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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 1326x582, EWd9Tc0V5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57513823 No.57513823 [Reply] [Original]

Well I'm out. I tried to 'believe' in these revived shitcoins but I absolutely got mogged on that scam lucky. My 3 eth became 1.25 when I cashed out. I'm throwing it into something established and hopefully make it back slowly. I'm done with shit coins and 'community' coins
They just bleed once the 'developers' (not developers, btw just retards who create socialmedia and PUMP their initial buys from the beginning before DUMPING on you)
pic rel - it's the 'devs' dumping on you and trying to 'encourage' everyone to push it back up with JPGs of some shitty flash game

>> No.57513832

the trick is to own a lot more than all the TG devs.

>> No.57513848

Another lucky fud thread, how hard is it just to hold, so much stuff is coming and it's pumping right now because of it.

>> No.57513849

Jannies should absolutely do another IP range ban to get all these niggers off my FUCKING board

>> No.57513854

Yeah. Except for LINU, those guys are based. Genuinely doesnt have all the shit those copycat shitters have.
>inb4 it rugged already
No? It pumped and then returned to stability

>> No.57513863

Damn should have held. Price is now above the price in your picture op.

>> No.57513871

>inbe4 30-40 1PBTI appear in the thread
Because it's ONE person
AHHHHH I'm leaving. Bye biz.

>> No.57513878

You are king shitskin expert trader lmao. Turn that 1.25 eth into .3 next loser.

>> No.57513917

Yeah you should leave dumbass you were never going to make it anyway, lucky and avi are the only tokens with a use case and they will pump when things are ready, the lucky devs are doxxed and have been building the website, the tg has been growing steadily. You're just too dumb to see a good opportunity.

>> No.57513946

YOU NIGGER this is why it's SO Fucking easy to see how much samefagging you do by the way
>Devs are doxxed
>Devs worked with scam A, scam B, scam C, scam D (always the same)
>Down 80% but it's a 'pump'
Unironically off yourself. I can't wait until jannies ban your ip range and you're forced to get a real job that is most likely minimum fucking wage lmao
Please post the jpgs of your game again, it's such a good proof of concept! LMAO
>Dumb to see a good opportunity

>> No.57513982

Also I shouldn't question the stupidity on this board. A bed bath and beyond general still exists today and the shareholders literally had their shares deleted in oct of last year.

>> No.57514039

>Calls others stupid, lost his money because he has no patience.
Seething this hard, you're way too emotional for this stuff anyway, so good luck out there.

>> No.57514066
File: 41 KB, 1280x263, IMG_20240205_200228_996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So jannies delete an actual good thread about LUCKY (see warosu below) after the scammer shows up who rugged
>The Return Inu
and then immediately afterwards a fud thread about LUCKY pops up? What are they so afraid of?

>> No.57514112

>1 post by the ID
better post again before you change IPs so it's two posts
>Jannies are conspiring against us!
this is unironically the funniest skitzo shit I've read though to be fair, so thanks lol

>> No.57514183
File: 132 KB, 1280x701, IMG_20240204_192552_632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why all of your rugs (actually filled with 1pbid and bots) manage to stay up for a whole day then. Everyone can go on Warosu and check for themselves. Interesting how the wallets of these rugs shuffled from LINU/HOKK into these scams and then back in. Again, anyone can verify this.

>> No.57514209

>The numbers what do they mean
I have no idea what you're going on about nigger but you seriously need to stop phone posting and get off the internet for a day. You probably smell like shit from not showering.

>> No.57514245

lmao not believing that jannies are using their jannie powers for their benefit is retarded. You can say a lot about jannies, but they are not retards

>> No.57514265

post proof then and stop posting skitzo theories because it's retarded why would a moderator do that when the admin would just find out and unmoderated them? have you ever heard of something called audit logs? All databases have them.
Chances are highly unlikely, not impossible but unlikely.
>Inbe4 "Jannie nigger"
Call me a Jannie, don't care.

>> No.57514320
File: 318 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_2024-02-04-22-58-33-485_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that these obvious rug threads manage to stay up all day while LUCKY threads get deleted immediately IS proof.
>why would a moderator do that when the admin would just find out and unmoderated them
Probably because it makes them money. Nice pajeet english btw.

>> No.57514354
File: 86 KB, 442x392, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice use of grammar and proper spelling, anon! Who gives a fuck you dumb faggot. I've been in my own thread too long, I'm going outside.
Seriously kill yourself in minecraft because you are the vile nasty shit people think about when they think '4chin'
It's me and my whore friend laughing at you

>> No.57514387

Watch out for your neighbor's turds

>> No.57514420
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>Lost 80% with dog coins
Thanks for playing, chief.

>> No.57514454

>he bought a inherantly worthless coin called lucky with 7500 dollars at the top

>> No.57515369

I guess you can say that you're not lucky. No wonder the coin didn't like you

>> No.57515458
File: 48 KB, 550x550, IMG_7452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol guy who lost buying on emotion rages emotionally on an online message board. But yeah you do you. I’m in and im up so what

>> No.57515591

TWO hours later and you're STILl same fagging and bumping this.
Bumping the thread praying somone dumps 5-10k into your shitty scam. Eat shit faggot.

>> No.57515824

Stay mad while we get lucky

>> No.57515880

That's because this whole "revive meta" was never meant to happen tard. The only revive token was Linu and the rest showed up after because retards had to try and compete instead of collectively working together to pump one coin and dump on the normies or redditards.

>> No.57515884

>I'm throwing it into something established and hopefully make it back slowly
AVI is the easy choice here. Just buy and hold. Simple as.

>building a bridge to base for all erc-20 tokens
>building an arcade platform
>inferior projects are in the 100s of millions
>ex-shib team (they have connections)
>tg free of moonbois
>100% transparent

>> No.57515887
File: 368 KB, 1080x1803, Screenshot_2024-02-05-23-59-04-902_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the scammer is a HOKK baggie
KEK, that explains it. First address that bought the WATER rug from yesterday

>> No.57515919

that's not even $10 in HOKK lol. That's literally $1.36 right now

>> No.57515933


You should've bought something with strong fundamentals and a 100x potential instead, like Monero.

>> No.57515940

anon its like $2 in hokk stop trying to blame hokk for everything. they literally sit in their tg working on the coin and you idiots are always like z0mg le hokk scammers always shitting up le threads. its people on /biz/ doing that so stop blaming the token you low IQ serf

>> No.57515946
File: 185 KB, 1024x1024, OyA76EHz2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw i have a huge dick

>> No.57515947

Lucky is holding well, you would be doing better if you didnt dump. Sorry for your loss though, got too emotional I guess. If youre not atleast holding a small bag of lucky and collecting the 2% free tax everyone gets youre a silly fella

>> No.57515958
File: 568 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2024-02-06-00-11-32-636_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, I didn't check how much it's worth. There's another address associated with it though where he's swinging in and out of LINU for these PnD scams. The newest one is Anime Sluts. Just track this wallet and you'll know what to avoid. He's behind ALL of these and the threads stay up all day

>> No.57515966

Based pajeet wrecking white incels

>> No.57515979
File: 157 KB, 1044x680, allysin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good, I found someone for you.

>> No.57515995

yeah, this is the guy who has 1.8T of Linu. Gets around $300 per pnd and puts it all towards LINU

>> No.57515997

That's somebody's mom

>> No.57516007

I didn't bother reading thread but wow what are the odds the anon in question stops bumping thread suddenly

>> No.57516016
File: 295 KB, 298x619, allysin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is the world's biggest slut, still going strong in 2024.

>> No.57516018
File: 263 KB, 1252x1264, 2823D12F-792B-491A-BC28-0D7B2EADC61C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's only one that's safe but none of you understand enough about crypto to know why it's bullish during the bull market

>> No.57516145

I lost $2500 this past 12 months on shitcoin scams.

missed and I mean wiffed by several 100 million mc tokens when they were less than 100k mc

Then I got a bill from the irs for $25,000 today.

I don't know what to tell you anon... i'v seen people dump millions into scams and pass by on legit productions.

the world is just full of prostitutes, police, lawyers and exploiters of people.

All China and South America have to do is become isolationist for one year and the United States will implode, freeing the entire world of it's dollar issue.

>> No.57516159

how the fuck do you owe $25,000 in taxes if you're terrible at investing?

>> No.57516185


Apparently the irs corrected my taxes for me and that was their bill.

>> No.57516188
File: 1.74 MB, 1024x1024, gmuEYSoPqv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro i have no idea how he owes $25000 dollars in taxes if he's so bad at investing

it's probably some kind of stupid tax loophole or he just really sucks at making money either way it's really pathetic

>> No.57516198

waaaa i bought a bunch of shitcoins because i thought they were gonna do something and i was peer pressured into it. waaa its not fair that i lost my money gambling with literal shitcoins
bro nobody feels sorry for you plebbitor, go back. degenerates like you belong on a cross

>> No.57516232
File: 377 KB, 384x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mom
> she

> I lost $2500 this past 12 months on shitcoin scams.
I am genuinely curious how you managed this anon.
Did you hold hoping it would go up or did you just dump money into everything that was shilled?

>> No.57517499
File: 250 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_2024-02-06-04-03-55-412_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, this retard scammer sold his 1 quadrillion LUCKY stack just before he started his fud campaign and missed out on an easy 2000 bucks profit. Fucking lmao. No wonder he is seething so hard. Most retarded shit i have ever seen.

>> No.57517522
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>jeet scams coat tail riding LINU
You did it to yourself, faggot

>> No.57517542
File: 140 KB, 1000x997, IMG_4213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. LINU has proven time and again that it will not go away, the community behind it is too autistic and the contract is too ironclad to rug. All these copycats are just trying to coat off the excitement that was brought by LINU.

>> No.57517566
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You should question your own intellect, given that you put your money into these things voluntarily

But you live and learn. I made money on SHIB last run, not life changing but a nice gain. Lost a portion (1 eth iirc) to a scammer, fuckin way she goes. My own fault for not transferring to a cold wallet

Don't take it too personally either -- if I was as smart as I thought, I would not be here now because I would have bought BTC and not lost it over a decade ago

>> No.57517582
File: 294 KB, 1080x1516, Screenshot_2024-02-06-04-27-05-796_com.brave.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, OP is the shitfaced scammer from >>57517499 who sold at the very bottom, then started making fud threads while LUCKY mooned because he's salty. He literally lost money because he decided to be a fucking piece of shit and karma bit his ass.

>> No.57517621
File: 110 KB, 1280x1065, IMG_20240205_171932_559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Jannies are actively surpressing LUCKY threads. The coinflip game is coming this week so just buy a bag and earn those sweet reflections. Most of the whales are out right now

>> No.57517645

lucky skitzos still bumping this thread kek
yessss, anon buy in! there aren't any whales, yesss! Coin flip game!!
This thread will most likely die when the LUCKY phone poster gets bored / sleeps. Bet he wakes up every 2 hours to bump it though. Lmfao.
Actual lol'd hard from this shit ROFL

>> No.57517672
File: 112 KB, 1179x1166, IMG_20240205_232803_868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, just don't neck yourself when LUCKY inevitably reaches millions. 2k must be like a yearly wage in India. I will be here to rub it in your face, you can count on that.

>> No.57517694

- 57517672
I think I'll be fine. I just hate you niggers more than anything. I'd actually give 10 eth right now if it meant your scam was deleted, but that's just not possible. I do hope the jannies ip range ban your ass though so you fuck off my board faggot.

>> No.57517722
File: 635 KB, 550x733, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like these three dogs are the new
Memecoins of biz. Like the Axis powers.

Linu is Germany, Hokk is Italy, and Lucky is Japan.

>> No.57517724
File: 730 KB, 750x1246, IMG_7427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys gonna be big mad when $lucky moons and he realizes the gains he missed lol Lucky flip out soon and looking good and we gonna hit new ATH easy lol

>> No.57517731

seems hard to avoid scams but my advice is to join the monsterfomo app and it helps you rule out crappy coins and usually provides bangers, especially for new coins. Just google it or add a dot com at the end

>> No.57517746

The trick is to get in before the first 2x. That way you pretty much can't lose your money. Even the pnds that died quickly are still sitting at 2-3x their pre-pump price. Just check JINU, Ki etc.