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57504956 No.57504956 [Reply] [Original]

Why would there ever be a recession if the US can just print more money and lower interest rates?

>> No.57504963

FED is private, the dollar is private
the interest of the dollar is not the same as the USA corporation
so the FED will preserve the dollar and not the state

>> No.57504991
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They’ll preserve the private banks they serve
They don’t care about the dollar

>> No.57505007

the dollar is re-packaged debt
it is debt not
they hodl the debt and issue notes on it
they will protect the dollar and put the economy to death if they have to

>> No.57505056

Wouldn't letting the economy die have far worse concequences than inflating the dollar?

>> No.57505063

no, because the dollar is world reserve currency

>> No.57505098

Other people holding the dollar just makes inflating it even more tempting

>> No.57505125

the will hodl the dollar only if it is strong enough

>> No.57505338

>protect the dollar
You’re a literal retard
They’ve been destroying the dollar since it’s inception
It’s not a black and white, $ vs The economy decision. It’s never been that. As much as you simple brains want to break everything down to a dichotomy, economics isn’t that way

>> No.57505349

You will Hodl ze debt

>> No.57506292

would they allow the economy/stocks to crash and wipe out all the collateral?
would they allow big banks to fail?

>> No.57506640

because everytime they bailout, they cause a wider gap between the rich and the poor.

the covid print was the first one where we started seeing major cracks in the system that caused inflation

a few more prints and the top 1% will own 99%

>> No.57506642

He thicc

>> No.57506662

the richest people have first/easiest access to the new prints via debt.

the guy working at the gas station has the last access and is the last dominoe, and he will just get a 2nd job/work extra hours instead of letting the economy fail. because he has to or choose to be homeless and die.

>> No.57506671
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this is why you always see the lowest unemployment right before a recession.

because all the wagies HAVE to work.

once the businesses run out of new labor, everything falls apart and we get a recession.

>> No.57506679

lots of smaller businesses die during such recession, and their assets get bought out by the .1%. and we get larger corporations

trickle up economics.

>> No.57506693

>Why would there ever be a recession if the US can just print more money and lower interest rates?
As they say, the right question contains half the right answer.
If they can, but they don't then it's planned.
Nuff said.

>> No.57506827
File: 1.78 MB, 2208x2736, Schizo Graveyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy working at the gas station has the last access and is the last dominoe
>he has to or choose to be homeless and die.
Don't threaten me with a good time

>> No.57506840
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x1024, dUyP0WXitn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i totally want this guy working at the gas station to become homeless he seems like a total loser and i definitely don't feel sorry for him at all plus he smells bad and i bet he has a small cock

>> No.57507285
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notice how powell and co bragging about employment level while worked hours plummetting to 2009 levels

holy shit, looks like they are going to rugpull the market from another soft landing promise that turns out being a recession again, the question is, for how long can they keep fabricating a bullish narrative

>> No.57507311

That's the cool thing.
Everyone still has stuff and all of the buildings are still here and the crops are still growing, so when you hang dozens and dozens of corrupt bankers and politicians and restart the whole thing, but this time, backed by something, then you don't owe anybody anything. Because they're dead.