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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 573 KB, 602x499, MYOWNPRISONLINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57511164 No.57511164 [Reply] [Original]

I bought in $20k at $40~, during 2021 FOMO. Watched it climb to $50. Watched it plummet to $4. Suicidal thoughts. Held on to my bags and continued to DCA at average price ~20. So I almost have my money back.

Wife left me last month. She was a fucking bitch who had no respect for me, but now I'm alone. I haven't spoken to a human face to face in a month. The money is coming back but the will to live is fading. $190k net worth, 30y/o. Even if LINK moons to $100, I don't know what I would spend it on. I dont want anything.

Even if it breaks new ATH...it won't matter.

I cry out to God seeking only His decision
Gabriel stands and confirms I created my own prison.....

>> No.57511178

>She was a fucking bitch who had no respect for me
probably because you don't respect yourself, gotta get that man action going anon

>> No.57512355

You forgot to account for inflation, and you've been bagholding what should have been an appreciating asset. But hey, things could be worse

>> No.57512483

You're almost in the black again and you're bitching? These demoralization threads are getting worse kek.

On the off chance this a real post, pull some out and put a few k into a decent shorter term project. Even if link hits $50, that's a 2.5x. you'll feel better after a nice 5-10x with a seperate 5figure stack.

>> No.57512523
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, yA9H0QFogP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that really makes sense i mean he really should pull some out of that investment he could be making so much money if he invested it into 4chan chad token also he's going to be a massive pussy if he sells that link don't be a pussy bro hodl

>> No.57512524

Similar here. My gf left me 5 weeks ago and I'm above my 2021 ath right now. Never felt this empty before. There is unironically no reason to sell any LINK ever because I have nothing to buy. I sometimes question why I even continue

>> No.57512531

No way anyone is having suicidal thoughts over $20k.

>> No.57513528

She was probably cheating on you because you were bad in bed

>> No.57513756

>She was a fucking bitch who had no respect for me
If she was employed, she had no reason to respect you.