAR is centralized, it's proof of stake (which fundamentally isn't secure like PoW), it's not even really a cryptocurrency. It doesn't use a blockDAG, it uses a DAG of transactions which doesn't involve mining in the consensus at all.
Kaspa's consensus mechanism mathemtically has the same security and liveness properties as Bitcoin's, and the two are related, one is just an expansion of the other. Kaspa is the most scalable proof of work coin. By far. And it's not even close. Its speed rivals that of centralized scam chains like Solana. It will continue to go up because it is inherently valuable. It scales proof of work down to internet speeds. Literally nothing else on the market does that.
Pic related is me coping about my 20x gains

>> No.57536887

>BlockDAGs and blockchains are very related structures. The theory used by Kaspa flows naturally out of the theory used by Bitcoin. It's not like Hedera's hashgraph which deviates fundamentally from Bitcoin in every possible way. The fact that you would even compare the two just because they ostensibly both use DAG structures is retarded and shows that you don't even understand the trilemma issue.
>HBAR is centralized, it's proof of stake (which fundamentally isn't secure like PoW), it's not even really a cryptocurrency. It doesn't use a blockDAG, it uses a DAG of transactions which doesn't involve mining in the consensus at all.
All this is sophistry. I'm restating it again: the trilemma DESCRIBES inherent limitations of pure blockchains. To "solve" it merely means to not use a pure blockchain, which makes the trilemma no longer apply. It's pretty clear from conversing with you that KAS baggies have their heads completely up their own and eachothers asses to not comprehend such simple logic. All this sperging about HBAR is neither here nor there.
>Kaspa's consensus mechanism mathemtically has the same security and liveness properties as Bitcoin's, and the two are related, one is just an expansion of the other. Kaspa is the most scalable proof of work coin. By far. And it's not even close. Its speed rivals that of centralized scam chains like Solana. It will continue to go up because it is inherently valuable. It scales proof of work down to internet speeds. Literally nothing else on the market does that.
Pic related is me coping about my 20x gains
Cool story bro. Any literal retard will outperform it with DOGE but you do you.

>> No.57536937

KAS solves the trilemma. A blockDAG is just a generalized form of a blockchain, but the same consensus mechanism can apply to both blockchains and blockDAGs, because they're fundamentally related like that. And you can get exactly the same security and liveness properties from both a blockchain and a blockDAG using PoW consensus. You get absolutely no advantage from limiting your blockDAG into a blockchain. None whatsoever. The only reason blockchains were ever used is because people hadn't come up with blockDAG theory at the time.
Kaspa was the best performing coin of 2023 for a reason

>> No.57537249

You can apply Kaspa's GHOSTDAG consensus on Bitcoin's blockchain
>hardcoded λ (block interval) of 10 minutes, but mathematically guaranteed to converge on the same transactional ordering as the original Nakamoto conensus using heaviest chain rule, throughput slightly increased because it's an inclusive protocol with no discarding of orphan blocks, basically equivalent to GHOST protocols (which were invented by Kaspa founders all the way back in 2013) that were/are used by Ethereum, KDA, and dozens of other top crypto coins

You can apply Bitcoin's consensus mechanism on Kaspa's blockDAG
>throughput heavily throttled since you're reverting to old tech, but it still works if λ is 10 minutes like original Bitcoin, Kaspa just becomes BTC again, orphans discarded, but it still works, blockDAG just becomes a blockchain again
It's the fact that they're so fundamentally related and it's such a simplistic solution... KAS inherits all the right properties of the OG crypto. The properties of security, decentralization, trustlessness, permissionlessness that every real crypto enthusiast wants. And the developers made sure of this. They made sure they had mathematical proof every step of the way that these qualities were maintained and that it was based off all the same math as BTC. And they published all their research years before Kaspa mainnet was even launched. And it was fair launched, which is something that's so rare to see these days in the crypto space.

I get if you're a total BTC maxi then you're never going to favor any altcoins at all. Most of my portfolio is in BTC right now so I understand the love for bitcoin. But if you like BTC for its fundamentals, then I don't see why you'd dislike KAS. Pretty much everything about it fundamentally is the same as BTC, except for the fact that BTC came first. But maybe Kaspa can be a first mover of its own because it's the world's first blockDAG. And blockDAG is simply superior tech compared to blockchain.

>> No.57537316
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You bought this?

>> No.57537343

I lost some Kaspa coins on Tradeogre some time ago. Fuck that exchange. Last I heard, they hard-coded the price so that you can't sell at all. Before, you could sell for pennies on the dollar and cash out. Now? You can't cash out at all. You're FORCED to sell at wider market prices. So, what' the problem in the first place? Nobody's going to buy Kaspa on Tradeogre, because it's well known by now that Tradeogre is a scam exchange that won't allow you to withdraw Kaspa! They stole everybody's Kaspa coins and they're still stealing all the Kaspa people are depositing to them. Everybody be warned. You CANNOT withdraw Kaspa from Tradeogre!! DO NOT USE THIS SCAM EXCHANGE

>> No.57537408

Nice FUD, going to transfer now

>> No.57537419

RIP to your Kaspa coins... they were short lived but ill-deserved... I'm surprised you have internet access from your tent in the wilderness btw

>> No.57537421

honestly do it so I can see you cry you dumb faggot

>> No.57537443
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bro i know you are mad you lost all your money on kaspa but don't make that my fault i don't know why you are taking out all your repressed homoerotic rage on me but i am not going to let it slide go back to /fit/ if you want to complain about your micropenis you disgusting basedboy piece of garbage

>> No.57537456

OP ignore this poster, it's a literal chatGPT bot. You can tell from the image they posted. /biz/ has gotten overrun with these bots in the past month or so

>> No.57537481

I know the dex wormhole route isn't the best but us burgers don't have a whole lot of options to get in early on the best projects.

>> No.57537560

I'm lucky. I got in early on Kaspa because I was a miner. I've mined a lot of coins. I mined ETH until it switched to PoS. Then I looked for other coins to mine. Kaspa was the only coin I've ever mined where I could withdraw my mining gains from the pool like 30 times a day, instantly, for virtually no cost... I saw the instant transactions on proof of work.. I honestly didn't even think it was possible. I don't have anything against wrapped KAS it's unlikely that it will lose its peg to the real KAS anytime soon. But I honestly just like the real Kaspa. I use Changenow to buy and Zelcore to store my Kaspa

>> No.57537641

You are autistic. The tech unironically doesn't matter since KAS is not solving any fundamental problem. It will pump on hype and then dump like most coins. Cope and sneed.

>> No.57537667

It does solve a fundamental problem though, which is the scalability problem of PoW. Instant block intervals on PoW is fundamentally desirable technology.

>> No.57537689
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>I tried to make a twitter to ask for help but I got banned and account locked

>> No.57537705

KAS token not needed.

>> No.57537706

Convert into BTC then lol

>> No.57537732

Token needed for me ser... I want digital money that's robust, secure, decentralized, PoW and scalable, your token does not do that, only mine does
it is not allowed ser, tradeogre forbids it from happening. if you sent you kaspas to them ser they are stolen and you are fucked

>> No.57537755

Bro u love this shit so much Id hold for you, I will end up looking into it after this lmao. captcha gx hg

>> No.57537780

It's hit and miss and I changed locations recently twice because the internet was only good for browsing text
Springs coming. Soon(ish) I travel south west. Who knows how good internet will be that direction

>> No.57537967

I actually spent hundreds of Bitcoin back in the early days, because I was just using Bitcoin as digital cash like it was supposed to be at first.
I mainly spent it on drugs, web hosting and donations and stuff... but the point is, I actually used it as a currency and medium of exchange.
I was lucky enough to save some BTC over the years, so I wasn't completely like the pizza guy who fumbled an entire fortune and never made it.but still, just saying. Lesson learned.
Nice dude. weren't you mostly a LINK investor back in the day? You'll still make it with LINK because it's a top coin

>> No.57538373

bro plz bless me with your knowledge. how do i get out of dis now. basically all btc.

>> No.57538454

I've been swapping BTC for KAS on Simpleswap with no problem. It does take ages for the transaction to confirm. (mostly Bitcoin's fault, the KAS ends up in my wallet almost instantly once the BTC is sent)

>> No.57538491
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No that's not me I never really had a link period. I got lucky with neo/bnb early on 2017 (i think) which helped my many mistakes during the downtrend. Covid kinda wrecked me and I sold at the 12k~ floor and swore off crypto because it is Le Scam completely bystanding the 69k Elon doge stimmy black swan run (kill me)

But I'm still here and ready to show my gains