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File: 61 KB, 1280x1280, Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57531820 No.57531820 [Reply] [Original]

How can Bitcoin scale so that everyone in the world can make use of it without the need to trust in some 3rd party middleman again?

>> No.57531992
File: 7 KB, 239x211, IMG_3347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu swap out the codebase for grin’s

>> No.57532023

no it can't, the smallest BTC chunk is the TX fee, not the satoshi
there simply not enough BTC, you need tail emission like Monero

>> No.57532055

Mainchain is simply not for poor people. Use a 3rd party custodian or go for LN with its zero fees for micropayments.
I dont want to accomodate niggers or pajeets, i simply dont care about these bestial beings

>> No.57532070

then why use the main chain at all (even with proxy)
I have other chains

>> No.57532103
File: 5 KB, 300x168, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tectum, ticker TET. Only solution that has no scaling issues (1 million+ tps) and no fees.

>> No.57532115

It can't scale but that's not what bitcoin is for, it's the global reserve currency, not meant for daily transactions. That is what other crypto is for.

>> No.57532132

how can gold scale when you have to physically transport it kek
bigger bags? bigger trucks? lmao even

>> No.57532211

Gold is scalable with a gold backed currency, like the USD was. You could go to any bank and trade a dollar in for the amount of gold It was backed by. It is essentially what Tectum does. Give out unique ID's that are able to claim X amount of a cryptocurrency. Plans are to support most big cryptocurrencies.

>> No.57532217

gold has infinite supply

>> No.57532271

aaaand what happens if the bank for whatever reason does not want to provide that service to you (specifically) anymore?
doesn't sound good

>> No.57532489

zk rollups

>> No.57532498


>> No.57532553


>> No.57532754

This, via BitVM. Also OP_CTV and/or OP_CAT. Fedimints as a worst case scenario.

>> No.57532841

It is a problem with the USD, but crypto not so much because everything is much more transparent. Also, let a third person exchange the bill for gold and give the gold you?

>> No.57532866

>let a third person exchange the bill for gold and give the gold you?
yeah exactly, you have to bring in a third party that you can trust, a middleman. A global decentralized ledger takes away that inconvenience. Remove the inconveniences of having to deal with a physical, heavy object as well and you have BTC

>> No.57532900

so you're willing to make L1 unusable for poors, in the name of poors being able to run a full node? why not just scale it so poors can use it and buy full node hardware with the money they save on tx fees?

>> No.57533053
File: 90 KB, 593x593, Practically Free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh

>> No.57533085
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>> No.57533121

I've reformatted that pc since there were most probably some fucking bitcoins there.

>> No.57533155
File: 23 KB, 525x452, b4a295d88aed20645b41a754a810bc78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because when we trusted the federal reserve, millions of Americans became homeless.
Now with crypto we can evade taxes and, at the same time, profit from it, and we can use truflation to not be raped by the funny Biden inflation

After all, we are all God-fearing american

Fuck gold

>> No.57533183

im fucking done with the inflation lol. thank god im a homeless. so idc.

>> No.57533192

biden raped me 5 years ago. so what should i do now with this inflation?
gold gonna dump soon tho

>> No.57533204

Imagine not using an iPhone.

>> No.57533206
File: 18 KB, 360x363, 164109862599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im asian and i dont even fucking knw what are u guys talking about. but i enjoyed it nigger.

>> No.57533232

who the fuck care abt inflation here? just buy and sell ur crypto coins and we'll be fine. kek

>> No.57533280

bubble wrap was born as wallpaper
listerine was born as a surgical antiseptic
propecia was born to treat the enlargement of the prostate
viagra was conceived as a treatment for hypertension
brandy was a byproduct of transporting wine
coca-cola was originally invented as an alternative to morphine addiction
play-doh was meant to be a wallpaper cleaner
many such cases

>> No.57533300
File: 266 KB, 1284x1139, finney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's known at least since 2010 that Bitcoin can't scale to worldwide adoption. It's 2024 now, why do people still discuss it?

>> No.57533385

You really believe this. Holy KeK.
The internet is no more - it's now a playground for Apple, Google, Meta and Microsoft.You lost long ago. Stop living in the past. All your traffic is decrypted and monitored.

>> No.57533477

What this means is that there is still a wide open vacuum for something that actually fulfills Bitcoin's use case of being a secure, decentralized, permissionless p2p cash system. It was built to be that because there is a need for that in this world.
Big block retardation favors centralization, so that isn't the solution. Neither are L2s, because they heavily detract from the security and decentralization of the base layer, and you might as well just use Visa if you're going to use centralized custodial dogshit like Lightning.

>> No.57533504

OK Boomer

>> No.57533649

>we are all God-fearing american
God died in the 1800's

>> No.57533676
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he won't answer me :(

>> No.57534177
File: 57 KB, 218x220, 1699969307788788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>57531820 >>57531992 >>57532023 >>57532055 >>57532070 >>57532103 >>57532115 >>57532132 >>57532211 >>57532217 >>57532271 >>57532489 >>57532498 >>57532553 >>57532754 >>57532841 >>57532866 >>57532900 >>57533053 >>57533085 >>57533121 >>57533155 >>57533183 >>57533192 >>57533204 >>57533206 >>57533232 >>57533280 >>57533300 >>57533385 >>57533477 >>57533504 >>57533649 >>57533676
BTC doesn't need to scale. It just needs to go up in price.

>> No.57534386

Scaling would make it go up in price faster, look what happened in 2017 to BTC.D when BTC decided it was done scaling L1

>> No.57534575

LN can scale, but it's not possible to get everyone on LN from L1 in a trustless way with the current TPS. And if the TPS were higher, then I guess you wouldn't actually need LN that much.

Some technical development has to happen so a useful amount of people can actually get onto the Lightning Network.

>> No.57535367
File: 878 KB, 586x767, 1633191589231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brutally based