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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57517934 No.57517934 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly am disappointed with all of biz

Being on the side of Jack dorsey and Lazer eyes is the most reddit normie thing you could do.

This is your chance to make it finally and you chose to take the side of Michael fucking Saylor

>> No.57517955

It's not him. Get over it.

>> No.57517992

why would i be on the side of the guy who tried to collude with coinbase, jihan wu, and all the other midwits that thought they could create top down control for bitcoin?

bcash and everything that spawned from it like bsv was a pure and simple attempt at taking control of development and handing it to all the kikes and chinks that thought they could play their little brown eyed games with bitcoin.

they failed, and since then everyone aligned with them has been getting systematically gassed over the next decade plus.

>> No.57518001

You have this completely backwards

>> No.57518017

>if I keep calling them all reddit they'll side with this fraudulent arsepiece instead

>> No.57518041

only a subhuman would think so. you're low iq and you got taken in by a jew, that's all there is to it.

no self respecting White male has anything to do with bcash or the rest of the chink miner funded scams. you were comprehensively outplayed and forced into a corner so those who control you could take a bigger piece for themselves.

>> No.57518054

only a subhuman would think so. you're low iq and you got taken in by a jew, that's all there is to it.

no self respecting White male has anything to do with BTC or the rest of the chink miner funded scams. you were comprehensively outplayed and forced into a corner so those who control you could take a bigger piece for themselves.

>> No.57518073

No keys, no Satoshi. End of story.

>> No.57518080

Saylor is based and Craig the Fag is a known homosexual.

>> No.57518081

The parties you just claimed are colluding with him are in court against him right now what level of cope is this?

>> No.57518093

thanks for playing, too bad you were too late to crypto to capitalize.
don't feel too bad, with your iq you were never going to be able to compete on a level playing field with people like me.

if you don't even know the story of bitcoin xt, segwit2x, the backroom miner and exchange deals that resulted in the chink miner bitchfit and the spawn of bcash you should before you pretend to understand what is going on.

>> No.57518105

>too late

I'm going to enjoy when the whole thing collapses

Enjoy your black rock etfs faggot

>> No.57518134

i'm sure you also think tether is about to collapse too. you've systematically fallen for all of their attempts at turning people away so your last hope is tied up here, with this jewish scam.

>> No.57518162
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>> No.57518175
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How about this:
No keys?
No Satoshi.
Cut the crap and sign already

>> No.57518186
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>I'm going to enjoy

>> No.57518192

I was there Gandalf, 7 years ago
So you think this is the copa is still colluding with Craig now?

>> No.57518238

craig was irrelevant then, but the fact that he was on their side and they didn't reject him says it all.
they were trying to take anything and everything they had to push their fork through and seize control of bitcoin development.

imagine having all the miners, all the exchanges, and thinking you were ever on the side of the little guy. like the rainbow rapists who believe they're countercultural. you were always on the side of the failed corporate takeover.

>> No.57518257

Interesting, so is copa just controlled opposition for Craig?

>> No.57518265
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>> No.57518368

At least tell me when copa and Craig stopped colluding (if they're not now)

>> No.57518418

colluding? craig was a tagalong bitch from the beginning, but gave the midwits like ver the confidence to push their little takeover attempt through even once it was obvious the community wasn't as retarded as he and the chink miners.

copa is just the result of craig actually believing his lie badly enough to think going after the same companies that he was in bed with before was a good idea. he should have stuck to playing pretend away from the adults.

it really doesn't matter though because people like you already failed the iq test and the years of your life you've wasted on shit like bsv is just a symptom of other deeper problems.

>> No.57518423

I can think Jack Dorsey is a faggot and also knows Craig is a fraud. This isn't an Avengers movie where you chose le side

>> No.57518424

So copa is the real threat to btc not craig

>> No.57518456

no, copa is just corporations looking after their own interests. craig and the cabal of midwits has not once posed any threat to bitcoin itself, being decentralized.
copa is merely a result of craigs low iq arrogance backed up by calvin, now desperate for results. though it is no surprise you guys don't understand this space deeply enough to realize why bitcoin itself has nothing to do with this.

>> No.57518464

Yes but you already said they worked together previously in attempt to take the ver Bitcoin development. What changed the relationship between Craig and copa and why aren't more bitcoiners worried about copa and their corporate takeover as you out it

>> No.57518477

if you're still asking this question after it's been answered in this very thread multiple times now it really isn't a surprise you got fooled by someone like craig.

>> No.57518479

>always do the opposite of what biz says.jpg

>> No.57518488

Could you point out where it's been answered multiple times in this thread

>> No.57518511
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Craig's own mother said in an interview that Craig is a fabulist who has been trying to impress people with lies since he was a child

he's the George Santos of crypto

>> No.57518526

>craig as a child was just like every other child

>> No.57518581

most grow out of it before 50 tho
cregs just doubles down. again

>> No.57518589

he's an autism though

>> No.57518625
File: 88 KB, 500x756, 7dt13p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you remember when adam back was asked a question on using btc for small transactions and he replied "just use visa"
yeah, not many people remember that golden gem

>> No.57518626

yes they mentioned yesterday he might get a bit antsy in Court if someone accuses him of being not entirely scrupulous. I'm sure no-one would ever. Still at least his wife is there, to ensure he doesnt have any further accidents with sharp objects.