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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5753702 No.5753702 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to be huge when it shows the capability of its network with cryptodogs.

>> No.5753739

what's the endgame price range on this stuff within 2 years?

>> No.5753765

chinks will dump it when they realise they can't eat them

>> No.5753813

Personally, I think $10 EOY 2018. Could even be higher but $10 is pretty reasonable. Depends on whether the coin burn actually happens and what kind of stuff they release.

>> No.5753836
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>> No.5753842

You're saying this is a $650 BILLION dollar project? What is wrong with people

>> No.5753875

No, he's saying this coin will hit 10$
>muh marketcup

>> No.5753902


>> No.5753908

>What is wrong with people

I don’t bother asking. I just buy the coins and collect the profits. I don’t question where the money comes from. You buy the coins you believe in and I’ll do the same. Except I’m more likely to make it because I don’t need to ask you for your opinion.

>> No.5753955

lel if i were a trx holder i'd sell now.

This shit about to crash next level when whales have enough profit

>> No.5753984

there will be a coinburn in q1 so you estimate is already fed with false data

>> No.5753996

just bought (another) 100k

>> No.5754150

don't cry next week when i'll be buying your loser bags at 3 USD

>> No.5754926

>buy at 440 thinking it's gonna moon
>forget chinks are already asleep

RIP my gains

>> No.5755391

it's 7 pm in shanghai

>> No.5755446

they haven't even gotten off work yet

>> No.5755485

Chinese have funded worse tbf

>> No.5755548

great point