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57533735 No.57533735 [Reply] [Original]

why do women hate me?

Been lifting, reading/ studying, accoomulating, and having a personality.

What gives?

Also, why am I always treated like exit liquidity? Everyone is so mean to me :(

My mentor called me a good guy.

>> No.57533776
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>> No.57533787

fuck off faggot >>>/adv/

>> No.57533791
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Please respond.

>> No.57533797

>dating white women in 21st century

you should geomaxx and date a pajeeta or a muslim gf

>> No.57533818

what bags are you holding that made you be so mean to me?
I'm holding NYCB calls

both age badly and won't put out

>> No.57533835

Your personality sucks no matter what you say.
Young, old, fat, thin, rich, poor, all types of guys are getting girlfriends because they have a personality and confidence.

>> No.57533834

women can smell insecurity, even if you manage to hide it perfectly. the bullshit detector is no joke. Also maybe your face has slight deformations, like your nose etc. this can fuck you up a lot

>> No.57533851

because you have to ask this

>> No.57533865

I let my insecurities be known within the first month but show that it's something being worked on

you're probably right. At least sex is a commodity that can be bought

>> No.57533876

its actually because they have no personality that the women like them

you are all stuck in your head because you have a million ideas/truths about what can help the world.

the rest of the guys just zone it all out and dont think about anything most of the day

>> No.57533886

there must be something WRONG with you nigger. If I were u, ill just go into my room, locked it for a week, become a weeb and play superverse.

>> No.57533896

>I let my insecurities be known within the first month
uugh yikes, big mistake
men aren't supposed to be insecure or else women will get the ick. women saying "men should talk about their feelings and insecurities" is a shittest.

>> No.57533899

Those are all men.

>> No.57533916

lifting is probably the only thing here that will help you.

get rid of the mentor, he probably just wants to fuck you, or you are paying him or something.

get a job where you work alongside women. when i was in my early 20s this really helped me to come out of my shell. because then i had some women who were just friends and i wasnt trying to fuck them. then i started hanging out with them and meeting their friends.

>> No.57533940

>my mentor
lol fag

>> No.57533952

Probably a confidence issue, my man. Either that or you're not talking to enough women.

Get out there, meet girls, ask for their number, set up a date, kiss them and go from there. It's that easy. Just remember to be both confident and masculine. If you can't, fake it till you make it. You'll be fine.

>> No.57533999

dont listen to this guy

im being serious your best bet is to get de-sensitized to interactions with women, and the best way to do that is to have women co-workers who are your age or younger.

because you HAVE TO interact with them to do your job. and it will help get rid of alot of that nervousness

>> No.57534138
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so you are basically saying you are a loser

>> No.57534149

Being a NEET is hard

>> No.57534162

If I were him I would already have the tip of the gun on the roof of my mouth

>> No.57534187 [DELETED] 

>something wrong

he's already on the gym, studying and gaining money, woman are just that stupid

>> No.57534236

is this the way? become stoic and become one with nature?

What's superverse?

Noted. I'll only talk about this with my mommy

He's a mentor from work. He's supposed to help me get on the board of directors in the future.


work from home

>> No.57534269

Think of it this way: What makes a stock soar? Right, not fundamentals. It's hype. You have to practically be chad or famous. Good luck, anon.

>> No.57534335


>> No.57534526

You're just irritating that's it basically or a manlet

>> No.57534544

>why do women hate me
>posts pics of him in redlight district
are people retarded?

>> No.57534815

This is a demoralizing kike that got nice digits

>> No.57534823

>People seethe at my financial success and happiness

That's all the information needed for today. Thank you.

>> No.57535519

idk man this was me until i finally chilled out a bit and met an actual normal girl. she doesn't like playing games, shes from a small town, doesnt fuck with social media and doesnt hang out with whores

it really comes when you least expect it. my experience suggests im like a 7.5 but was always a fucking faggot and deserved rejection. finally chilled out a little bit and everything was fine after that

just find some shit to do and ignore women. if youre online dating just be unresponsive and boring to talk to. being a tryhard is gay

>> No.57535534

and yes this is key. start making small talk with non-intimidating ugly women at the register at a store or whatever. just learn to be fucking normal

>> No.57535565

How tall are you?

>> No.57535785

5 feet 7.5 inches

>> No.57535801

Right on. Solid advice. This will be incorporated into my search

>> No.57535812

Kek. Spotted the issue

>> No.57535824

idk how to get taller except by sitting on my wallet

>> No.57535936

>men should talk about their feelings and insecurities
It's like a poker player saying you'd be a better opponent if you play with your hand revealed. Don't fall for it.

>> No.57535962

Its true. Guys that obsess over all this nonsense one way or the other are ultimately undateable.

>> No.57536179

Women have a 6th sense to sniff out spergery. Sorry breh.

>> No.57536221

If you need to work on 'having a personality' then you were doomed before you even began

>> No.57536761

Red light whores sure got fat. Anon you're going after piece of shit women and seeking validation from them. Go after sweethearts. Validate yourself and good women with be attracted to you.

>> No.57536778
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red light whores got fat it really says a lot about them they will never compare to sweethearts with a healthy bmi sweethearts will be attracted to anon because validation from good girls always pays off in the end anon needs to validate himself and not worry about these whores because he deserves more anon is a good guy and has to find someone who is like him and his superior morals of not being a huge whore and not being fat

>> No.57536846

>Read: The Rational Male
>Do: Accept you are a beta bitch
>Realise: You can fix yourself
Men are men. We had this beaten out of us via social conditioning. Made to feel bad about who we naturally are. So we conformed to what they wanted. Becoming domesticated beta bitches. Our mothers probably were a strong force here. Teachers. Siblings. So on. The caveat being, women are retarded bitches who do not know what they want. They told us, many obliged, and they hated what they became.

>> No.57537324

How old are you? Its a paradoxical truth that the more you care about what women think (and people in general) the less likely they are to like you. You should have deep convictions about the way you act that dont involve the approval of others. This wont make you everybody's friend, but you'll have the right friends. You should act in a way that even if you end up alone, youd be happier than if you were fake but in someone's good graces because of it.

>> No.57537339

Also ignore this shit. Its just self hating cope from nerds that were bullied as kids.

>> No.57537347
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what is that faggot talk about
i don't have time for that bullshit if it doesn't involve getting pussy i don't care in fact i can't wait to be alone because then i won't have to deal with all this stupid bullshit life is so simple why do women not like me though what is wrong with me i'm starting to worry

>> No.57537528

This is very good advice and ironically it can take decades for some to realize or never. Be authentic.

>> No.57538605

Do you even have any friends? Do you go out and socialize? Should be easy mode if you actually doing what you are saying, but I know you are lying just like this PUA shill thread.

>> No.57538613

lower your standards

go for fatties or retards

>> No.57538625

>waffles a bunch of bullshit cope for why he is alone and single
>tells him to ignore actionable advice with plenty of evidence of tangible results
My god you fucking crabs in a bucket are the worst humans alive.

>> No.57538631

no, i'm serious. fatties have big tits and retards / sperggirls are so easy their pants practically fall off upon you meeting them

>> No.57538649


You'll still be short with a shit face. Best you can get in a westernized society is a used up rag ready to settle down and no longer pay games aka exchange 1 bj for your life savings

>> No.57538723


I am stoic and also misanthropic

I always get undue interest from women because they think I'm 'mysterious' etc, when really I just don't care.

Unironically, women by and large operate like the ghosts from Super Mario Bros -- they follow you the second you stop paying them attention

>> No.57538852

>To get a gf you need a gf
wtf does that even mean? I want a gf.

>> No.57538933

date a tard. tard dating is full of untapped potential

>> No.57539063

people are so mean, fuck them.

>> No.57539144

>why do women hate me?
Probably because you're autistic.
I'm hated by most women unless I'm around them for several hours and they begin to understand my disability and wealth.

I can't help you I'm kind of numb to it all.

>> No.57539165

You sound insufferable to be around.

I think you should shut up more.

>> No.57540319

Find one girl to love and just call it a life, the idea of fucking a thousand girls is simple a delusional fantasy, not even something you'd want if you could have it. Also women are not all the same, they're all individual with different preferences. Yes each one of them are human beings. They aren't mechanical robots with an equation money = sex, muscles = sex... they are conscious quantum spiritual beings that aren't subject to some formula you think you've mastered. Love is the key it is the transcendent energy you are lacking.

>> No.57540447
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>Sitting alone at lunch in the wage cage
>The gossip-y marketing girls sit nearby and gossip away
>Then they suddenly change subject to the historical books they've been reading
What the fuck, maybe we were the ones in the wrong

>> No.57540768

One of the most profound things I've ever read on biz

>> No.57540871

Women are instinctively attracted to subconscious right-brain behavior and repulsed by conscious left-brain behavior – "the ick factor". Subconscious mannerisms and speech patterns are far more smooth and fluid seeming, whereas conscious mannerisms and speech patterns seem more awkward and unsure – this is what women refer to as creepy. Note: this is not a problem with men, it is a problem with women, whose instinctive criteria for sexual attraction have not evolved at the same rate as humans have evolved to be left-brain, rational thinkers, and are still stuck in the hunter-gatherer era, where these instincts were appropriate and would have served them well. Now, not so much. They mistakenly interpret the less smooth, conscious, left brain mannerisms as insecurity and weakness, rather than what they are – a different part of the brain running the show. This is exactly the same as how a great driver's steering and handling will not be controlled by the same areas of the brain on a new, unfamiliar route as it would be on their daily commute and so their steering and handling would look noticeably different to an observer – it doesn't make them any less a great driver. Unfortunately, the only way for men to bypass these obsolete female instincts is to make approaching women a subconscious, right brain behavior, which can only be achieved through repetition and practice, so that over time, the approach behavior and mannerisms become embedded in the muscle memory and take on that smooth, fluid, reflexive aspect that women are programmed to mistake for confidence and competence.