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57511966 No.57511966 [Reply] [Original]

Long live China and Europe

>> No.57511986
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west europe is jury a vassal state of the jewsa, whatever collapse happens to the states will be tenfold worse in yurop.

>> No.57512002

cope mutt

>> No.57512006

They just gotta overnight revalue gold to like 20-100k per ounce to purge the debt from the system

>> No.57512024

enjoy licking chink and russian boots after decades of licking american

>> No.57512040

Death to America!

>> No.57512069

who cares! why are you faggots always europe jewsa muttland gopnik pingpong bugging? who the fuck cares, are you fucking kids "YALL" or glowniggers from different countries? who the fuck cares, western libtard shithole can go down to 0 with the communist scammer bugs and the gopnik fucking russian slav niggers, so what kids, this board is for fucking 10yr old kids I swear :D

>> No.57512091
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Who the fuck watches 60 Minutes?

>> No.57512108


>> No.57512147

have you seen any major american cities? They are filled with migrants and vicious negroids roaming around. Homeless encampments everywhere... And the commercial real estate is 70% vacant...Basically apocalyptic already.

>> No.57512526

Turd worlders literally incapable of getting americhads out of their heads. Cope and seethe Ivan and Chang.
>inb4 your two more weeks cope

>> No.57512540

I'm European retard

>> No.57512553

Sneed & Peed 500 investors BTFO
"Just index fund and chill" bros BTFO

>> No.57512587

>Turd worlders literally incapable of getting americhads out of their heads
No habla senior

>> No.57512672

Yeah, turd world union

>> No.57512724

Based. Europoors are demographically and therefore fundamentally third world.

>> No.57514888

>thinks china forgot the opium wars

Lmao, dumb euroshit, they’ll do worse back to you.

>> No.57514947

>t. average tiktok enjoyer

>> No.57515132

Correct, and it will happen in exactly 13 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.