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File: 101 KB, 1080x798, passport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57505690 No.57505690 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to leverage my heritage (pic related) to get an inexpensive, quality education and a relatively high salary? I have a bachelor's in engineering from a large state school.

>> No.57505795

Get a master's in Norway (or possibly elsewhere in Europe), should be free or at least cheap compared to America. Then get a job in America for the high salary.

Another option: get a master's in Switzerland and then get a job in Switzerland. Master's I imagine would be cheaper than America but more expensive than most of Europe. Salaries will be less than America but more than elsewhere in Europe. I guess this is a good option if you don't want to move around as much and would consider settling down in Switzerland, which is a nice country.

>> No.57505838

A master's in Norway is tempting. Are there english language programs there?

As for switzerland, I would fucking love to live there but it is so goddamn expensive it makes me cry. I also don't speak pissgerman, which is also a bit of a problem for the long haul. I have a small background in French and Norwegian and would prefer either of those languages if possible. I would be open to study in switzerland but I think I'm too dumb for EFPL and ETHZ (at least to succeed at a reasonable level)

>> No.57505864

Did they just move 1 letter to make a new word?
Why are europoors so cringe

>> No.57506171

>A master's in Norway is tempting. Are there english language programs there?
They do. For example:
Apparently it's only 1000 NOK (~90 euro) per semester! I checked the EPFL and it seems to be around 750 CHF per semester which is cheaper than I expected.

English programs seem to be really common in Europe in general.

This seems to be a good website to search for master's across Europe:
I guess look into France and maybe Belgium as well if you want to use your French.

>> No.57506185

I’m a swe/USA and getting my degrees in Sweden before moving to the states for the high salary low tax. And no sand monkeys

>> No.57506851

Fucking finally, the first helpful anon on 4chan. This seems like a great place to start. Are Euro masters as highly regarded as american ones (mid end, not top end)? Hoping the quality of education is comparable or competitive.

>> No.57506965

Pajeets are here too.

>> No.57506969

Might as well go all out and get a surgery-specialized MD and then do residency in the US.

>> No.57506970

norway has 2 languages, they're pretty similar though and that's the 2 ways to spell norway in each. the second one is basically a meme. t. norwegian

>> No.57506981

Are Norwegian girls hot? How is Norway. Norway is always a magic mystery place to me.

t. Slav-swiss-burger mutt.

>> No.57507027

yeah, but i prefer italian/turkish looking girls, something to do with the exotic factor i suppose. norway is relatively safe, everyone is mostly seen as equal and treat eachother as such. noone really needs for anything. it's cold and boring but that's no problem for me.

>> No.57507043

America and Ireland

>> No.57507526

>Apparently it's only 1000 NOK (~90 euro) per semester!
would this be available to an Italian citizen?

>> No.57507886

I'm also a dual eu-usa citizen. The "free" euro schools are trash. It's equivalent to a community college in the states. Not worth your time. Best to get into a top-rated program in the usa if you're going to be working here

>> No.57508067

They can't be that bad.

>> No.57509429
File: 388 KB, 1024x1024, 1707052643620431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish that was me dot jpeg

Norway is where I dream of being able to go had my life turned out differently. When things are tough for you remember there are people that would kill to be in your situation, good luck Anon I hope you make it.

>> No.57509807

Yes, generally speaking the reduced fees in European (EU/EEA/Switzerland) universities apply to EU/EEA/Switzerland citizens.

>> No.57509818

He’s probably from Bulgaria or transylvania or some shit like that.

Not comparable with Scandi universities

>> No.57509863

What's the easiest way to get a Schengen passport for a canadian

>> No.57509931

Citizenship by descent if it's applicable to you. Do you have parents or grandparents from an EU country?

>> No.57512212


>> No.57512269

You have the degree already. Move to the US and do engineering, it pays way better. Look for a city/state that maximizes income while having a low cost of living.

>> No.57512328

Well you have a bachelors degree already, so I don't understand what you want now education wise?

If I were you, I would arrange to get a WFH tech sales job somewhere in the US. Get a low cost of living apartment in a city with good spillover effects economy wise and low taxes. Dallas is probably a good bet (hottest girls) although it is getting pricier.

While making money, start an online business on the side and scale that.

Once your biz revenue doubles your real job month to month, start slacking and slowly get severance package buyout.

Sell biz for 4-5 multiple and return to Norway to buy a huge property, retired and create big family.

No expertise on the Norway tax code, but here in Italy there is zero property tax for your house if you live there. ZERO.

Thats my escape plan (currently running a biz and selling software online in Arizona) Good luck to you fren!

>> No.57512376

Since last week germany gives them after 5 years.

>> No.57512521

>Master's I imagine would be cheaper than America but more expensive than most of Europe
tuition is almost free but you would need 25-30k euros/year to live

>> No.57512528

what kind of "canadian" are you?

>> No.57512546

Actually doable it on a fulltime mcwagie salary.

>> No.57512567

you can't do a fulltime wagie job while doing a master

>> No.57512744
File: 24 KB, 472x461, blow pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based citizenship by descent bro. I did this too, in fact I found out that I was already an Irish citizen by birth - if you have an Irish parent it literally takes 20 business days to get a second passport. It's incredible.

A couple of things to take account of:
>look at places where a norweigian passport can get you visa free (it is an incredibly powerful passport)
>make sure you understand US extraterritorial tax before you move abroad
>understand what opportunities exist for you overseas (especially w/ american corporations that need an employee with a strong second citizenship)

Congrats anon, many opportunities await you abroad. Let me know if you have any questions.

>> No.57512784

if it's a bullshit WFH job you probably can

>> No.57512811

Also, if the job you're looking for is full wfh - look for countries with non-dom tax regimes. Places like Malaysia for example will not tax foreign-earned income, so you can, effectively, live in KL, JB, or Penang tax-free.

>> No.57512896

With very few exceptions, USA is by far the highest earning potential market in the world for skilled professionals and its not even close. THe only exception is if you have chronic medical issues because US will fucking ass rape you over that.

Like I posted above, the goal should be to make as much money as possible in the USA and go back to Norway to live / retire / raise family. I am very partial to Norway from an outdoorsman / hiking type / vacation / quality of life mindset but I know taxes are very high if you make a lot.

Recap. Go to US. Get rich. Get the fuck out asap. I fear for the long term safety of decent white folk like you in the US. Norway has problems to be sure, but by and large their government is highly competent and not in the EU fully.

>> No.57513160

>Recap. Go to US. Get rich. Get the fuck out asap.
That's pretty much what I've ascertained. Also being in tech the US is the epicenter of startup capital so cutting ties completely until I have fuck you money would be a very silly endeavor.

>I fear for the long term safety of decent white folk like you in the US.
We'll be just fine. I would love to live abroad while I'm earning, but it seems like, at this point, there's no better place to earn than in the states, despite taxes being quite high.

>> No.57513253

After studying, get a remote job for a Swiss company and live in an Eastern European country.

>> No.57514561

you surely can't do a masters degree while working full time, too much to study. you also aren't allowed to work more than 15h/week on a student visa

>> No.57514617

Who says I need a visa ;)

>> No.57514630

Marry this girl and bring her to europe

>> No.57514641
File: 137 KB, 402x300, 15BEBAFE-70A3-41B4-B41D-B5635558EFDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put all you have on black and feel alive for the first time in your life

>> No.57514720
File: 885 KB, 1116x1694, 1666830944741476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Alaska anons? I was looking at it and if I managed to scrape together some cash, it might not be a bad choice.

>above average COL thanks to environment
>very low or I think even no taxes in some cases
>plentiful land and ways to supplement food with it
>cozy frozen vibes but in America so you don't have to expat
>significant Russian population for access to slav qts without having to go to vatnik land

And pot is also legal so that's cool. I might go there someday.
This is unironically very tempting anon, these girls would all ruin your life but they make my cock harder for it knowing they're defiled fruit. I might throw caution to the wind and go for one of these sluts

>> No.57514751

whatever as a foreign student you aren't allowed to work more than that

>> No.57514917

Just link the substack you are plagiarising at this point

>> No.57515026

>you surely can't do a masters degree while working full time,
says who? I'm about to take a stab at in here in Taiwan.
it just needs to be a chill/meme field I think. I would agree a hard STEM masters would not be doable alongside a job

>> No.57515924

I fucking hate this board. Stop talking like a combination of a zoomer and a nigger.

>> No.57515989

that's cap ong, nah bussin fr fr smhtbqh ya lame holy :skullemoji: :skullemoji: :laughingcryingemoji:

>> No.57516393

where are you from? German universities are better than community colleges.