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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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575167 No.575167 [Reply] [Original]

Just turned 25, just got back from China, been improving my appearance, just got a new qt girlfriend.

I am ready to get my shit together.. I have no savings and I am a highschool dropout, I am however extremely competent in video production and am capable of earning extremely good money with it.

So.. I want to start a business, I plan to get involved with the government NEIS program (new enterprise insentive scheme) which will teach me how to correctly run a business.


I want to go beyond that, my work is as good as the best of my competition in my city.. But I don't want to just be another one I want to take shit over.

I want to transform myself into a great salesman.. I want to learn business tactics thst go beyond just running a business but to also steal clients from all these other businesses. I want to create a business that starts with me and turns into people working and making money for me.

I have the skills technical skills /biz/ but I want the business and sales skills to dominaye my market..

Where do I start?

>> No.575168

By leaving this website and never coming back. We will feed off of that optimism. Eventually you won't be confident enough to take a piss without asking 4chan how the best way to do so is.

So go be you. Don't give up. When someone tells you to follow your dream, make damn sure you let them know it's not a dream. It's real.


>> No.575171


Could I at leadt get some book recommendations before I head off?

Sales, growing a successful business, marketing etc..

>> No.575172

I don't know if I can tell you where to start, really. I personally feel you should just really immerse yourself. Become a sponge so to speak. Are there businessmen you look up to? Or businesses you like? Look at their model. See what happened to them, what problems they face and how they overcame them.

You said you wanna produce videos? Look at your competition. Figure out why you're better than them. Because you are. You know you are. You have to let others know as well. Be loud about it.

>> No.575173

Also there's business lectures online and a ton of textbook lists online for top programs. It really depends on how you learn. I prefer to throw myself into something and sink or swim. But if you're more of a calculated person then maybe you should stick to the books for a bit.

>> No.575176
File: 38 KB, 552x592, is_this_asshole_serious..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just had your chance to leave forever and you didn't take it...

>> No.575249
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>HS dropout

>> No.575253

Fuck u white trash

>> No.575255

Only optimistic uni grads list high school on their resume because they have nothing else to put on there.

>Where do I start?
I'm guessing you would need some kind of show real or proof that you are, as good as you say ?

>> No.575257
File: 14 KB, 268x188, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt finish secondary education
>calling others white trash

>going to uni
>without a hs diploma

>> No.575261

Read fortune, forbes, Havard business review to learn more. It takes a lot of effort to build and maintain. Go and learn stuffs from Victoria Secret or Play Boy. They may not be good examples but they are really examples of successful business and kind of related to your video making skills.

>> No.575268

>going to uni
>without a hs diploma

Whats the problem ?
I finished a 3 year degree in 18 months while working full time and I never went to high school.
Been in the workforce since an early teen. Owned a house and a new car before any of my friends graduated uni (and were still living with their parents).

>> No.575614

you can enter a university without high school diploma? how?

>> No.575665

There was a book thread on here in the catalog.
One dude made a great graphic with top notch books, search for it and download the audiobook versions while you go to the mall and try to get girls numbers(best way to become a great salesman only if youbare ugly)

>> No.575668

He probably entered a trade school for a plumber or something. Its literally impossible to finish a 3 year degree in sciences in 18 months since classes are structured in a special way

>> No.575689

I applied as a mature age student in my mid 20's with a lot of work experience. I had an interview and was accepted into CS. I was also given credit for a few units based on experience.
I didn't really need it tbh, it was just a personal goal I set myself.

I also know a guy who was accepted into a masters without a graduate degree based on his experience.

>> No.575690

Contact the guys from Amway. Not kidding here at all, those smart motherfuckers taught me all I have ever needed about marketing, rhetorics and management.

>> No.575700

Actually it was CS and at one of the best universities in my area.

>Its literally impossible to finish a 3 year degree in sciences in 18 months
I was given credit for a few introductory units so to be fair it was more like 2.5 years in 18 months.

>> No.575710


eat a fucking dick. for the number of hours it takes to be remotely successful with Scamway you can make 5x more as a fucking garbage man. most people who buy into that bullshit are people who can't cut it in real sales/entrepreneurship but have zero creativity or original thoughts and are seduced by the title of "independent business owner". Anyone in your city with a fucking brain in their head will translate "independent business owner at Amway" on your business card to "gigantic fucking faggot".