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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 33 KB, 800x449, neuralink-pmzscqed5rzeujw9gwmwag86ublghqrd804rm0ty16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57530209 No.57530209 [Reply] [Original]

How will you profit from this?

>> No.57530223

>just lose all your human qualities bro
>you too can have no personality like papa elon

>> No.57530224

My mental illness is so powerful that no amount of technology can contain it.
If they connect my mind to neural link and the hivemind all that will happen is everyone will go insane from my mental sickness.
You have been warned.

>> No.57530227
File: 618 KB, 1125x658, IMG_1098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not speak out against the govt or corporations unless I want my brainchip throttled

>> No.57530228

A human consumes around 2000 kcal per day, that is only 2.3kwh.
Think about what wonderful cyborg slaves you can make. Pumped with cheap drugs to increase efficiency robotized humans can perform a lot of different tasks with a relatively small dose of concentrated slop.

>> No.57530229
File: 430 KB, 860x1242, MV5BYmViZGM0MGItZTdiYi00ZDU4LWIxNDYtNTc1NWQ5Njc2N2YwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDk3NzU2MTQ@.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real life limitless pill. I can finally become like Bradley cooper

>> No.57530242

In case you don't believe me or need further verification, I have an 8 inch penis, in other words, I have a retard length dick, which means my mental sickness is genuine.

>> No.57530246

No one gives a fuck

>> No.57530250

Either way no good will come from connecting peoples brains to the internet.
If my schizophrenia doesn't infect everyone else connected to my mind then someone elses will.

>> No.57530255

Let convicts and those who don‘t want to work mine cryptocurrency with their brain.

>> No.57530280

Horrors beyond human compression...

>> No.57530289

I have a feeling that my autism would fry the chip

>> No.57530295

Realistically I think the AI race of machines are maxxed out on both autism and schizophrenia.

>> No.57530312

i have both what do i win?

>> No.57530352

>There will be no critical defects in this deployment
>Ok, so there were some critical defects, some we even knew about but made the active decision to roll out because there was still customer value elsewhere
>Oh, no there's no budget this quarter for resolving those, but there will be a 'day 2' rollout in 6 months (another project has priority with key teams)

Yeah, I bet this deployment will go better than the last five 25mil+ deployments I've been a part of. The bigger the budget, the slower the pivot and more stakeholders involved to make retarded calls out of things like fear of bad optics if they report that they can't meet original deadline or budget unless they cut half the testing time.

I hope this gets rolled out soon, I want to laugh more at the sort that line up for unnecessary experimental medical procedures.

>> No.57531890

a human genetically engineered to have lizard like metabolism would only require about 15 watts to run. Even more cost savings!

>> No.57532491


if it does ever happen, this will not happen in our lifetimes and is not valuable to us. Truly a waste of human sentience in OP. depression is a symptom. It cannot be casually cured by simply not experiencing the emotional outcome of a situational/experiential equation.

>> No.57532772

They don't even understand what causes mental illness so they sure as hell can't fix it with this shit.

>> No.57532814

now its my time to shine. I will let my brain connects all the internet.
>can I play superverse from with this chip?
>no more emotion just like mohamed elon

>> No.57532832
File: 37 KB, 720x713, 1633071`30453304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Fuckinngg Mohamed ELON

>> No.57532857

this thing is useless as fuck
u definitely got no brain, dumbass.

>> No.57532875 [DELETED] 

>its true that AI gonna take over the world
>soon there is no human

>> No.57532877

Serial Experiments Lain reference

>> No.57532881
File: 1.71 MB, 750x1624, IMG_7768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression is easily cured AND FAST drinking your urine.

Also pic related TRE

>> No.57532895

to be honest, it sounds fun. im tired with this anxiety and depression

>> No.57532897
File: 43 KB, 760x428, 1707229887852853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apple vision pro are kinda nice, imagine having that on your eyes with neuralink

>> No.57532941

if you genetically modified people to be happy as slaves you could cure depression

>> No.57533002

But will it also cure leftism?

>> No.57533070

The combined power and agony of just a small number of schizoids and autists would for sure cripple everyone connected. I'll pass for sure.

>> No.57534767

I used a fleshlight today for the first time in my life and I feel ashamed, it doesn't feel right, should I throw it out?

>> No.57537135

The longer we go on the more it starts to look like cyberpunk out there

>> No.57537177


I'll keep the depression, you can have your fruity brain implants

>> No.57537194


I hope all you political faggots are led into a Jonestown situation via Elon in 2035

>> No.57537406

so it's all just some giant ploy to untroon his offspring?

>> No.57537453

Can't be depressed if you are dead

>> No.57537635

no i will be happy all the time but with 100% focus