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57505478 No.57505478 [Reply] [Original]

What happens to the markets if he wins?

>> No.57506172
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>> No.57506228

Nothing because he has ruined his image overall and the market has already decided btc is bitcoin. BSV will probably double in price but thats about it.

>> No.57506327

>heres my proofs
>'Sir, these are fraudulent..'
>HOLD the trial, I JUST found some BRAND NEW super dooper proofs, plz accept
>'but Sir, these are even more fraudulent..'
>my highly qualified and well paid experts shall vehenently argue otherwise
>'but, we are your experts..?'
- on which possible earthly basis could this cunt 'win'?

>> No.57506687

There needs to be a deadline to submit documents. He can't just keep producing forgeries and have them admitted into the case. Judges need to grow some balls and tell Creg he can't keep "relevant" materials from the defendants. We've all had enough of this crap. Give him a deadline and enforce it. If it were any other trial, the claimants (csw) would be forced to provide the defendants with all the evidence in advance.

>> No.57506844

his deadlines well done and ded now, case kicks off in a few hours. tbf, the Judge could easily have refused that last effort - the 'untouched since 2007' hard drive - as already too late. He admitted it on the basis COPAs experts were also provided a bit-for-bit copy, which I don't think creg was expecting, some reason. From which image much fun was obtained. tldr, he'd have been (way..) better off with a strict Judge. This ones been slowly letting out just enough rope for creg to hang himself - then said 'fuck it, may as well give this halfwit an entire ropeworks'

>> No.57506866
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yeah bro this is definitely the case the judge has been totally lenient on this idiot and he still manages to make himself look stupid his
witnesses can't even get on the same page with their stories it's a clown circus and this judge is totally playing into it by giving him so much leash

>> No.57506885

I'm the judge in this case AMA

>> No.57506893

get some sleep Mellor
youve got a hanging to attend in the morn

>> No.57507077

I wonder what it's like being a BSV nigger. Having 85 IQ, living life with the constant haze of confusion and stupidity, falling victim to oblivious scams and scammers... and then doubling down on it years later because you don't want to admit you fell for a scam like a retard. I honestly feel bad for BSV holders since they cannot function properly in life due to their mental retardations. All we can do is sit back and watch them, like a train wreck in slow motion.

>> No.57507100

I don’t know who this is
Can someone give me a QRD on everything

>> No.57507102

What type of tea do you drink?

>> No.57507144

CSW maintains he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of bitcoin. He claims he saw bitcoin get attacked and destroyed by a cabal that included Mastercard and the Bilderberg group, and took steps behind the scenes to preserve Bitcoin as BCH when attempts were made to introduce Segwit and cap the Blocksize to one megabyte. He then preserved Bitcoin when BCH forked off with plans to introduce mixers and other criminal ideas. His preserved chain is called BSV, which is bitcoin Satoshi Vision.

Having spent some time creating patents related to scaling Bitcoin to be a competitor to Mastercard and visa, he got sued by a group of Silicon Valley companies that seek to prevent him from enforcing his scaling patents, and his copyright over the bitcoin database.

The lawsuit has been broken up into a number of preliminary issues that need to be decided, and the first one to be dealt with concerns his identity as Satoshi Nakamoto. COPA says that CSW is not Satoshi Nakamoto, but CSW maintains he is. If CSW is successful, it is presumed this will cause a revaluation of BSV and BTC on an inversely proportional basis.

>> No.57507171

how does it feel to be completely retarded?

>> No.57507185

Can't attack the issue, so you attack the man. Logical fallacy 101.

>> No.57507203

he doesnt hold the keys to bitcoin. he is not satoshi. that is fact and you are a retard. i don't care what bullshit fantasies you concoct in your little nigger head but you cannot prove that craig is satoshi. you are a cultist and you believe a fallacy with unwavering religious devotion.

>> No.57507207

I think the COPA case starts tomorrow, it will take a few weeks and im hoping there os some blogger that will be there posting happenings but i doubt it.

>> No.57507215

>he got sued by a group of Silicon Valley companies that seek to prevent him from enforcing his scaling patents
if this was the case, they would be suing the wrong people. craig cannot enforce those patents because they are not the owners, nchain is. They wouold need the sue nchain.
what COPA is suing Craig for is that he claims to be the owner of the bitcoin white paper, and has sent cease and desist letters to social media websites, and others to remove that white paper from their website. these companies and other parties(including bitcoind devs) responded by suing him

>> No.57507226

I don't need to prove anything. I was responding to a user who wanted a quick run down on the situation.

You are entitled to express your opinion that CSW is not Satoshi, but it does not assist your argument that you attack the people you are arguing with.

If focus on the reasons why you hold your position, you will realise that they are built on a false premise.

>> No.57507229

Its not attacking the man when every single piece of evidence he is supplying to support his claim os obviously fraudulent.
This is why you are retarded.

>> No.57507231
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i suspect your timeline of po' little creg getting sneak attacked and gang-banged by BigCrypto *might* be missing a few 'lil details here..

>> No.57507235
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imagine still not knowing that csw is satoshi in the year of our lord 2024

>> No.57507244

Yes. It is attacking the man, and you proceed on a false premise. Your proposition that every piece of evidence he is relying on to support his claim is fraudulent is false.
Perhaps you should reevaluate how you percive yourself.

>> No.57507249

Your suspicion is irrelevant.

>> No.57507266

>Your proposition that every piece of evidence he is relying on to support his claim is fraudulent is false.
well, cregs OWN EXPERTS agree, 70%+ of his reliance evidence as submitted is forged. I'd guess they wouldnt want to put their reps on the line much over the remainder either. Accordingly >>57507229 is just agreeing with cregs legal team.

>> No.57507268
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also i have a huge cock

>> No.57507283

Ok, so you go from saying that every piece of evidence he is relying on is false, to saying 70% of the evidence he is relying on is false.

Therefore, you must agree that your earlier premise has been falsified by your own words.

>> No.57507290

craig is a faggot. ex-wife? lmfao

>> No.57507305

also its worth noting that if craig loses this trial, all past trials (really just the Peter McCormack trial) that he "won"($1) under the presumption that he was satoshi, will have further ramifications against him.
this isnt to mention the forgeries that he can be criminally liable for that he tried to postpone this trial over, that even his own team admits are forgeries.

>> No.57507338

im not the guy who originally said that, but, hes not far wrong. There might be soem piece of creg evidence sneaked into the shitpile that is genuine. If so? Its probably their by mistake.
Again, slowly:
cregs OWN EXPERTS admitted 70%+ of his 'evidence' is FORGED and WORTHLESS. And the rest? They have that down as 'yet to ber determined' (aka: its doubtless also bullshit)
This is his OWN LEGAL TEAM SHITTING ON HIM and DECLARING HIM A FUCKING FORGER. And where the fuck do you go from there? And if they, HIS OWN LEGAL TEAM are calling him a forger? its fair fucking game for anons to also do so. And your just barking at the moon in denial now here, you daft cunt

>> No.57507376

Your first point is irrelevant. Your second point has assumptions that are not true, and you don't seem to understand in any case that criminal matters and civil matters have different tests for finding a matter proven.

CSW has nothing to worry about either way.

>> No.57507393

You don't seem to understand that there is a difference between a legal finding by a judge or Jury, and an opinion that is given by a forensic expert. Experts will be cross-examined, and a judge or jury may very well disregard their evidence.

>> No.57507395
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Nothing happens. It's the blockchain on the internet. Prove otherwise.

>> No.57507413

and who the fuck do you think is going to cross-examine COPAs experts, when cregs own experts agree with them?
>CSW has nothing to worry about either way.
as a non-UK citizen, he should be very worried indeed about geting to meet his old frens at the ATO, after he gets deported upon release. What part of presenting evidence thats bullshit (perverting the course of justice) then swearing your bullshits legit (perjury) are CHARGES YOU SHOULD BE VERY FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT INDEED are you failing to understand here? srsly. This is jailtime. And fucking years worth.

>> No.57507476


>> No.57507524

These BSV bagholders are blinded by their emotions. They need to believe in the fantasy that Craig is Satoshi, or else they'll have to come to terms with the truth, which is that they're ngmi

>> No.57507533

>and a judge or jury may very well disregard their evidence.
you are also misunderstanding the nature of the trial here now, with all due. creg basically turned it from a straightforward civil argument over the authorship of the WP into one of direct fraud allegations against him. The Judge has allowed this and the evidence of COPAs experts forms the basis of the fraud allegations - no-one is laughing this evidence away. Nor does creg appear to have any valid counter argument against the fact that every evidence proves he has been committing blatant and repeated fraud and submitting forged bullshit.

>> No.57507541

You are predetermining a judicial outcome based on false assumptions predicated by opinion evidence on forensic reports that you probably haven't even read. Learn logic, and come back and join the discussion.

>> No.57507552

again, the 'forensic reports' are the basis of the fraud allegations. They are not going away, and that this evidence (as supplied by creg) is doctored/forged bullshit, is not opinion. It is fact, agreed by both sides. ergo, he is guilty of fraud, already.

>> No.57507554

Alleging fraud is the last desperate act of a hopeless case. It's like a thief saying "I never stole the laptop, the police officer is lying when he says he saw me do it. His statement saying i did it is fraud and a complete falsification".

>> No.57507571

Expert reports are evidence of an opinion of an expert. They would otherwise be inadmissible as hearsay.

>> No.57507592

>they'll have to come to terms with the truth, which is that they're ngmi

>> No.57507597

>*barrel-scraping noises*
dude, cregs own experts agree, his evidence is sketchy bullshit. I mean, where do you even want to go from there? Regardless I know where cregs going, not unless he catches the 09:30 to Antigua first.

>> No.57507610

You have indicated you have no understanding of the law, you treat an untested opinion as fact, and yet you suggest that CSW will flea the UK tarred and feathered? Wake up man.

>> No.57507646

again - who is 'testing this opinion' that the supplied evidence is forged, when cregs own experts agree that it incontervitibly so is?
creg standing waffling bullshit about 'chains of custody' and 'Mossad/Mastercard/Maxwell/Pinepple' tampering' is just gonna piss off the Judge further. creg stated, repeatedly, the usb sticks were from his own knicker drawer and 'in no-one elses possession' blabla etc when he was arguing to get this hokey bullshit introduced. You can only 180 so often till you are standing there doing 360s. His credibility, he literally has none.

>> No.57507693
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>> No.57507703
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Submitting fraudulent documents in a court case is illegal... but Craig had no other choice, since he's not Satoshi and he doesn't have Satoshi's keys. He doesn't have Satoshi's keys because he's not Satoshi. That's the end of the discussion for reasonable people. Fkin bagholders man...when are you gonna learn. This COPA case has backfired on Craig lmao. I can't believe people on here are still faling for his Satoshi larp in the current year.

>> No.57507730

Personally, psyched for the movie

>> No.57507751
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personally amped for the cinema it is going to get hella based fr

>> No.57507768

i don't know. to have any arc at all, they'll have to present his case in a way that doesn't look sad and batshit crazy from the outset, i.e. not sticking with reality

>> No.57507795
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cregs scheduled to be bullshitting for 12 days solid. And thats a long fucking time, when you dont have a single fucking fact on your side. As already conseded by his side.

>> No.57507838

but it looks like hes scheduled to suck off the judge on day 1

>> No.57507842
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>> No.57507852

I agree. Who gives a fuck

>> No.57507914

ah no, thats just 6 days solid of creg bullshitting - was wondering. Which is still about 6 too many, when he's already on the probable perjury naughty step. creg really needs to plead the 5th, before he starts freestylin and lands himself 8 years instead of 4. Kick off 10:30 a.m. Bong time, but first day isnt that promising by the looks
doubt even that would help now

>> No.57508479

The court.

>> No.57508492

Conflating an opinion from an expert witness with an opinion from a lawyer that doesn't even practice in the English jurisdiction. Yeah, talk about false equivalency.

>> No.57508493

which relies upon expert opinion, yes
and here they are in (seldom) agreement
and creg is up shit street

>> No.57508509

yes because fraud and forgery across the pond is so different to Bong Fraud n Forgery, Guv.

>> No.57508516

instead of running his bcash offshoot scam he tried to go off and attack bitcoin developers and other innocent people that had no interest in anything he was doing.

his incoming anal rape is both welcomed and deserved. he should have stuck to larping in his own property.

>> No.57508527

The case against CSW is being run by amateurs. If they actually could prove he wasn't CSW, they would not be running allegations that he is a fraud. They would he couldn't possibly be Satoshi because he was never in the right place at the right time, and didn't have the opportunity to do what Satoshi did. Like, if CSW was working at a mine in the CONGO and didn't have access to the internet during 2007-2010, and records show he was working at the mine, then the case against CSW could be proved easily.

But they haven't run that argument. One can infer that the reason they haven't run that argument is because CSW was always in the right place at the right time, and had the resources and opportunity to do what Satoshi did.

The fraud allegations are not strong evidence that CSW is not Satoshi. If you care about the outcome, and want to see into the future a couple of months, pay close heed to this.

>> No.57508533

Yes, it is.

>> No.57508535

hed probably have gotten away with bullying developers even, given proven lack of morals and Calvins backing. It was (and contrary to the pish @ >>57507144) attacking 500lb gorillas like Coinbase did for him

>> No.57508542

Prepare for disappointment.

>> No.57508543
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wins what?

>> No.57508552

it basically all comes down to the fact he will never have the cryptographic proof necessary to prove he is Satoshi. Because he isnt Satoshi. And the rest is wind, piss and mountains of unconvincingly forged horseshit

>> No.57508571

How do you know he doesn't?
Can you exclude the possibility he has the keys but doesn't want to use them?

>> No.57508598

because he wouldnt be running the risk of forging documents (4 years for Perversion) and perjury (another 4 years - maybe get lucky and ran coinsecutively tho) otheriwse. Would he?
Not even creg is that fucking retarded - as his wife once noted, perhaps prophetically - 'craig will die if he goes to jail'. Only now, its 'when'

>> No.57508624

But to be clear, you don't really know at this stage whether CSW has forged documents. There has been no court finding of this as a fact, and I can assure you there are many plausible innocent reasons why documents which end up in discovery have problems with them.

I suppose the problem you face, is that you don't what you don't know, and instead come to a conclusion that might as well be a hallucination as far as it has any relevance to reality.

>> No.57508635

I have placed my trust in the hands of cregs own experts. And if they assure me, their clients 'evidence' is doctored bullshit? Who am I to disagree. I have a feeling, the Court may view the matter similarly.

>> No.57508644

Forensic experts are not licenced to provide legal advice. This is for a valid reason. To protect people like you.

>> No.57508646

>many plausible innocent reasons
yes, and Im sure well be hearing most of them, and their variants, over the next week or so. Only minus the 'plausible' bit, of course

>> No.57508649

>and I can assure you there are many plausible innocent reasons why documents which end up in discovery have problems with them

yea he was just asking chat gpt to forge a latex script for him as a joke and somehow it got entered into evidence

its fucking over man let it go

id youre paid to post this bullshit have some self respect and quit

>> No.57508650

So you are drawing your conclusions about the evidence before it is delivered, are you?

>> No.57508653

Court experts advise the Court you fucking numpty - and their first duty is to it, not the client. which is also why they cant declare cregs horseshit plausible, even tho hes paying them to. Becaue its not.

>> No.57508658
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wow he doesn't even know all the facts i wish i could tell him but i can't break character he should just chill out and let the evidence come out then he can draw his conclusions

>> No.57508661

so, how did they prove it was chat GPT?

Their report remain untested evidence until they are cross-examined.

>> No.57508662

we shall wait and see, shall we?
>crosses off 'Disrupted Chain of Custody' on creg bullshit bingo card
after all hes got 6 days to make up some shit
altho he had years to make up the evidence, and look how well that went

>> No.57508676

not relevant
All COPA had to do to prove there case was to find some positive evidence in support of the proposition that CSW was not satoshi. Why aren't they leading any?

Because there is no positive evidence that CSW is not satoshi. Their case is recued to hail Mary allegations of Fraud, which no court will accept.

>> No.57508677
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this is so true

we should just wait and see what the evidence says we shouldn't jump to conclusions before we have the facts after all craig had many years to make up his evidence and it still wasn't good enough let's give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he brings to the table in 6 days

<crosses off 'disrupted chain of custody' on creg bullshit bingo card as well as
>trust me bro
>i can't reveal my info source but i know more than you


>> No.57508684

Your bot broke.