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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57507209 No.57507209 [Reply] [Original]

what if suddenly link dumped to $0 and the lonkies here committed a mass suicide?
How many (fat) bodies are we talking about?

>> No.57507278

suicide is never the answer. difficult times make you stronger.

>> No.57507296
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lol suicide's for pussies everyone knows that

>> No.57507365

I don't think very many really. Most people know not to touch this stable coin

>> No.57508935
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I'll have you know that I am actually in pretty decent shape at only 296 lbs thank you very much

>> No.57508970

It already dumped to that on Binance so I would go with zero suicides because everyone is still here and still ready for a face melting gigamoon

>> No.57508982
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i've never understood the hate on this board just because you're jealous of our massive cocks doesn't mean you should be salty and spread fud we're just trying to get a head start in life by putting our lifesavings in this gigamooner i mean look at me i'm a big boy i don't need your criticism of our investments so you can feel better about your limp dick investment in bitcoin