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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57515875 No.57515875 [Reply] [Original]

>boss pays me minimum wage
>mfw he expects more than minimum effort

Want me to actually work hard? Pay me more.

>> No.57515885

and if you get to increases, decrease the work further

>> No.57515892

It's called being White anon. Something you and all zoomers wouldn't understand.

>> No.57516021

god i love cute anime girls so much

>> No.57516033
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I told my ex-boss (It was a small business. He was the owner) that I never plan on doing more, unless I actually get paid more. And that expecting me to do more, would result in that thing not getting done.
I ended up being laid off 9 months later, probably not related. Regardless, I don't care, would do it again.

>> No.57516036

You're replacable. The reason they're paying you minimum wage is because that's how much they have to pay you legally. If they could pay you lower, they're pay you lower.

Your skillset is shit and anyone can do it.

>> No.57517713

Ah, but the reason why no one is lining up for minimum wagecage work, outside of those with 0 experience to get there foot in the door to something else, is because it's not about skill. Anyone COULD hypothetically do it, but nobody WOULD do it for free because their time has value & they have little tolerance for kissing the ass of shitty managers and goblin customers for less than a roof over their head. The stress of sleeping in a tent is unironically less than when I worked at a gas station. I would rather be homeless and isolated than serving homeless and cleaning up their excrement. That's much more difficult than memorizing college textbooks.

>> No.57517827

In this thread lazy faggots

I wouldnt pay someone more who shows no initiative.

Pay someone to milk the fucking clock?

I dont fucking think so, who the fuck do you think you are. You want to get a raise and rise up in the company fucking show me what you can do, otherwise enjoy minimum wage forever

this is some reddit tier lazy commie faggot bullshit mentality also fuck reddit

>> No.57517879

The real questions, if you actually are a business owner, are
>Can you recognize talent worth paying more?
>Do you need anybody worth paying more?
The first is an hard filter, but the second is critical too. Op is fine, he's a warm body, as long as he does up on time (like his paycheck) only middle managers want him to go above and beyond.

>> No.57517890


You don't hire anyone

Comment not needed, fruitcake

>> No.57517900

Minimum wage. Minimum effort.

>> No.57517913
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Retards that keep waging in 2024 are the same guys that shill you some shitty "new" tech scamcoin in Beoble and they pretend they will become millionaires with that

>I wouldn't pay
Because you are a ugly fatty that doesn't even have a business to begin with

>> No.57517946

Kou is like the super wagie though. She sleeps at the office half the time.

>> No.57517949

Good thing I job hop kek. I went from grunt work to being a higher rank than my first boss in 2 years. Imagine wasting your life on a company that doesn't value you.

>> No.57517950
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this world is full of scam.

>scam wage

>> No.57517968

Yes and yes

You don't get above being a replaceable wagie for no reason. You can absolutely tell. There are outliers sure but for the most part if you want a successful business you have to see this shit

>> No.57517984

I hate to say this, but scam or shitcoin is a good stuff if you know when to buy and sell it.

lol. u better fuck yourself bro.

>> No.57517999

to be honest. fuck this minimum wage and fuck that scamcoin.

im creating my own biz now.

>> No.57518139

Then you're way ahead of the curve.
In most cases there's a mismatch between the worker and the job.
For efficiency, it should be fixed on the worker side, but it's a burden that falls on the business side because that's who pays for it in the end.

>> No.57518258

I can find another job. The reason I am provising minimum effoet is because that's how much I have to do legally. If I could work less, I work less.

Your work environment is shit and any employer can provide it.

>> No.57518351

>I wouldnt pay someone more who shows no initiative.
You don't pay people who show initiative more anyway.

>> No.57518388

This is something that took me a year to figure out. Econ 101 lied to me.

>Start working freelance video editing
>Try to undercut competition by being the cheapest option available
>100% of the clients are assholes

>charge way more than the average
>somehow get more customers
>all of the clients are very friendly
>nobody notices any gap in quality because most of them pricetag shopped and have nothing to compare it to.

>> No.57518666

This only works of you're white

I use a lot of freelancers and I pay almost a 100% premium often to work with white people and save myself time and hassle.

>> No.57518700

If you took marketing 101 they would have taught you this. People perceive higher prices as an indication of a superior product. For a lot of things, especially tech and high end stuff, demand rises with price because of this super common heuristic. Until a certain point at least, anyway that's why you got more customers.

>> No.57518779

I don't interact with society anymore and just live in my dad's attic until he dies. I've had enough with shit soul crushing jobs. I'm never going to afford a house myself, I'm never going to afford a car, I'm never gonna make it. No point keeping up with this scam life that God has given us.

>> No.57519003

>Gets +1 armour save over a chaos warrior on top of being stylish.

Get wrecked chaos shits.

>> No.57519130

what is wrong with this generation.

>> No.57519140

Nothing, throughout history paying shit has had the consequence of getting shitty workers.

>> No.57519377

Is not paying your employees a living wage called being white? Good to know.

>> No.57519734
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>mfw he expects more than minimum effort
how about i just fire your ass wagie?

>> No.57519743
File: 163 KB, 1200x628, 0BA8C20F-31FC-42BC-AD8E-20D39A80811E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people in charge are extremely open about kicking the ladder down, so why even bother? Might as well just do the bare minimum if you are going to live with the bare minimum. Specially if you are white and male, you will always be in second place for promotion for any other combination of race and gender.

>> No.57519765

White people (spiritual jews) are scumbags with cuckhold morality. No surprise there.

>> No.57519817
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>boss pays me way above average for my age
>mfw he expects more than minimum effort
working hard is gay and never pays off. my mum slaves away at her job doing shit tonne of overtime and her yearly raise is like 3% or something retarded

>> No.57519819

This doesn't make any sense. If I know nothing about you, I'm not going to choose you simply because you charge more than the competition. Obviously the opposite is true.
What you are not mentioning here is that a higher price already filters a lot of "non serious" people who you might identify as assholes. And since this happened presumably chronologically, now that you've already had customers, the potential big spenders already see you have some kind of cred.

>> No.57519832

You imply the comapny is forced to pay anon more than he’s worth. If this was the case he would not be employed; a company wouldn’t pay you more than you make them.

All minimum wage does is guarantee a welfare dependent class by making everyone unable to make more than minimum wage unemployable.

>> No.57519842

works a bit like that in china supposedly; big queue of chinks outside a shop attracts more of them. some shops try to exploit this by paying people to queue outside, very silly but i guess they’re used to bread lines

>> No.57520286

>You want to get a raise and rise up in the company fucking show me what you can do, otherwise enjoy minimum wage forever
And I don't believe you.
People who talk like this are so rarely who they say they are that it might as well be never. To clarify, I'd work my ass off for someone that I've known for a year or two that I've personally confirmed is not a fake cunt. However most people who would even bother giving you this song and dance are generally fat out-of-shape dramamongers, who are so full of shit and pulling every excuse not to give you a payraise directly out of their ass that you'd have better luck with deadend jobs until you get enough cash to invest or pull your own startup. Better that than trying to fill the day with their narcissistic, over-scrutinizing, goalpost-moving miserly bullshit just so they can look at you with their dull escaped-wild-pig eyes and tell you what amounts to "It wasn't enough, you must suffer as I have suffered or it doesn't count even though it's my small business and not yours and it never will be."

tl;dr: I'm not turning that thing's "small business" into a place people would actually want to work at until I am paid accordingly. Period. I do favors for friends, and you aren't one. You're a job. Therefore fucking pay me accordingly for the work you want me to do. Shit pay means shit work.

And remember: if they were capable of it, they would have already done it themselves.