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File: 199 KB, 616x1011, 1707139401295620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57510845 No.57510845 [Reply] [Original]

White people are losers.
White women are losers.
Canadians are losers.

>> No.57510854

Keep paying rent to your Indian landlord and wage slave at McDonalds white boy.
You are at the bottom of the totem pole in Canada.

>> No.57510879

Poodeau sold Canada to the Chinese. Not sure what you expect.

>> No.57510885

Don't care, canada is a failed state.

>> No.57510916
File: 215 KB, 647x809, 1682787209260665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people are losers.
>White women are losers.
You are a jew.

>> No.57510946

Hello ass-blasted Pajeet, everyone knows about your Brampton mortgage - and driving around in your second hand Escalade blasting Bhangra music isn't going to get you a White girlfriend.

>> No.57510947

White men sold out their countries the the Jew, never invested into their family's trade or education, including their daughters, and you're surprised. Every Asian woman I know has a supportive father behind her, pushing her to take on the family clinic and become a doctor. To white men, women are nothing more than holes according the the Jewish rewrite book and not worth investing in to create a better white future. On the same not, they kid out their kids regardless at 18 into the world of rental and mortgage usury.

>> No.57511405

White people are such losers that... third worlders keep moving to their countries?

India superpower 2030 saars

>> No.57511409
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>> No.57511416

Sold out implies it was a conscious transaction from the masses.

>> No.57511435
File: 102 KB, 1745x923, 1677078154660406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are losers because they have handed over their countries without a fight.
A flaw in their consciousness, they are are too empathetic and don't see race enough.

>> No.57511514

the picrel lacks info. rate about what?

>> No.57511548

>whites slightly prefer whites
looks like white supremacy to me

>> No.57511549

Why did they have to move close to white people to start earning that?

>> No.57511570

It's not, it's just going to be less white which 4chan racists can't cope with. Canada is unironically going to be better off than Europe, though worse off than the US.

>> No.57511577

>it's just going to be less white
Just like Rhodesia!

>> No.57511610
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you know that's exactly right i totally agree it's totally similar to rhodesia just like rhodesia it's going to be less white

>> No.57511613
File: 72 KB, 766x630, 1692453915878902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol now compare the 1% of asians to the 1% of white people you retard I thought asians were supposed to be good at math

>> No.57511615

>op is right you know

>> No.57511626

Usa is poc, faggot. White eurotrash iced to our world. Go back to europe. It has free healthcare for your pasty ass.

>> No.57511628

The European culture has built the infrastructure and created the corporations.
Now, following the Oedipus complex of the grand scale, the corporations seek to overthrow their "father" civilization and create a new one, where they will rule with iron fist and without any "human rights" and other bullshit.
The thirdies are just the means to it, not the actual actor of the change.

>> No.57511636
File: 118 KB, 624x479, 1698274652250851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see these threads and wonder why brown people aren't capable of braining out the fact their kind caused prices to skyrocket while destroying wage growth for the natives, while being used as H1B labor to 'cheapen' high paying silicon valley jobs.
Same thing but whatever their tech hub is.

>> No.57511641

Most of the immigrants coming in are higher IQ Asians. You can see that from OPs pic. Keep seething cumskin

>> No.57511659


Back to your plantation you little jungle bunny faggot

>> No.57511670

The US would collapse in less than a generation without whites. Probably less than 10 years kek

>> No.57511674

>without a fight

Nigger we lost a world war

>> No.57511691

It was, men consciously devalued their own families and community in the long term for a sense of male superiority over their women and being "chosen" by God to protect the Jews, letting them infiltrate important sectors like finance and law. "Women are too stupid, we won't educate them so they know better and give them a sense of tribalism. Their place is in the kitchen. I know better than her and I'm importing these people who have been kicked out of 109+ countries thousands of times because the Bible
Jews wrote that gave me this revelation: women are beneath me and my penis is in God's image and I must assert my narcissism in everything."

>> No.57511707

>why brown people aren't capable of braining out the fact their kind caused prices to skyrocket while destroying wage growth for the natives, while being used as H1B labor to 'cheapen' high paying silicon valley jobs.
You must be even more stupid than them if you don't understand that it's still a better position for them and they don't give a fuck about the natives.

>> No.57511732

‘81 here. We already had all our fun bro before the country got stampeded with 3rd world migration. Now it just turns into the same crapholes they came from. And govt is only letting in the 3rd world so corps can exploit them for slave wages as they live 12 to a house.

>> No.57511737

You are too retarded to understand that United States are doomed by design and will be replaced by United Corporations.
It is great for the private companies that the public infrastructure will no longer be maintained by the whites working
>for free

>> No.57511770

Under the gold standard whites could work any blue collar po dunk job and “make it” owning a house an a car and your wife raising your 3-4 kids. They takes away the gold standard and slowly eliminate whites while bringing in the 3rd worlders who now do those jobs whites used to do except they live 12 to a house.

>> No.57511784

No I understand that they don't give a fuck, what I don't understand is how they think they're more accomplished when they are explicitly brought in to fuck up society, not because they are special smart boys.

>> No.57511804
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>tfw no harem of chestnut-skinned south-Indian bbgs with family trauma that causes them to reject traditional culture in favor of soulless Westernism and Anglo-cock-carousel
one is not enough
pls sirs

>> No.57511822

It's just self-delusion because people don't like to feel that they are the baddies.
If you actually have a logical conversation with them you they will agree with the arguments.