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575272 No.575272 [Reply] [Original]

How can someone in the USA with about $150 move out of their parents house? I'm in my late teens and have a drivers license with no vehicle. Do I just get on a bus to somewhere where the jobs are plentiful and hope I don't go homeless? I have no friends around here or any family to go to. Don't ask why I'm moving out. I'm done with the bullshit. I'm finished with letting them hold me back. This isn't all there is to life and I don't want to deal with this bullshit ever again.

>> No.575292

>hold me back

Nigga are you retarded,

your parents are the best thing you got

better than a ferrari, or a mountain of cocaine

>free rent
>free childcare
>free food
>useful information
>may die for you

You should live with them and exploit them for as long as possible

only degenerates and idiots move out too quickly

and you should have $80-300,000 USD before you move out otherwise you will be sucking dick and getting gangbanged by hobos

with 150 you will probably kill yourself in a week

>> No.575294
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Please fuck yourself with your ignorant, delusional nothings.

>> No.575296

You can get a plane ticket, but that's it. Unless you're a super genius, like Nikolai Tesla genius you will certainly become homeless. You'll only land a retail job or worse and there's no way you can survive on minimum wage no matter where you live.

>> No.575299

>moving out with $150 and no job
nahhh mate

>> No.575300

I have no choice.

>> No.575301

You're an idiot. At this rate you'll live your life working a manual labour job living in a trailer while poisoning yourself with alcohol and drugs. Then you'll get some bitch pregnant and be tied down for life.

Just finish school then university then find a job and move out. Live a regular middle class life saving for retirement. It's the safest route. I can guarantee, that you will never amount to anything if you just drop out of school and go on a random trip somewhere.

>> No.575306

Sure you have. Just apologize for whatever it is that someone is mad at you and start being kind and friendly. Abandon your ego, pride and teenage angst. Try to become more mature, start looking for an intellectual passion.
You're at an age to really get into something with a head start.

>> No.575310

Nobody is mad at me. I'm angry and I do not want to deal with it anymore as it is a waste of energy and time. Do not try to talk me out of it. I asked what I asked in the OP so answer it or don't post here. I would appreciate that.

I've already dropped out. I've been NEET for over a year.

>> No.575313

but my friend, YOU are the one with ignorant, delusional nothings.

>> No.575314

Of course you're perfect and I'm in the wrong. Stop posting in the fucking thread if you aren't going to answer the OP with any useful information and don't waste both of our times.

>> No.575322

> I've been NEET for over a year.
What did you do during that year? Did you spend time improving yourself, developing skills, gaining education, improving your network? No?
You see, this is where the problem lies. No matter where you go or what you do, the only way to achieve success is through expending effort to improve yourself i.e. you need to work hard.
Imagine you manage to go somewhere and another year passes. What is going to happen? Absolutely nothing, because you will have spent that year sitting on your ass being a lazy shit. As you can see, your goal of moving away does nothing to improve your life in the long term.

>I asked what I asked in the OP so answer it or don't post here
There's no reliable way to achieve what you ask with the resources you currently posses.
Find a job locally, something where you could work 12 hours a day. That way you'd go to work, come back home and go to sleep. You wouldn't need to interact with your family at all because you'd be busy. Also, no one would be giving you any shit because you're doing something productive.

>> No.575370

How would I be able to sit on my ass when I need a job and want to go to university? I'm not a lazy shit. It's my environment and you're annoying me with how disrespectful and assuming you are.

>> No.575379


I'd recommend moving out, i understand how it is living with people that put you down and express negativity on a daily basis, its toxic.

Your not gonna starve to death, there's soup lines for homeless people in every city(I've eaten at one).

You might be a little cold, but i would recommend calling public housing in the city your planning to go to before hand.

Also figure out what kind of jobs you are going to apply to, have resumes ready.

The idea is that when you move, you will know what you have to do, and you will be swift at taking action.

>Your Welcome

>> No.575383

This has to be an elaborate troll, no one is this delusional.

>> No.575385
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You're an idiot.

>> No.575393

>I'm done with the bullshit.
Are you being molested or abused? Or are you just being an edgy little shit? Judging by your other posts, I'd assume the latter.

Perhaps you do need to go homeless for a while so you realize how valuable free accommodation truly is. Having nothing is a living, breathing hell.

>> No.575394

Dude it's America, the first world. Just move to a place with low crime rates so you know that if you're homeless for a few days nothing will happen to you.
As long as you don't turn into a salary slave (dead end job) things will sort themselves out. If you know what you want to do that's already better than a good chunk of the populatio.

>> No.575403

OP is definitely a faggot

>> No.575407

>teenage angst
>posts a picture of a panda
>anons call him on his bullshit
>why you so disrespectful
>notice his pics are in other threads
>always shitting them up
>now everyone knows he's a NEET fagot

You are cancer. Post pics when you're homeless pls

>> No.575410

>implyed 20-30k

choose one, after all OP's going to be living the dream wage slave.

also its possible OP but its going to be shit hard, don't expect to go to college or w.e, not anytime soon

>> No.575420

>Do I just get on a bus to somewhere where the jobs are plentiful and hope I don't go homeless?
If you're asking yourself that, then you know what the answer is - you cant afford to move out right now. Save at least 6 months living expenses first. Which is probably gonna be around ~10k.

>> No.575450

I'm so glad I'm not a teenager anymore, holy shit.

>> No.575504

Go to a big city with warm weather. Get a 24 hr storage unit, you might not be able to sleep there but it's good for coming and going. Become extremely physically fit, sonehow, and work construction until you can rent a room or a room share.

It's doable, people do it all the time. Don't drink or do drugs and you can get on from this situation.

Do what you gotta do.

>> No.575534

I think that's terrible advice. Op is clearly underage and has no clue at all how the world works, otherwise s/he wouldn't be asking how to move out with 150$ in their pocket.

Op, where will you go? How will you get there?
What jobs are you qualified for?
Where will you sleep?
How will you get food?
Where will you live?

If your answer to any of those questions is,"I don't know" then you need to stay put, save your money, learn some life skills and then try to make it on your own.

>> No.575547

I had a friend just like you. Young and complained about nothing. You will be running back to your mom and dads house within a week

>> No.575553

>safest route

is everyone on this board like this?

>> No.575559

Been there, knowledge is money. The more you know about it the easier for you to get it.

>> No.575563

>safest route

It sounds more like the uneducated fag route

PS. university is not the only source of education nor the best one

>> No.575565

Obviously no, because there's you and OP. Most people have different opinions and values anyway, so to expect everyone to be the same would be folly.

>> No.575583

University is there to give you resources, time and a peer network to educate yourself and explore things on your own. The formalities take 10-15 hours per week and at the end of it you get a nice piece of paper that testifies your employability. You also get access to career fairs, networking events and graduate recruiters. There's stuff like foreign exchange programs if you're a normie. Also, internships. For several years they were begging students to come do an internship in CERN because there weren't enough people who'd go.
It also opens up the possibility of going into academia, you might find that you have a passion for science, research or teaching.

What other comparable framework for education is there?

You can be self-taught and undertake projects but that's what you're supposed to be doing in your free time during university anyway. I'm still of the opinion that there's nothing university prohibits you from doing. It's a great supplement to personal development.
I, for example, spent 3 years working as a software developer during my undergrad (wouldn't have happened if I wasn't enrolled into uni though).

>> No.575587
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Thanks for reminding my how much I fucking hate teenagers

>It's my environment and you're annoying me with how disrespectful and assuming you are.
Go bitch about it on tumblr you stupid little shit. Your a stupid fucking teen who thinks they got the whole world figured out. All you actually want is for us to validate your opinion, no matter how fucking stupid it is. Fuck off.

>> No.575601


I agree with you in the fact that university is a great source of tools for education, but in the financial case I have to disagree, the educational system is just made with the prime purpose (among others) to create employees (which finantially speaking is not a good option due to the vulnerability to market conditions). There are alternate ways of financial education which can provide you enough knowledge to sustain yourself and anything you want to do (like pay for university).

>> No.575630
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>You're an idiot.
>Stop posting in the fucking thread
>Please fuck yourself

Top kek. You have a real talent for making friends, OP.

Seriously though, you will have great difficulties surviving on your own.

>> No.575641



Seriously military assuming your not a fuck up with a record.

If you happen to be a fuck up with shit on your record

>look at towns with homeless shelters. Learn where they are... wont be hard to get a room if you get there early.

You need some vision of what you want your life to be like. Some people who dream big can make it - but you need to be smart about it.

>> No.575667

That is absolutely horrendous advice.

All a degree shows is some indication that you have a base of knowledge. It has nothing to do with any sort of employability. While it is nice to have and the resources are available to you, you can reach almost all of the resources you need from outside conventional schooling if you have an iota of brain function.

>> No.575670

>Six Months living expenses
>10,000 dollars

Maybe if you live in New York City, Boston or San Francisco.

>> No.575707

>I'm finished with letting them hold me back. This isn't all there is to life and I don't want to deal with this bullshit ever again.

>has $150 and seemingly no skills or talents

Yeah sure buddy, I'm sure they're holding you back... It's not you being a faggot loser with a self-defeatist attitude

But to your question, how do you move out? Easy, you show some bravery and manliness.

First of all you look for a job, second of all you figure out something and make a plan for yourself. Thirdly and most important, you stick to that plan. Don't say some dumb shit to yourself like "Well I applied at 30 places, I think I've done a day's work today." Go apply at as many places as you can every single day until they're all closed or you find a job.

>> No.575714

>All a degree shows is some indication that you have a base of knowledge. It has nothing to do with any sort of employability. While it is nice to have and the resources are available to you, you can reach almost all of the resources you need from outside conventional schooling if you have an iota of brain function.

Not true. It practically guarantees you a reasonable income if you majored in something useful and actually put in effort(both in GPA and otherwise).

Not getting a degree for STEM is rather stupid and pointless because you're only making life harder for yourself where you'll have to work 5x harder and be more diligent to prove your worth compared to someone with a degree. You'll also most likely get taken advantage of all the time until you spend a few years actually understanding how shit works in the real world.

>> No.575715

Add Toronto to the list.

>> No.575716

It wasn't advice.

>All a degree shows is some indication that you have a base of knowledge.
Yeah, sort of. Also shows that a person spent 4 years actively gaining knowledge in the field, shows motivation and dedication.

>It has nothing to do with any sort of employability.
Yet somehow 100% of entry level positions in decent companies set a hard requirement of having a degree related to the field. A lot of them hire all of their noobs right out of college, 6 months before graduation. Junior positions already come with an experience requirement. And you have compete with dozens of other idiots for it. Good luck getting through HR when there're 10 other candidates with better credentials.

>tfw in London
>Pay 2-3 times that in rent for a shitty 1 bedroom flat.

>> No.575727
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If you're in your late teens you're probably very emotional/hormonal/irrational. Take a few days to think it over before you fuck up your entire life faggot.

Unless they are stealing your money, beating you or raping you, you should try to use them as much as possible. From a financial perspective, it may benefit you more in the long run to make amends and take the high road, make sure they at least support you even if they are fuck-ups. Even if it involves you admitting they are "right" about something even though you're convinced they are wrong - just do it to appease them. Minimize any negative interactions, and try to maximize positive interactions, even if you fucking hate doing that. Listen to their stories and "advice", ppl love to talk. When they have an idea, no matter how retarded it is, compliment them, say you like how they think, you appreciate their insight. When YOU have a good idea that they recognize, talk as if they gave you the idea. All of this faggot shit will manipulate their perception SUBCONSCIOUSLY, which is 10x more powerful than consciously. This works in business as well, it will get you so fucking far.

The result: they will think so highly of you, so whenever you need their support they will at least try and help you. The WORST thing to come out of it: you act like an actual human being and not a gigantic fucking faggot who thinks he knows everything. You're not even 20, and you likely spent most of your adolescence on 4chan which turned you into a social retard. Even kids your age who go to Harvard and shit have no fucking clue about the world, why should a faggot like you think he has any clue about the world? Let alone knows enough to think running out on your family is a good idea?

>> No.575732

Smart post.

>> No.575763

how the fuck in any universe does one amass 80-300k by their early 20's?

>> No.575776


You're fucked.

>> No.575793


So I'm going to take your side here and assume your parents/family are bad people and you need to get out.

But, you don't have a highschool degree, no money, no job.

My best suggestion would be the armed forces. Visit a recruiter of the the 5 branches. Talk to each one about your life, what you care about, and what you want to do. I bet they'll find a spot for you and you could really turn your life around.

You should have finished school though. Not having a HS degree is pretty horrible mate. Why didn't you finish?

>> No.575910
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My family are clinically insane and have all been to hospitals because they were sent there (302 etc) and had to be watched for months. They all take medication and have various mental problems such as schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, couplings of different schizo-range disorders that the doctors couldn't pinpoint, large anger problems that lead to walking on eggshells, fights, stupidity. They inherited from my mother.

My father isn't in the picture and I can very well understand why at this point in my life. I took most from him and I'm glad but I can't take it anymore. I'm not some lazy faggot that thinks his parents are gay or some silly shit. I want to live a normal life and I can't do it with them. I've been dealing with it all for over 5 years. I understand why you can all think I'm a spoiled douchebag, but I don't think I'm in that bracket. I need to move out to keep my sanity.

I stay in my bedroom with double locked doors(they break them down regularly so I have a fucking kit to put them back together as well as a shotgun that they do not know that I own, in case it gets to that point) just to stay away from them.

I'm NOT some bum. I want to work and I want to do something with my life. I can get about ~$3000 if I sell some things that are very dear to me but I will lose a decent amount on them. I could also get about $800 more selling some junk that really isn't that important. I might also get a car(grandpa is actually awesome and successful, runs a family auto-wrecking business, is giving me one of the last cars that he has in the place before he closes the business because I'm not crazy like them, have potential and I know it) It's some 10+ year old Chevy with about 75K miles. I owe him.

>> No.575917

Is there another family member you can move in with? Like this grandpa? Until you get on your feet financially? Maybe you can take over his family business. Learn his family business, and he will know that the insane child he had isn't the end of bloodline, and that his grandson is preserving his legacy. He would die a happy man. And you would make bank.

>> No.575922
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There isn't. All of the normal family members cut ties a long time ago and I think they all assume I'm also insane. My grandpa is basically retiring now after working at this auto wrecking business that his father owned his entire life. He has a yacht, some nice cars, and a place in the Florida Keys etc.. he doesn't want to bring some kid along. The business is also just not worth it anymore. The town it is in is just crap, now. He'd sell it if it was still worth anything.

>> No.575932


lol moving out and taking on full time mcdonalds tier work, which is all you'll be able to get, is just selling yourself into wage slavery and it will be very fucking difficult to get out because you won't be able to afford school, you won't save shit, and having shit jobs on your resume looks terrible if you actually want to move up in the world. Live at home get an education and save no matter how miserable it is.

>> No.575935

Wow, so if you're actually considering moving out with only $150, I'd be very concerned if I were you. Your home life must be really bad in order to even contemplate this.

Even though it seems like a good quick fix, I'd hesitate to recommend the military, since it's not just signing up for a job. It has long-term consequences that you may not be prepared for or even aware of. Getting your legs shot off just because you need a job is not a trade-off you would want.

As for your finances, consider them more than spent. This is basically food money only since there's no way you'll be able to qualify for even a rental room with that amount. And with no address, no skills, and little education, your job prospects are really bad in the short-term.

The only real option you have is to get into every/any social assistance program you can find as soon as your feet touch the ground of that new city. Time is critical. After just one day, if you haven't found shelter, you're officially sleeping on the street. In a strange city. In the middle of the night. At that point, you have now become prey.

That being said, the more prep you can do ahead of time, the better. Save money if you can. Investigate group homes, shelters, soup kitchens, food pantries, section8 housing assistance, youth programs, anything that you think may help. Call friends / family / anyone you know that lives in the area.

I hope this helps, OP

>> No.576271
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pls b in london

>> No.576295

>This is /biz/

Told you faggots this was a containment board.

>> No.576470

Hey OP. I also grew up with abusive, mentally ill family members. I fantasized about moving out all my childhood, it's all that kept me going. After highschool ended, I deferred my uni offer, found a full time receptionist job, and after a couple of months of enduring it I turned 18 and left. I worked for my whole gap year, got a small scholarship and then moved states for uni.

What is your education like? Have you considered calling a university and explaining your situation? They could help you with subsidised/free rent for the first few months. Fuck what they say on their websites etc. Just call and ask to speak to a senior and keep asking

Please look after yourself, if you need to sell the stuff then sell it.

>> No.576483

Should've written this from the start.

>> No.576489

Op, is adult protective services involved? If not CALL THEM ASAP!!!

>> No.576853

You should have spoken about your position a long time ago, in most cases its just a dumb kid acting irrational.
>Look in the mirror and imagine if you can sell your body, if so, thats an option depending on the state you live in.
>Talk to your grandpa, no matter what the case may be, you can explicitly tell him that you have no interest in his money, you will be working and doing all that is needed in order to get your sht together and not be a bother. Tell him that you will leave within 6months whether you are successful or not. Explain the position you are in and the ins and outs of what you are willing to do.
>Find a minimum wage job and live extremely frugal without having kids,etc
>Find a partner(bf/gf) willing to take you in
>Spend another 6-12months studying some tech skill and start applying for jobs and or certificates that will help you get out of the minimum wage hole.
>Check to see if there are jobs in the petroleum industry (although its on the downturn due to oil prices) there are still some hard labor that are required and tend to pay well above average

>> No.577713

Yeah seriously, not moving out until you have $300k is absurd.

>> No.577725

you might be better off staying with them while you devise and follow a plan
just do almost whatever they say to avoid trouble while you follow you're plan
i had to do this and it's not too too hard to do if you have a light at the end of the tunnel
if it's school it's school and financial aid till you get your first job
if it's work it's work
keep your nose down and follow the plan until you can move out

>> No.577887

Are you fucking kidding me. Have you seen the wage differential between a graduate and a normal person. In UK its 10000 a year.

>> No.577890

this has to be bait, do you guys really think OP is serious?

>> No.577892

I totally understand your predicament. I was in a similar situation once but mine was a case of moving out from my dads place to moving alone with 3000 and then moving in with my mum because I wanted to study. I'm assuming you are from America, if so there are many minimum wage jobs out there. If I were you, I'd look for warehousing/picker jobs in places where they also employee part time applicants. Send your CV to somewhere you want to move to, maybe without your address. The only requirement these jobs have is sanity. Work with them for 6-7 months and try to save some money. Now apply for a place in trade school or college or whatever you want to do and work part time as in 30 hours a week. You will be set after that. Good luck

>> No.577896
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>be 18

>parents are paying half of my $500/m rent

>tfw no furniture

>> No.577909

10000 a year is nothing

>> No.577911

It is when people without a degree earn 15000 you retarded faggot.

>> No.577918

Since it sounds like you're dead set on moving out, here are some options. Not sure where you're from, but these are from the USA perspective:

1) Join the military. This is what I would do in your position.

2) Use the internet to find someone to stay with temporarily in the nearest big city. Possibly couch surfing or a similar service. Use this time to get a minimum wage job that can support you living in the smallest, shitty shared living space you can find. Next, obtain a technical degree in something that guarantees you a job above minimum wage (plumbing, electrician, welding, general construction: who cares what it is). Eventually you can open your own business in this field.

3) Stop being a bitch and live with your parents while completing #2.

4) Illegal activities such as prostitution or drug dealing. Might even be an decent option for getting on your own the quickest, but very risky.

5) An hero.

>> No.577970
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Oh man you have a sleeping bag?

All I had was a blanket for 8 months.

>> No.577979

This board is fucking awful, I hope Moot sells this fucking shitty website

>> No.578177

This. I'm trying to tell my sister to start formulating goals asap but she's just like OP. Teen. "Knows everything". Won't listen.

>> No.578179

you can't, part of becoming an adult is learning how to respect your parents.

>> No.578183

Fuck off nigger, of course I'm serious.

>> No.578521


Because that'll make it better right...

>> No.578598

actually working for your money while at the same time not having to pay for food, shelter, etc means you can easily make $20-30,000 yearly. save up for a few years (because you arent paying for anything) and thats a large sum of money to work with.

>> No.578614

do the airforce and travel the fucking world and pick a cool ass job.

All it is is pretty much a job... and experience gained so you can do some shit when you decide to leave.

Im going for radiology... cause fuck tuition debt.

4-6 years isnt bad.... and you probably need to get some worldly experience... since you come from a shit hole town probably

>> No.578633


OP has $80 though

>> No.578739

Be homeless or join the military, you'll figure shit out fast.

Being homeless sucks but you won't die and you most likely won't get hurt.

Use your $150 to buy a sleeping bag, tent and backpack from Walmart if you are that desperate to leave. Good luck getting a job doing that though. It's stupid hard to get out of poverty, that's why there are so many poor people.

If you join the military just make sure to pick a field where you get trained in skills which are useful after you get out. Don't just learn how to be a bomb defuser because it makes you hard.

Airforce is good for this reason if you become a pilot or mechanic.