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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57533222 No.57533222 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57533264

Trained or untrained?
Also checked.

>> No.57533283

Minimum wage and debt effectively are modern slavery. Slavery is most effective when your population doesn't know they're slaves.

>> No.57533289

Basic education, average

>> No.57533304

Yes but if you have a pair and you are autistic you can still make it.

>> No.57533386
File: 99 KB, 521x600, slavery02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I researched that before. Around $30-50k per slave. Women were cheaper, younger (under 18) and older (over 35) were also a lot cheaper

>> No.57533622

but I thought Jews were the ones who dealt with slavery, looks like whitey couldn't get enough of Africans in America to satiate himself and his wife.

>> No.57533645

Ok Jon Stewart

>> No.57533752


>> No.57534373

hmm i couldnt get more than 50k of a negro's work nowadays, seems to be quite well priced even back then

>> No.57534411

how? pls dont tell me crapcoins

>> No.57534447

About the same value as a car today, according to historical records

>> No.57534503

Not crapcoins but at least big coins. I thought of putting 50k on 5 major alts in fucking september. I would have made 500k if i did it.
There are opportunities everyday, stocks, crypto, anything. Compound it and leave this world full of negroes in two or three years.

>> No.57534521

Truly blessed thread. If jannies touch this one the bull run is cancelled.

>> No.57534552

They’re a net negative on the economy overall. Combined they cost over 1 million in subsidies for each one

>> No.57534597

$50k is too much. You have to house them (Houses are $500k) and feed them (Mofos are as wide as a house guzzling crisco fried everything). Cheaper to hire a wetback at $3-6 an hour to pick shit like they do in LA. They do better work and won't complain

>> No.57534645

Historically speaking the cost of a good negro slave should coincide with the cost of a newish truck/ construction equipment. Since, you know, they are antiquated agricultural equipment.

>> No.57534727

jannies will get this one too

>> No.57534939

Checked and I want to breed niggers for retail. Not race mixing but force sheboons to birth nigglets to sell for cotton picking.

>> No.57534955

lmao a shed isn't 500k or do you live in california?

>> No.57535008

It’s depressing we can’t just own them outright. I’d gladly shill 10-15 grand out for a 19 year old black girl. Force her to lift and diet so she doesn’t turn into 300lb shaniqua, have her clean the house and cook actual healthy food. No single motherhood by Tyrone or stds/drugs and poverty. Way better than what she’d have otherwise. And yes I would knock her up with my high iq semen.

Unironically, why are they left to their own devices? They drown themselves and everyone around them.

>> No.57535105
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>> No.57535267

this lol, cost less to pay them $12/hour than give them full room, board, even some land to themselves isolated from your estate, not to mention security and such. Much cheaper to manipulate them into literally thanking you for a "job," thanking you for wage slavery.

>> No.57535532

> I want to breed niggers for retail
Holy fucking kek hahahaha

>> No.57535536
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This stuff is why i keep coming in this shithole of a site.

>> No.57535596
File: 189 KB, 680x420, 1706383155450889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon breeds a negro for retail", United States Of China, 2076 circa