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57535092 No.57535092 [Reply] [Original]

Im fully into that AI-powered crypto mindset. I own all the ai tokens:AGORAS, OCEAN, PRIME, you name it, i have it. Im fully prepared to make it once the narrative changes after the halving

>> No.57535303

damn i haven't seen an agoras threads for years youre one of the oldfags op?

>> No.57535309

Sorry kid but AI is a bubble about to burst, try again next time

>> No.57535336

Whoever believes this is genuinely wrong at best and retarded at worst, AI isn't a bubble, its here to stay permanently, you can resist it as much as you want but at the end of the day generative AI will be everywhere in 2 to 3 years

>> No.57535350

>a bubble that is generating billions per month
its uhhh big bubble tho makes one wonder

>> No.57535377
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hats off to you OP, PRIME is going to dethrone ICP and AGRS will become unstoppable once the testnet is released you're backing the winning horse

>> No.57535407

question, ive been reading about agoras and tau and something that bothers me is the fact that despite the dev's best efforts to post updates the github is surprisingly empty for a decade-long project, could be a common practice but idk it seems iffy to me

>> No.57535417

Im talking out of my ass here but i've seen a lot of projects do that to ensure the tech doesn't get stolen before release

>> No.57535468

Been investing since 2017 but i was never big in the community until last december when i had to know how other people reacted to the pump, i was losing hope and that was a much needed revitalization
Its a protectionist move to focus on getting the patents before making the code public, pretty common practice on most tech enterprises, you don't want everyone having access to your research before you can secure it for yourself

>> No.57535480

this basically

>> No.57535493

Ah thought as much i guess im used to having the full code to look trough on github

>> No.57535518

i can tell your ages just by reading your responses, we're literally seeing the nft bubble repeat itself with ai and you're telling me it's not a bubble? its the same pattern: companies throwing money at startups to see what sticks without committing to the tech or the project just for them to discard it the second it stops being profitable

>> No.57535576
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its not a bubble because the generative AI languages are all an extension of the pre-existing tech we've been using for everything in the last two decades. We've had this tech for a while now, it just got bigger and more complex which means it's able to do a lot more impresive shit, but its all the same algorithms that let google know what video you're more likely to pick, to cite an example

>> No.57535591

sure pal, lets see if you say the same thing in a year when most ai companies go down the drain because the market isn't open to half assed bullshit anymore

>> No.57535654

You're not getting my point, of course a lot of companies will crash its the fucking trend of the moment, what im saying is that the companies that have been doing AI research for years (proper research on actual tech) like agrs will hold up without any issues because they know the usecases, they know what works and what developments get benefits from having ai incorporated into them. Of fucking course the "AI football" and "AI-animation generators" are going to die, they're half baked spurs of the moment from companies that wanted to jump into the bandwagon, but logical AI? this shit is here to stay. Like i said, in 2 to 3 years generative ai and logical ai will be everywhere and sleazy lawyers will buy up patents from the graveyard and attempt to sue anyone left standing, that's the way of the world

>> No.57535659
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so you know im 42, divorced and with a massive hair-loss problem? you must be a psychic

>> No.57535677

Good luck generating anything once climate change really starts hittin'

>> No.57535699

logical ai is literally built around energy efficiency, its the models that use a lot of unnecessary computations the ones that have to go

>> No.57535835

are you pretending to be retarded or is it genuine; there's no similarity at all between NFTs and AI; the scope is entirely different.

>> No.57536320
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You obviously don't have roko otherwise it would have been at the top of your list.

>> No.57536388

Ok. What potential gains are we talking about here: 5x, 10x, 50x? Why are these AI tokens needed?

>> No.57536488
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>> No.57536530

Aleph.im is the only one that matters.

>> No.57536561


>> No.57536598
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Missing MOZ

>> No.57536785

I have at least one bag of these. I told you, you name it, i have it for sure
x50 on long term and im not even kidding, i suggest you start reading, just to give you a tiny spoonfeed tho, only agrs has a recently patented anti-bot tech that would permit users to go trough kyc while retaining anonymity. The system confirms you're a human, and you don't lose one inch of personal data, pure decentralization. It has 10 years in the making, this is literally planting trees of gold

>> No.57536977


>> No.57536993
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More spoonfeeding for people who actual want to invest.