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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57510177 No.57510177 [Reply] [Original]

I hate most people.

>> No.57512270


>> No.57512398

Everyone hates rich people but I’d say they all have this in common.

>> No.57512424

I just want enough money not to wageslave.

>> No.57512425

Humans are social animals.
Maybe look into why you hate people.

>> No.57512470

Not everyone. I have Friends and Family but I once spend 2 full months alone in the mountains while recording an album and it was the best time of my life. I don’t say I don’t like spending time with friends and but I like to keep that time on the low while many other seem to feel lonely when they don’t see people for even just a week

>> No.57512495

People give themselves to their lower instincs, they dont fulfill any promises, dont have any value other than the next meal, lie at the slightest sight of trouble, follow any stupid superficial trait tryting to satisfy their retarded unsupported ego...
I deeply care about people, but at the same time i hate everybody. I have been deluded by humanity. Figure that one out.

>> No.57512565
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Sounds nice. How much does that lifestyle cost per year?

>> No.57512646

Be happy

>> No.57513059

About what?

>> No.57515201
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it's a good goal, in 2021 I used shitcoins to buy an apartment far from my city, now I live alone and the peace around here makes every penny worth it, I still go for things like JEWP just for greed, but peace is something anyone should invest in

>> No.57515317

you must be smart

>> No.57515348

Why not just live in the woods for free?

>> No.57515401

living alone in the woods is fun until you break a leg, or even a scratch is enough to make you sick, the human body is weaker than you think

>> No.57515454

Apparently there's random ass plots of land in rural parts of Montana, Washington, Alaska etc; that could be had for like 20k, I'm tempted to take what I can out of my earnings this bull run and just buy so I can live a cozy little cabin life

>> No.57515506

Not even Elon has enough money to get away from people. He has to build a rocket and fly away for some peace of mind.

>> No.57515532

Kek I’m literally living the dream bros

Don’t underestimate unskilled labor businesses in wealthy areas. Can hire monkeys that plug in headphones and make you $30-80 per hour while you sit at your “home office”

>> No.57515541
File: 112 KB, 793x629, elle-unabomber-photo-09-1646083693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's free if you hate them enough.

>> No.57515544

I came from Alaska. You think you do but you don’t actually want this. Your first January/Feb will drive you to suicide.

>> No.57515551

i don't want to make it to go be a hermit, I just don't want to work anymore, especially not no wagie WEF homosexual slave job

>> No.57515561

I am moon and only here very rarely. I live in an old mine and have had little or no contact with anyone for years. I can't even remember when I last posted a thread here. I have a substantial wealth and build a living space in an closed mine. I own the land over it as well and that is secured. I used have a house up there with a guest lodge and a place for a couple with a kid who did gardening and maintenance but I demolished it when they moved on. Now their are just perimeter security patrols and a nature preserve. I have not seen anyone in person for over three years and I have not been on the surface for over two years,

>> No.57515565

Send nudes

>> No.57515570
File: 371 KB, 1400x1400, moon_black_us_blank_with_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any o you remember me? One of the few that made it.

>> No.57515572

uncle ted?

>> No.57515581

No, why would I do that? How about you insert sharpie and post it on /b/.

>> No.57515585

The idea is not isolation. I want i big fuck you house, with fuck you money. And tell people to go fuck themselves everyday.

>> No.57515587

No. I always posted the picture of moon. Its years since I have posted.

>> No.57515605

That does not work, that is why I had the mine space created. It has been backfilled and I only occupy a former entrance gallery and 240M of one shaft, I did try living in townhouses in London and Paris and went around Mediterranean islands (I even bought most of a tiny private one but it was too hot)

>> No.57515606
File: 15 KB, 750x553, correlation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you say that with certainty? People have hacked it in Northern Europe, Siberia, and northern North America for years. I'm not saying I'd definitively settle there, but I wanna try it out.
Maybe once I go there my mind will change.

Also since you're from there, are there cute girls there? I saw the demographs are mostly white with a significant redskin minority (hell even some latinx), and mainly between 25-45 in age. Might be some nice pussy there for those who dare

>> No.57515612

You just attract parasites and have to hire more parasites to keep them away. The women and empty people you get with money are boring after a while anyway. I have two dogs an old one and a younger one the caretaker couple left.

>> No.57515627

I have adjusted to being underground on my own., Time has very little meaning now. Only the dogs remind me of it. I don't think there is even anyone in this country who knows I am here.

>> No.57515637

Goodbye. I am bored now. I will check back in a few years maybe.

>> No.57515648

You will never have money, bastard. Your mom sucked a billion dicks and all she had left to give you was a tray of STD’s and a million dollar medical bill, mostly from having to reconstruct her prolapsed holes. Lmao. You’ll also always be surrounded by the worst idiots and when your ass gets sent to the nursing home shaniqua won’t even turn your pasty sweaty ass so you get stage 4 bedsores everywhere and full body contractures. Also Everyone hates you.

>> No.57515651 [DELETED] 

isolation and big houses sucks. I just want to live off interest and be wandering angel upon this earth. like go on quests, solve mysteries and be nice to people wherever i go.

>> No.57515655
File: 1 KB, 225x225, download (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have money, bastard. Your mom sucked a billion dicks and all she had left to give you was a tray of STD’s and a million dollar medical bill, mostly from having to reconstruct her prolapsed holes. Lmao. You’ll also always be surrounded by the worst idiots and when your ass gets sent to the nursing home shaniqua won’t even turn your pasty sweaty ass so you get stage 4 bedsores everywhere and full body contractures. Also Everyone hates you

>> No.57515763

I am not an amerimutt dont have to worry about some shaniqua gorilla

>> No.57515768

Godlike Anon Bro

Please for the love of /biz/ please help us.

How can we leverage beaners and normans to do our bidding? I have another guy doing this making bank except it's drywall and painting n stuff like that but he is more hands on with them pushing them and watching / supervising his labor but he jumps in and works with them.

How can I get to your level? what should I target? secrets? tricks to get started?

Anything would be most comfy ser


>> No.57515815

You're just introverted, I like my family and my 3 friends, most other people annoy the shit out of me.

>> No.57516035

That's the case for many of us. Next bullrun, I'm leaving for good

>> No.57516593
File: 2 KB, 82x125, chan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you are the problem but who cares? there are a million people that die daily so you will just be another one to the number.
I'll tell you sum for free, get a fucking website and monetize on Hydro so you can leave this world for good.

>> No.57516651

y'all just come up with shit to cover up your retarded life.

>> No.57516673

finally, someone in love with the OP. giving his retarded life some FA

>> No.57516728

Around 150k die daily. Probably 149950 are fucking assholes.
I would rather invest until i make it. I am not that far away from it.

>> No.57516821

i feel you brother. as long as we don't give up, lambo is close.
BTW, do you think AI and data are worth investing into? been seeing a lot of projects support that narrative

>> No.57516825

Maybe because they are pieces of servile shit.

>> No.57516855

>Apparently there's random ass plots of land in rural parts of Montana, Washington, Alaska
like this?

>> No.57516941
File: 86 KB, 560x229, 1704745546009579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have given up on finding any peace and joy in this life. I want to make it so I can give my wife and kids the life they deserve and make things easier for them.

>> No.57516999

I live like a hermit innawoods, so I guess I've already made it, by your metric. I don't hate most people, so it can be a real drag.

>> No.57517001
File: 646 KB, 576x512, grasslands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that place looks like total kino. Weird to think if I liquidated everything I have I could just buy it outright. I can unironically see myself living there once I make it. Maybe the continental States aren't so bad

>> No.57517022

How much did it cost you?
Same anon. Remember it's just land though, you would still need a place (unless you just park your trailer). There's also other (((fees))) they'll try to stick you with.

>> No.57517103

data is increasingly becoming a major part of our lives so yeah investing into data and ai related projects might just be your ticket out. my call is Nuklai and Ocean

>> No.57517134

It depends on what that company is doing and if they have some advantage and good management. Remember wework, theranos and nikola. Dont buy a theme, look into the company if it is solid business.

>> No.57517172

This. I'd even accept "enough money to do an easy mindless WFH wageslave" if it meant I could do fun things on the side like draw, read and write.

>> No.57517212

You hate yourself

>> No.57517224


>> No.57517234

All old women should be executed

>> No.57517249

I don't get it

>> No.57517250

>look it up on dextools
>5k liquidity unlocks in 18 days
>25% buy AND sell tax

what the fuck kind of jeetery is this kek

>> No.57517330

>Humans are social animals.
You have no idea what this means; you're just repeated what other people have told you. Humans are a virus.

>> No.57517354

>The all is mind, the universe is mental
Used to have similar sentiments to op although I didn't allow myself to really believe it because intuitively it seemed wrong. Turns out I had for most of my life put to much faith in the objectivity of language which led to the perception that other people were fucking retarded because they would constantly misrepresent my meaning but ironically it was me who was wrong in my belief that language can be constructed in a way that is not as fractal as anything else. So while I thought everyone else was wrong it was me that was wrong. Language is like a coastline it you can't measure its length and depending on how hard you zoom in or out you can find any shape you want in any coastline.
Coming back to what I quoted above my realisation about literally changed my reality in a way that I could have described as objective prior to the realisation

>> No.57517458

Insane asylum material. Get your noodle checked buddy you sound like a psychotic anon

>> No.57517474

You're the one that hates everybody buddy

>> No.57517503

Yes but i am not that crazy. You are coocoo.

>> No.57517615


>> No.57518616

sounds really gay

>> No.57518628

Maybe only broads are social animals. Being social is feminine trait

>> No.57518655

The council will put newly arrived illegals in your mansion and now you will have a niggger problem

>> No.57519280

I want to make enough money too for my family though, I bought QANX and I hope it 100X as soon as possible

>> No.57519511
File: 469 KB, 750x744, IMG_7404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2021 $shib let me buy a house lol crazy shit. Feeling like $lucky might have the same shot this bullrun

>> No.57519620

I love people. I still want to live on enough property to not see someone outside my family for at least 15-30 min drive.

>> No.57519631

just go to alaska like all the other haters

>> No.57519984

I don't have enough and already I'm away from most people.
I own a blog which I'm monetizing via Hydro Online and that helps me to live my low profile life

>> No.57519996

I dont hate people. only niggers jews and pajeets

>> No.57520001

Me too. I just want the peace and quiet.

>> No.57520065

Ironically, the easiest way to disappear and never have contact with people is to live in apartments. Neighbors won't give a single fuck about you, just soundproof your room and get familiar with ordering food (not fast food).

>> No.57520093

normgroids are physically and intellectually lazy and retarded. they readily lap up propaganda with minimal to no insight. their opinions conform to media sound bites and their personalities are derived from passive consumption of manufactured slop. they are indifferently or proudly ignorant of the world around them. they have no intellectual curiosity. i'm a boring autist freak, i readily admit this, but i'm miles ahead of the archetypal irredeemable normgroid who deserves nothing but hatred and mistreatment because their inaction actively makes the world a terrible and hostile place.

>> No.57520112

Grt a work from home job.

>> No.57520263

I guess today is my lucky day.
I've been looking for ways to monetize my website without ads, and seeing that Hydro Online offers it makes me happy

>> No.57521406 [DELETED] 


>> No.57521485

Humanity is lost, we are at the end of this era.

>> No.57521516

Yours is.

>> No.57521538

Based. Me too. Can’t seem to find anything about anyone worth liking except maybe one or two other people.