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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57527095 No.57527095 [Reply] [Original]

is “released”, and no one uses it, what will be the new excuse? I put it all in quotes because well, you know, you have to just IMAGINE it existing

>> No.57527113

paypig subsidizer

>> No.57527115

Going to be hilarious when they throw the community another “test” version. The mental gymnastics you need to be an advocate are olympic tier

>> No.57527176

>twitter sockpuppet account owner advertising / begging for attention on 4chan again

>> No.57527261

>staking will never come out
>you are here
>ccip will never come out

>> No.57527270

Staking isnt out, so we’re still here. Also, the chart

>> No.57527283

54 days my cuckold friend. Get your excuses ready

>> No.57527427

>twitter sockpuppet account owner still advertising / begging for attention on 4chan
damn, pool's still full too
gonna be another long year of shitting up biz and twitter fulltime for 0 results again eh?

>> No.57528165

Psssst, hey kid

YES you!!! Are you ok?

>kid cries

Noooo dont cry buddy. Come tell me what happened, did you check the cha—AHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.57528238

It's over

>> No.57528310

jeet fudder shilling his x acct. niggers tongue my anus.


>> No.57528536

I'm looking forward to these twitter FUD cuck personalities getting tracked down and tortured to death by some rich biz weirdo once the dust settles. That porn addict guy would give up his friends' info within a few mins imho.

>> No.57528903

we still don't have any real staking though, it's just a faucet

>> No.57528940

that's called fudcope
i make money from steak
u dont
the end

>> No.57528994

I understand FAGFinance, he's an og link bagholder and upset about it. Just like me.

>> No.57529871

Reminder. The user behind the associated twitter account you see here only has ~7k link at best, is a right winged cuck, lives in the states, and I’m general should be further in life than he currently is, quite the cuck if you ask around Kek.

>> No.57529908

>the chart
isn't fud any more kek

>> No.57530328
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this board is fucking dead lmao. only worth shitposting on now and fucking with the bots

>> No.57530539

>Moves the goal posts
Classic kekfuddie maneuver

>> No.57530580

pools closed nigger

>> No.57530673

everything about chainlink is a mess.
i spent the last 2-3 years accumulating more, then couldn't get into the v0.2 pool because i switched my wallet from ledger to trezor.
and now it's just "get fukd kiddo pools closed"...
why did they allow OG's to more than double their staking limits? but they didn't even double the total pool size?
i still monitor the pool but slots get instantly sniped.
gee i guess i'll just wait another year for v0.3.

thankfully my icp bag is far bigger, and happily staking. plus it makes youknowwhat obsolete.

>> No.57530824

I also switch from ledger to trezor. there was a way to verify still, call it an IQ test.

>> No.57530861

you made brand new wallets and still qualified for chainlink's early access? because i'm not talking about putting a ledger seed in a trezor. if so, congrats then. by the way, i followed their v0.1 criteria, still my wallets said no early access.

for me, the real iq test is realizing that something makes something else obsolete.

>> No.57530883

anon you're poor will always be poor, stay poor, pools closed.

>> No.57530895

right. like i said, everything about chainlink is a mess.
specifically the "community." just absolute stockholm syndrome, baggies waiting around doing nothing. no wonder sergey despises you. hope you caught his latest youtube vid regarding "social media." lol

>> No.57530974

>incel revenge delusion
bahahhahahhahahaha...the most cringe thing on biz of all time.

>> No.57531014

you're just mad you didn't get in to the pool like you said earlier hehehehe, cope a lope da pope

>> No.57531089

>ledger seed in a trezor
No one else here will help you because of how dumb you are, but I will, anon. None of your seeds or wallets are attached to a device. There is no difference between wallets in metamask or wallets on a ledger or Trezor or wallets the old ways when you had to download a separate wallet for every crypto you held. The difference is only how you access the wallet. Your hardware device doesn’t matter. There are no “ledger wallets”, you’re simply accessing a wallet from a ledger. The ledger simply puts an extra layer of security on a wallet where someone doesn’t know the seed by creating another access point, but all of that can be bypassed simply by knowing the seed because it’s all an illusion. Accessing the same wallet from a ledger or Trezor or metamask is all feasible because the wallet has no attachment to any of those things. So if you had a qualified wallet you could access it in any way you please.

>> No.57531096

i'd say i'm more disappointed than mad really.
it just kind of shows how much of a mess it is, along with anything else attached to eth, or any other outdated layer 1.

oracle services for useless defi is pretty much where it ends.

verification not required.

>> No.57531131

Doesn't matter during a crab let alone a bull run. Just keep up the hype and numba go up until the music stops. It's all a ponzi. Look at nvidia. You can make images of elf women on your gpu so that means the company is valued using other nations GPD as a unit of measure. It's currently one South Korea.

>> No.57531171

it's 7am so i may need to re-read your post.

but i know ledgers and trezors create wallets the same (bip39?) but after the ledger fiasco i just wanted brand new wallets, never accessed from inside ledger's software app, etc. so there's no other way than to completely create new wallets?

>> No.57531173

inflation rate is higher than your apr

market is irrational and will pump entirely worthless coins(shiba to 50b). link is literally no different

the only rational link holder. the people that are going to get rekt are true believers who won't take profit at any point because they dont understand it's just another ponzi(my 5% apr, i cant sell!). they will end up holding through another 90% drawdown and continue coping through years of opportunity cost.

>> No.57531289

you're in a link thread coping stop pretending that you're not mad you wouldn't care this much if you had moved on

>> No.57531340

i re-read your post, and i agree with everything you said. but still you are basically saying just stick with my ledger wallet then, which i didn't want to do.

because also, why would anyone bother abandoning a ledger in the first place? it's because of the new "service" they introduced, although it required a hardware firmware update, which could be skipped. but besides, everyone had been using those wallets in the ledger app, so it depends how much you trust that.

>> No.57531355

i do care, i said i'm disappointed. can't you read?
but i also said my bag of piss is far bigger. like humongous. a lot of pee.

also is this what you call link threads nowadays? lol.

>> No.57531438

>bag of piss
ah no wonder you're in a link thread you're a desperate vc shill that gets paid $0.01 per (you), carry on the first naan bread is on me

>> No.57531453

you're not in the pool :^D--{}-{

>> No.57531468

sup unclefaggot, how much eoy?

>> No.57531469

dude... you are completely broken. i hope you're trolling lol, if not, i don't know, good luck brother.

>> No.57531518

right, that's what i said. it's closed, remember?

it's a very intelligent system.

>> No.57531628

good night, and don't forget this combo:

dom, vitalik, sergey, non-black steve ellis

>> No.57531633

>good luck brother.
I don't need luck I'm retired already, you on the other hand gonna need a big dose of luck if you are serious about holding piss bags lmao

>> No.57531652

>old fat 50+ year old boomer says he's retired in his shitty ass boomer box that he paid 75k for 20+ years ago

>> No.57531674

>muh big super secret that nobody can know about cause the price would moon 99999999x

>> No.57531728

29 but close enough :DDDD

>> No.57531788

dont lie bout ur age boomer

>> No.57532082

Dashboard is wrong

t. Insider

>> No.57532678

good wrong or bad wrong

>> No.57532789

who, jason parser?

>> No.57532915

You’re life is miserable. Being retired at suck a young age sucks. I’m 34 retired since 27.

I go for daily walks. Lift . Eat only steak . Take care of my dog. Occasional flings . Bathe in the sun. Sleep before 10. Zero stress. Aging like fine wine. But this shit is boring as hell. Mentally I’m fine. But anyone who is retired is bored as hell. Thinking about opening a lounge. I literally do nothing. The daily walks and the sun are walk keeps me sane. I dance every night as well . Bymyself under the moon. I play video games after a nice dinner. Listen to npr and classical music.

I enjoy the little things. Bird watching. People watching.

Thinking about starting a family but what kind of girl is gonna respect me? I do nothing. I have a lot of money and do nothing. Every girl gets bored of my lifestyle. I’m fit as hell. And look so healthy . But doesn’t matter I know being retired is boring. No one respects that.

Currently I took a flight to a random destination just cus I was bored. I’m like 1,000 miles from home just to be bored. And cus I have the time and money.

>> No.57533270

You should write a book then. You have time and have lived an interesting life and if you are on 4chan you have a different outlook on life than most people.

>> No.57533321

>Posting social media posts

>> No.57533330

it sounds like you need to find a reason to be alive. a lot of people never have that luxury.

>> No.57533453

>You're miserable
Proceeds to describe his cope, how he's miserable, and projecting regarding the other poster must be miserable as himself
>Anyone who is retired is bored as hell

Speak for yourself, you stupid, boring, fucking faggot. The fact that you're judging the mental state of another person who isn't as depressed as you is fucking hilarious. You can't even handle simply "being"....you can't handle base level existence.

Fucking LMAO...what other proper reaction exists, but to roll one's eyes, and chuckle at you??

>> No.57533619

circling back around to op... 53 days folks.

It's going to be hilarious when you get a heckin town hall meeting or a fireside chat or whatever cringe update session you get only to find out they need more "testing"

>ohhhhhhhhh baby hold on I'm teessssssssssting

>> No.57533957

so what are you investing in that's so much better than chainlink (ticker: LINK)?

>> No.57534049

And don’t forget
Another .5 billion tokens released into circulation
To fund operations of course

>> No.57534064

Chainlink won

Fuddies lost

>> No.57534086
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Chainlink won

Fuddies lost

>> No.57534164

look at this seething retard lol missed out because of his own ignorance and incompetence oofies!

>> No.57534173
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Chainlink won

Fuddies lost

>> No.57535220

I have been thinking lately about trying some form of e-celeb route.
However my past full of manipulators made me learn to hide information to make it impossible for them to manipulate it.
Are there similar cons to writing a book that many people might read?
Do you need to be high on narcissism to write one?

What do you gain from it?

I remember reading that many celebrities which they could have a normal life without getting fan attention when they go outside.

>> No.57535398

We know you hold loads of Link. Why are you a prick about it? What sort of man are you?

>> No.57535454

He's a fuddie, anon. he might hold link or might not. it doesn't matter. he's just... not human anymore. all he lives for is to FUD link. he is like a zombie...not truly alive, driven by only 1 dark desire to FUD link. you can't carry a normal conversation with him.

>> No.57535469

What's wrong with YOU? You want more retards buying in? Fuck em. Let them fomo on big green candles and then fud them out as soon as it retraces. A make it stack may be $180k now but newfags don't even deserve to get into six figure hell with whatever pitiful amount they can cobble together.

>> No.57535559

just send your money to me sir. if it makes your life boring lmao.

>> No.57535582

ur supposed to have sex and make a family, retard

>> No.57535765

Maybe being retired sucks for you because you don't have any personality, aren't interesting and isn't engaging with other people. Not my problem.

>> No.57536097

I tried the multichain bridge/swap using CCIP, absolute trash. It takes 30 minutes to validate the tx and bridge between Arbitrum and Base. Only reason I can find for this is that CCIP is still at a early stage development wise and they have to keep the thoughput VERY low otherwise the whole thing would shit the bed so hard it would be even more spectacular than bridge hacks.

Basically killed my enthusiasm and last illusions I had about LINK for this year, especially as Layer zero is gaining more and more steam.

>> No.57536382


Nobody forces you to be 'retired'. Start business, do something with those bags. Crypto gave me more opportunities than took. Because of crypto bags, I can take even more risk to achieve goals in life.