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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57509649 No.57509649 [Reply] [Original]

remember when kekfuddies screeched how LINK will never even get back into top 20, let alone top 10? lol

top 5 next

>> No.57509660

Imagine inventing new acronym for a shitty token
P.S you sound like a retard

>> No.57509666

Kill yourself

>> No.57509678

kill yourself

>> No.57509679

kek fuddies

>> No.57509684

god linktrannies are so obnoxious. cant wait to see u faggots cry once this dogshit drops back to nr 15+

>> No.57509711

look at all the screeching ITT lmao


>> No.57509717
File: 305 KB, 800x1067, 1707131344458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now shit's about to get real, fuckers

>> No.57509982

> be third world cockroaches
> don't have skills to really do anything, so you end up with a stockbashing job outsourced to some MLM shell company scam like The Success Factory
> get assigned to a dead business and finance board to try and convince white people that having an ROI of over 100x is bad for an oracle token you're too dumb to even begin to understand
> you have to somehow do this while more institutions and VIPs reaffirm that link will be the go-to for legacy finance moving into the blockchain space every other month
> people on here also notice when you try to samefag, that your English is terrible, and that you don't get any of the old memes or references
> your fud threads now get such little engagement that they basically go straight to archives without committed fud discord brigading / samefagging
> staking pools fill up in under half a day with each new iteration, like you never existed
> and now the price is going back up again
no wonder you fags are so assblasted
you're going to have to go flip burgers or run refund scams on old people or something pretty soon - you're so useless i'm surprised you haven't been fired already lmao

>> No.57510242

really feels like link will reach somewhere around $28 to $32 and then sideline again while the rest of crypto "catches up"
link is always pumping ahead of the curve

>> No.57510517

>really feels like link will reach somewhere around $280 to $320

>> No.57510594

Kill yourself

>> No.57511705

kill yourself

>> No.57511776
File: 213 KB, 1024x1024, 1701623982566086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this is the truth sorry poojeets

>> No.57511806

if they keep dumping more coins they can get to top 5 easy due to increased market cap.

>Link price = $16