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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5751673 No.5751673 [Reply] [Original]

I just saw a thread where newfags were getting there portfolio rates by other newfags one with 200 dollars in. Nobody told them to fuck off nobody called them retarded poor faggots. This week I saw shitcoins called on Reddit before here like Jesus fucking Christ, I thought this summer brought in some newfags, and I saw some of the og bros leave because they started with more money. But now are you telling me, that when I’m this fucking close to making it, I’m the last one left? If you were in crypto before this fucking summer and on biz get your ass in here. This board has become trash, we need to make it and get out before the normie filth destroys everything.

>> No.5751719

Seriously one or two or max 3 more fucking moons for us and we’re done. Work with me old fags. It’s time to make it.

>> No.5751734
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does august counts aswell? please make an exeption i dont wanna be a normalfaggggg

>> No.5751752


I could invest 7k.

In which coin shut I put it to make it somehow?

>> No.5751756

>I just saw a thread where newfags were getting there portfolio rates by other newfags one with 200 dollars in. Nobody told them to fuck off nobody called them retarded poor faggots.
it's just sad bro i don't have the heart to tell them to go away

>> No.5751773

With the amount of December fucking notmies in here I’ll settle for August. Jesus Christ what do you got? What are you in. I got icx and xlm for this month then Wan when it drops need one maybe two things after. What are you in?

>> No.5751807

Man the fuck up. Everyday the normies stay in here is another day the real /biz bros. The guys who shilled me on eth and antshares and Walton and everything fucking else leave. Hell I can barely go on this board anymore.

>> No.5751817

Sold omg for tether a few weeks ago in anticipation for the btc-correction and like 5 days ago i went all-in ZLC. That shit gunna be huge short term

>> No.5751855

Been here since June


>> No.5751865

The bitcoin dark fork? It already left the station probably back when you bought. What will drive the price higher now? Already on bittrex.

>> No.5751891

Honestly I think I’m about to take the plunge and become a link marine. Fuck it mate this time next week a new general is going to join the army.

>> No.5751928

spending req and link credits. prolly partying like a bitch. no one really has to do anything but hodl right now. Its basically the 4th quarter and we are all up by 40 points at this point.

>> No.5751944

Whales suppressing the price atm. Basically guaranteed 3x and possibly 10x as where we are now. The demand is higher than the supply on bittrex but we aint going higher, which means heavy manipulation. If they announce the fork date and if bittrex support the fork(which they most of the time do) this shit will hit saturn. some tips: https://cryptoyoda1338.wordpress.com/

this guy is solid on calling early, wished i listened to him on his call, but he seems legit af

>> No.5751987

no oldfags post in blockfolio threads because they know they're IRS honeypots

>> No.5751988

boards a shit hole now, fucking normies and kike everywhere

>> No.5752012

Dude I literally started with $800 and got where I am with hard research and a shit ton of work. If some people only have $200 to put in and invest smartly in a couple years maybe months if the market will continue to grow and if they disciplined, they can make it.
You circle jerk fags are not special because you started with a bigger investment or you have more money to invest right now.
I understand the frustration with stupid questions and the fact that a lot of them have no clue what they doing. But literally just telling people
>>BTFO poorfag
solves nothing.
Do you think we don't need new money for the market to grow and became a little less fucking controlled by the whales? And how you want to achieve the growth of the market if you have no new money coming in?
If you so fucking well off go and play on the Walstreet. It's set up for fags like you. Fucking elitists in a global decentralized currency.
You don't have normies come in - you get whales and micro market cap.
This market is worth pennies relative to the world market. And you want to keep it that way. Way to go fucking brainlets.

>> No.5752034
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>tfw started browsing /biz/ in may of 2016 and still haven't made it

>> No.5752037

People just shill same fucking useless coins over and over again here

>> No.5752049


Ignore threads like this, crypto is just another meme. I doubt OP even has a portfolio

>> No.5752055
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>> No.5752062

Been here since March and still consider myself a newfag. I'm doing Forex and occasionally stocks, crypto is fun but I can't talk about it or else I hey bombarded by people yelling about how they are so cool because they just "invested" 300$ into eth on cuckbase.
Its making me insane

>> No.5752063


I've been using this board far less and probably won't come back until the poppening when the normies leave

>people SWARMING at any referral tier crap
>discord pajeet spam
>"what coin is going to 1000x before the end of the year?"
>"will I make it with 6 XRP?"

>> No.5752065

dude we dont fckin care, shooo normalfag

>> No.5752067

it's funny, I've only been here 9 months but the rate my blockfolio threads always have been cunts with small amounts.

I suspect when people 'make it' they leave this shithole.

I still haven't made it on account of buying DGB at 2k sats, selling low and buying signatum at 4k, still holding hoping it will moon. sucks that i listened to /biz all the wrong times and missed out on XRB for fucks sake...

oh well...

>> No.5752073

because there are actual autists on this board who have a ton of money to invest.

pajeets target these losers

>> No.5752089

God I hope you two are right. I’ll admit to holding as well. Not much to move around right now. Our moons are about to happen.

>> No.5752096
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There was one thread where a guy had 80$ and was asking for help on TA

>> No.5752098

I've been trading since April, guess I'm an "old biz fag". Only made like 28k though. Only put in maybe 2k. Hopefully I actually make it.

>> No.5752099

Board's overrun with newfags just as you say, I've mainly been sticking to discord. I think a lot of people left after they made it.

>> No.5752107


>> No.5752109

Normies are great, get them on board to moon shit and lose their dollarydoos.

>> No.5752131


It's not that they leave, they just don't bother posting.

>> No.5752194

That’s what I mean. So many desperate fucks who are new and have no idea what they’re doing infesting this board with worthless shitcoins over and over again. They’ve never owned a portfolio they bitch about everything. We need to make it and get out anons. What are you guys waiting for for next gains. I’m waiting on Wan and hashgraph ico (friend at a fund tells me it will happen, not like a normal ico but a tokenized offering) so I’ll show my cards what do you got?

>> No.5752204

Yeah. The point of my post would get to someone who is smarter than a syphilis. You didn't make it.
Normal fag....so fucking brilliant! I never heard this before. Can I have your number? I thing I'm falling in love with the emptiness between your ears. It's so calm and quiet out there.

>> No.5752244

Yes dumbass normies buy our bags that’s the point of them. But /biz is supposed to be the haven of non normies. We bully them and send there asses back to plebbit and drop our bags on them. That’s what they’re good for. Not this shit where people tolerate them and welcome them and just act like notmies.

>> No.5752275

Good pick. I'm mostly in BTC/ETH right now, once Casper gets close I plan to go hard into ETH because a lot of GPU miners will switch to it and it'll see whale pump games just like BCC did.

>> No.5752276

ENG. entry now seeks 10 bucks before feb. Not a total moon mission, but if it hits before wan comes out you're sitting pretty. I aim to do the same with icx profits.

Good luck bro

>> No.5752279

Please go back. Reddit is calling you

>> No.5752306

>I plan to go hard into ETH
Meant ETC.

>> No.5752309

Dude we all know what you said was true in some way but dont fckin type it down to feel superior

>> No.5752346

Everything gets shilled here. Eventually one of those 100s of coins getting shilled everyday will moon. Ans, eth, etc were not an exception.

>> No.5752357

yea this is a full on re-run of june. If this was just a dead cat bounce from june we would have been dumped on already. were going strait up for at least another week or two. congrats on all the anons who made it and thanks for the trading advice.

>> No.5752412
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>he still didn't buy etherum
this fucker spamming this for days made me thousands of dollars almost a year ago
god bless old biz
I wish I could tell him thanks

>> No.5752453

>hurr durr muh broken clock meme
You're a fucking idiot, before this newfag flood 9/10 coins that would be shilled here mooned hard. /biz/ would be in early on damned near everything and there were plenty of anons actually helping out other anons. Remember people passing around legitimate presale LINK ICO links and then reddit throwing a shitfit about how many had been bought in the presale? Those were great days. The board has massively deteriorated.

Where is animechan? Why are there so many commies? Why is it full of so much referral spam? The answer is pretty fucking obvious, newfag normies have made the board go to shit.

>> No.5752537
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real /biz/ards are preparing for the winter 2018 anime season
i will be watching
Mitsubishi Color
Karakai Jouzu No Tagaki-san
Cardcaptor Sakura
Yuru Camp
Märchen Mädchen
Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho
Slow Start
Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san
and likely jump on one or two more after the first few episodes
how about you?

>> No.5752584

I feel like a lot of our new friends underestimate bitcoin. Its not dead, it will bleed your alts dry, you will wish you never invested, your bags will be so fucking heavy, you have no idea because you started in a bull run, once alts go bearish its absolute hell.

Right now you're playing hot potato, the winner is the person sitting in BTC when it explodes into a new paradigm.

>> No.5752596

So fucking stupid. I remember when /biz used to be completely on point. Every coin, even if it was a shitcoin had a pump coming. Rarely were there pajeet spam bullshit, and when there was those boards were dead instantly. Now every post is full of worthless shitcoins, and worse idiots. SO MANY IDIOTS.listen to >>5752453

>> No.5752599

too many pajeet bots here, don't take /biz/ advices anymore

>> No.5752682
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I'm with you. Although I'm not sure I will "make it" anytime soon. Maybe this year - my starting investment too small - even with all the x100/x200s.

I love this place for the memes. And old bros come back every now and then.

Also dont mind being top of the (this)food chain.

Literally using the Wojack in created in July.


>> No.5752713

The same guy who shared that ChainLink presale link did the same with Devery few weeks ago and ran away with the money
Pajeets has been always here since the beginning man

>> No.5752767
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>winter ends: /biz/raelis settle down into the earth

>> No.5752775

If its really the 4th quarter I'm worried I'm not going to make it to lamboland. I only have $180k right now. At least I'll have made it to Toyotaland and will be comforted with the thought that lots of other anons did make it.
No he didn't, some pajeet fooled you. I know because animechan actually hangs out in one of the discords I'm in.

>> No.5752778


Could you explain to me more about this Casper?

Its literally my name so it interests me.

>> No.5752826

I hold a hundo G but I don't bother with a blockfolio app for one reason: I'm not a fruity fucking phone poster.

Why should I whip out my phone to enter in a trade if I'm on my computer 99% of the time anyways?

>> No.5752838

You got a good discord? I never joined them I just hung around /biz but at this point I need to get off it, too many norms. Need good discords.

>> No.5752880

Here >>/biz/thread/S5019967
That guy ran away with everyone's money
Is the same guy who did chainlink

>> No.5752894

lol @ OP trying to convince people that a board of 4chan was ever good

i bet you make threads on /b/ wishing for the good ole days back too

>> No.5752911

Bro we're busy trading. We only come back to shill our shitcoins we got killer entries on. That's all this board is good for anymore.

>> No.5752927


>> No.5752946

lol 200k is plenty man. i dont mean its the 4th quarter for crypto i just mean its the 4th quarter for this alt bull run. eventually it will get consolidated back into top 10 coins and a bunch of shitcoins will be purged. (unless normies completely invade and turn this shit into beanie babies on crack.)

>> No.5752949

When is wan coming out? I have also been thinking about the possibility of the old erc20 coins getting a second moon now that the products are starting to come out. GNT, REP, BAT etc

>> No.5753005

ETH will transition to proof of stake later this year. GPU miners will have to switch to mining something else with ETC and XMR probably being the most profitable so they'll have every incentive to make those moon. I'd bet on ETC more just because XMR's algorithm is a different hashing algorithm.
>OP isn't an anime pic
>ID never uses an anime pic
>gives ETH address of some unconfirmed ICO instead of contract address of a legitimate ICO
No its not you retard. Holy shit, you're too much of a newfag to even detect an obvious pajeet scam. Unironically kill yourself.
Unfortunately mods on that server closed it to prevent more cancer from getting in or I'd drop you a link.

>> No.5753023

sure but there are actually some badass people on here that know how to make money and shill their bags before they moon. shit is almost considered cool by todays standards. weve just fallen that far linkies.

>> No.5753029

It's the same guy but whatever bro
Gl with your lunch money

>> No.5753061

Wat no Overlord ?

>> No.5753093

>same guy
>only a fucking moron would think its the same guy
>lol it same who share legitimate ICO link because this one share illegitimate link even though they have nothing else in common either
Holy shit, you are the exact sort of cancer that the OP was talking about.

>> No.5753116

i havent watched the previous season yet, its on my list though so i might pick it up mid-season

>> No.5753154

This so fucking much.

>> No.5753190

Kys normie go away
Either you or your one of your internet friends is the scammer period

>> No.5753235

Thx m8.

I felt left out of the some of the biz traditions until you said this.

Bringing out my Authy on the phone is clunky enough as is

>> No.5753254

How? Seriously how?

>> No.5753267

OP bait newfag begging for investment advice. We see you. Kek

>> No.5753309
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Cashed out spending my golden days on Reddit, /biz/ is full of poor /pol/ fags, at least Reddit is tolerable.

> t. 500k ADA retiree

>> No.5753312

Nigger you are so dumb that its not even funny. You have zero reason to have ever thought that it was animechan. The OP of the thread you linked had nothing in common with him whatsoever. I mean he fucking said that it was exactly like the chainlink presale and if you were around for the chainlink presale you know that it was a direct link to a preapproved link on the website owned by the company smartcontracts who made LINK.

What was that thread you linked? A fucking ETH contract that had absolutely no connection to any official ICO.

What else did the guy do that animechan's never done? Shill discord, he's literally never mentioned the name of any discord server in any posts on here. What else about that thread? THERE'S NO FUCKING ANIME YOU FUCKING MONGOLOID

>> No.5753397

what's the password

>> No.5753418

are you me

>> No.5753435
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>>5751673 I got around to browsing /biz/ in September, from /pol/ and /x/. Politics was making me have night terrors and I needed something else to think about. lurked till December. I was in that thread telling other newfags to stop being so diversified. They don't seem to understand riskvsreward, they have no intention on learning any economics, and they don't know how to browse the archive for info.

Don't think I'll leave, I've been browsing old TA threads and stealing tips from oldfags long past... The mememetics here are too fun to leave, and there is a clear progression in topics/shillings.

>> No.5753444

Holy shit you are an idiot. You are the cancer. Get off my thread now. Do not reply to my post justifying your idiocy leave now. Do not return to /biz. Go back to plebbit or cry to your mom.

>> No.5753448

Not reading all that kys scammer
And take your lunch money with you

>> No.5753463 [DELETED] 

Great returns possible in elite crypto group. Try it out https://discord.gg/MW8NuYm

>> No.5753468

dafuq you on about?

>> No.5753531

his wordpress page requires a password

>> No.5753613

does it actually? I actually have acces to it. Maybe because i use bravebrowser?

>> No.5753629


>Is stupid and vocally wrong
>Gets called out
>"Dude you're right but that doesn't mean I can't be a fucking idiot and wrong for no reason without being corrected hurrr"

Go fuck yourself retards

>> No.5753657

started in feb 2011 mining btc with a radeon 5770, got mtgoxed and aso fucked in the ass by mintpal.
now i have some good money in crypto yet the bitterness of not being a multi-millionaire doesn't abate.

>> No.5753714

>I can't be a fucking idiot and wrong
how was i wrong when i didnt even have a statement or opinion? i called him a normalfag, how is that wrong or right?

pretty sure that makes you the retard

>> No.5753808
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i unironically get how you feel
i mined back in 2010 on a geforce 8800 in order to buy a scam bot for Tibia (Ghostbot NG)
that fucker pajeet creator LoW never updated it once and i unironically deleted my wallet containing almost 100 btc and bought a subscription for NeoBot instead
it was the better bot by leagues and made me filthy rich and successful in Tibia and a few hundred bucks for selling scripts and modifying old Elfbot NG scripts

>> No.5753810
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> Be newfag nocoiner
> People listen to my calls
Managing people to get on Verge was delicious. Don't worry OP, I'll find a way to destroy you too.

>> No.5753858

I am here since PandaCoin, made "only" 250K so far because I was afraid to put more money into crypto. I saw ETH here at 1, nice stock ideas like the Marihuana stocks more than a year ago, Galaxy Resources for .40, MGT and so on.

I noticed that biz changed in the last few months. I guess everybody who had the balls to invest in the above ideas made it and not interested in speculative shit anymore. I thought of finding people like the ones posting those great ideas. I am scanning the news constantly and so on.
btw I am not a neet, I have a job as an IT Engineer (which I love) and earn a nice ammount of money, also invest in blue chip stocks.

>> No.5753864

Thanks, just brought $100k%

>> No.5753934

Hahaha, fool. 2018 - 2020 are the era of the neet.

>> No.5754228

Now that's out of the way, I know what you are saying about how the dummies are starting to infest this board. They buy into hype (which we can still profit off of), but they do it in a way that just completely shits on the idea that crypto can free us. See: Ripple.
I used to go to /pol a lot, but I had to stop because it just made me so angry all the time, and I realized I needed to insulate myself with money from the dumpster fire that our world is turning into. Now I just want to buy some land away from the hordes, build a house, farm, and raise a family. Crypto is the fastest way for me to fund that.

>> No.5754339
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What are your targets for xlm and icx? I only need 4x to make it. Then I will leave 40% in crypto and cash out rest. If the bubble doesn't burst before that.

>> No.5754492

Can you sell me on anything this season? It looked so uninteresting. I liked
2015: i can't understand what my husband is saying
2016: mob psycho/91 days
2017: konosuba/made in abyss

Maybe I'll watch it in a moment of weakness.

>> No.5754535

Minister you Satoshi!

>> No.5754666
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no idea honestly, best you check out a few yourself once they start
try watching Citrus and Takagi-san at least, manga's are great
Takunomi and Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san might be good choices too
or Miira no Kaikata, Sora yori mo Tooi Basho, and Overlord

if you liked Citrus considering its a yuri, there are going to be two more yuri animes to watch later this year; Asagao to Kase-san. and Tachibanakan Triangle
ganbatte ne

>> No.5754695

What about tax?

>> No.5754728
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>dumpster fire

Are you me?

>> No.5754818

I think every biz bros is rich now and are all living the comfy live.

All goood things must come to an end, anon.
see you in lambo land.

>> No.5754988

Reddit is actually based, i've been on /biz/ since 2015. I don't know why i never thought of checking out Reddit.

>> No.5755070


>> No.5755189

All these nigs talking about how they've been here since 2017.
I bet I am the only one who's been here since max keiser started shilling the bitcornz.
Even further I bet I am the only one that mined his max coins too.
Faggots, the lot of ya are.

>> No.5755209

>bittrex still won't accept registrations
Where do I sign up in the meantime, lads?