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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57510573 No.57510573 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57510587

And don't tell me it's a pump and dump. I sold a high % of it at the fucking bottom and now it's going up.

>> No.57510592

marketniggers are pumping random shit....
are you new round here?

>> No.57510606

>marketniggers are pumping random shit....
That doesn't make sense. I want to know if I should rebuy my lost bags or not.

>> No.57510766

AMM is being released on Feb 14th. Flare may be chosen to be given liquidity using XRP which may answer your question. Just an assumption.

>> No.57510983

I don't know what this is.
>Flare may
So it's all speculation and rumors again? Like always?

>> No.57511025


>> No.57511067

>comes on the back of Flare’s recently announced partnership with tech giant Google.
Pfff mate, I know this trick. It was used widespread in the 2017 cycle. A "partnership with Google" probably means they're using Google Drive or something like that.

>> No.57511397

10,000 FLR wallet here. All of them were airdropped. Glad I didn't sell.

>> No.57511486

>10,000 FLR wallet here. All of them were airdropped. Glad I didn't sell.
Holy fucking shit! That's like $300!!

>> No.57511651

I get more free tokens each month and it's going to x100 in 2025 :)

>> No.57511672
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>lmao you can't expect $300 worth of tokens to do a x100 it's ridiculous to even think like that but don't worry brother i get free tokens each month too and i'm sure we will make it see you in 2025 brother

>> No.57511696
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lmao you can't expect $300 worth of tokens to do a x100 it's ridiculous to even think like that but don't worry brother i get free tokens each month too and i'm sure we'll make it see you in 2025 brother

>> No.57511709

it will get megadumped soon

zoom out

>> No.57511921

Release around high .045, is currently wicking over 786 - now suddenly in retracement people are asking about it. Never change biz.

>> No.57511969

Flare has to collateralize any asset bridged into its ecosystem, removing it from circulating supply. 0.01% of cryptoassets getting tokenized on flare is a ~$10 FLR token

>> No.57511970

>Heh. Was lower, now its higher. Heh. I'm so fucking intelligent

>> No.57511978

>Doesn't know what an amm is
You've never actually used a functioning blockchain, huh?

>> No.57512063

AMM is coming to xrp on the 14th. If you ever joined a liquidity pool for yield this could work in your favor. For example there is about 100,000$ worth of bitcoin that is wrapped on xrp through gatehub and is used for fast transaction speeds. You could participate in the AMM and yield wrapped bitcoin. I did a little research and its best to pair with US Dollars if possible. Hope it helps.

>> No.57512142

Flare will be melting faces once their full stack of systems goes online. Not only is the network going to begin consuming non-native tokens at an alarming rate, it also provides insurance for bad actors while doing so. Every action taken on the chain (that uses the native stacks) is collateralized by 2.5x the value of the txn, meaning that if someone decides to fuck around, say they make $10,000, well in order to make that, they would have had to have $25,000 of their own money to do so, and they will lose that if they fuck around. So there is no financial incentive to do so. Now this doesnt take into account fuckery on the user side, "hacks" and the like, however other aspects of the network take care of these issues already. Flare will be one of the only safe havens for investing, one of the only places you wont have to worry about rug pulls. Just dont fall for protocols that launch that try to bypass these features, immediate red flag.

>> No.57512175

>flare will melt faces
>just two more weeks
What can this shitcoin do that chainlink can't?

>> No.57512314

are you serious? Have you not read any of the documents for flare? If not why are you trying to compare chainlink to flare? They are both entirely different systems. Even though each of them allows for interoperability between blockchains that doesnt mean they are the same, or can be used for the same thing. Do you think that the tech used for sending a text message is the same tech that we use for voice phone calls? Do you think that text is a substitute for voice or vice versa? You likely dont, so why try to apply this logic to crypto? Its disingenuous, at least read the fucking docs which answer your questions for you. Here ill throw you a bone, show me in the chainlink documents where it explains how chainlink provides insurance / requires collateralization for each aspect of its operation. Ill wait.

>> No.57512381
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this is clearly a highly intelligent conversation however i disagree with your assessment i believe that flare is an innovative and revolutionary technology it's true that link offers similar interoperability capabilities but flare takes things to the next level it's using smart contracts and decentralized finance to create a completely new way of interacting with blockchains plus the collateralization feature is a game changer

>> No.57512558

my point was that the only thing that makes them similar is the fact that they both allow for interoperability. Using my previous example, you wouldnt compare texting with voice, trying to say one is better than the other. They each have their pros/cons and each of them are better than the other in certain scenarios.
>flare takes things to the next level
100% agree here. Personally, I have chosen flare for my bet on interoperability, the flare network will offer one of the best experiences in this, in addition to its other features that will enhance the interoperability even further than any other system would allow for. The other features of the network are each stand out on their own as well. Personally, the biggest draw to me is the collateralization that is required to do things on the network.

>> No.57513151

how do you deal with hugo fagion having one of the most punchable faces in crypto?
I'm still holding but I will not be surprised when it turns out to be a complete scam

>> No.57513611

>but I will not be surprised when it turns out to be a complete scam
First, I dont feel the need to use ad hominem attacks on people to make decisions / guide me in my investments. Second, do you realize how close the flare team is with the XRP team? Do you understand that the first connection that flare is going to be making with outside chains is going to be the XRPL? Have you not done at least the most rudimentary research into things before spewing your comments about it? Youre definitely not one of the people that are going to make it around here if this is the attitude you bring into the market.

>> No.57513921

>I don't know what this is.
uniswap which is a fork of bancor.

>> No.57513964

>If you ever joined a liquidity pool for yield this could work in your favor.
i was in sushi amm pool back in the defi summer, it paid off.
is there any chance of making real money here, amm's are always 100% a fucking scam with IL factored in..

>> No.57514226

You faggots talked me out of buying this…

>> No.57514437

Staking over delegating until phase 3?

fucking faggot jannie filter this is not spam

>> No.57514531

I held xrp in my ledger when snapshot was taken but I never got my fkn airdrop. Did you have to hold xrp from snapshot all the way to Flare release to get the airdrop or something?

>> No.57514600

Most punchable face award goes to Sergey

>> No.57514619

>not knowing that AMM on XRP uses continuous auction mechanism which cuts IL in half.

>> No.57514620

You had to sign the wallet with an ethereum address by a certain date of its forfeit.

>> No.57514627
File: 226 KB, 402x300, 7B1CDC55-D13E-45BF-8ED1-2A0C329F1214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t come anywhere close to how FUN this logo looks

>> No.57514658

I have 40,000 FLR, am I going to make it?

>> No.57514681

>What can this shitcoin do that chainlink can't?
Make its holders rich

>> No.57514719
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>i actually think it has a pretty high ceiling but i don't think it has much utility for end users to interact with besides buying and selling it also it could definitely crash like any other meme coin but who knows im gonna put a little bit of money in and just leave it on there to see what happens might as well make it a little extra on the side plus then if it ends up skyrocketing i'll still make a lot of money

>> No.57515399

>i don't think it has much utility
Its entire purpose is to be a utility for F-assets, retard, this shit is hitting $4-5 by Q3 alone, $50 EOY

>> No.57515554

staked 50% of my holdings. since no one else has a report I will let you faggots know in just two weeks.

>> No.57516030

I've been delegating 100% of my stack since the beginning... What's the difference between staking and delegating? Are you making more is there any benefit vs delegating? I got all of my delegated (since I believe that's the only way you get the drops).

>> No.57516212

Say more faggot, enlighten me

>> No.57516267

Same. When staking first started flare twitter was screeching that staking was significantly better than delegation. I am delegating on bifrost which autocompounds, but it doesn't have any capabilities to interact to do staking. I couldn't be bothered to chase yield farm bullshit.
Now an amm is launching, probably another rush where in the first few hours you can a 100000% apy or some shit, but again i cant be bothered to move shit around.

>> No.57517034

I hate them, they just changed the fucking name, staking is delegation.
God damn i hate these fuckers

>> No.57517650

yall faggots dont even know about enosys

>> No.57518468

its a shitcoin with 100% token inflation yOy. and 15/100 bill is circulating. dev team promised 10 features and delivered on 2. stay away from anything related to xrp army

>> No.57519745


>> No.57519768

Lmao biz niggers got fudded out of Flare
And you actually listened? In crypto "it's a scam" means buy it. You still haven't learned, but you still have a chance to buy FLR during this pullback

>> No.57519803

Always do the opposite of what /biz/ tells you

>> No.57519874

When you delegate you are providing stake to the price oracle or some shit, when you stake you’re doing something different. Check flares website, it’s something like 60% of rewards are for delegating and 40% were for staking. The reason staking rewards were so high at first is because not many people were staking (same thing with delegating) the more people staking the lower staking rewards. Staking is easier now you can do it on Bifrost but more normies will probably delegate. You’ll have to keep an eye on metric sites for the best rewards. Also both are eligible for flare drops.

>> No.57519886

Kek you can mint your own 'chainlink token' on Flare for like less than 1 FLR.

>> No.57520622

finally a flare thread biz. i hope you guys are collecting the drops, they're compounding nicely

>> No.57520997

Biz niggers have done exactly this consistently numerous times but when XRP holders do it suddenly it’s an impossibility lol

>> No.57521069

>100% token inflation yOy. and 15/100 bill is circulating
Wtf is this true!?

>> No.57521529

>check wallet
>still worthless