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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57525588 No.57525588 [Reply] [Original]

My memelines have held pretty true on this coin in recent days. It looks like a nice rebound is coming soon probably ip to the yellow line. I might increase my stack if we break it. Is anyone following the low cap biz coins lately or are we just pouring money into ones that already mooned?

>> No.57525683

This pnd scam shit is fucking dead.
Buy any of the other two dog shit coins that at least have active communities of autists trying to pump their bags

>> No.57525706

Dubs it will come back the devs just have to deliver on their promise and build a working product.

>> No.57525937

I don’t know man, the red line and above is pretty much where everyone who dumped at the top bought. I figure anyone who bought below has already sold or will sell at the red line. That opens up the question of swingies coming in. I think they will, and it’ll bring the price up and create volume when they sell and buy back in. Now the question is a working coin flip game and donating coins to dog charities. So what do I do? Buy the rumor, sell the news? Dump now and ape into another dog coin and buy back in higher when it eventually moons? Fuck! Tell me what to do biz.

>> No.57526225
File: 2.95 MB, 6049x5854, Your paragraph text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s an active Lucky TG. You should join it

>> No.57526440

Can you post the telegram or does that result in a ban? That’s the weird thing about lucky dude, for some reason the threads keep getting banned. If this one gets taken down then I just don’t fucking know man. I’ve bought and sold coins for profit so it’s not a honey pot. It’s obvious not and pnd because it hasn’t pumped and hasn’t dumped. So why the bans and thread deletions? That’s what I’m curious about.

>> No.57526478

PND Jannies letting other threads stay up but not Lucky. Makes you wonder?

>> No.57526490
File: 86 KB, 1179x1097, IMG_20240206_191217_801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pnd scam
>just submitted the CMC application

>> No.57526631


>> No.57527795
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I got a price alert from DEX screener that I set up and it’s pretty impressive that the price bounced off of my support line. It could be the pump up to the 7.5-8 range

>> No.57527831

Or you could just buy Shadow Inu and be early and make a ton of money. 5k MC 100/100 on token sniffer. This is the next Luna/Hokk

>> No.57528269

How much did you buy? You're acting like you invested 10k or something. Relax as long as the devs are building and marketing you don't have to worry, apparently they also have a checkmark on twitter now, so they are paying for it. As soon as the first games go live the pump will follow.

>> No.57528397

how the fuck did he get that blue checkmark that fast? I thought you need an account for 30 days before they will let you do that.

>> No.57528567

He also got the coingecko listing done on a Friday night which usually takes way longer, the devs behind lucky are connected and I'm happy they chose to revive lucky, lucky is a side project for them so I'm bullish. In the meantime I'll enjoy my reflections.

>> No.57529036
File: 148 KB, 1179x663, luckyelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waited for a gc / cmc listing for like 5 months back in 2021, I assume it must be faster now but that is still impressive af

>> No.57529896

I bought a little under .25 eth, like 800 bucks or so.

>> No.57529937
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Im not worried. I just think it’s interesting how to memelines and support is still in play on a low cap like this. Pic rel. I haven’t changed my support lines after I adjusted them yesterday and woke up to see a huge bounce off of support. It’s pretty wild. I’m sure the marketing team behind the coin are going to good stuff to get it out to the masses but still cool how the price action unfolds like this.

>> No.57529952

Nobody is buying the permanent dip

>> No.57529992

It looks like they are. See >>57529937

>> No.57530067

New version of the website will apparently come tomorrow and also some NFT collection where at least 50% of the profits go to dog rescue missions. Other half will be used for marketing to bring the project forward. Nice way to get normies behind this