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57509296 No.57509296 [Reply] [Original]

never married?
I dont want to end up like them

>> No.57509303

Women are expansive, depreciating liabilities, there is no reason to own one when they can be rented.

>> No.57509310

*tips fedora*

>> No.57509326

Already had one failed marriage in my life (my parents) and a blown up family

I don't want to experience it again

>> No.57509338

marriage is just a contract from the state and not a very good one these days. If I were you I would worry more about being a wage slave. Its very common to get married but less common to have financial freedom. As a wage slave you soend 80% of your waking life acting like a trained monkey in order to get permission to not starve to death. You should focus on not being a pathetic slave rather than whether or not you can get a government sanctioned contract about who you can coom in

>> No.57510269

just be poor

>> No.57510281

women are too expensive

>> No.57510339

if i had a 1-2 mil i would have married and kids. cos i know they dont need to worry.

end of the day most marriage and life issues are about money, so i rather be OK alone, then stressed with a family.

>> No.57510530

38 here
financially speaking, we were born in an era with endless stimulation to the point we never truly had to make the effort to go out and meet women if we didn't want to
"thankfully" the effect was limited to mostly higher iq people, since video games and nascent internet were still too abstract for most normgroids
your generation has gone full speed into the digital world and the stats show it. unprecedentedly high stats of virginity, celibacy, and so on
the lesson is obvious, both from our failings and these numbers. quit the internet while you still can. use it for work and nothing else
else odds are on you ending up like me, if not worse

>> No.57510595

you grew up without a father, am I correct?

>> No.57510608

Gullible beta.

>> No.57510692

no, you're completely wrong
my turn to assume: you're a burgerfat

>> No.57510703

*tips even more massive fedora, with Andrew Tate stickers on it*

>> No.57510710

Near 30 year old kissless virgin here.

I just went with the "dude chill don't worry it will happen" meme and of course, nothing ever happened

>> No.57510714

Millennials are in their 30s

>> No.57510720

why would they marry, idiot ? It's cheque blanco to give 50% of your stuff to female, It's not 1952 anymore

>> No.57510725

Rich people don't need to get married, only brainwashed poorfags think it's their ultimate purpose and shit. Just go work on your mediocre job, find a mediocre wife, and raise mediocre kids. You'll never be rich.

>> No.57510726

Are there though? Seems like a weird American thing.

>> No.57510730

OP is a millennial, zoomers don't call millennials boomers.

>> No.57510735

I'm 45 and go through 1 or 2 gfs per year
this will go on for as long as I can keep pulling it off
I already have 2 kids with a woman from a wealthy family

>> No.57510751

Why would a millennial call his age group boomers?

>> No.57510752

You can't just go out and meet women unless you meet their inflated demands about looks and cash so most men just checked out because they are filtered by women anyway. Also places were you could potentially meet women are infested shitskins and cold aproach doesn't work unless you are a Chad, what worked was ethnic society and arranged meetups but it was destroyed by digitaljews

>> No.57510796

>in their 30s and 40s
Pick one

>> No.57511712

How old are they on average?

>> No.57511765

If you're already rich is it wise to get with a mediocre woman? Is it less stressful?

>> No.57511779

Because Millenials are the new boomers, boomers are dying and gen X barely exists.

>> No.57511852

>rich single boomers in their 30s and 40s
Why is /biz/ full of retarded zoomers who don't understand who millennials are?

You're a millennial you stupid fuck...

Thank you, god this board is in the gutter.

>Because Millenials are the new boomers
That's not how it works. Learn the generations and age ranges before you post again. Shits cringe.

>> No.57512238

I am a 29 year old boomer. It's a state of mind.

>> No.57512322

Personally I don't see the point of marriage. The benefits are mostly social/cultural in nature and those are changing anyways. The tax benefits are not good, and in some cases are bad if both people are high earners.

The downside for me is high if it doesn't work out then I lose half my wealth.

If the US government wants people to get married and have kids then they should fix the incentives.

>> No.57512513

>30s and 40s
These are millennials and gen Xers. A boomer is at least 60.

>> No.57512527

The poorest demographic in the US are unmarried elderly people with no children. If you choose not to get married and have children, you're essentially placing yourself into a group with the highest likelihood of being poor.

>> No.57512554

>there is no reason to own one when they can be rented.
so tired of this fake-alpha wannabe autist take. women CAN LOVE YOU if youre NOT AN AUTISTIC ASSHOLE. you do want love right? then act like it

>> No.57512560

kek, you're not wrong

>> No.57512582

>dad's parents
My grandma in constant fear of her husband
>moms parents
They argue all the time even during the holidays when every one was there.
>my parents
Mom in constant fear with money issues. Dad angry all the time abs bitches constantly of his hard mechanic job.

I literally have never seen a good marriage in my life.

>> No.57512619
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>gen x barely exists
>That’s me in the corner.
>That’s me in the spot. light.
>lehewzing my religion.

>> No.57512624

The quality of a woman is the determining factor on whether or not you financially make it
No woman is better than a bad one who will financially siphon you dry before moving on to the next victim

>> No.57512631

Just talk to girls that work at the places you frequent. Don't let self doubt creep into your mind.
t. Met the girl of my dreams while she was working

>> No.57512633
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Shake down 1979

>> No.57512666

Poor and unmarried sounds worse

>> No.57512682

Because they spent all our time making money and not meeting women

>> No.57512773

>The downside for me is high if it doesn't work out then I lose half my wealth.
you know you can double your money with pretty low risk within 5 years. its not that bad.

its much worse to be in a lifelong state of limbo with your partner, where neither of you has committed enough to feel comfortable starting a family.

>> No.57513055

Ok boomer

>> No.57513101

1-2 million in nothing though

>> No.57513116

>being this new

>> No.57513134

Women keep you poor. They’re retard level consoomers and will blow every bit of money that’s not going towards bills

>> No.57513143


Yet another zoomer retard who doesn't understand generational labels

>> No.57513149

you're not gonna be rich

>> No.57513158


You are a retard

>> No.57513207

Tranny ywnbaw

>> No.57513221

Women are not worth it
The incels were right

>> No.57513226

Half right, half angry. All based

>> No.57513251

Why does marriage mean I'm committed? It's just a piece of paper from the government. Or do you mean I need to put half of my assets on the line to prove I am committed (even though you yourself say it's not that bad to lose this amount of money)?

>> No.57513256


im not the one advocating a loveless life against reproduction, you are

>> No.57513274


They do make women with a basic sense of financial responsibility. Just difficult to find them, needle in haystack type deal

>> No.57513318
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Why the fuck would you not want be single and rich

>> No.57513324

if you can get someone to commit to you without marriage then go for it, but its less likely to find. in either case, you will end up paying for kids

>> No.57513347 [DELETED] 

Because millennials are post-ironic shitposters wallowing in the last 25 years of their lives being a clownshow that only becomes more excruciating with each moment, while zoomers are usually dumb kids who only know fr fr and that when they graduated highschool, suddenly covid was a thing.

Kys faggot make real posts or fuck off.

>> No.57513352
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>> No.57513358

the oldest ones are actually in their 40s

27 to 42 is the age range

>> No.57513918


kids(if white) are the greatest joy possible

>> No.57513943

>$500k king of poorfags
>married a 6/10 midwest virgin
>turns out she can't have kids
>stuck holding this bag forever

>> No.57513999
File: 52 KB, 360x480, 360_cover_0812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because millennial women were taught to believe that working was more important than having a family, so they work jobs and don't have kids.

They also only think about Chad, feel that because they know someone who landed a Chad that the same will just happen to them, and would rather be single than date a guy below Chad's level.

I'm turning 36 this year and I look back at my high school class - maybe 1 in 3 women has a kid. Almost all of them put off child birth until after they were 30, most of them only had one kid and realized it was too much work and quit. Most of my friends are DINKs clearing 300k/year in expensive metro areas, I still don't understand why you get married if you don't plan on having kids.

>> No.57514725


>> No.57515255

You say it as if it was some sort of ideology. It's obviously harder and more expensive to have kids in an overpopulated world with a lot of political parties still trying to keep borders open.

>> No.57515296

Im not married but have a kid
I work from home making 6figs, but my baby momma is broke so she collects maximum welfare benefits for her and my son
I'm White

>> No.57515380

Most of the women I went to school with had kids right out of highschool and are single mothers lol
A few waited until about 26 and got married and had kids. I am 30 and expecting to have my first child with my soon to be wife this year.

>> No.57515642

This is why spending time with and raising your daughters is important. The problem is you pass all childcare on mom and her habits are what gets copy pasted ad infinitum.

>> No.57515726

Or having children is little reward, at least for the first few years, and requires job-like dedication around the clock, on top of the burden of pregnancy, risk of complications & death, + insane expense. All your free time is washing/holding bottles, cleaning diapers, then shit off the walls. Your favorite ceramics, broken. Walls, marker'd. One day out of the month shot for check-ups and vaccinations, if you go that route. Driving them to school and helping with homework or homeschooling for several hours a day, on top of watching their every move so they can learn to eat properly, sit politely, use the sink, bathe without drowning, and use the toilet without crapping on the lid or pulling it out of their diaper. You basically become the other person, aka your child. It fucking sucks. They also get into everything dangerous in mere seconds while you're trying to cook or clean. You can't shit or shower for ages, and then years without privacy. God forbid a woman want to date, see some architecture and museums, party a bit, try new cuisine without monitoring her goblin. No, she must tear her gash apart or get split open by C-section, rendered unable to walk for 6 weeks while waking EVERY 2 HOURS to feed a screeching infant. What the fuck is wrong with men? You can tell men aren't the caregivers. You would never sign up to do that, especially if your wife was old, fat, rude, balding, and didn't make you cum.

>> No.57515741

Women are objectified as sexual objects and this time they are going along with it, I think they feel empowered or something. To me they keep losing value, I just see them all as hoes now. Good for them, but bad for me I guess because now I rather not be in serious relationships.

>> No.57515823
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Why do women always want to go on vacations? All we do is sit on the beach somewhere or do some activity, while fun they're never worth the money. Without my woman it really wouldn't occur to me to go on a trip unless I had to be somewhere or to visit family.

>> No.57516001

This is a point of stress for me, I am 33 and my whole life was told as long as I get a good education everything will fall into place and good things come to those who are patient etc. I did all the good boy things to the best of my ability, went to college (had to go twice because the first degree was useless), now have a job. I am living in my childhood bedroom because I am dirt broke and have never had a gf. I don't want to be a wageslave anymore, I feel like I was in a long running con job. But now I'm being pressured to find a partner to get married ASAP. I'm fucking lost.

>> No.57516011

having no dependents makes being rich a little bit easier

>> No.57516013

if you are smart enough to make it you are smart enough to see women's true nature.

>> No.57516017

now try "just be yourself"

>> No.57516271

>But now I'm being pressured to find a partner to get married ASAP.
Luckily you're a dude so it doesn't matter when you have kids (as long as you land a younger woman). Just ignore the roasties and cucks and stick to your own timeline, they're just trying to honeypot you into the marriage scam where you'll stay poor forever, especially if you wife up a common slut. Over half of all married guys my age (also early 30s) are miserable, and some I thought were happy actually turned out to be cheating kek. Start lifting if you haven't already.

>> No.57516348

with me and my wife it's literally the opposite. she'd rather stay at home/go somewhere close. I always fly us out to Asia or Africa

>> No.57516530
File: 52 KB, 800x500, Meshuggah-Obzen-banner-ghostcultmag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fagg regurgitating youtube "alpha" males looking to sell shit. Just admit you are chronically online, don't have hobbies, and don't go out with friends.

>> No.57516540

of course the tradcuck blue pilled incels seethed at this lmao
based anon

>> No.57516612

Depressingly true.

>chronically online
Your "neovagina" is just a festering wound. No man will ever desire you.

>> No.57516613


Travel is social currency for women who want to stunt on other women

I asked out a very cute woman recently and had to rescind it when she sent me her IG handle and it was legitimately all just her travelling everywhere.

Ex did the same, would regularly go on vacations she couldn't reasonably afford that would proceed to mess up her finances for a couple more months.

Coffee emoji

>> No.57516631

>the effect was limited to mostly higher iq people
Did you get your whole response from the movie Idiocracy?

>> No.57516669
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>she must tear her gash apart or get split open by C-section, rendered unable to walk for 6 weeks while waking EVERY 2 HOURS to feed a screeching infant
Jewish implanted delusions believed only by retarded roasties. I know many couples with kids and it was NEVER this bad. Unable to walk for 6 weeks?? The fuck you on about? Screeching infant every 2 hours??

You were fed a lie by (((people))) that wanted to exploit you, and you believed them and sacrificed your only potential for happiness in this life in order to increase THEIR revenue by a few thousands of percentage points.

>> No.57516778


>You say it as if it was some sort of ideology

It is. They were indoctrinated from birth to be the girl boss and society bent over backwards bent over to accommodate that. It's directly why the standard of living is decreasing and shit like homelessness is exploding. There's only so much fake money and fake jobs you can create.

>> No.57517221

Nice try, glowie. Not getting married, though

>> No.57517561

I bet there are three subgroups:
a) losers
b) successful bachelors
c) wine aunts
and only one of the groups is poor.

>> No.57517630

Lol is this Reddit copypasta? Great bait. Perfect embodiment of a coping millenial woman who is trying to fill the void.

>> No.57518164

internet is the greatest invention in humankind
democratizing knowledge, education, communication and media.
ooooor, you can spend half your life wanking to endless porn and play vidya...
never ever fucking blame the internet for your own lack of impulse control...

>> No.57519581

based women
for years i was a retard because i traveled to many historical capitals and places (historyfag) but did not post any pics (i traveled for the sake of the things ive always wanted to visit). Then people thought I was lying because "omg your ig is empty how is that possible?" (apparently the biggest capital sin in the 21st century is not being an attention-whore in social media). So yeah, now i have to post everwhere i go just for the sake of appearing "normal". Not that makes much difference, i still derive my enjoyment and catharsis from the architecture and art i see first-hand, just have the extra work of posting the pics i took.
Traveling half the world to a beach just to see the same sand that exists on every beach, though...

>> No.57519649

Doubt it desu. Most women who think they can't have kids can be fixed with a few simple cheap medications. They just can't be fucked to look into it so they use it as an excuse.

>> No.57519764

This. I get why women are obsessed with marriage, they get to lock you in. But what do I as a man get if I were to marry my girlfriend? I'm not going to do it cater to any of you christcucks because of "le sanctity of marriage". We are both relatively high income earners so there are minimal tax advantages. And even if she earned less, what kind of advantage would it be for me that I take the responsibility to pay for us both? Who would willingly want to be a paypig?